Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 144

When Mu Tongrui came out with more food, the dog had already vanished.
Did it leave because it was full?
Mu Tongrui looked around and spotted a black car that was driving away at a distance.
What if some dog dealer snatched it?
It can't be. Its breed is not worth that much money.
Mu Tongrui still went on to pour the extra food into a bowl, just in case the dog decided to return later.
In the Maybach.
Xu Kun's eyes widened when he checked his rear-view mirror again.
The filthy dog was resting in Fu Lingye's lap and rubbing dirt onto his pants. Fu Lingye crinkled his face but he still let it stay.
Xu Kun probed, “Boss, when did you become a dog person?”
He was adamant about not getting a pet dog when Sweetheart begged for one.
Not only was he worried it would hurt Sweetheart, but he also couldn't stand having a dog run around his pristine house.
Fu Lingye kept a straight face as he unconsciously petted the dog, “I'm not. It's to keep Sweetheart company.”
Xu Kun was not convinced at all. Fu Lingye's motive couldn't be clearer.
He was jealous... of the dog?
So much so that I had to steal it for him.
Fu Lingye continued the discussion, “Did you see if the dog was male or female?”
Xu Kun casually answered, “Male? I didn't pay attention.”
Fu Lingye looked troubled again.
She was stroking this male dog with great affection.

Mu Tongrui has endless love and patience for this dog, but she couldn't even fake a smile when we talked.
Fu Lingye's frustration grew stronger, prompting him to push the dog to the side.
The puppy was timid in a new environment. It whined at Fu Lingye and looked up with its round puppy eyes, eager to regain Fu
Lingye's attention.
Xu Kun chuckled, “Boss, the doggie seems to have taken a liking to you. It has stayed quiet and friendly the whole ride. What a
tame dog.”
Fu Lingye disagreed, “Hmph, tame?”
Fu Lingye turned to the pitiful dog again and teased it with his fingers. All of a sudden, the dog growled loudly.
Xu Kun was startled, “Boss! Did it bite you?”
Bad dog! I just complimented you a second ago. Why are you misbehaving now? Did you do that on purpose?
Fu Lingye sternly stared at the puppy. If he hadn't dodged fast enough, he would probably be bleeding by now.
Tame? It was just like Mu Tongrui. They were both fierce and wild under their tame skin.
“Get him to a vet for vaccination first.” Fu Lingye told Xu Kun.
If the dog ever bites Sweetheart, I'll make it pay.
Xu Kun smiled warmly, “Yes. Also, I'll get it groomed and cleaned up. Sweetheart will be overjoyed when you bring it home to
Fu Lingye went home to find Sweetheart and Xiaohan watching a cartoon show together.
As soon as she saw Fu Lingye, Sweetheart climbed down the sofa and ran toward him, “Daddy!”
Sweetheart then noticed a wagging tail behind Fu Lingye's legs.
“Oh my! Puppy!” Sweetheart screamed in excitement.
She lifted the dog to cuddle it. Fu Lingye reminded her, “Watch out. It might bite.”

“Nah. Puppies don't bite cute girls.” Sweetheart sweetly assured.
The dog calmed down as it stayed still in Sweetheart's arms. It was no longer the anxious and restless dog in the car.
This is strange.
With her tender hands, Sweetheart rubbed the puppy's belly. “Daddy, it's so cute! What should we name it?”
“Mm. I don't know.” Fu Lingye absent-mindedly replied.
Sweetheart took it seriously. She knitted her brows then turned to the puppy, “Doggie, what would you like to be called?”
Fu Lingye observed the dog for a moment and suggested, “How about Little Lion?”
This name confused Sweetheart, “Why? This is a dog, not a lion.”
Fu Lingye gave the perfect explanation, “It looks like a lion when it acts out.”
Sweetheart full-heartedly accepted that, “Okay! You are Little Lion from now on!”
Calling it Little Lion made the dog more endearing to Fu Lingye than when it was just a random male dog.
When Fu Lingye went upstairs to his study, Sweetheart ran after him, “Daddy, when will Mu'mu be back?”
Fu Lingye lowered his head, “Do you miss her?”
Sweetheart bobbed her head firmly. She grumbled, “I haven't seen her in forever!”
Sweetheart's sentiment inspired Fu Lingye, “Well, there's a way.”
Sweetheart's eyes lit up. She leaned in closer to her father, “Tell me.”
Fu Lingye bent down and muttered.
Sweetheart's spirits were up again. She assured zealously, “Roger that! I'll tell grandpa right away!”
Fu Lingye's lips curled up subtly.
“Little Lion, come on! I'll introduce you to grandpa.”

Sweetheart caught Little Lion, who was busy exploring the house. Carrying the puppy, she entered Fu Zhengyuan's study room.
Sweetheart pushed the door open and greeted Fu Zhengyuan, who was practicing calligraphy, “Grandpa.”
Fu Zhengyuan lifted his gaze, then placed his ink brush on the table. “Hey, hey. Look who's here,” Fu Zhengyuan welcomed her
with an affable grin.
When Fu Zhengyuan removed his glasses, he noticed the dog, “Where did you get that from? Did your dad finally let you keep a
“Daddy gifted it to me. It's called Little Lion.” Sweetheart answered enthusiastically.
Gu Zhengyuan laughed, “But it's not a lion.”
“I don't know. It was dad's idea,” Sweetheart admitted. A moment later, she brought up a different subject, “Grandpa, are you
looking for a new mom for me?”
Fu Yuanzheng paused for a second before he revealed, “Mu Tongrui's gone, and I never saw a future in them anyway. It's a lot of
work for your dad to bring you up alone. So, I thought he could get some help. Don't worry, Sweetheart. I'll find someone who
loves you. If she doesn't, she will not be your mom. How does that sound?”
Sweetheart pouted as she played with Little Lion's fur, “Okie. Do you promise to find me a new mom?”
Fu Zhengyuan affirmed, “Of course! I'll have your dad go on a blind date tomorrow.”
He then took out a pile of photos to show Sweetheart, “Who do you like the most?”
Sweetheart took some time to examine them. Then, she pointed at a photo of a decent-looking woman, “This one. She's pretty.”
Fu Zhengyuan saw that it was Yun Family's daughter, Yun Yuwei, who was a qualified candidate.
“All right. Your dad will see her tomorrow then.”
“Sounds good, grandpa. I'm taking Little Lion out to play. 'Later, gator!'“
This interaction perplexed Fu Zhengyuan since Sweetheart was always against the idea of having a new mom.

However, it wasn't hard to justify. Fu Zhengyuan figured Sweetheart might have hit the age where she started to crave motherly
Sweetheart and Little Lion went straight from Fu Zhengyuan's study room to Fu Lingye's.
She reported, “Daddy! I had grandpa arrange it. It's happening tomorrow night.”

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