Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 204

As Mu Tongrui slept, Fu Lingye's phone rang all of a sudden. It was a call from Xu Kun.
“Boss, Shengyuan's Miao Qixiang has been fired. I managed to find evidence of him taking kickbacks. Even his own company
wanted to slap some accusations on him and kick him out. I helped to push things along when President Sheng found out that
Miao Qixiang fell out with you, so now he's out for good,” Xu Kun said.
Fu Lingye hummed lightly; his gaze was relaxed but cold. “Tell everyone in the industry that he took kickbacks.”
Xu Kun flinched. He didn't expect Fu Lingye to take such extreme measures at all.
Flaunting his kickback-taking behavior would be equal to telling everyone that he was a greedy person. Although it wasn't an
uncommon practice amongst businesses, it wasn't something to be discussed outright. Revealing it to the public would tarnish
the person's reputation forever, and no company would ever want such a person to join their ranks.
Although Miao Qixiang was a despicable person, he wasn't a devil. Fu Lingye would basically be pushing him to the edge of a
cliff with no way back if he exposed Miao Qixiang.
“Yes, boss.”
After hanging up, Xu Kun shuddered. Just how much did Boss care about Ms. Mu? All Miao Qixiang did was to flirt with her for a
bit, and he lost his job.
Legend has it that Fu Lingye leaves behind destruction and despair in his wake anywhere he goes, but Xu Kun felt that it
described Ms. Mu better. Whoever dared to touch Ms. Mu would suffer a wrath even worse than provoking Fu Lingye himself.
Looks like it's time to start calling her “Madam” instead of “Ms. Mu”.
When Mu Tongrui woke up, it was already four in the afternoon. The sun was already setting, with a cold breeze blowing outside.
Golden rays of sunlight shone through the window. Still a bit dazed from sleep, she rested her arm across her forehead and
yelled, “Lingye? Lingye!”
Fu Lingye was working on his laptop while sitting in the living room. His long fingers danced across the keyboard. The clicking
sounds of the keys were soft but rhythmic, making them pleasant to the ear.
Fu Lingye closed his laptop upon hearing her calls from the bedroom. He got up to go into the room.

Mu Tongrui called him over for a reason. Her whole right leg was numb, probably due to her sleeping position. It was unbearably
“You're awake?”
Mu Tongrui's voice was raspy. “My leg's numb. I can't move.”
“Which leg?”
Mu Tongrui pointed at her right leg. Fu Lingye sat down on the bed and started to massage her leg with his large, beautiful
hands. It took a while for the numbness to dissipate.
“How is it?”
“Much better. Still a little bit numb though,” Mu Tongrui replied, nodding.
Fu Lingye continued to massage her patiently. “Pack your things tonight. We're going back to Bei City tomorrow.”
“That's fast.”
Although they had no business left in S City, she still felt apprehensive about returning to Bei City so suddenly. Going back
meant facing Old Master Fu, Qi Yanli, Han Ling, and even Qiao Sang, and the thought of that made her head hurt.
Mu Tongrui leaned onto Fu Lingye's shoulder, her expression blank. Going back to Bei City meant that her past would catch up
to her, and she wouldn't be prepared to deal with that mess.
“Lingye, do you think my dad will forgive me from the heavens?”
It wasn't Fu Lingye's fault that Mu Guangqing died, but no matter how much she tried to deny it, Fu Lingye still had a part to play
in his unfortunate death. If Fu Lingye had been slightly more empathetic, her father probably wouldn't have died. Alas, even
someone as powerful as Fu Lingye could not command something as intriguing and far-reaching as Fate. He would never have
known then that he would give the girl whose family he destroyed a family of her own.
Fu Lingye leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Don't think too much. I'll return everything I took away from you.”
Mu Tongrui nodded. “That's right. The one's alive matter more. My dad would probably want me to be happy anyway.”

If she continued to take revenge on Fu Lingye and ended up hurting him, she might regret it for life. Hurting someone she loved
was like inflicting pain on herself, which was something she would never do. Neither did she want to be the one standing by in
glee as his loved ones suffered.
It would take a while for her to get over it, but she was determined to keep looking forward.
Actually, the moment Sweetheart was born three years ago, the two of them have become inseparable. She wasn't the kind to
live with hatred, since any sign of love would make her crave for more.
Suddenly, she thought of Ye Guo. She hadn't contacted her for a long time, since their falling out at Ya Hua. It's not like she had
never tried, but Ye Guo had never bothered to reply. The recent events also meant that she had no time to continue trying.
“Ye Guo had cut off ties with me. Now that I think about it, Qi Yanli must have been meddling with our friendship. Do you think Ye
Guo will agree to make amends with me if I ask her out when we get back?”
Mu Tongrui didn't have many friends, and Ye Guo was one of them. When they were in university, they went through everything
together, from skipping classes to splurging to scraping by with the last of their savings. Even when the Mu family went bankrupt,
Ye Guo didn't leave her side and even helped her to the best of her ability. Mu Tongrui was grateful towards Ye Guo from the
bottom of her heart, treating her as a good friend all along. There was no way she would have taken Ye Guo's boyfriend away
from her.
Qi Yanli definitely had an ulterior motive. Even so, she understood Ye Guo's anger and the subsequent severing of ties.
“I would only make things worse between you girls if I intervened, but if you need me to help, I'll help you anytime.”
Mu Tongrui agreed. “I understand. It might look like I'm using you to pressure her, and she wouldn't want to become my friend
again if that happened. Let's find her when she has cooled down from the whole Qi Yanli situation.”
“She's just infatuated with Qi Yanli. They won't last long.”
Mu Tongrui begged to differ. Was Ye Guo's devotion towards Qi Yanli really just infatuation?
“But she sacrificed our friendship for Qi Yanli! I think she might actually be in love with him.”
“When she was in high school, she fell in love with a senior of hers, and she was even crazier about it than she was with Qi
Yanli. She dumped him after a month, saying that she stopped liking him. The only reason why she's feeling disappointed about

Qi Yanli right now was the fact that she didn't manage to win his heart,” he said with a light chuckle. “It's easy to make her forget
about someone; she just needs time and a new target. Once someone else catches her eye, she would forget about Qi Yanli and
come back to you again.”
Mu Tongrui was dumbfounded. Since when did Ye Guo have such questionable morals?
“Really? What if it's for real this time?”
Fu Lingye grinned mischievously. “If it's real, then I'll conveniently make someone even more handsome appear before her
The corners of Mu Tongrui's mouth twitched. Is that considered a plot?
Even so, she loved it when Fu Lingye uses such bizarre tactics to deal with problems between women.
“Fu Lingye, you're Guo's uncle.”
“But Ye Guo's surname is Ye, and you're Mrs. Fu.”
It was obvious who Fu Lingye wanted to help.
Mrs. Fu......
Mu Tongrui felt like someone had fed her a spoonful of the sweetest honey out there. “How come I didn't know you were so good
at helping the weak?”
“It's my hobby to protect the weak.”

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