Behind The Alpha Series Book 1 Quinn

Chapter 11

(Chapter song ‘Shake It’ by Metro Station)


After getting a gross muffin in the dining area, it was now time to find Aunt Ricky.

I found a map of the place, commit it to memory and turn to the elevators.

I watch all the cute girls walking around as I wait for a car to show up. This place is actually pretty great.

I see a couple of big guys taking the stairs in the middle of the foyer. Both blonde hair, one is super pumped with a backwards hat and ones a bit smaller, but still jacked. They’re both in cut off shirts and sneakers. They can’t work inside, they must be trainers.

I kind of think they’re pretty cool.

“Excuse me.”

I’m bumped by a red headed, angry looking guy dressed in black military garb. He jumps on a car and our eyes meet. He kind of looks like the other red heads here. I wonder if he's the red wolves everyone talks about. He seems angry enough.

I get on another car and ride it up to the floor with the council room on it. That’s usually where we find our Alphas in Falcon Ridge, why not here?

I step off the car and turn to see a giant guy with long hair and a beard enter a room.

I get to the door and ease drop a bit. They’re talking about going on some sort of mission. Maybe I can get in on that. By the sounds of it, I could travel a bit more.

First, I need a good entrance.

“There better be some good food in here because the cafeteria sucks…” I say as I walk in making a grand entrance. A big, beaming smile is on my face and I look around the room.

I see the dark haired guy that bumped me, the red headed angry guy and the two blondes. There’s also a guy with curly, long hair and a guy with long blonde hair who looks like an archeologist.

There’s a pissed off kid who looks to be about my age and Jake, the guy from the book I read on the street. When my eyes connect to his, my insides do a little flip. He’s different somehow and it’s not the two wolf thing.

They’re all staring at me like I have two heads as I stare back and drop my duffle bag on the floor.

“What’s up?” I smile and hold my hands out.

“What are you doing in my council room?!” Zander roars as stands.

“Come on, Zan. It’s me?” I tilt my head to him.

“I don’t know you.” He growls.

I chuckle. “Maybe this will jog your memory.”

I squat down and cross my arms. I show him a version of my 5 year old self telling him off in the Falcon Ridge council room. I even added my scowl for added dramatics.

Aunt Ricky’s eyes light up and her mouth falls open. She starts jumping up and down.

“Oh my God!!” She squeals. She shoves Zander’s arm a few times.

I stand and start laughing. I love her.

Zander looks at her. “What?”

She whips her head to him. “Babe! It’s Quinn!”

She rushes me with arms stretched out. “Come here you big, baby lug!!”

“Hey, Aunt Ricky.” I hug her back and smile.

She pushes me back. “Oh my God. Look at you! You’re so big!” She squeezes me biceps and inspects me all over.

“Yeah. Lycan puberty hit hard.” I rub my nape and grin.

Zander stood scratching his head. “Quinn?” Trying to place the face.

The rest of the council Alphas sit there in pure confusion.

Ricky turns to Zander. “Yeah. You remember. Gideon’s boy?”

Zander holds a hand out. “You’re 9!” He’s so confused.

I walk around the table to Zander. “No. I’m 19.” I wag a finger at him and chuckle.

“No. You’re 9, Quinten. I can count.” Zander says.

“In wolf years. In Lycan years I’m 19.” I cross my arms.

“You’re still 9! Does your father know you’re here?” Zander leans his hands on the table.

I avoid his eyes completely and look at the other guys. “Not exactly.”

Aunt Ricky joins my side with her arms cross. “Quinn…” She knows I’m hiding something.

“Look. I had to get away ok. He’s always riding my case. Mom’s busy with Ann. I just…I heard of Phoenix U and thought you guys could help.” I don’t exactly lie, but I don’t exactly tell the truth either. I look at them both as I sink into the empty chair next to the angry looking kid.

“Registration isn’t for months, Quinn.” Ricky says.

“I know, but I thought maybe I could join you guys. You know, bring some muscle while I wait for school.” I smile a smooth smile at Zander. Another lie, but I need housing.

Jake shrugs. “A Lycan could be good to have.”

As much as my anarchist self doesn’t want to contribute to the control and oppression of society and the rights of man, I need to eat.

I scrunch my face. “I’m not exactly Lycan.” I lean on the table. “But I have moms strength and I can shift fast. I can also run really fast too.”

“Quinn. You’re not trained.” Zander says.

“Zan, come on. Dad’s been teaching me, sort of. I can fight. Uncle Bastian won’t let me in. You gotta let me in.” Let’s make Bastian the bad guy. The King will fold.

Zander looks at Ricky. She shrugs. “What do you guys think?”

The table mumbles.

Peter shrugs. “Every body counts right now. He can join the next round of trials next month.”

I look at Zander with a pleading, probably pathetic look. “Fine. You can join…”

“Yes!!” I hit the table, lean back and lace my fingers behind my head with a big grin on my face.

“IF!” Zander holds his finger up and my grin falls. “You call your father and tell him where you are.”

Fuck. I knew it. Damn it.

I sit up and groan. “Come on, Zan. He’s just going to go all parental and drag me back. No.” I hold a hand to him and practically whine.

Zander crosses his arms. “Those are my conditions, Quinn.”

Do I need shelter and food that badly? I look around the table.

Goddamn it! I slump back in my chair with a scowl. “Fine.”

Ricky leans to me. “I’ll talk to Gid.” She taps my chest.

“Thanks, Aunt Ricky.” I look around at all of them. Lets get to the business at hand. Getting my ass off the streets. “So do I get room or…”

“Nonsense. You’re staying with us.” Ricky says.

“Uh, no.” Zander arches a brow.

Ricky turns to him. “Yes, he is.”

“Rick, I just got rid of two teenage headaches. No.” Zander scowls and motions to Jake.

“He can stay with me and Len at the pack house?” Jake offers.

“Thank you, Jake.” Ricky says.

My eyes meet Jakes and he smiles. He seems cool. This could be fun.

I lean on the table. “Ok, so what are we talking about?”

Now that I’m no longer part of Phoenix City’s downtrodden, it’s time to assess my options here.

I did read a bit on their plans of a University. It might be an avenue I could take.

Then there’s the military machine. The thing I hate the most. I think I can put up with it until something better comes along.

As I think and take in my new surroundings, I get a smack in the arm. I turn my chair to the angry looking kid beside me.

“Zane.” He grumbles.

“Quinn.” I offer a fist bump and he returns it.

“You're really 9?” He asks.

I tick my head. “In simplistic terms, yes.”

“You don’t sound 9.” He narrows his eyes and crosses his arms.

I tap my head. “Rapid maturity and intellect.”

“Weird.” He says.

“Not really. Once my body grew and the mass of my grey matter expanded, it was like knocking down the wall in a room. There’s a lot more empty space. So I essentially downloaded the internet into my head with photographic memory.” I lean back a grin.

“Ok.” He adjusts himself in his seat. “Theory of AI.” He eyes me.

I tick my head. “You’re statement makes no sense. There is no theory. Artificial intelligence is a matter of mathematical manipulation with options. The code says it has to “choose" if it turns left or turns right. The code tells the robot it has to problem solve its environment. Say right way was blocked. He will “choose" left because its programmer told him to. It may look like it’s drawing its own conclusions and learning from them, but really it's using lines of code with multiple variables and using those answers access a new line of code. It’s not actual intelligence. Real intelligence can’t be replicated, but that’s not the debate here. The debate is, once the program is finished, the real question is should we?” I lean to him.

“Of course we should. AI could change everything. The amount of productivity alone makes it worth it.” He scowls.

I settle into my chair as the Alphas all talk about a place called Atlas.

“AI may help, but the damage it causes, leaves it to question if it’s actually worth it. Economically, yes. It’s beneficial from the business owners standpoint, but socially, it’s a weapon used to keep the population lazy and unimportant.” I turn my chair slightly.

Zane shook his head. “There’s no proof of that. Statistically, the current AIs on the market today have dramatically increased profits. The opportunities presented to society are now higher thanks to robots and the money wasted on lower level jobs can now be put into higher level jobs. In turn, it lifts society. Sure, it doesn’t happen over night and parts will not be able to successfully integrate, but ultimately the benefits outweigh the negatives.”

I was about to respond when the red headed guy, who I come to know as Sawyer, leaned to us. “Will you two egg heads knock it off!” He gritted under his breath. His angry eyes piercing us both.

Zane narrows his eyes and I just blink at him as he settles back into his seat.

I look around the table and realize we’re being stared down. Apparently, we interrupted the meeting.

I rub my neck, smile and chuckle. “Uh…sorry.”

Zander shakes his head. “Anyway.”

The meeting ends with a mission to save Darcy’s girl from people called The Ravens.

He’s a decent guy, so I’m happy to help.

It took burning the shit out of Zanders brain, but I got a seat in the truck. Atlas, here I come.

I pull out my phone and look up Atlas. There’s not much. They apparently keep themselves a secret.

I’m sitting in the very back of the 7 seat SUV between Zane and Jake. My babysitters. I’ll be so glad when people start taking me seriously.

It took two and half days to drive out there. A road trip with the guys. My learning centers are working overtime. I have limited experience with male relationships and none of those were with Alphas.

My only concern with this trip…

Where am I getting my hits from?

Luckily, I found a human town close to the motel we stopped at on the second day. I snuck out of my room and caught a couple. That should hold me until I get back to Phoenix.

Now I have the power to face whatever it is we’re fighting.

When we got to Atlas, I was even more impressed than I was with Phoenix.

Holy crap. The lack of clothing alone…

My heads whipping everywhere as we drive the main road into the city. We’re headed to a large tower that sits in the middle of the city. Darcy says it’s part of vision or something? I’m so confused. The idea of psychic abilities has my brain firing. It’s not scientifically possible.

Supernatural aside, I must ask one burning question.

“Hey, Zan. Does our room have a pool?” I smile as I lean forward between Darcy and Brody.

He looks at me in the rear view. “How would I know?”

I lean back. “The pool parties here have to be great!” Darcy turns around to me and I bounce my brows with a grin.

Zane adjusts himself to me.

I double take him. “What?”

“Dude. You’re 9.” He says.

I hold a finger up. “I may be 9, but my libido is at least 20.”

Zane and Jake groan and Darcy chuckles as he turns back around.

I hold my hands out. “What?”

After meeting a sweet, hot girl named Lana, we’re lead to our rooms. Zander wants to talk shop.

It looks like no one else, but Darcy does. We’re all tired from driving and want some fun.

Mateo and Peter left. Brody went to find a gym.

I start walking backwards. “I’m looking for the pool!”

I spin around and run down the hall to the elevators.

“QUINN!” Zander yells to my back. He’s not stopping me from enjoying this experience. My memory banks need this.

Of course, Jake and Zane are right on my tail.

Once we find the rooftop, Olympic sized pool, my eyes go wide and my mouth drools. The women. Oh my god!

“This place is great!” I strip off my t-shirt, slap it in Jakes chest and run for the pool.



I jump off the side, tuck my legs and send my ass into the middle of the pool making a big splash.

I breach the surface and shake the water out of my hair. I swim to a floating chair with a blonde on it and cross my arms on the side of it. Her friends are floating around her. I flash a flirty smile and they all giggle. “Ladies. Quinn’s here.” I bounce my brow as they give me seductive looks.

Damn, I love adulthood.

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