Behind The Alpha Series Book 1 Quinn

Chapter 26

(Chapter song ‘Never Too Late' by Three Days Grace)


In slow motion, I hung my head as Lucy Jackson held my arms with my wrists cuffed behind my back. Defeat filled me as we entered the station office area for booking.

I feel the eyes on me as people rise from their chairs to get a better look. Lucy tosses her golden brown hair over her shoulder and shoots me a death glare with her hazel eyes. I side eye her through my wet hair.

I’m limping from the gunshot in my leg. I’m filthy, hungry and scared fucking shitless.

I look through my hair at the Enforcers who whisper to their neighbors. Some puff their chests out, others look like they want to end me now. All of them have me painted guilty and are proud of themselves.

“Get this asshole in a room now!” Lucy bellows through room. A few walk into a hallway at the back of the room.

I scent her before she comes into view. She’s sitting in a chair with the blonde detective.

Our eyes meet with my wet bangs in front of my eyes shaking from blood lost and pain.

Paisley’s staring at me with concern. I want to say something, but it’s best to keep my mouth shut. The blonde guy rest a hand on her shoulder for support as her eyes follow me.

My chest feels tight. My knees feel weak. I’m fucking done.

How did they catch me? I was a dumbass that’s how.

After the earthquake, I went on the hunt for Wade…

I was determined to catch him. I followed the bodies while trying to keep ahead of the Enforcers. He just kept dropping them. With the pool destroyed, they’re actual murders now.

I was always just too late. Either he’d run when I get there or I’d find the body and call 911 from their phones and move on.

I decided the only way I was going to catch him was to think like him. So I started picking targets. Young women alone in quiet areas of the city. I’d just watch them and wait. Putting them out there as unsuspecting bait.

I had a bead on one and had been following her while she walked home. Watching her from the roof tops. After a while, she was being followed by someone else.

I dropped to the street, but dropped in the wrong spot. An Enforcer saw me from his car and a foot chase broke out. By the time I lost him and went back, the victim was already attacked. I ran to her and checked her out. Luckily he didn’t finish the job.

What I didn’t know was this girl was a fucking plant. A sting operation.

As I search for a phone, I got busted just like Paisley busted me before. Except this time, it was my Uncle Luke’s sister, Lucy. I tried to run, but she shot me in the thigh.

“Alright, asshole, you’re under arrest…” She says as she flips me over from my stomach to my back. “Quinn?”

“Uh…Hey…Aunt Lucy.” I say.

She looks at me and nods. “Quieten Preston you’re under arrest.”

“Wait! Aunt Lucy…You know me! You got the wrong guy.”

“Right. Tell it to the judge.” She picks me up.

I grind out the pain in my leg and limp with her holding my arm. “Lucy please…He’s still out there…”

“Shut up.” She grits. She pulls me to the car and sits me in it.

I bang my head on the door window. “Lucy! I didn’t do it! I swear! Please, you can’t do this!”

She dials her phone and walks away.

That’s it. A dumb move on my part, not recognizing a set up. Now, I’m fucked.

If I don’t die, I’ll never see the light of day. I’ll never get Paisley back. I’ll never get my life back.

My eyes lock with hers and my breath hitches.

I break contact as I'm lead to a separate area in the back.

I hear cheers and claps come from behind me as Lucy takes credit for bagging the Lycan killer.

I’m lead into a cold, steel room. There’s a four foot table with a loop on it and a metal chair.

They sit me down and hand cuff my hands to the table top. There’s a mirror across from me where I get to see myself for the first time in months. Tears well as I see my state.

As adults go, I suck.

I lean on the table. The only sound is the drops of blood hitting the floor. The bullet sits in my leg and festers as it keeps my wolf at bay.

I concentrate hard and use my Lycan to push it out. It tinkles on the floor and my Lycan heals me. Silver does nothing but slow me down.

Maybe it’s best if I get the death penalty. Then I won’t have to deal with this shit anymore. I won’t have people wondering what kind of monster I am. I won’t be a giant disappointment to my parents. My siblings won’t have to live with the fact their brother is a murder suspect. Paisley will never be hurt by me again.

The door opens and the blonde guy walks in with a file. I look at him then my eyes flick to the mirror. I know she’s there. My blue eyes search the glass as I try to find her eyes through the one way glass.

“I am Investigator Dragger. We’ve been after you for a really long time.” He rubs his forehead.

“Yeah, well, you caught me.” I mumble and slump in my chair.

He slaps his file on the table. He holds his tie as he sits and rests his bare forearms on the edge of the table. He opens the file and lifts a piece of paper. “Fifteen counts of murder in the first degree. Twelve counts of attempted murder. Ten counts of assault and battery. Three counts of assault and injury to Phoenix City Enforcers.” He drops the paper and leans back. “You’re in a heap of trouble son.”

I pick at my cuffs and don’t look at him.

We sit in silence for a bit.

“Quintin Anthony Preston. Age 14. Born in New York, New York…”

“I’m 24.” I mumble.

“I’m sorry?”

“I’m 24.” I repeat.

“Your birth certificate says different.” He says.

“I don’t care what it says. I’m Lycan. I’m 24.” I say as I adjust myself.

“This department runs on wolf years, son and for the purpose of this investigation, the fact is you’re a big 14 year old.” He says.

“Then where are my parents?” I lift my eye to him.

“What?” His brows come together as he folds his hands on the table.

“Juvenile Justice Code 46 section 180 no person under the age of 17 years shall speak to authorities without parental permission and or legal representation to ensure all the rights of the minor are met under the law. Where are my parents?” I arch a brow.

“Do you really want to involve them, Quinten?” Dragger asks.

“No, but if you refuse to recognize my biological maturity level, I have to have them here.” I stare him down then flick my eyes to the mirror. I can still feel her.

“Ok. For this interview, I will recognize your Lycan age.” He relents.

“Thank you.” I look back down.

“Now. Why did you do it?” He asks.

“Do what?” I ask back.

“Kill them. Lycans don’t kill, why did you?” He picks up a pen and prepares to write.

“I didn’t.” I grit.

“Didn’t what? Kill them?” Dragger says.

“I didn’t do it.”

“Bullshit. Why?” He drops his pen.

“It’s not bullshit.” I say.

“We have you on video, Quinten. We have your eyes on video. We have statements from 3 women who claim they say blue eyes with a brown ring. Your fucking eyes! Why did you do it?!” He yells.

“I didn’t do it!” I yell back.

“BULLSHIT! WHAT? YOU GET OFF ON BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF WOMEN?! KILLING THEM?! BASHING THEIR HEADS IN AFTER DRAINING THEM FUCKING DRY?!” He leans his hands on the table. He picks up something out of the file and slams pictures down. Pictures of women beaten so bad you barely recognize them. I couldn’t look. “LOOK! LOOK AT THEM! GABBIE! RACHAEL! HEATHER! SARAH! ALL YOUNG! ALL STUDENTS AT YOUR SCHOOL! ALL LIVE AROUND YOUR HOUSE! THESE WERE SOMEONES CHILDREN, YOU PIECE OF SHIT! YOU KILLED THEM IN COLD FUCKING BLOOD! WHY?!” He yelled as he slammed his finger into the photos.

“IT WASN’T FUCKING ME!” I screamed back.

“Then where were you? At the time that Heather was killed. 12 and 2. Where were you?” He asks.

My eyes flick to the glass. I swallow. I have no choice. I’m not dying for this. “5th and Drysdale. Northeast corner.”

He looks at me confused. “The attack on Vivian Miller.”

“Samson and Spruce. Southwest corner.”

“Freda Collins.”

“Hyde and 6th.”

“Gloria Duncan.”

“15th and 3rd.” I eye him.

He looks me over. I can see him putting it together in his head. His face falls and he looks over his shoulder to the glass. He turns back to me. “You’re the mind wiper.”

My eyes flick to the glass as I know I’m looking Paisley straight in the eyes. I slowly nod.

He pulls out his phone. “Tornbury.” A town outside of Phoenix.

I nod.

He reads more towns headed east. “Cliff hill" He reads.

I nod again.



I look at him and nod.

“You’ve been wiping minds you’re whole life?” He asks.

“Yes.” I bite my lip. “But I never killed anyone. I just took the blood I needed and wiped any time I was there. I never hurt anyone outside from a bit shoulder. I was never around those women.” A tear wells in my eyes and I blink it out as I glance at the photos.

“Why?” He asks.

I tick the corner of my mouth up. “It's what an addict does.” My eyes meet his for a quick second then back down. “I’ve had a blood addiction since I was 17. 7 to you. It got worse at 19. Truthfully, it’s gotten even worse the last year, but that’s only because of the war that’s coming.”

“You’re not suppressed.” He states.

I sniff. “No. I played my wolf. They tested me and my Lycan DNA hid itself.”

“That’s impossible.” He says.

I shake my head. “It’s self preservation. The Lycan adapts to its environment, if there’s a threat, it will protect itself on the genetic level if it needs to. To protect myself from being suppressed, I adapted and created a blood sample full of shifter DNA. It’s just a matter of tapping into your genetic code. Which I can do with ease.”

“You can change your DNA.” He says.

“No. Not in the way that you think, but I can make one side of my hybrid more prominent than the other side. If I want to be a wolf 90 percent of the time, I just concentrate and Lycan genes essentially go dormant until it’s safe to be used again. Any one testing my blood will see but a blip of Lycan and assume I’m not a threat.”

He shakes his head like he’s even more confused. “Ok. You said a war is coming. What war?” He asks.

“The Lycan war. A territory male challenge. I’m being challenged for my territory and they're trying to frame me because they know they can’t fight me.” I pick at the metal loop.

“Who? Who’s challenging you?”

“Don’t answer that.”

I look to the door that opened. “Wes?”

“Mr. Preston’s parents have called me to stop this and make sure their son is taken care of. Now, unless Mr. Preston waves council, this interview is over.” He stands with a smug look on his face.

“What?” I look Wes over who’s in a black suit and tie.

“Quinn. Do you accept Mr…” Dragger eyes him.

“Andrews. Beta for Falcon Ridge.” Wes says as he drops a briefcase on the table.

Dragger thumbs to Wes. “This guy’s your lawyer?”

“I guess?” I shrug.

Dragger closes his file. “Fine. We’ll get him booked.” He stands and leaves.

I lean on the table. “What are you doing? You’re not a lawyer.”

“I took 3 years of pre-law. I just never went for the bar because my fucking stalker is driving me insane. Just...Shut your mouth and trust me. I’ve seen the evidence and it’s circumstantial at best. They can’t nail you on just eye color.” He sits down.

“I know. I already gave them my alibi.” I inform.

“You what?” His brows go up.

“I told them what I was doing?” I sit back.

“What did you say, Quinn?” He leans on the table.

“I told them I was the mind wiper.” My eyes meet his gauging his reaction.

“What the fuck did you do…wait, you’re the mind wiper?” His mouth goes small.

I nod.

He sighs and leans back in his chair.

I lean forward. “Wes. I didn’t kill anyone. I didn’t physically touch anyone except to take blood. I would never hurt anyone like what this guy is doing. I’m not going down for murder.”

“No. They can’t pin you for the murders, but you’re still looking at least 20 years, Quinn. That’s a lot of fucking assaults.”

“I know. But if I can stop Wade from killing more people, it’ll be worth it.”


“Wade Vinelli. Liam’s brother. He’s the one doing the killing. I’m sure of it.”

The door opens. “It’s not Wade.”

My face falls and I want to cry from seeing her stunning face even though it looks pissed. “Paisley.” I breathe.

She glances at me and looks at Wes. “Wade Vinelli was just found dead. His throat was ripped out.” She looks at me. “By another Lycan. Time of death puts him 4 hours before you were busted.”

I look at Wes.

He looks at me. “Looks like your back on the prime suspect list.”

I make a whiny face, hit the table and slump back in my chair.


The bar doors close with a loud, metal cluck. I rub my wrists and walk around my jail cell.

I pull at the collar made for Zetas and Super wolves.

I look out at the night sky. The moon is high and casting a white light into my cell.

I walk to the wall and lean my back on it. I rub my fingers together.

With Wade dead, I have nothing. No suspects. The evidence points to me. It may not be much, but I’m sure the councils convicted for less. I’m so screwed. My only hope right now, is that whoever is killing these women, kills while I’m locked up. It won’t get me out of here, but I won’t be in here for a million fucking years.

I hear the holding area door open.

I roll my head to the door.

Her tropical flower scent wafted into my cell and hold my breath. I push off the wall as she walks in front of the bars.

She’s looking at me like I’m a caged animal and she’s nervous I'll try and hurt her.

My lips tick up quick. “Hi.” I whisper.

“Hi.” She squeaks.

I step toward the bars and she backs off. I raise a hand and slowly sit on the floor. I pull my knees up and wrap my arms around them.

She looks around and then slowly walks to the bars. She sits down and crosses her legs.

“Thank you.” I say.

“For what?” She tucks her gorgeous red hair behind her ear.

“For seeing me. It’s a nice surprise.” I give a little smile.

Her big, blue eyes meet mine. “You really didn’t hurt me?”

I tilt my head to her and shake my head no. “I could never. Baby, I promise you. I’d kill myself first.”

She looks down the hall as I watch her cheeks heat and her eyes glass over. “But you did hurt other girls.”

I lower my head and nod.

“For the blood lust.”

I nod again. “I tried to not do it. I tried to quit so many times. It’s just so strong, Paisley. I tried to survive on bagged blood from donors, but eventually it wasn’t enough. Then Liam showed up and I knew it wouldn’t be enough. I had to have fresh. I needed to be prepared to keep you safe.”

“Don’t do that.”

“Do what?”

“Make this about me. Don’t. You did this for you. You did this for some male macho showdown. You could’ve asked for help a thousand times, Quinn, but you didn’t because you like the power too much.” She stares at me with contempt in her eyes.

I heave a breath. “Ok. You’re right. I liked, no, I loved the power. I couldn’t get enough of it, but that was nothing compared to the thought of losing you to Liam if I lost his fight.”

I lock her eyes. “Sparky. I know you don’t believe me, but I love you and I’d rather be dead than have anything happen to you. Paisley, I love you so much. I don’t want to lose you.” I fight the words as I choke back my pain. I watch a tear fall down her cheek.

“I love you too.” She hitches.

I move to the bars and reach my hand through. “Please. Please, baby. I can’t do this without you. I won’t survive it. I need you in my corner.”

“Quinn, you hurt people. How am I supposed to deal with that?” She looks at my hand.

“I promise I won’t do it again. I promise. Please. Please, Paisley, don't hate me. Everyone else hates me. Not you too. I won’t hurt anyone else. I’ll give it up. I’ll give it all up, but I need you to believe me.” I reach out my hand to her.

She eyes me. “You promise?”

I nod as I suck in a breath. “I promise.”

She slowly reaches her hand to mine and when her skin connected, my skin was flooded with electric warmth.

I slammed my forehead on the bars and started to let it all go.

She scooted close and put her forehead on mine.

I feel her hand slide to the back of my neck. My eyes are slits and full of tears when I tilt my head up. Her eyes meet mine and her thumb wipes my tears away. Her lips meet mine and it was like a fucking dream come true. As I kissed her through the bars, it felt like my nightmare was truly over. It didn’t matter what anyone else thought of me, but Paisley hating me was too much to bare.

The feeling of her delicate lips, gave me the only freedom I needed. I’ll hang onto to this for all the time I have to spend in here. As long as I touch her for a little while. If I hear her say I love you, I’ll be the happiest inmate on the planet. My life is over if I lose her love.

She parts and rests her head on the bars. “I have to go.”

“Ok.” I wipe my eyes and smile.

“I’ll see you tomorrow ok?” She whispers.

“Sure, Sparky.” I grin. She smiles back. Fuck I missed seeing that. “I love you, baby. With everything I have.”

“I love you too.” She kisses me again, parts and leaves the holding area.

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