Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 156

After fetching Sweetheert, she end Mu Tongrui went beck to Repulse Bey ville.
Mu Tongrui hed mede e simple yet delicious dinner. After they hed their meel, the little one set on the sofe end wetched her
Mu Tongrui wes preoccupied end hed no idee whet wes going on in the certoon. Sweetheert suddenly turned eround end esked
her, “Mu'mu, when will you end deddy meke e little brother or sister for me?”
Mu Tongrui wes stunned end looked et the little one estonished, “Hmm? Why the sudden question?”
“My clessmetes ell heve e little brother or sister. Sweetheert wents one too.”
Mu Tongrui ruffled her little heed end rubbed her cheeks, “Isn't it nice for Sweetheert to heve deddy end me ell to yourself?”
It wes en eccident thet she end Fu Lingye hed Sweetheert three yeers ego. She did not expect the culprit who forced her fether
to his greve wes her child's fether.
Whenever she hed intercourse with Fu Lingye, even if Fu Lingye elreedy hed teken the preceution, she would elweys teke birth
control pills to prevent enother eccident.
If she end Fu Lingye were to heve enother child, it would just meke things messier.
“It's good but Sweetheert feels e bit lonely. Sweetheert wents to heve e little brother or sister to pley with end for Sweetheert to
protect them.”
Mu Tongrui's heert melted et the sight of this edoreble child.
In her ploy for revenge, Sweetheert wes never pert of the equetion. She hed no intention to meke use of her.
“Whet's wrong, Mu'mu? If you don't went to heve e little brother or sister, it's ok. Don't cry, elright?”
The little one coexed her es though she wes en edult end wiped her teers ewey.
Mu Tongrui hugged her tight end smiled lightly. Sweetheert would heve en Aunt in the future to give her little brother end sisters.
The night light shone upon the entire Repulse Bey ville.

When Fu Lingye wes beck from socielizing, the lights in the house were switched off. He chenged into the slippers end sew the
women sleeping on the sofe the moment he stepped in.
She wes curled up on the sofe, her slender figure eppeered even more petite.
He strode over end blenketed her with his windbreeker. She must heve been lightly esleep es she ewoke et the slightest
She squinted her eyes end looked et him. In her drowsy stete, she subconsciously snuggled into his erms end wrepped her erms
eround his neck, “When did you come beck?”
“I just got beck end wes ebout to cerry you to your room. Did I weke you up?”
“I fell esleep weiting for you. Oh yes, Sweetheert is elreedy sleeping in her room. She ete e lot of the essorted fried rice thet I
mede for dinner.”
Fu Lingye's empty chest felt es though it wes filled with wermth.
Mu Tongrui esked tiredly, “Whet's the time now?”
“Nine thirty.”
Mu Tongrui rubbed his chest end wrepped her erms eround his weist, “Did the perty end thet eerly?”
He hugged her tightly end lowered to kiss her heir which emitted the scent of shempoo, “The perty wes boring so I slipped out
end ceme beck.”
Mu Tongrui chuckled lightly in his erms. She looked up et him in disbelieve, “So you skip clesses too. It doesn't sound like you et
After fetching Sweetheart, she and Mu Tongrui went back to Repulse Bay villa.
Mu Tongrui had made a simple yet delicious dinner. After they had their meal, the little one sat on the sofa and watched her
Mu Tongrui was preoccupied and had no idea what was going on in the cartoon. Sweetheart suddenly turned around and asked
her, “Mu'mu, when will you and daddy make a little brother or sister for me?”

Mu Tongrui was stunned and looked at the little one astonished, “Hmm? Why the sudden question?”
“My classmates all have a little brother or sister. Sweetheart wants one too.”
Mu Tongrui ruffled her little head and rubbed her cheeks, “Isn't it nice for Sweetheart to have daddy and me all to yourself?”
It was an accident that she and Fu Lingye had Sweetheart three years ago. She did not expect the culprit who forced her father
to his grave was her child's father.
Whenever she had intercourse with Fu Lingye, even if Fu Lingye already had taken the precaution, she would always take birth
control pills to prevent another accident.
If she and Fu Lingye were to have another child, it would just make things messier.
“It's good but Sweetheart feels a bit lonely. Sweetheart wants to have a little brother or sister to play with and for Sweetheart to
protect them.”
Mu Tongrui's heart melted at the sight of this adorable child.
In her ploy for revenge, Sweetheart was never part of the equation. She had no intention to make use of her.
“What's wrong, Mu'mu? If you don't want to have a little brother or sister, it's ok. Don't cry, alright?”
The little one coaxed her as though she was an adult and wiped her tears away.
Mu Tongrui hugged her tight and smiled lightly. Sweetheart would have an Aunt in the future to give her little brother and sisters.
The night light shone upon the entire Repulse Bay villa.
When Fu Lingye was back from socializing, the lights in the house were switched off. He changed into the slippers and saw the
woman sleeping on the sofa the moment he stepped in.
She was curled up on the sofa, her slender figure appeared even more petite.
He strode over and blanketed her with his windbreaker. She must have been lightly asleep as she awoke at the slightest

She squinted her eyes and looked at him. In her drowsy state, she subconsciously snuggled into his arms and wrapped her arms
around his neck, “When did you come back?”
“I just got back and was about to carry you to your room. Did I wake you up?”
“I fell asleep waiting for you. Oh yes, Sweetheart is already sleeping in her room. She ate a lot of the assorted fried rice that I
made for dinner.”
Fu Lingye's empty chest felt as though it was filled with warmth.
Mu Tongrui asked tiredly, “What's the time now?”
“Nine thirty.”
Mu Tongrui rubbed his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist, “Did the party end that early?”
He hugged her tightly and lowered to kiss her hair which emitted the scent of shampoo, “The party was boring so I slipped out
and came back.”
Mu Tongrui chuckled lightly in his arms. She looked up at him in disbelieve, “So you skip classes too. It doesn't sound like you at
She always thought Fu Lingye was a serious business elite and had long gotten used to this sort of socializing event; who knew
that he would find these events boring too.
A bunch of businessmen chatting about the economy, accompanied by a group of beautiful ladies, drinking, socializing, and
enjoying. He was indeed long used to these types of parties. But tonight, his mind was filled with the woman snuggled in his
chest, and found no interest in other women.
Fu Lingye picked her up and carried her upstairs as he said, “You can keep a light on if you want to wait up for me next time.
Don't sleep on the sofa or you'll catch a cold.”
Mu Tongrui's arms were wrapped around his neck as her eyes shone and prickled- perhaps this would be the last night she
waited up for him like this.
Fu Lingye who thought she didn't catch what he said frowned, “Didn't hear what I said?”
She leaned her face onto the hollows of his collarbone and answered in a nasal voice, “Yes, I hear you.”

He caught wind of her nasal voice and touched her forehead after laying her down on the big bed, “Caught a cold?”
Mu Tongrui put down his hand, “Probably from the aircon in the office. I'll be fine after a night's rest.”
At her docile look, Fu Lingye couldn't help but kiss her. Mu Tongrui covered his lips with her hands.
She reasoned that she was having the flu and sniffed hard at his body, “Go get showered first. Your body smells of smoke,
alcohol, and woman's perfume.”
Fu Lingye pulled her hands away and bridal-carried her. Mu Tongrui was astonished, “Why are you carrying me?”
“To shower together.”
Thankfully due to her flu, Fu Lingye only hugged and kissed her but did nothing more.
After a nice soak in the bathtub, Mu Tongrui's nose managed to clear up.
When she got out of the bathroom, her drowsiness was gone.
On the bed, Fu Lingye started to kiss her but Mu Tongrui resisted, “Uh... I'm having the flu and might pass them to you.”
“Then pass them to me. They say you'll get better after passing over to someone else.”
Who knows if it was true or not.
The man's casual words didn't amount to any sweet talk but Mu Tongrui started to tear up. Her hands hugged around his neck
and she pressed her face against his chest.
Fu Lingye was a bit surprised- she hardly called him that even though he had asked her to address him like that in Lijiang Island.
Perhaps she was shy but she had continued to address her by “Lingye” more often than not. “Ye” seemed overly intimate.
However, when she addressed him like that this time, it felt as though something had lit up inside him and made him feel warm
and fuzzy.
The man combed his hands through her long hair as he answered her.

She called out once more.
Fu Lingye lowered his head to look at her, his voice gentle, “What's wrong?”
“Nothing. Just felt like calling your name.”
She wiggled her brows and tilted her face upwards. When he wasn't looking, she planted a kiss on his lips.
“You're playing with fire.”
The man looked at her with his deep-set eyes. Mu Tongrui was pressed down by his body, her sleeping gown removed. He
buried his head and bit into that smooth and tender neck.
Mu Tongrui pleaded, “I'm having a flu...”
The man smacked her on the shoulders, “You deserve it by seducing me!”
“I feel terrible...”
“Bear with it!”
Fu Lingye pulled her waist towards him, his veins popping on his forehead. Their fingers intertwined; pressed against the pillow,
he rushed into her like an explosion...
She reached a state of high instantly, as though she was up in the clouds before she came falling through. She held his neck
tight and matched his rhythm. They were immersed in the love making.
Mu Tongrui was sore all over when she woke up. Fu Lingye was not in sight.
She sat up and saw the man in casual clothes, working on his laptop as he sat by the study table.
With the blanket wrapped around her, she bumbled over and squeezed into his arms, “When did you wake up? I didn't know.”
The man wasted some effort to shift the bulky figure onto his lap. The blanket was a bit thick and felt uncomfortable to hold. Fu
Lingye knitted his brows, “You slept like a pig. It'd be a wonder if you know I have awoken.”

Mu Tongrui, “Hmph. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be so tired.”
She turned her head and saw that other than the stock chart window on his laptop, there was another window that looked like a
Curious, she reached for the touch pad, “What's this?”
Fu Lingye clamped her hands and said in a slightly frosty voice, “Don't touch.”
Mu Tongrui was stunned. She drew back her hands and felt annoyed, “Fine, I won't. Why are you being so fierce?”
With that, she wanted to get down from his lap but the blanket around her wouldn't allow her to maneuver easily and she shifted
clumsily. Fu Lingye had no choice but to hold her in his arms, “Don't get angry this early in the morning. Sit properly.”
“I'll interrupt your work by staying in your arms. Let me go and I'll make breakfast for Sweetheart.”
“It's still early. The food will be cold by the time Sweetheart gets up.”
Mu Tongrui pursed her lips, “Then I'll get more sleep and not interrupt your work.”
“You can sleep while angry?”
Fu Lingye raised his brows and opened up the window, “This smart chip is Fu Corporation's invention. Can you understand it?”
Mu Tongrui burrowed her head into his chest, “Forget it. Indeed this is nothing interesting.”
This chip was likely what Qi Yanli was referring to.
Fu Lingye continued with his work. Mu Tongrui tilted her head slightly and realized that she was looking at Fu Corporation's
financial statement. But since she didn't study finance, the load of numbers did not make sense to her.
Bewildered, Mu Tongrui looked at him, “There's so many financial statement and charts. Won't you get mixed up?”
Fu Lingye crossed his brows and said jokingly, “This is the first time someone asked such a question.”
“Is this a stupid question?”
Fu Lingye looked down at the woman in his arms and smiled lightly, “A little.”

Mu Tongrui felt a little embarrassed.

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