Behind The Alpha Book 8 ADAM

Chapter 47

(Chapter song ‘Can’t Hold Us' by Macklemore)


“Wait…” Quinn chuckles. “Your molecules transferred to the middle of the Axelridge blue moon ball…naked?”

I press my lips together as I stand at the end of the table in the Phoenix Council room.

I narrow my eyes as I fold my arms and I look at all the guys in front of me. Deacon is barely holding it together. Graham clears his throat and pretends to show Cass something on his phone. Wes is hanging his head. I can see he’s trying to fight it.

Oliver is busting a gut and clapping. He leans on his thigh and holds his stomach.

“The angels destroyed the targeting systems for the time machine.” I grit. I feel my anger start to bubble up as they continue to focus on my humiliation.

Oliver wipes an eye and tries desperately to catch his breath. “As least you came prepared for your marking.”

Graham chuckles. “You Adams really have a problem keeping your clothes on.”

The guys all break into hysterics.

“Can we focus on Alistair!!” I growl over their laughter at my expense.

Deacon whined as he holds up his hand. “Ok. OK. It took some digging, but Jenny found that binding spell. You know the one that said the body is the trap?”

I nod. “I remember.”

“Well, we trap him in whoever he is in and kill him.” Deacon suggests.

Wes looks down the council table. “How do we kill a demon?”

Graham leans back. “Jake got a hold of the High Council. Their new human representative is part of a group of hunters called The Cleaners. Apparently, she has a spear. A spear that opens the gates to the underworld. She’s willing to give it to us, but she has a request.”

“What kind of request?” I ask.

He clears his throat, glances at Oliver and looks at me. “Alliance labs.”

Oliver whips his head to Graham. “Excuse me?”

Graham nods. “She wants the locations of all the labs in this country.”

“No…Why?” Oliver growls.

“Don’t know.” Graham holds out his hands. “Frankly, I don’t care. Alliance labs has been hell for us. If they want them, let them have them.”

I think to my future experience. The ReGen project was based on Alliance Labs with the backing of The Foundation. If the High Council got a hold of them, who knows what they would do with it.

“No. No deal.” I grumble.

“Adam. The spear is more important than a bunch of empty labs.” Graham insists.

“They might not all be empty.” Oliver leans back. “Who knows what’s in them. You really want a bunch of rich dicks having that kind of power?”

“They’ve already been in control by rich dicks, Ollie. Your father being one of them.” Graham side eyes him.

He ticks his head. “No argument here.” He mutters. “Even still. I think we’d be better in controlling them than Zander and his band of merry douches. I agree with Adam.”

“I purpose a counter offer.” I lean on the table and look them over. “Give us the spear and we won’t take it by force.”

“I like that plan.” Oliver smirks.

“Adam…” Graham shakes his head.

“Look. Alistair is a threat to the world. He has the capability to raise demons and build a demonic army that can’t be stopped. If that doesn’t concern the High Council, then it’s clear they are not allies. If that’s the case, we must treat them as such and squash them like the enemies they want to be.” I raise a brow and wye them all.

“We just waged war on the Cosmos, now you want to take on the High Council?” Wes cocks his head and gives me a questioning look.

“You know. I hated you, but you’re really starting to grow on me, squirt.” Oliver smirks as he leans back and crosses his arms.

I drop my head and shake my head. “I will kill you.”

“But you won’t.” Oliver delivers a stupid grin to me.

I raise my head to Graham. “Send my warning. They deliver the spear and everyone lives.”

“Ok." Graham sighs and send out a text.

“I’m really curious as to why they would want the labs. Maybe we should search them. They’re may be something useful in them.” Quinn suggests.

“There’s nothing.” Oliver grumbles. “My father made sure of it.”

“I'm not so sure.” Deacon leans on the table. “Over the last few years, how many people have tried to find them and break in? There’s something they’re after. I agree. We need to search those labs. Get whatever’s in them first. That way, if they come at us, we'll have leverage.”

I raise a brow. “Oliver?”

He waves us off. “You won’t find anything. Go ahead.”

I push off the table. “Ok. So, I’m heading to Axelridge. I’ll be working with the Alphas there to locate Alistair and try to find out the plan here. World domination was never really Alistair’s thing. I think he’s just buying time for something bigger. I’ll contact you all in a few weeks. Axelridge is going to need protection while it recovers from the quake. I am that protection.”

“I’ll call with the councils answer.” Graham says.

“Oliver. Split the locations between the team. Search every nook and cranny. Secret labs still hold secrets. Empty or not. We need a shield. Find it.” I instruct.

Oliver groans and the rest stand. They mumble in agreement.

I say my goodbyes, leave the council room and collect my mate.

“Are we really going to Axelridge?” Astrid asks.

“Yep.” I grin and bend down. “Want to run?”

“Yes!” She says excitedly and jumps on.

I blur out and carry my beautiful Luna to the north end of the country.

The videos and images don’t show even half of the devastation. The people have started the clean up, but they have a long way to go.

I hit the south bridge and jump over the broken pieces. It took some skill, but I managed to run across the rubble of the sports town.

It felt familiar as a flash back to the future entered my mind. The damage the vamps did to this city almost matches the damage Alistair did in this time. For a town that is meant to bring happiness and joy to people, there’s so much pain. Enemies surround her. Bent on destroying her. I have to question why? What does this island have that they can’t get from more suitable conquests? For those answers, I must join them and stand at their side to protect them.

In turn, Astrid’s people will have their warrior close. When we get rid of the nymph, we will celebrate together and welcome her village home.

Until then, they’re in desperate need of their Luna. I will ask to be an acting Alpha should Christian not be able. It’s his pack, but I will hold it as if he were my hands and strength. That I swear. Astrid deserves nothing less.

When we get to the Axelridge Hub, I hear the voices. I sense the fear and pain. They’re trying to make sense of everything.

As I drop Astrid to her feet, I hear Jax tell them about 3 people who died from suspicious causes. I glance at Astrid. “It’s started.”

“What’s started?” She asks.

“They were possessed.” I say with loud confidence as I walk into the room.

All eyes fell on me and Finn is clearly upset at the interruption. “Really? Anyone else going to just walk in here?”

“Adam. Nice to see you with your clothes on.” Jax snickers.

Marcus rubs his lips and turns away. The others quietly snort.

I squint my eyes and look them over.

“What?” Astrid questions as she finds my eyes.

“Nothing.” I grumble. “The people you found were possessed by demons. Demons don’t eat, sleep or drink. They have zero care for the bodies they take. They’re trained to destroy the bodies before they leave. The snapped necks.” I point to Jaxs computer. “They need to make sure they don’t talk should they survive their conditions.”

“Why’s Brock alive?” Marcus asks.

I nod. “That’s a fair question. My father would only know the answer to that.” I state.

“We can ask Brock.” Marcus supplies.

“Has he passed his addiction?” I raise my chin to him.

“No.” He mumbles.

I place my hands behind my back. “He won’t tell you.” I pace in front of the table and stop. “We must hunt my father down and make him tell us his plan.”

Finn raises a hand. “Wait. We?”

“Yes. We.” My eyes turn black and Abraxas takes over. “Until this is solved, I’m not leaving this city. Anyone having a problem with that can answer…to me.”

“Uh…Finn.” Noah raises his brow.

“We trusted a demon once and we lost two really good friends because of it.” Finn narrows his eyes.

“You trusted the wrong one…obviously.” Abraxas says.

“I can assure you. Abraxas is trustworthy. I trust him with my life as his mate.” Astrid jumps in with a smile and I close my eyes and nod to her.

“Mate?” Marcus says excitedly. “You dog!” He laughs as he hits the table.

Abraxas recedes and my eyes turn green. “I am not…a dog.”

“You’re half a dog.” Jax ticks his head.

“Hardly.” I growl.

Finn leans on the table. “Ok, Astrid. If you trust him as your mate, then I can’t really argue that. I will say again. I am uncomfortable with outsiders joining this Alliance.”

I lean on the table. “I told you there would be a time where you would need help. This is that time. Don’t turn me away. You need Astrid and I.” I push off the table. “Can I sit or do you need to speak to the demon again?”

Finn motions to the chairs and I pull one out for Astrid. We sit and the woman sitting beside her whispers as she stares at me through her red rimmed glasses. I can hear she’s asking Astrid about me.

“He’s also a vampire.” Astrid smiles.

The look on her face was a mix of fear and concern. She says her goodbyes and leaves the room quickly. I’d question it, but I don’t have time for whatever that was.

“I agree we have to find Eddie. How are we on the hunter situation?” Finn starts.

“I put the word out, but have yet to get a response.” Noah informs.

“Figures. Zander is never where you need him.” Finn grumbles.

I won’t tell them we have made contact. Until I find out where the High Council stands, I’ll keep that to myself. It is interesting they haven’t responded. It must mean Axelridge doesn’t have anything the Highs want. That may eliminate a lot when it comes to determining why Axelridge is such a high target.

“Start a search. Search everyone dead or alive. He has to be somewhere.” Finn instructs.

“I know how to call him.” Abraxas rises and the table turns to me.


“Dangle a carrot.” I tick my head.


“Brock is alive for a reason. Demons don’t make mistakes. Not obvious ones anyway. Alistair kept him alive because I believe Eddie is unstable. The environment in him changed. Alistair need Brock as back up if he gets pushed out by Eddie. So, we threaten his escape. Dangle the carrot.” I offer.

“He’ll just stay in Eddie or go in someone else.” Marcus says.

I shake my head. “There’s very few who can handle a demon like my father without dying instantly. Eddie and Brock are those people. My father will have nowhere to run. If Eddie truly wants to fight back, he will listen. As long as something doesn’t happen that causes him to seek revenge, he will rid himself of my father.”

“Then what?” Jax asks.

“He'll go into Brock and we bind him.” I state.

“You mean lock him up?” Marcus questions.

“No. Magically. We bind the demon to the body so even though he wants to escape, he won’t be able to. Then I kill him.” I lean back and rest my hands on my chest.


“No. No way! We aren’t murdering our friend. We just got Brock back!” Marcus growls.

“You said yourself. He’s not getting better. He’s a lost cause. The sooner you realize that the better. A demon scar that big cannot be cured. Eddie still has a chance so the choice is yours.” Abraxas eyes them all.

“No. I refuse to believe that.” Finn shakes his head. “There’s another way. We won’t kill another friend.”

I lean to Astrid. “It’s River all over again.” Abraxas recedes and I stand. “You’ll come to realize he must die in the end. The only thing you’re doing is torturing yourselves. Now we’re tired and require accommodations.”

“See the clerk outside. She’ll give you keys to a condo on the Alpha tower.” Finn motions to the door.

“Thank you.” Astrid bows her head slightly. “It will be an honor to fight by your sides.”

“You’re welcome.” Finn smiles.

“Come.” I wrap and arm around Astrid and we start for the door.


I turn and Marcus points to me. “How did you get on the island? The bridges are out.”

“I ran.” I shrug.

“It’s really fun.” Astrid giggles.

They all blink at me and I smirk as I turn and walk out.

“I know something way more fun.” I purr at my mate.

“Oh?” She smiles.

“Yeah. Let’s go.” I grab her hand and walk out of the complex.

We have a lot to do to get settled and start the search for my father.

As apprehensive as the Alphas were, I felt a sense of relief when I offered my help. Finn may not like it, but he has a responsibility to this island. Sheltering it from the outside world is becoming impossible. It’s growing attention and he knows it. His refusal of outside involvement won’t last.

I smashed the barrier today. I feel like underneath his apprehension, he’s grateful for it. I will prove myself to him as his newest member.

Axelridge will be my home for now. After that, I don’t know. Unless my father steps down, I really am not Alpha of anything. I can stay Alpha son for as long as I need to, but I would give anything to move Astrid forward as Luna. Luna daughter is still a noble title, but it’s not the same.

For now, I will love her no less. I will enjoy my past. I will build a proper future for us.

Our love, our strength. Our passion for what’s right will win any war regardless of what’s ahead.

Forever will last well past its time.

For the first time in my life…

I’m so glad I said yes.

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