Behind The Alpha Series Book 1 Quinn

Chapter 16

(Chapter song ‘Invincible’ by Skillet)


So, things have been going good. I’m enrolled in Phoenix U's biology program. My lab partner, Heather, is a hottie. No, I haven’t hit on her yet. Graham, the council Alpha that looks like Indiana Jones with long hair, is helping me with some stuff, but mostly I end up schooling him. It’s kind of cool being smarter than an Alpha.

I also came to the serious conclusion that I can’t be wiping minds all the time. I needed another way to get blood without drawing attention. So, I applied to the city’s blood donation bank. Seems like the perfect place to feed my addiction and not have to hurt anyone.

The way it goes is this: The human donates two bags, I mark one and pocket the other one. Easy.

The only downfall is, we may not see humans for days or even weeks at a time. During these times, I either wait it out or hunt.

I’ve learned to control my mind wipes. I found out that my defense glands are not going anywhere. I borrowed some of Ricky’s lab equipment to check. There’s zero sign they’re being absorbed into my body. In fact, they’re growing with my body. From the ultrasound scans, they’re functioning at 100 percent. After, practicing on Len, I’ve learned to only wipe the time I have the human in my grip. Then I’m not really ruining lives, just rattling them a bit and keeping my ass out of jail.

Basically, I’d control how much scent I release and make Len forget about the garbage or the dishes or work. I couldn’t do it to Jake because he loses his shit when he forgets stuff. Lens fun because he couldn’t give a shit anyway. I do feel bad if he gets in trouble with Jake, but I’ve honed it now, so I won’t have to do it as often unless I need to freshen up.

I walk downstairs, putting on my coat. I haven’t told the guys where I work. With the Lycan running around, that’s not me, killing people, I don’t need questions. Besides, I don’t need to tell anyone where I’m going, I’m an adult now.

“I’m headed out.” I say as I walk past Jake and the girls.

“Quinn. That’s everyday this week. Where are you going?” He asks.

“Just out.” I put on my boots.

Jake stands and walks to me. “Ok. Can you tell me when you’ll be back?”

“I don’t know, dude. I’ll be back when I’m back.” I tell him.

“What’s going on, Quinn?” He crosses his arms.

“Nothing. What makes you think anything going on?” I stand up and cinch my brows.

He scratches his temple. “I don’t know you just seem…off.”

“Dude, don’t even pretend to know me, ok. What I do in my private life isn’t any of your business.” I scowl at him.

“I’m just looking out for you, man. You may be super smart, but you got a lot to learn about being out there. I just want to make sure your safe.” He stuffs his hands in his pockets.

I tilt my head and narrow my eyes. I step up to him. “You’ve been talking to my dad, haven’t you?”

“Quinn…” He shakes his head.

“No. This has my dad written all over it. He can’t get to me, so he’s going through you, isn’t he?!” My voice starts to rise. It didn’t help that I really needed a hit.

“He’s worried about you, Quinn. We all are.”

“Why? Why is everyone worried about me all of a sudden, huh? There’s nothing going on. Just stay out of my business.” My eyes flash blue and I flare my eyes. His eyes widen a bit and his mouth goes small.

I spin around and walk out into the night.

I’m fuming inside and my Lycans hungry. I need to get to work.


I satisfy my hunger in the employee bathroom. I collected six bags tonight. Each one more satisfying than the last.

I sit on the toilet and watch the power flow through my arms.

I feel in my chest. Immense power. My canines retreat and my eyes die down. I pocket the empty bags, leave the stall and clean my mouth off at the sink.

I stare at myself in the mirror. All I need is the blood. I don’t need anything else.

I finish my shift and was on my way home when I heard a muffled woman’s voice in an alley. My brows come together and I walk into the alley.

As I got to the middle, I saw a man hunched over. As I got closer, I saw a girl. He’s biting her.

“Hey!” I yell as I jog up to him.

He looks up and his eyes are glowing gold. His curly, medium length, dirty blonde hair is tipped with the woman’s blood. He ticks his stubble covered, square jaw.

He stands and challenges me with a demonic growl.

I put up a hand. “Look man, leave her alone.”

His scent hits my nose. Lycan. My eyes glow blue gold.

“Hybrid.” He growls.

“Lycan.” I sarcastically growl back. “See how stupid you sound.”

He scowls more and his fists ball. “I’ll enjoy killing you.” His voice got even more demonic.

“I don’t want to kill you, but if you…”

He runs and jumps at me, hitting my chest. We go flying down the alley. We separate when we hit the pavement and I land on one hand and my toes. He does the same.

I call my canines. “I try to avoid confrontations, but now, I want to have some fun.” I leap at him and he stands.

I throw blow after blow at him. He throws them back. He gets me in a headlock and I grab his back with my claws and flip him over my head. He skids across the pavement. He flips to his feet and runs at me.

I prepare for him and drop an arm. When he gets in my space, I fire out a massive uppercut, connecting under his chin.

He flies backwards and I raise my hand at the shock of the power. What I see, shocks the shit out me even more.

My arm is twice its length, covered in black fur and my hand sports long fingers and claws.

I watch it shrink back to normal, just as the Lycan got back on his feet.

“Whoa. I have a Lycan?”

Just as I finish, the Lycan hits me and we both fall to the pavement.

His arms are Lycan and he’s swiping at me. I’m blocking him, trying to get him off. He’s fucking strong.

He lands punches to my face and I kick him off with my power. He smashes into a dumpster and hits the ground.

I get to my feet and he takes off down the alley.

Who was that guy?

A can or something falls and the fire escape above me shakes as he runs up it.

Whoever he was, he was damn strong. More than what a Lycan should be with a power feed.

I look to the girl on the ground. She’s passed out. I bend down to her. She’s attractive for a human. I tilt her head to inspect her wound. She needs help before she bleeds out.

I bend down and lick her wound. My saliva will help her heal until medics can get to her. The amount of blood I lick off her doesn’t do much, but I still feel it add to the power I already have.

I pick up her purse. She has to have a phone in here somewhere, I think as I search it.


My whips to the side and I have to shield my eyes from the flashlight.


“What? No, I…” I say as I slowly stand and put my hand out.

When she pinned me against the wall, I got a glimpse of what she looked like. The beat cop from the park is a little more grown up now. I smelled her too. Her scent, it wasn’t rain. It was like tropical water mixed with flowers. It rose around me like a cloud.

She was threatening to arrest me and for a split second, I didn’t care. Then I realized what that meant.

I tried to throw my scent, but it didn’t work. Her scent was in my brain and my neurons were busy processing the information I was getting off her.

Things like soft, baby blue eyes. Milky, white skin. Fire red hair.

My heart rate sped up. I started to sweat, but it wasn’t the sweat I needed. This was something else. Something that was more powerful than myself. I think I’m in trouble here.

I needed to get away and I needed to do it fast.

The more she pressed on me, the more I wanted to turn around and kiss her. This is horrible. I’m going to prison! Think, Quinn!

She yelled to my shoulder because her tiny 5 foot 4 frame couldn’t reach my head. She shoved her tiny body into mine once more twisting my arm. I close my eyes and press my lips together. Fuck, that feels good.

“Give me your wrist.” She crooks a hand to my free hand on the wall.

My eyes meet her big, baby blue ones. I wiggle my fingers on the wall. “This wrist?”

“Yeah. Give it to me.” She insists.

An idea pops into my brain and pushes her scent to the side.

“Alright.” I look into her eyes again and smirk. My sight lands on my arm and in a split second, I compelled my Lycan like I did with the guy.

My long arm reaches down and grabs her inner thigh. I pull up hard, her feet came out from under her and she lands on her ass.

Once free, I book it to a fire escape.


I grab the railing of the ladder and pause.

She’s risen to her feet and her weapons drawn. I have a chance to really get a good look at her now.

Blue eyes, red hair and milky skin aren’t even the half of it. She’s unbelievable. My brain slows to make sure I remember her every detail. She’s a red wolf, but the prettiest red wolf I’ve ever seen. Her full pink lips have my mouth watering. She’s wearing an Enforcer uniform, but she looks all kinds of sexy in it. I want to touch her…

She fires on me and the bullets hit the ladder right at my head. My face fills with shock.

But not today.

I scramble up the ladder as fast as I can. When I reach the rooftop, sirens fill the night air.

I run across roof after roof.

When I’m satisfied I’m far enough away, I pull put my phone, hit a contact and put it to my ear.

I walk to the short roof top wall and lean over the edge.

Enforcer cars flash their red and blue lights to the spot I ran from. Downtown was lit up like it was day.

I slide to my ass on the roof and lean back on the wall. Running my fingers through my hair, Jake answers.

“Jake. I’m in trouble.”

I lift up and look over the edge to the street below as five more Enforcers speed to the scene.

I flop back down. “Yep. Big trouble.” My brows go up and I start to sweat again as I realize how fucked I am.

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