Behind The Alpha Series Book 6 Oliver

Chapter 15

(Chapter song ‘Achilles Come Down’ by Gang of Youths)


I jog down the stairs and stride across the foyer to my office. Ian comes out of the common room, clearly upset.

“What the hell? What’s going on?” He holds his hands out as he follows.

I throw the doors open and he sees the destruction.

“The fuck? Ollie…”

I pick up the chair and the broken pictures that fell off the walls. “I…uh…I have a house guest.”

“Is it a fucking bear? What happened?!” He says.

I pull out my phone and search my contacts. “We…just got off on the wrong foot.” I hold my phone to my ear.

“Off on the wrong…”

“River?...Any location on Michael yet?...OK…The Alpha?...He doesn’t run fucking New York…I don’t care about territory, River…Michael is ours, if that puck wielding asshole has a problem with us collecting our own…Fine, I’ll stand down, but hear me now, if Trezner thinks he’s gonna stand in the way of me and Michael…” I scowl deep. “Michael is the source of the rogues, River. Tell Trezner to step out of the way or we’ll shove his fucking stick up his ass.” I hang up, throw my phone on my desk and rub my head.

“Why the interest in Michael?” Ian asks as he crosses his arms.

I stuff my phone in my pocket and walk around my desk to the door. “The rogue problem is getting worse and it’s getting close to home. The rogue in the alley proved that. We need to shut him down.”

We come out to the foyer and I throw a hand on Ian’s chest.

She’s feeling the walls on the staircase then runs her hands on the banister.

I watch her inspect everything as she slowly steps down the stairs.


I throw a finger to my lips. “Shush.” I step slowly to her as hold a hand back to Ian to keep him there.

She looks over the floors and stops at a painting. She touches it.

I study her brown eyes and soft cheek. I take in the flow of her hair as it sways with her movements. I feel a smile try to grow as I watch how she looks everything over.

She steps down onto the foyer floor and I walk slowly around my sculpture. She approaches the other side and proceeds to study it.

Until I feel out the situation, I’ll keep the stone between us.

My eye peeks around the side of the carved woman’s thigh as Ezra touches the woman’s leg. I see the soft curve of her neck and her pouty, full lips. She doesn’t look dangerous at all. She has the mannerisms of an innocent, but underneath that soft, smooth skin is a vicious monster with a snapped brain. I don’t know why that turns me on so much. Maybe it’s because I’m one too.

A smirk tugs at my lip as she looks up at the woman’s face then touches hers. This is all so fucking fascinating. It’s like watching a kid discover something new. Just these simple movements means that she’s connecting with her humanity. Something she shouldn’t be able to do.

I quietly follow her. Either she doesn’t know I’m here or she doesn’t care. Either way she’s not responding to my presence. It feels weird watching her through the statue like this, but I don’t want to ruin this moment.

She breaks away and walks to the common room.

Ian makes a move and shoot him a look to stay where he is. He shoots a look back and motions to Ezra. I wave him off and continue my observations as she investigates her new surroundings.

She goes to one of the couches and her hand gently touches it. It flows over the back and stops at a throw blanket. She lifts it up to her face and touches it to her cheek. My heart stops when I see her eyes close like she’s absorbing the feel. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful. She drops the blanket and walks over to my fireplace. She touches the pictures of our family, minus Andrew, of course. I took those down.

She walks through the room to another room. I follow with a distance behind her, watching her interact with my home.

Ian enters and his face shows his confusion. Ezra finds the terrace and quietly opens the door. I have the urge to stop her, but I want her to feel comfortable. I’m at the ready if she bolts, but for now, outside should be just as important as in.

She looks around the stone patio and walks down the steps. I get a little nervous when she gets close to the pool because I’m not sure if this is an auto brain thing. I’ll stand guard in case she falls in.

The flowers in the gardens sway and she moves her hands through them. She walks to the lawn and sits.

I approach her and sit down in front of her. She’s feeling the grass around her.

I try to find her eyes. “Ezra.” I say quietly.

“I’m feeling.” She says without looking up.

I nod. “I see that. What are you feeling?”

She looks up at me and blinks her big, brown eyes. “I miss colors.”

I almost smile. It’s such an innocent answer.

“Are you hungry?” I ask.

She looks like she’s thinking. “Yes.”

I hold out my hand to her. “Let me feed you.”

She looks at my hand and again, it’s like she has to think about it. She gently places her hand in mine and I could feel the trust. I stand and pull her up.

“What do you want to eat?” I ask as I bring her back into the house.

“I don’t know.” She answers.

I push Ian out of the way. “Anything you want.”

She considers for a second. “A hot dog.”

That makes me actually smile. She looks up at me and she smiles too. Damn, she’s even more beautiful. “OK. Let’s get you a hotdog.” I chuckle.

After sitting her down, I go to the kitchen. Of course, Ian is on my ass. “Ollie, who is that?”

“A friend.” I answer as I rummage through the fridge. The cooks are gone for the day, so I’m having trouble finding any hot dogs. “Where are the damn dogs?”

He opens a drawer and pulls them out. I snatch them from him and grab a pot. I take a quick peek out and she’s just sitting there, still as stone. It’s strange, but at least she’s not trying to rip my throat out.

“OK. What’s with the robot impression?” He asks as I put the dog on the natural gas stove.

I lean my back on the counter. Putting my hands on my pockets, I chew my lip. My brows come together. “Not sure yet.”

“Where did you find her?” He asks.

I rub my nape. “The bar. She’s the bartender.”

“Hold up.” He goes to the door and peeks out. He comes back. “The bartender from Hell.” He thumbs over his shoulder.

That’s accurate.

“Uh…yeah.” I turn the dog off and take it to the sink. Draining it, I fix it up and set it aside to cool a bit while I wash and dry the pot. “She’s in a tough spot and I’m helping.”

He arches a brow. “Since when do you help anyone?”

I cross my arms. “I help people.”

“Only if it benefits you, what is this?” He eyes me suspiciously.

I pick up the dog. “Like I said, I don’t know yet.”

I take the plate to Ezra and slide into the seat beside her. She looks at the hot dog and glances at me.

“Go ahead.” I whisper.

She picks it up and bites almost half of it. She chews like she hasn’t eaten in a week and takes another bite.

I stop her before she can bite again.

She stops chewing and her chest rumbles. She slowly lifts her eyes to me. Her cheek is full and even though her wolf is throwing a warning, she looks so goddamn cute.

I hold up a finger to her. “Slow down.”

I remove my hand and her wolf backs down. She chews slowly and swallows.

“That’s better.” I say as I lean back. “Where are you from?”

“Don’t know.” She bites again.

“Do you have family?” I ask.

“Don’t know. I came from someone.” She chews.

“OK. Why are you not with them anymore?”

She stops mid chew.


“They’re sick. I’m not. I’m not sick.” She takes another big bite.

“You realize you are.” I say.

She shakes her head. “I’m not. They are. They hurt people.”

I lean on the table. “Ezra. Did you kill three men outside of town.”

She nods. “Yep.” She licks her lips and bites the dog.

“The rogue in the alley?”

“Yep. Him too.” She puts the last bite in her mouth.

“You hurt people.” I state.

She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and shakes her head. “No. They weren’t people.”

“What were they?” I tilt my head.

“Nightmares.” She sits back in her chair. “Nightmares that wanted to hurt us.”

“Self defense.” I realize.

She shrugs. “Kill the dream before it kills you back.”

I nod. Makes sense…I think.

“Ezra…You were in Michael’s army. What made you leave?” I ask.

She picks at her clothes. “I didn’t want to fetch.”

I narrow my eyes in confusion. “Fetch?”

She nods. “Fetch hounds fetch. Dead dogs die.”

“A Fetch hound. You…got things for Michael?” I scratch my temple and study her.

Her face almost looked guilty. “People. For the dead dogs.”

I hold out a hand to her. “Wait. You took people?”

She glances at me and nods. “Michael says fetch and I fetch, then I get nice things.” A small smiles pulls then fades on her lips.

I lean closer. “What happens when you don’t fetch?”

Her lips fall. “I get pain.”

I lean back, rub my face and hair. “He beat you.”

“He wouldn’t. He’d make the dead dogs do it.” She mumbles. “Tie me up so I can’t run. Make my wolf come out.” Her face fills with pain. “They’d bite me over and over and over until I was still and broken.”

I grab her hand. “Breathe ok. Michael can’t hurt you here.”

Ian walks into the room. “Oliver.”

I turn.

He motions his head to the door. “Can I have a minute?”

I turn back to Ezra. I reach up and wipe the small tear that fell. “I’ll be right back. Wait here.”

She nods fast.

I cup her cheek. “You’re safe.”

She glances at me and folds her hands in her lap.

I hesitate before leaving her. I’m really having trouble processing this without going on a rampage. Michael’s top of my hit list now and if I have to hunt him down myself I will.

Ian takes me to my office and I sit in a chair. I rub my forehead as he paces in front of me and stops.

He points to the door. “Please…for the love of all that’s holy…Please tell me that’s not a rogue sitting in our dining room.”

“I don’t know what she is.” I mumble.

“Oliver!” He yells.

“OK…yes. She’s a rogue.” I sit back.

He steps to me. “Are you fucking insane?!”

“Maybe, but she’s different…somehow.” I trail off in my thoughts.

“Different? She’s a fucking rogue! She’s deadly and sick!” He throws a hand at me.

“I know! I just…I have to figure this out. It’s fine.” I reassure.

“How is this fine? She’s killed people.” He says.

“Not in cold blood. She defended herself.” I state.


My face fills with anger. “CALM DOWN!” I growl loud.

“Calm down? You bring a sick fucking dog into this house and expect me to be happy about it?” He glares at me.

I eye him. “You have less than a second to shut your mouth.” I snarl.

“CAN’T YOU SEE WHAT SHE'S DOING? SHE’S POISON, OLIVER!” He throws a hand to the door.

I took that half second and crossed the floor. I grabbed my brother by his shirt and slammed him against the wall.

He fights my grip as his eyes penetrate mine.

“I said…MOUTH…OFF!!” I push on and his mouth goes small.

He looks me over. “You’re…keeping her…aren’t you? Like a pet.”

I swallow but don’t answer.

“You think you can fix that?” He says. “You can’t tame here, Ollie. There’s only one cure for rabies, brother.” He puts two fingers to my temple and pulls the imaginary trigger.

My eyes darken. “That’s bullshit.” I glare into his eyes. “THAT'S…BULLSHIT!”

Glass shatters and both our heads whip to the door.


I run out of the room and look around. Ezra’s gone and a window’s broken.

“FUCK!” I yell and sprint to the door.

I run outside and look around. I don’t see her. “EZRA!!”

Her scent catches my nose and my head turns to my garage. I jog over to it and walk in.

I turn the light on and look around.

I walk down the side of my Hummer and just as I turn to go behind, I hear a loud growl and see a table saw flying at my head. I duck back behind the truck as the saw crashes against the wall.

“Ezra!” I yell.

She barks and growls from her corner.

“It’s alright, baby bird!” I say as I turn again.

A power drill flies by my head.

“Fuck.” I breathe.

I duck down and walk back to the front. I crouch around it and see her drooling, waiting for me to show. I go around Ian’s Hummer and turn the back toward her. She’s growling too loud to hear me.

I sneak up behind her and clench my jaw.

I take a deep breath. “Ezra.”

She spins around. Her eyes are red and her canines are out.

“I’m sorry.” I whisper. I whip my hand up, grab her hair and slam her forehead twice into the trunk lid and drop her. She crumples to the floor.

My heart is stuttering as I fill with guilt. A feeling I’m not use to having. Until I can come up with a different solution, the only way I can shut her down is to knock her out.

I cradle her in my arms and carry her limp body back to the house.

Ian is at the door with a look of disgust on his face laced with an air of ‘I told you so’.

I stop. “I know.”

He points to Ezra. “She is dangerous.” He spits.

I look at Ezra and think about what I just had to do. “I don’t care.” I grumble low and take her to her room.

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