Behind The Alpha Series Book 6 Oliver

Chapter 37

(Chapter song ‘Pump It Louder’ by Tiesto)


“Awe…Fuck that!” Jackson points my way as I sit, leaning my elbow on the table, rubbing my chin. I’m trying to hide the grin that’s trying to appear.

I run my hand down Ezra’s back as she sits in my lap, watching the council lose their shit.

“Oliver, you can’t expect us to allow this.” Bastian says.

I flop my arm down on the table. “Why not? You wouldn’t let me pack William away for safe keeping and you control the Super Wolves. I told you my concerns about their strength and loyalty.”

“I have loyalty.” William scowls.

“Dires don’t?” I eye him.

“Oliver. We know nothing about…” Bastian says.

“I do. That’s all you need to know.” I say smugly.

“Yeah…That doesn’t sit right with me.” Grey says.

I turn him. “Sorry you take issue, Andrews. I don’t give a flying fuck. Next.” I look around the table.

“Maybe it’s because we don’t trust you.” Mica crosses his arms and leans back. “The human council already has its back up with the rogues, now this?”

“Whitney, the day I care what the human council thinks, is the day I turn into a pussy like you and that isn’t happening. Look, if you’re scared I’m going to take over the place, you should be. Don’t piss me off. Other than that, I have a solution to all our problems and that is right here.” I beam at Ezra and she smiles back.

“OK. As hot as your mate is, I don’t think you should be in control. What happens if you go psycho on us?” Jackson leans on the table.

I was about to answer when Frankie leans to my ear. “We got it.”

I nod and smirk. I tap Ezra’s ass and she stands. Leaning on the table, I meet all their eyes.

“I won’t go psycho unless I’m given a reason. Now, you either accept the fact that I control an army that can give the alliance a run for their money, or you don’t. All I'm saying is fuck around and find out.” I stare at them all as I back up my threat.

“I don’t like it.” Jayson mutters.

“You don’t have to. Just accept it.” I say to him.

Lucius nods. “I agree.”

Wren looks at him. “You can’t possibly…”

Lucius leans forward. “You want sovereignty. I understand. I appreciate that.” He looks to his mate. “The nomads are the same. The council trusted us to be separate. We should do the same.”

“This is different, Lu.” Wren says.

“No. It’s not.” He sits back.

“Technically, he’s not wrong. We have to respect them as people. If this is what’s happening…” William adds. “He just needs to assure us that it’s for good intentions.”

“Before we do that, we need to inspect them. Training. This cure you say you have. All of it.” Bastian says.

I lean back in my chair. “No. Not a chance.”

“Come on, Bastian. The sneaky bastard is doing the same shit as Torrent. Fuck that. Lock him up.” Luke throws a hand out to me.

I narrow my eyes and growl. “You comparing me to the filthy Dragons?”

Luke scowls. “If the fucking shoe fits.”

I nod. “CECIL!”

Cecil explodes out of suit and his gigantic Dire shifts and the room shakes as his paws hit the floor.





They all jump out of their seats and jolt back and Jackson tripped over his chair and fell on his ass.

Cecil walks to the table and shakes his hard fur. His thin face scowls at the council at the other end of the room.

I stand and throw my arm around his neck. With a smug look, I casually meet their eyes. “You compare me to Torrent again, and that’s the last thing you’ll do. Am I understood?”

“What…Holy…Shit…” Luke pants as he gets to his feet.

“Oh my goodness.” William smiles. He walks slowly around the table. “It’s so…” He shakes his head as he approaches Cecil. Cecil faces him.

William chuckles. He grabs Cecil under the chin and runs his huge hand up his nose in between his eyes. Cecil growls darkly.

“Stand down.” I grumble and he stops.

William leans to me. “They’ve always been emotional.”

“Bill, you know these guys?” Luke huffs.

He looks Cecil over. “They’re Cymons.” He whispers. I sense a little pain in his face.

“Wait. Kay-Os made these things?” River says.

I throw a finger at him. “They are not things!” I growl.

He puts up a hand in surrender.

William nods. “While we were creating the packs, he came across a natural Dire wolf. The last of its kind. They fought and he bit it. We didn’t know it at the time, but that Dire shifter went on to create the first Dire pack. I…I can’t believe you’re here. 5000 years is just way too long. Come here.” He pulls Cecil into his shoulder for a hug. Cecil’s yellow cat eye catches mine.

I pull William off. “Alright, stop gushing all over my monster. You’ll turn him…into you.” I push him back. “Cecil, sit.” He does as ordered.

William crosses his arms. “These creatures aren’t easily controlled, Oliver. I don’t think you know what you’re doing.”

“I know exactly what I’m doing, Super douche. Don’t presume to tell me what I can and cannot do.” I turn to the table. “As for the rest of you. I will work with you. I will allow my services to be used for the Alliance, but I will not tolerate any of you picking apart my methods of getting jobs done. I have a bone to pick with Lefu and I’m doing just that. Anyone who gets in my way, will satisfy their hunger. Trust me, these assholes are damn hungry all the time.

I guide Ezra into my chair and Cecil stands behind her.

I walk around the room as they nervously seat in their seats. I tap my fingertips together. “Now, I like you guys. Some of you aren’t total pussies. The rest I can tolerate. I will give my word that I won’t turn on the council if my privacy is respected and the governing remains off my work. I have the cure. I will control the cure and who I use it on. That means any rogues I catch or you catch will be given to me. Am I clear?”

I stop in front of Bastian, cross my arms and raise a brow.

He raises his chin and pushes his out. “You’re just going to act like you didn’t just threaten the Alliance.”

I shake my head. “It’s not a threat. Just some friendly advice. As the one who understands Dire behavior, I can confidently say, you don’t abide by my terms, they will be the ones with the problem. They don’t like their leader sad.” I smirk.

He slowly nods. “You realize I have no choice but to put you on the watch list now.”

“FINALLY!” Luke throws up his arms and flops in his chair.

The corner of my lip turns up. “Honestly, I’m surprised it hasn’t happened sooner, but you do you. It doesn't change the fact, that I have you by the balls. I solved the rogue problem, when you, Alpha Cole, couldn’t even come close. Put me on list. I consider it a badge of fucking honor.”

I step away and walk back to Ezra. “Don’t worry, Bastian. I’m still loyal to the Alliance…to a point. I will help in this battle and the Dires will offer their services on a voluntary basis. If their washing their hair and don’t feel like fighting, you’re on your own.”

The entire council is speechless for once as I take Ezra’s hands in mine, lift her out of the chair and pass her off to her brother.

I turn around, snapping my fingers. “Oh…There’s going to be some changes to the prison staff. I’ll have the paperwork on your desk by Monday. Have a good day.”

“Bastian, Deacon just texted. He says the blade’s been stolen. They don’t know who or what took it. The library door was broken.” River informs.

“Oliver?” Bastian shoots me a look of concern.

“How tragic. Good luck with that. A councils work is never done, am I right?” I smirk. “Bye.” I wave and head for the door.



Frankie and Foster shut the council doors and join behind me.

I do up my suit jacket as I walk. “Where’s the blade now?”

“Heading to the facility.” Foster informs.

“Are we really giving Cornell the blade?” Ezra asks.

“You are too beautiful to worry about him, but no. I have another plan.” I drop a kiss on her hair.

“What's the plan?” Frankie says.

My eyes go dark as I live my plan out. “I’ll be the one to walk up to that mother fucker and sink it into his heart myself.

I shove open the doors to the outside and jog down the steps as Cecil gets the door to my Hummer. Foster let’s Ezra in and the rest get in the back.

“It’s dangerous. He’s not an earthly creature.” Ezra says.

“I know, baby bird.” My hand slips onto her bare thigh as she crosses her legs. “That’s why, when the time comes, your gorgeous teeth and claws will be right there beside me.”

She grins, lets out a little giggle and I grab her neck. I shove my tongue down her throat and kiss her like I mean it.

Breaking the kiss, I sit back and drive off, back to Eden.

With the council knowing exactly where I stand, I’m free to start the plans for the genetic manipulation of the rogues. I’m torn on only leaving it for those who have been exposed to Croak. I’m curious if the behavior of the Dire changes if it’s created from a natural, rebellious rogue.

Maybe I should pick up a few and find out. The cure I have may not be just a cure for Hyper rogues, but for all of them. I could, by rights, cure our entire rogue issue. Is it crossing ethical lines playing God like that?

The way I see it is, they threw their lives away, I should be able to claim them as mine.

It’s better than the alternative.


I take the bag from the Dire that brought back the blade.

In the vault, I stand at a table with a glass box on it.

I reach in, grab the hilt and pull out the 8 inch monstrous jet black dagger.

I hold it up in front of my face and smile. “Ian. What’s the research on this?”

“Not much.” He steps beside me. “No one knows who made it. Just that it belonged to a shape shifter named Artemis.”

“Nala’s dad?” I ask.

“Who’s Nala?” he asks.

“That’s a long, confusing story. Go on.” I chuckle.

I eye the blade and a diagonal rainbow travels up the black metal from the hilt to the tip. I look at it curiously because there’s no reason for it to do that.

“From the reports that I read, if a supernatural gets a stabbed with that, it removes the creature and the person becomes human. Another stab is instant death.” He informs.

“The Reaper.” I growl quietly.

“Exactly. It’s also containing the powers of Six nymphs.” He adds.

“Interesting.” I grumble. I twist the blade around, studying it. “We’ll keep it contained. This facility is apparently shielded from all forms of detection. I’m not sure if that includes anything magical, but just in case, I want two dires on this door at all times, understood?”

“Yes, Alpha.”

Ezra shivers.

“Ez…What’s wrong?” I turn to her after putting the blade in the box.

She points to the skull. “That thing gives me the creeps. I don’t know why, but it has an energy of something really dark. It’s calling out to something or someone and my Dire is feeling uncomfortable.”

“Really.” I walk over to it and lift off the glass box.

Ezra and the rest growl and back off. I look at them curiously.

Lifting the black skull, I spin it around in my hands. “I’m curious. Why is Lefu so afraid of this thing?”

“Probably the same reason for wanting the blade.” Ezra says.

I glance to the blade then back to the skull.

“It’s calling to someone, Ollie. I have a feeling you know who.” Ezra places her hand on my arm.

“Maybe. I need to make a call.” I lean down and kiss her.

“OK. Would you like me to order dinner upstairs?” she asks.

“Please. I won’t be long.” I kiss her again and stuff the skull in the bag. “The rest of you, guard this door with your lives.” I stride out the door and Frankie closes the vault and it locks.

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