Being The Billionaire's Captive

Chapter 25- Out of the Closet

SHE HEARD them coming.

Tami heard the footsteps coming up the stairs like a mighty army ready to whisk her away from paradise. She had seen when they pulled up to the house through her bathroom window, and she knew it couldn't have been anything good.

How had they known that she was there? It's obvious that they were there for her. But how?

It didn't matter. She knew she had to hide. If they were here, that meant they suspected Raphael, and seeing her in the house wouldn't yield great results for him.

If only her mother had believed that she wasn't kidnapped, then this all wouldn't have been happening.

Even though they were on another Bahamian island, the news didn't just stay within Nassau, but it had been spread over all the networks of the Bahamian string, including Grand Bahama.

Tami hurriedly switched off anything that could be a giveaway that someone was in the room. She used a bath towel to furiously wipe the water from the shower that she just had.

The police weren't stupid. The shower didn't just run itself, and this room didn't look like it belonged to Raphael. She didn't know if he told them that he lived alone or not, but she couldn't take the chance.

In a haste, Tami shoved her laptop under the bed and straightened the sheets so the bed seemed unused. She placed the TV remote neatly on the nightstand as if it was never touched, and pulled all the drapes across the windows and balcony doors to emit all existence of life from the room.

Finally, she grabbed her phone and locked herself in her gigantic closet. Luckily for her, it could be locked from the inside. Hopefully they won't insist on Raphael opening it, or else it would've been a dead give away.

Tami crouched in the far end of the tiny room, ensuring she didn't make a peep as she waited.

Minutes passed, and they felt like hours before the sound of the door opening caught her attention. She stiffened and held her breath, as if the very sound of her breathing would cause her to be discovered.

She could hear the sound of hush voices as the filed in and one in familiar she recognized.

"This is a woman's room," a foreign voice said as he walked past the closet.

"Yes. I keep it for my female guests whenever I have them over," Raphael explained, sounding nothing in the least worried in comparison to Tami who was having a panic attack.

Raphael's words also evoked a new feeling in her chest that she identified as jealousy. 'Female


Her subconscious had tried to make a big deal out of it, but she had to keep reminding herself that he simply had to make this believable. He didn't even live here a few months ago! Surely this room has never belonged to anyone else.

"We're all clear boss," a new voice spoke, and Tami rejoiced internally until she heard the lock on the door shuffling.

"Hold on." The rattling continued as the officer tried to open the door.

Tami's nerves only grew worse as she squeezed her eyes shut. She was well aware that the closet door was locked from the inside, but the way the man was twisting the lock made her believe would actually succeed in breaking it open.

"That had been locked for quite some time now," Raphael interjected bored. "I should get someone to come and check it out. It won't budge."

Soon after the rattling stopped as if they bought Raphael's theory about the locked door.

"Well I guess we're all cleared to go then."

"May I lead you to the next room?" Raphael asked as the voices became more distant.

Tami released a breath that she had been holding as the sound of her bedroom door closing filled the room. Raphael was good--too good if you asked her, but it doesn't matter.

He kept his cool even though he was well aware that Tami must've been in the closet, and that very composure kept him from being suspected.

Tami laid flat on her back as she slowed her heart.

That was close. That was too close. Since the cops are working so hard to find her, she might just have to be considerate, drop her selfish desires and actually go home soon. Besides, her poor mother must still be worried sick.

Her mom.

She kept thoughts of her family to a minimum, since she didn't want to feel guilty for torturing them while she lavished away with the man of her dreams. She wasn't too sure if she could make it to the end of summer. They still had twenty-nine days to go before she was scheduled to return home, but maybe they might just have to cut it short.

Today's incidents were far too close.

After what seemed like forever, her bedroom door was reopened, but this time only one set of

feet strolled in.

"Tami? You can come out now." Raphael's calm and soothing voice sounded from behind the door as he knocked softly.

Tami shuffled to her feet and quickly made her way towards it. She needed him to hold her. This

had been far too scary for her.

Pulling the door open, she crashed herself to his chest as she held him for dear life. Raphael's

arms wrapped around her small frame on instinct as he placed a lingering kiss to her forehead.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," he mumbled, his heart welling up in regret.

"It's okay. I was just scared that I'd be taken from you too soon."

He held her cheeks in his hands and directed her gaze to his. "You won't ever be taken away from me. I'll make sure of it. Okay?"

Tami simply nodded before snuggling her head in his chest again. She wanted to tell him that maybe they should consider cutting the month short, and she hadn't even known that he was thinking the same thing.

Yet, both of them didn't want to disappoint the other, so they kept it to themselves, deciding to bring it up another day once this blows over.

"I-I thought it was you," Raphael admitted in a small voice as he led them to the bed and pulled

her in his lap. She adjusted in his lap by habit as she gazed in his chocolate eyes in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

Raphael gulped, feeling embarrassed and ashamed that he even doubted her. "I thought you

were the one who called them. Well, I didn't believe it, but the thought crossed my mind."

Tami didn't know how to feel, but she wasn't mad or upset.

Raphael had been alone all his life, and having Tami with him has been the greatest days of his twenty-five years of living. The conditions under which he had her weren't the best or most normal, and they both were in a tough spot with both loved ones and the law.

She could understand that he was scared. The fear of her leaving him still swam in his eyes sometimes even when he didn't realize it. This is why she knew that she had to continue showing him how much he really means to her. And no matter what the future holds, they will always have

each other.

Because she will never leave him. Not in this life or the next. Even if the authorities or her family

tries to split them up, it won't happen.

"We will take on this world together, okay? You will never lose me," she said in a hushed tone

with everything she had. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Raphael rested his head in her bosom as she gently ran her fingers through his hair. A moment

of silence sat between them, but it was what they both needed.

"I will consider therapy," Raphael's voice sounded again, pulling Tami back from whatever thoughts she sank in.


"I want to be the best version of myself for you, Tami. And in order to do that, I'll have to at least

learn how to control my BPD or get rid of it. I'll book a session weekly for the rest of my life if I have to, only if it means I'll be able to keep you happy. I don't want to doubt you or doubt us because of..." He trailed as he grew unsure how to end, but Tami understood clearly.

With a nod and a small simper, she gripped his face in her hands and placed a sweet, lingering

kiss to his lips.

"You make me happy, Raph. But I'm glad you're willing to take this step."

"How do you do it?" Raphael questioned softly.


"Forgive me for what I did, and stick by me even when I don't deserve you."

Tami smiled even more at him, gently kissing his nose before speaking again. "Everybody

deserves love, Raphael, and despite what you think you've done, you deserve mine."


"Sshh..." She placed her finger over his lips to hush him, then slowly pulled it away to kiss him.

"No more talking,” she whispered against him as she pushed him down on her bed.

"No more talking," he agreed, with nothing but gratitude and admiration for the woman in his


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