Behind The Alpha Series Book 1 Quinn

Chapter 29

(Chapter song ‘Look What You Made Me Do' by Taylor Swift)


I crossed the desert in half the time it took to leave it. My determination to stop the Queen from creating the destruction she wants, forced all my power into my limbs. My Lycan ran at unnatural speeds. My shifter side helped, but you could barely feel it. My Lycans anger wants the Queen.

When I get to the mouth of the city’s mountain pass, I shift. I look around and think. I listen to the quiet. My eyes rise up the walls to tops of the mountain.

I shift and run around the outside of the wall. I’m jumping from rock to rock around the bowl of the valley until I come to the crack. I round the wall and climb down to the city’s broken streets. The construction sight is quiet. Everything is so quiet.

I shift and walk out of fenced area.

I stand at the edge of the crack and look over the city. My eyes scan small triplexes to the towering skyscrapers. She could be anywhere.

‘I’m here.’ I link out.

‘I know.’ She links back.

‘Where are you?’ I ask.


‘Just tell me where you fucking are!’ I stride into the city streets. Checking every shadow. Training my sight on any perceived movement.

‘Careful, Quinn. Keep those emotions in check.’

‘What do you want?’ I link as I walk.

‘What we all want. A good man who knows his place. You need to be taught what that place is. You’re a brat, Quinn. You don’t listen very well, but you have the power to push our species forward. You can make us better. You can pull us from extinction, but first you must accept your role and lay down like a good little boy.’

‘That’s not happening.’

She laughs. ‘Oh come on, Quinn. We both know you’ll lay a good woman when you see one. There’s nothing better than a Queen. One who’s strong and determined to make a strong pack with the right genes. You owe me, Quinn.’

‘I owe you nothing.’ I’m walking up first main street as I link with this bitch of a Queen. Her entitlement to my dick is definitely not a secret she’s keeping to herself.

‘You owe me a hell of a lot after what you did.' Her voice sounded angry and almost hurt.

My brows come together and I stop. ‘What did I do?’

‘If I have to tell you, you don’t really care, do you?’

I flop my arms to my sides. ‘Really?’

‘Yes, really. Look, Quinn. This is how it’s going to go because just telling you isn’t fun and you won’t bend to me, so I have to force you to pay attention. I see your hamster isn’t dead, so spin that wheel and save them…if you can.’

‘Save them…Save who? What have you done?’ I put my hands on my hips and look at the sidewalk.

‘Right now, five people are dying…slowly. They’re dying, Quinn, because you refuse to accept that you’re my Breed Prince. So, you can try and save them all or come to me and show my your belly. Refuse to submit and I give the order to kill. Happy hunting.’

The link cuts and I reason out what she said. This is a game. A test.

I shift and run through the streets. As I pass a side street, I hear whimpering. I stop. My Lycan ears twitch. I raise my muzzle to the air.

The scent hits my nose and sends information to my mind. A rival male. His heat scent is strong. I feel it inside. It triggers my Lycan. I stand on the street as I’m flooded with the need to find him and get him out of my way. It’s mating season and I’m on the bottom. Not for long.

That’s what this is. My fight to the top. She wants her mates to fight it out for her.

With a growl, I turn down the street to hunt him out. My black fur covered back flexes and stretches as I jump from building wall to building wall. My long arms and legs reach the distances to jump the gaps in the buildings. My claws sink into the brick walls like they were butter.

My eyes glow and search every corner down the street. My wolf muzzle curls into a snarl as the scent gets stronger.

I drop to the road and run to the end of the street. A small building sits on the corner of the intersection.

Under the light of a street lamp, I crouch on my hands and feet. My fur stands on end. My chest vibrates. I don’t have blood in me, so my shifter will have to shore me up.

I stand and walk on two legs to the rear parking lot of the building. My nose sniffing him out. His scent only makes my Lycan more angry.

At the end off the lot, I see his back. It’s a blonde Lycan. He’s over someone. I heard her heartbeat first. It’s weak, but it’s still pumping. Then I smelled it. Human blood. My Lycan starts to get excited. It takes everything to push his addiction aside and focus on the male.

He raises his head. His muzzle is covered in the blood of the human and his eyes glow gold.

Mine glow blue as a demonic growl leaves my chest.

I go on all fours and break into a run.

He jumps and lands on a car, smashing in the roof in as he jumps off it toward me.

We hit with the power of a head on collision and ear destroying growls.

He swipes his long claws at me and I block his arm. My Lycan lands a punch to the side of his head. I grab his shoulders and pull him down into a roll with me. My back feet plant on his chest and I use all my power to push him off. He flies through the air and hits a car. This sends the car sliding into two others.

Car alarms blare as he rises and I roll to all fours.

My head lowers and my shoulders rise. My teeth are dripping in drool as I present my challenge. I’m not losing this.

He runs at me again and tries to land his clawed feet on my head. I roll out if way, grab his ankle and pull really hard. He lands on his back. I jump on him and he’s trying to hold me back. I grab his arm and break it. He screams a demonic scream.

I grab his head and my Lycan jaws wrap around his muzzle and skull. Then, with a force I never knew I had, I crushed it. His blood fills my mouth and I feel it. Is that?

When his blood hits my stomach, I feel the power he stole. The human blood he ate now floats in his system. It flowed into mine as I tear into his head. It’s not the same has first hand, but it’s giving me the much needed strength I need to end these guys.

With my clawed fingers around his neck, I pull hard. I rip off the top of his head with half his brain.

My Lycan spits out his skull and laps up the blood spilling from his dead body.

“Thank you.”

My Lycan turns and the scared human girl is standing behind me, holding her bleeding shoulder.

I shift. My mouth and chest is covered in blood. I look her over and my eyes train on the blood coating her ripped shirt. I feel her heartbeat in my ears. I feel the snarl on my lips and my eyes glow.

I slowly stand and face her. She takes a couple of steps back. Her face full of fear.

My fists ball and my head lowers. I can feel my hunt starting to rise.

She takes more steps back, looking around.

I stare into her frightened eyes. “Run.” I growl darkly.

She takes one look at me and runs as fast as she can, crying and yelling help. My eyes follow her as she leaves.

I look down at the dead Lycan on the ground. Blood pools around his head. I lift my hands and feel the power running through my veins. My guess is as breeding males, we can steal enough power from each other to survive the Queen.

I let out a loud Lycan howl into the night, shift and run to the back of the lot. I jump and clear the 6 foot fence to find the next male.


The moon hung in the sky. It’s color looks weird to me. It looks orange. It must be something a Lycan sees during its breeding season.

As I drop male after male, the lust gets deeper. Phoenix turns a deep orange. The color of death. My chest hurts. My body hurts, but I’m driven to fight my way to the top.

I pick up the brown Lycan male and smash his head to the pavement of the alley way. I jump on him and sink my canines into his shoulder. He had a young kid by the throat, now my teeth are in the Lycans neck. I suck furiously as I drain his blood and swallow it. His power adds to the other dead males I killed.

After I pull him into a sit. My powerful hands twist his head fast in one direction. The sickening snap of his spine fills the alley.

The kid he had, runs in the opposite direction, practically tripping over himself.

I stand and toss the Lycan head to the side.

Now, the Queen.

Just as I say that, gunfire rings out and I feel a force in my back that pushes me to my knees. My back explodes in pain and my Lycan arches back howling in agony as my skin burns on the inside. Iron.

I shift and fall to my hands and knees.


My body’s shaking. My hand tries to reach the bullet that entered my body just to the right of my spine and below my lungs.

I turn my head to Dragger who’s coming up on me with his weapon trained. “You don’t understand.” I grind. My hair is shaking in my eyes as he reaches.

He picks me up by my throat and slams me into the wall. I scream out in pain as the bullet hole hits the brick.

“WHERE IS SHE, YOU SON OF A BITCH?!” He yells in my face.

The alley lights up with Enforcer headlights.

“Who?” I struggle as the iron makes it way into my system.

“PAISLEY! WHERE IS SHE? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!” He’s slamming my back into the wall. I scream with every pound.

“I DON’T…KNOW!” I yell to get him to stop.


My eyes widen. “What? What do you…Where is she? What happened?” I search his face.

“I’m asking you, asshole!” He glares into my eyes.

“I left her at the cabin…She must of…” I look away then look back at him. “She has her.”

“Who? Who has her?” His eyes wildly search mine. They’re filled with anger and confusion.

“The Queen. She wants me. She sees Paisley as competition. I have to save her.” I grip his arms.

“A Queen. A Lycan Queen…Here?” He says.

“Yes and if I don’t answer her, Paisley’s dead. Please, only I can fight her. You have to let me go. You can arrest me after Paisley’s safe.” I stare into his eyes, pleading with him.

He looks around then back at me.

He turns me around and slams my chest to the brick.

“NO! YOU CAN’T! DRAGGER!...” I beg.

Then the most excruciating pain I’ve ever felt, filled my back. I arch back and scream into the alley. I feel like he punched his fist right through me. I can barely breathe. My breathes are coming out as whines as my trembling head turns and looks over my shoulder.

Dragger holds up the bullet in his blood covered fingers to my eyes. I feel the hole healing.

He throws the bullet on the ground and points in my face. “You save her, you bastard or I will kill you.”

The pain subsides and I swallow and nod. He lets me go. I turn, look at him and the other Enforcers. Dragger looks at them and nods. They drop their weapons.

His eyes met mine. “We’ll follow you.”

I shift and jump into the air. I attach myself to the building across from us and run across the walls up the blocks. I scramble to a roof top and stop at the edge. My Lycan silhouettes the city as my eyes scan it.

‘It’s over.’

‘It’s far from over, Quinn. Are you ready?’

‘She better be ok.’ I growl.

‘You’re red wolf is fine. I can allow my Prince a pet, but you better hurry. She’s losing a lot of blood.’

Knowing Paisleys hurt sent my wolf into a rage.

‘WHERE ARE YOU?!’ I yell into the link.

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