Behind the Lines

Chapter Chapter Four: Plenty for Dinner.

“Gentlemen, gentlemen welcome to the Black Boar.” The owner said profusely. “We have the best table in the house waiting for you.”

There was a sudden scraping of chairs over the floor as the junior German Officers got to their feet. Charles waived them to sit.

A buzz of conversation filled the room and in all probability it was about them.

“Allow me my dear.” Terry said as he pulled out the chair for Salina. As he helped her to sit he was able to whisper.

“Flirt with the Lieutenant.”

With her safely seated he sat down himself which allowed the Captain and Lieutenant to also sit.

The table was a reasonably sized round one which made the atmosphere more relaxed.

They ordered the liver pate as their first course and while they waited the conversation came gently around to what Charles and the others were doing here.

“We will be carrying out full medicals on you and your men. I suggest we start with the officers first then the NCOs and then the soldiers and the support staff.” Charles told them as the wine waiter pour them a glass of red wine. “Then on to the research centre and carry out the medicals there. We should be done all being well after four days then its off to the next.”

“You’re hoping to meet the chief scientist Rot Wang to discuss his work sir?” Terry said.

“Yes with any luck. I am fascinated after my time with Dr Mangle to see eugenics in action and his work on the human metabolism. The creation of super soldiers.”

Charles replied but it was soon evident that something was troubling him as he spotted Theo and Rex sipping their drinks at a small table in the corner.

“Is everything alright for you sir?” Terry asked.

“Those men in the corner there bother me as to why I don’t know. Did you mange to get any information about them. No? Captain see if you can find out anything about them. Who they are and what they are? Oh and Captain?”

“Yes sir.”

“Be discreet.”

The Captain got up and intercepted the wine waiter. A note of the realm passed between them to disappear into the waiters pocket.

After a few words the Captain returned to the table.

“Well?” Charles asked as he spread the pate across a slice of melba toast.

“They are new to the area. They belong to the Todt Organisation. Supplying slave labour all over the Fatherland. They’ve a contract to supply the research centre with twenty Pole’s and Slovak’s.”

“Well done Captain. I’m afraid they are a necessity if we are to fulfil the Master’s vision of a master race.” Charles almost choked on the words before adding. “This pate is really good.”

The Captain had the good grace to look uncomfortable.

The lieutenant was sitting beside Salina and was trying to hold a somewhat stilted conversation. His eyes out on stalks as she drew circles on his palm with an immaculate finger nail.

“My family still farm a small holding back at home.” The last word came out as a squeak as she gripped his thigh and gave it a squeeze.

She lent forward and licked her lips suggestively.

“Fascinating, do tell me more? Do you have a girl friend?” She breathed huskily.

“No. I have a couple of girl friends that I grew up with at home but no girlfriend as such.” He found himself getting lost in her deep blue eyes though for a split second he could have sworn they were like those of a cat.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” He asked and instantly regretted it. It sounded so ridicules that a beauty like her wouldn’t have had many admirers.

“Oh, a few but to few to mention.” She said pushing back a spare strand of hair that had fallen over her eye. “So a brave officer like you doesn’t even stand guard in the centre. That hardly makes sense.”

“They have their own guards, hulking bully boys from what I gather.” He told her unwisely.

“Tell me more.” She purred into his ear.

It was over the main course of veal and steamed mixed vegetables that the conversation turned to more practical matters.

“Now back to what I was saying. My team and I will set up our consulting room first thing tomorrow morning so that we can start at nine o’clock sharp. We will start first with the officers then the NCOs followed by the other ranks. You will all be inoculated against Malaria , Measles and given sulphur tablets.” Charles helped himself to more of the vegetables. “How many in total will that be approximately.”

“We have twenty five plus five support staff. Cooks, quartermaster and the like.” The lieutenant told them.

“Excellent.” Charles said happily. “That will give us time in the afternoon to visit the Centre and prepare our consulting room. Oh what now.”

Charles had spotted the two catholic priests wending their ways through the diners.

“Oh spare me from meddling priests.” Charles said in just the undertone of a Shakespearian actor.

It was at that moment that Rot Wang entered with his three minders, Commandant Baron Karl Lang, Director Libiz and a researcher who looked more like a guard. From the window by where they sat. Terry could see a pair of jeeps outside with six heavy weight guards lolling against its side.

Rot Wang was a small bespectacled man in his early fifties. His face looked drawn and tired.

The bull necked researcher sat one side of him and the Director on the other with the Commandant opposite him.

“Will you excuse us a moment I need to have a word with the professor?” Charles asked.

“I am sorry to intercept your meal Professor, Commandant.” Charles said as he introduced themselves to the group.

“I am SS-Sturmbannführer Doctor Franz Keppler, and this my assistant, SS-Hauptsturmführer Doctor Carl Luger.

I had the pleasure of hearing your lecture on the potential locked away in our metabolisms being uncovered using Eugenics. It is a work I would loved to be involved with. I had the pleasure of working with Doctor Mengela on twins for the same reason.” The words threatened to strangle Charles but he ploughed on holding out his hand.

“A pleasure to meet you.” Wang lied and shook Charles’s hand reluctantly. Charles was aware of the mans raised heartbeat and the tension in the man’s body but said nothing.

“We are checking the health of all the military and civilians in essential war work and that includes the centre I’m afraid.”

“I received the letter about you and your staffs visit. We have an excellent health department Doctor. I can assure you that all the staff are well.” The Commandant replied. “So I can assure you that the health of the staff and err.” He hesitated as he looked for the right word to use to describe the slave workers. “And our clients are well catered for.”

“Oh that is fine by me but I dread to think what the Fuhrer will make of it. You did look at who issued the order didn’t you?”

The Commandant hadn’t, he had just skimmed it and screwing it up into a ball threw it away in the bin which had been emptied for incineration that morning.

“Very well Doctor. I will agree to the medicals as long as they do not hinder our work.”

“Splendid. Just give us a little office and you will hardly notice we are there. Shall we say tomorrow Tuesday to set up the clinic and Wednesday to carry out the work.”

“Agreed.” The Commandant wasn’t happy about it that was obvious but having no room to manoeuvre he decided to give in gracefully. “I’ll have the relevant passes delivered to you by tomorrow morning.”

“Thank you enjoy your meal. Professor I look forward to seeing you work.” He clicked his heels and returned to his table.

“I can hardly wait to see his work.” Charles said as he sat down.

“I see the Holy Father is tending to the rich and influence members of his flock.” Terry said as he watched Wesley and an old priest circulating through the diners.

“That must be our new Father, Father Morpheus. I had heard that he was arriving today.” The Captain told them not that his junior lieutenant was paying any attention as Selina sweet talked him.

“He hasn’t let the grass grow beneath his feet.” Terry observed.

“Our present priest is ill with a stomach complaint and has entered the cloister to recover. Father Morpheus is here temporally until he recovers.” The Captain watched as the two priests made a bee line to the Professors table unaware of Charles’s scrutiny.

“Are you a Catholic Captain?” He asked.

The Captain was flustered and wondered what the repercussion’s would be if he told the truth.

“I was brought up as a Catholic sir.” He said cautiously.

“That is not what I asked young man.” Charles pressed.

“I am sir.” He lowered his head already feeling the axe on his neck in his imagination.

Charles nodded, satisfied.

“So am I Captain but it is so difficult these days.” He said gently. “Now the right answer is ‘No I’m not’. Are you a Catholic Captain?”

“No sir I’m not.” The Captain didn’t like denying his faith but understood from Charles how dangerous it had become.

Charles turned slightly and listened to the conversation at the Professors table.

Wesley paid scant attention to Rot Wang focussing his attention on the Commandant instead.

“Ah Commandant I am Father Morpheus. My young fellow Father, Father Pierre tells me that you haven’t been coming to mass nor have your staff.”

The Commandant sighed.

“Can not this be done at a later date?”

“I am afraid not as it appears that this is the only time and place you come to when you leave the confines of the centre.” Wesley was bright and breezy but the officer wasn’t fooled he could see the Fathers inner steel. “Now since the Mountain will not go to Moses then Moses must come to the mountain. I understand that you have your own chapel in the complex am I right?”

“Yes that is right though I don’t know how you found that out.”

“I didn’t know but for a pious man like you it was a good bet.” Wesley smiled. “What I propose is simple sir. On a Wednesday morning at eleven O’clock I will conduct mass followed by Confession in your chapel.”

The Commandant felt steamrollered and for a moment the two men locked eyes like two rutting stags. But it was the Commandant who looked away first.

“Very well Father. I have missed the Mass very much and would love to hear it once more.” Behind Wesley were two waitresses with the groups meals. “I will have passes made up for you. Now Father can we have our meal?”

“Oh yes of course.” He moved aside and allowed the girls to serve them. “Let us pray.”

The group lowered their heads dutifully as Wesley said the grace and then left them to it.

Soon the two priests were cycling away.

Theo and Rex followed a few minutes behind.

Finally Charles and his group left the restaurant just as a air raid warning sounded.

They heard the powerful roar of the Wellingtons radial engines as the three of them passed overhead.

Charles’s sight changed darkness into light allowing him to see the bombers clearly as they passed over. On one he could see clearly the letters and numbers each side of the roundel. It was B for Bravo.

As they passed over head heading for the ball bearing factory in the outskirts of the town ahead the night sky was lit up by a powerful blue search that swung unerringly in their direction.

The limo pulled into the curb and Alan got out of the drivers seat.

“Well timed.” Charles said.

“Thank you sir.” Alan replied as he held the car door open for him.

A few moments later the car pulled away.

Contact had been made.

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