Behind The Alpha Book 8 ADAM

Chapter 45 The Blue Moon

(Chapter song ‘Who Wants To Live Forever’ by Queen)


As I run out of the stadium and to the south east bridge, I look to the rising moon. This better be what I think it is.

I hit the bridge and zoom across it. Hanging a right, I make my way across the New York state and to the mountains. I don’t think I’ve ever run this fast in my life.

I paused for a brief moment to steal some clothes off a clothes line then ran down the highway to hopefully find the love of my eternal life.

I turn down a small two lane road and the air is definitely colder.

Up ahead, I see the ski hills. I see the moon is still rising. Perfect.

I grin as I leave snow wakes behind me as I scales the ski hills to the forests on top.

I waste no time running through the trunks.

When I finally stop, I’m dead center in her village square. I look around. The whole place is blue. The water from the lake sparkles and the trees look like their covered in soft white pillows.

I smile as I scan the houses. My eyes land on the pack house and I run to it.

I burst into the front door. “ASTRID!” I look around then check out all the rooms.

My brows stitch together as I leave the house and step out into the snow. The cold of my skin actually starts to warm in the air.

I walk down toward the lake and search its banks. The moon reflects in the unfrozen water and I see it’s close.

The smell of a crisp winter morning hits my nose. “Astrid.” I breathe as I smirk. I look to the trees and take off to follow the scent.

I stop in the trees and walk as the scent gets stronger. I tune my ears and hear sniffling. My shifter rises and I feel his pain of hearing tears being shed.

The air becomes thick as I walk along the paths in the dark blue night. The woods are silent save for the soft crying and the crunch of snow under my boots.

My eyes well, my skin tingles all over and my lips smile as I see this small little thing curled up in a ball under a tree.

I hate myself for given her pain like this. I hope I can take it away forever.

I stop and squat down. I lean my elbows on my knees and fold my hands in front of my mouth as I just take her in.

Her hair covers her and it shines in the blue light. My heart starts and I feel it. My smile grows as the electric air surrounds me.

She raises her head and wipes her wet cheeks. My chest pains at the thought that I actually get this moment. For everything I went through. This…I don’t deserve this, but I refuse to live without it.

I slowly stand and feel something growing in my heart. I walk to a tree, lean on the trunk and cross my arms and feet.

I lock my eyes on her and smirk then watch the moon hit its peak.

I feel the energy leave my heart and I can’t believe the amount of emotions I have in me right now. My beasts howl, bark and celebrate as I gaze at my love.

“Awe…Don’t cry, snowflake.”



This world is so cruel and evil. I’ve lost my home, my family and now, my love.

I don’t think my heart can break any more than it has.

Please. I beg the gods. Make my vision come true. Bring him back to me. Let me have my forever. Please.

I raise my head and sniff. The moon rises and I feel it’s power, but it’s not for me. It never will be. Not in this time.

My Adam. My dark warrior. I can still feel his magic tug at my chest. I can feel his electric touch hold me. It tries to comfort, but there no comforting this pain.

My sobbing tears make it hard to breath in the cold, winter air. My throat is blocked and my skin heats from sorrow. I don’t know how my eyes find the tears, but they do.

I feel his warmth. I hear his heartbeat in my ears. I even smell him. God, make it end. It’s too much. I can’t survive it.

I see his smile in my mind. The way the wind played with his silver hair. It’s not fair that I am haunted by these memories. I try to push them away, but like they’re tied to my minds eye, they come back to torment me.

I feel his strong arms wrap around me as we lay together and I remember the safety they held. Without them, terror of the unknown fills my body.

My skin tingles all over and I can only think it’s the moon further pushing its torture on me.

Forever was too short. Forever was mine and Genesis took it from me. For that I will enjoy seeing the life drain from her eyes.

I bury my head and begin to sob again. I hear an animal move through the snow in the trees. I hope she’s happy.

As I cry, my chest tightens more. I feel the cracks grow inside and pound on my ribs like they want to break out and spread my aching heart all over the white blanket of snow.

It grows so much, I almost can’t bear it. I raise my head and rest it on the tree. I stare at the moon as it hits its peak and the pressure of its magic pushes on my heart. It elevates all my anguish and loneliness. My love for Adam tries to grow too, but there's barely any room on the mountain of pain.

My wolf howls and whines in my chest. She tries to make me feel better, but it’s not the same for me. Her hearts broken, but she’s stronger than me. Adam was a weakness I wanted. I don’t want to be strong without him. She begs and claws at me and I refuse to listen. There’s only one voice I want to hear right now and I know it won’t come.

I will never hear his sweet words ever again.

“Awe…Don’t cry, snowflake.”

I slowly raise my head and turn to the ghost who must be toying with me.

But it’s no ghost.

I see his silver hair lift in the breeze. The moon shines on his strong arms and his smile makes my chin quiver.

This has to be a dream. It can’t be real.

A tear rolls down my cheek and he pushes off the tree and holds his arms out to me.

I don’t take my eyes off his beautiful pale green ones as I stumble to my feet.

He crooks his hands to me. “Come on.” He hitches.

I break into a sobbing cry and almost trip over myself as I run through the ankle deep snow to my lost love.

I collide with his chest and hold his cheeks as he wraps his arms around me.

“Please. Please tell me this is real. Please.” I beg through tears.

He nods as a tear falls out his eye. “It’s real, snowflake. I came for you. I promised forever and I meant it. I love you so much.”

He smashes his lips on mine and my breath stutters through the kiss I thought I’d never have again.

My arms grab at his back like if I let go he’ll disappear.

He holds the back of my head and deepens the kiss and the power in my chest feels like a rope fired out of my heart. It connects to his and I smile as our hearts beat as one.

Just as my vision predicted.

I laugh on his lips. “I love you. For all eternity and time.” I mumble.

He rests his forehead on mine and wipes my tears. “I knew there was something longer than forever.” He hitches a chuckle and kisses me again.


We got out of the cold and went to the pack house to start a fire.

The moons blue light glows in the windows as the fires light shines on our naked bodies. We hold each other close as our lips glide in a sensual dance.

The bond snaps across us, linking our hearts till the end of everything.

On the furs that are on the floor of Christians common room, he holds me in his lap as his tongue caresses mine.

“I missed your beauty and your taste.” He whispers and sucks on my bottom lip.

“I missed your kiss and your strength.” I squeak.

“Can I make you mine?” He mumbles as he toys with my lips.

“Yes.” I say quietly. “And I will make you mine.”

He threads his fingers into my hair and pulls my head back. His lips glide up and down my neck as I moan.

The fire crackles as he cups my breast and takes in my nipple. I raise my head and slide my fingers into his hair. I rest my lips on his head and he kisses his way across and up my chest to my neck. His fingers float down my stomach to the apex of my thighs.

I feel his love enter my body through the bond and I share all of mine with his heart.

His fingers slide into my slit and he gently rubs my pussy. His other hand holds the middle of my back as I arch backwards and moan.

“My gorgeous snowflake. My Luna. All mine.” He purrs as he kisses my neck and cheek.

“Adam…” I breathe as the electric feel of his touch floods my body.

He rubs my pussy faster and bites my skin.

“Yes…Adam…” I pant.

“I want to hear you come, baby. Come for me.” He drawls in my ear. His thumb rubs my clit and his finger finds my entrance. He slides it inside and pumps it in and out.

“God, Yes!” I moan loud as the sensations build my climax.

The heat from my wolf builds and I feel my skin start to sweat. Adams skin also warms and our bodies steam against the threat of cold entering the house.

His lips consume mine as his rubs faster. I feel my body shake and my orgasm climbs faster. My growing moans fill his lips as my nails hold his back.

“Come, baby.” He mumbles and slides his tongue back into my mouth.

I feel my body tense. My pussy wraps around his finger and my thighs shake.

He hooks his finger and thrusts into me.

I break the kiss, hold his head to my neck as my climax peaks and crashes through.


“Yes, snowflake!” He growls.

He pulls out his finger quickly and I feel his hardened head run up and down my pussy and find my entrance. He lines up and holds my ass. He shoves himself in and I scream as I arch back. My orgasm increases as he thrusts hard into me.

I dig into his shoulders as he holds my waist in his hands. He helps me ride his length and I feel my walls tighten around his girth.

“Astrid…feels so good…” He grits.

He leans back on one hand and holds my hip. His hips push up into me and I hold his nape.

“Yess, Adam! God, yessss!”

He reaches up and slides my hair to my shoulder. His fingers trace my jaw and he holds my cheek.

His eyes lock with mine as his hips hit harder. “Come again, baby. I want to mark you.” He grins through panting breath.

I raise my hips and drop them hard. I take his whole length.

His dick feels like it’s growing even harder and my walls tighten even more.

He slips a hand to my breast and kneads it as I continue to ride him.

He glides down my body to my ass cheek and squeezes it into a hold and helps me move faster.

“Just like that, baby.” He growls. “Yeah. Faster. That’s it.”

“ADAM! YESSS!!” I ride him deeper and faster and I feel my climax rise again.

His cock slides in and out faster and harder . His hips help add to the speed and I match it.

“Fuck…yes, Astrid. Yes!” He clenches and his eyes glow blue. I see his canines grow and my own changes start to form.

I arch back and our body movements move on perfect sync. My pussy grips his dick and my orgasm breaks.


He pulls me to him, fists my hair and exposes my shoulder. I feel his canines sink into my skin and it’s like my orgasm increased 10 fold.


His teeth bite deeper as he lets out a possessive growl. I feel his venom enter me and I’m now his. He gave me forever and I can’t hold back my emotions.

Tears flow as his mark settles into my body. His arms hold me tight to his chest and the bond snaps faster.

He withdraws his teeth and holds my head as he cleans my wound.

He leans back, his hips rock up and start to hit harder as my canines drop.

“Astrid…” He grits. His eyes find mine. “Make me yours.”

I bounce my hips and build his orgasm.

“Fuck, yes!” His fingers bruise my ass cheek as he helps. “Yeah, baby. Ride it harder!”

He throws his head back. “Damn, yes!!”

Sweat beads on my skin as I give my mate what he desires.

I feel his dick swell inside me.

“Now, baby!”

He pulls me to him and my eyes glow blue as I bite into his shoulder.

“Hell yess!” He growls.

I hold on as his thrusts hit deep and hard. His release coats me inside and my venom enters his body.

Again the bond intensifies and I’m overwhelmed with the feeling that he will be forever mine. I don’t deserve it. This special legend. This gift to our world, can’t only belong to me. It seems impossible.

He slows down and wraps his arms around me more. I pull out my teeth and we both bury our heads into each other’s necks.

Our souls are marked. Fate came through for us. Through time and space, there will be us together always.

He lifts his head and meets my eyes. He brushes my hair out of my eyes and smiles.

“I was so wrong when I said I needed no one.” He whispers.

“I told you.” I sniff a giggle.

He nods with a laugh. “You did. You knew from the moment we met. This little Nordic wolf predicted my future and I can’t thank her enough.”

“Don’t thank me. This world knew we were stronger together. That’s why it brought you to me.” I look into his eyes and smile.

“I will never stop being in awe of you. This mark…” He runs his fingers across my shoulder. “This will always be honored and I will spend my days cherishing the honor of being your mate.”

I touch his mark. “I hardly feel worthy. My dark warrior. This mark will give me more strength that you will ever know.”

He leans to my eyes. “You’re more than worthy, my precious snowflake. More worthy than me. You saved me. In more ways than one. Remember that.”

I smile. “I will.”

He kisses me gently and lowers us to the furs. He throws one over us and rolls on top of me. His kiss deepens and the bond of mating moves with our heart beats.

We spent a few more hours in a passionate celebration before falling asleep in the warmth of the fire.

This one moment in time, meant only for us, will never change. Etched into the Cosmos, our love will add to ever growing stars in the sky. To live eternally among the other loves.

I should have had faith my vision would come true. The true heart will always prevail. No matter what. Never faltered. Never tested.

Two loves matched to conquer the evils of this world.

And when our moment is over, conquer them, we shall…


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