Behind The Alpha Book 7 Graham

Chapter 32

(Chapter song ‘Hello’ by Martin Solveig)


“Are you sure we should do this? I don’t feel comfortable starting a war with your friends.” I open the door to the locker room as we walk into the training unit.

I laugh. “We aren’t starting a war, my beautiful Luna. It’s called training. We need to keep our skills up so, we practice. With the Lefu twins running around, we need to always be ready.”

“Oh…practice.” She considers.

“Yes. You exercise and do some sparring. It’s good. You can hang out with the Lunas that are part of the training unit too.” I smile as I open the metal door to the field.

“That sounds fun. I like the Lunas.” She smiles.

I grab her head and kiss her hair. “I know you do. We'll get some training in and then we have a council meeting. They’re talking with Draco again and I want in on that.”


She stops as she looks out to the hundreds of men and women fighting, exercising and running around. “Wow.”

“Looks fun right?” I grin as I cross my arms.

“I think…”


We turn to Lana, Jenny and Adeline jogging toward us.

“Hi!” Kita gives a little wave as the girls close the gap.

“You come to fight?” Lana asks as she puffs breathes with a smile.

Kita nods. “Yes. I need…practice.” She glances at me and I nod.

“Great! You can spar with us then.” She bounces on her toes, energetically.

Her eyes look to me. “Go ahead. I’ll be with the guys. You girls have fun.”

I lean down, kiss her lips and pull back. “No freezing, electrocution or setting them on fire.” I bop her nose with my finger as she develops a questioning look.

Lana and Jenny's mouths turn small. They blink at each other then turn back to me.

“Why? We are practicing, are we not?” She tilts her head.

I chuckle. “Yes, you are. But in this instance, using your powers on them…it…would be rude.”

She nods. “Oh…alright. I shall refrain from dishonorable action.”

I shake my head with another chuckle. “It’s just fun. Serious fun, but fun none the less.” I kiss her again. “Go on.”

Lana bounces around. “Come on!”

Kita joins them and run off to their section of the training field.

I smile, shake my head and turn to find Mateo and the guys.


Darcy has his arms around my head as he tries to headlock me from behind. I grab his arms, lift my legs and bring them down fast. He lifts, flies over my head and lands on his back in front of me as I drop to the ground.

He coughs as he rolls to his stomach. “Jesus, man. I don’t remember you ever being this strong.”

I offer an arm as I snicker. “I was, I just liked intellect more than fighting.” He takes it and I help him up.

“Nah, I think your cheating and using your cosmic powers.” He smirks as he brushes himself off.

I lean to him. “Or maybe you just suck.”

I arch a brow and he shoves me. I cackle as I get back into position.

Mateo, Peter and Ash join us.

“Hey.” I greet as I side clap Ash's hand.

“So, how’s mated life going?” Peter crosses his arms.

I grin. “So worth coming back from the dead for.”

“I can agree with that.” Darcy laughs as he rub his neck.

I turn to where the girls are. Kita is showing them some martial arts move and they look like they’re having a great time. “Kita, man, I don’t know how I got so lucky.”

I turn back and Ash claps my back. “Don’t ever question it, man. We're theirs for a reason.”

I nod. “I know. Especially, now that I know I’m the gatekeeper for another dimension and apparently the land of the dead.” I shake my head because I’m still trying to process it all. “Kita does make sense.”

“Yeah, that’s weird. I wonder if Destiny knew.” Mateo says.

I tick my head. “He said he didn’t. I don’t know. Maybe he did. All I know is, he can fuck off now. I don’t want to see him again.”

Peter shrugs. “I don’t know. He’s a pain in the ass, but I think he has his place.”

“Yeah. At the end of my boot.” I growl.

The circle laughs.

We spar some more and Peter had to leave to check in with the recruits.

I’m huddled with the guys when I hear Kita behind me.


My mouth falls as I turn. My eyes flick up and down as confusion fills me. I cinch my brows, cross my arms and kick out a leg as Lana approaches with Kita in her arms. She has a shit eating grin on her face.

“Lana?” I flick my eyes down to Kitas blue and gold eyes. “Kita? Why are you shifted?”

Lana is holding Kita under her front legs and holding her like a large doll. Kitas back legs and tails swing as Lana walks up to me. Her fox face is full of irritation. She’s not happy with being carried at all.

Kita flares her eyes and her tails twitch fast. “She asked me to. Now, she won’t put me down.” She grits.

I lean forward and tilt my head. “Lana, put my Luna down.”

She shakes her head no. Her long, black ponytail swings behind her head. “Nope. She’s soft, fluffy and she’s mine now.” A big, toothy grin spreads across her lips as her blue eyes practically sparkle. It’s really hard to believe she’s Titus Marin's sister, but then thinking she can just keep my Luna seems like a royal princess thing to do.

I shake my head, put a hand on my hip and scrub my face. “Kita. Why are you letting her do that to you…Shift.”

Kita narrows her eyes and her tiny fox ears fall back and flatten. “Because that…would be rude.” She says through clenched teeth.

Shit. I guess I need to elaborate on that.

I sigh and drop my head. I turn and cup a hand to the side of my mouth. “PETE!!”

Lana turns and Peter stands up from correcting a recruit.

He stares at his mate. I watch his head drop and he shakes it. He raises it, crosses his arms and yells back. “LANA! YOU'RE NOT KEEPING HER! PUT HER DOWN!”

“BUT…FLOOF!!” She yells back.

Kita growls and her nine tails twitch more.

“Lana, come on.” I chuckle and motion to Kitas anger.

“NOW, LANA!” Peter yells.

“Fine.” Lana grumbles. She carefully puts Kita down. “I’m sorry. You’re just so adorable.”

I squat down. “Baby, you alright.”

“I’ll be OK.” She shakes her fur out and licks a tail.

“I just never seen one of you before. I kind of…lost my head in your cuteness.” Lana grins.

“It’s fine. I understand. I just…don’t like being manhandled.” She says as she sits.

“You kinda do.” The corner of my lip ticks up.

“Not…THE SAME!” Kita glares at me as she growls.

I laugh. “I know!”

She shakes her head.

“Come on. We can go back to fighting.” Lana waves to Kita to follow.

Kita looks at me. “Go on. Find your clothes. We got about a half hour before the meeting.”

Kita bows then runs off with Lana.

I stand up, watching people turn to Kitas nine fluffy tails bobbing through the crowd and think, the novelty of Kita will have to wear off sooner or later, but I don’t think it will be anytime soon.


We walk into the council room and are greeted with applause.

I feel my face heat as I raise a hand, signaling for them to stop.

The Alphas and Demon hunters are all laid back in their seats and Owen’s at the podium. Adam is by himself in the Alpha seating area, looking at his phone.

I watch him curiously as I take my seat with Kita beside me.

The room settles down and Owen starts the meeting.

“We're here to further investigate Torrent, but first, I want congratulate Graham and Kita on their mating.” He nods to me and I nod back. “Kita, we are happy to bring you into the fold with our Lunas. I’m sure there will be much we both can teach each other, culture and creature wise.” He smiles.

“I would be honored, Alpha Tucker-San.” She bows her head.

He straightens his tie and flips through his papers. “From what I understand, you both hold a duty to the underworld?” He arches a brow.

I clear my throat and sit straight. “Not so much as that, but the pocket Kita is in charge of is a small portion of purgatory. There’s apparently a lot of different ones out there, but yes, she will still be tending to the dead when she’s not performing Luna duties. Myself, I’ll be keeping the doors locked on the mirror world.”

“What about mirrors?” Sawyer leans around Peter and Zane.

“Apparently, my power covers that too. The Master of Worlds trump Shaman magic. If I don’t want to let anyone through, they won’t get through. They can open the mirror, but they'll be destroyed by the wall on the other side that is now erected behind any reflective surface they think they can use. As well, Rex can’t influence or tap anyone from this side. The cosmic curtain is like a prison for him as long as I’m alive.”

“Very good. We'll just have to protect you at all costs.” Owen smirks.

“I’m sure Kita has that all handled.” I smile, take her hand and kiss it.

“Yes, I do, Koibito.” She smiles sweetly.

Owen shuffles more papers. “Alright. Bring him in.” He motions to the door and a security guard opens it.

Guards bring in Draco Torrent and the rooms tension escalates.

He’s at least 20 years younger than his counterpart, but he looks to be as broken as his double. I can only assume he went through the same torture, but at a different point in the time line.

The guard sits him in a chair and he straightens his white hair with one cuffed hand. His red eyes scan us all.

Adam glances over, but then turns away. He’s from a different generation, so he doesn’t feel the irk that the rest of us feel.

“Torrent. You wanted to address the council?” Owen says in a deep voice.

Torrent swallows and humbles himself. “Correct. I do.”

The table grumbles and Owen calls order.

“I, first, wanted to apologize for my counterpart.” He glances at us all. “Since my incarceration, I have learned much about Draco and I am truly disgusted that someone like me would take that path.”

Peter narrows his eyes and looks at him suspiciously. “Why didn’t you?”

He looks down then back up. “I…um…I found love. After my escape. She was…” He stopped and dropped his head. “She was a wonderful Luna. So attentive to our son and myself. I loved her deeply. I had thoughts of doing what my other did, but she took that away. She helped me find myself through faith and love. She found my passive side and nurtured it. I owe who I am all to her.”

“What happened to her?” Jake asks.

He pauses and I see pain enter his face. “Falcon.” He whispers. “They killed her and took my son. It was difficult to remain humble and move on, but I did. I searched for my son, but didn’t find him. I have since believed him dead. I fought many demons, but just know…I don’t house them inside. I am not this Draco. I came here to say I want to help…with anything you need.”

Darcy shakes his head. “I’m sorry. I’m having real trouble believing any of this. If that was true, the other Alexis wouldn’t exist.”

“Alexi? Who's Alexi?” Draco looks around the room.

“Alexi Torrent. Your…”


We turn to the door as it flies open. Alexi bursts into the room with Luke right behind her.

“You…” She growls when her eyes meet her father’s.


She rushes a terrified Draco. “YOU DON’T DESERVE LIFE!!” She bellows as she grabs his neck and lifts him out of his chair. Fire of rage flash in her green eyes.

“NO! LEX!” Luke tries to pry his mate off her father.

Me and Hunter jump from our seats and help separate them.

Alexis eyes are filled with pain and anger as she stares her father down in the struggle.

“WHO IS THIS WOMAN?!! LET ME GO!!” Draco scowls as he tries to push her off.

Alexi pulls her gun.

“WHOA! BABE!!” Luke grabs her gun hand and pulls it up in the air.


Luke grabs her around the waist and pulls her off.

We pull Draco back and stand in front of him.

Luke stands in front of Alexi as she argues with him, clearly upset.

Draco leans to me. “Who is that?”

I look over my shoulder. “Alexi Torrent. Your daughter.”

“My daughter? Impossible.” He scowls.

“He's a liar, Luke! He’ll try to kill us all if we don’t kill him first!” Alexi barks.

“I would do no such thing!” Draco growls back.

I turn and settle him down. “Don’t piss off the Jacksons, man. It’s not smart.”

He arches a brow. “Oh, I know quite well what a Jackson is capable of, believe me.” He stares into my eye and I feel him. I have a feeling his situation had a Jackson written all over it.

“Babe. It’s not your dad, ok. It's a mirror image of your dad. Just…you remember opposite world? He can’t be your dad.” Luke motions to Draco.

Alexis glances at her father and Draco nervously glances back.

“He is quite young.” She grumbles.

“There. See.” Luke takes her gun and shoves it in the back of his jeans under his leather jacket. “Just calm down. He’s with Phoenix. I talked with them before hand and they promise me he’s not the same…though he’s still locked up, right?” Luke turns to Owen.

Owen nods. “Yes. He’s still in custody until we determine he’s not a threat.”

“I assure you, I am not. I wouldn’t have come here on my own accord if I was.” Draco says.

Luke crosses his arms and scowls. “Unless you’re a fucking spy.”

“Luke, come on.” I start.

“No. His point has validity. My doppelganger has done some atrociously evil things. Trust will be difficult and I will cooperate to earn that trust.” He flicks his eyes between me and Luke.

“It will take a hell of a lot to ever get me to trust you.” Luke growls.

“Position clearly made. I understand.” Draco submits.

“OK, I don’t like this guy. He’s making it hard to hate." Luke motions to him and grumbles to the room.

Alexis pushes past her mate. “You swear. On my mothers life.” She asks curiously.

“I’m sorry, Luna.” He looks into her eyes. “I have absolutely no idea who your mother is so, I cannot. I will say, whoever she is, she certainly raised a strong, beautiful woman.”

Alexis crosses her arms. “She died when I was four and I was raised by you.”

His face falls. “My apologies. I’m sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, for me, it seems, I didn’t get the opportunity myself. I only had Chase until Falcon took him from me. I mean, I had other lovers, but none that replaced my Luna. I will say, if you were my daughter, I would be proud of the woman standing in front of me…and her Alpha.” He glances at Luke.

Luke cinches his brow and whines. “Stop being nice!!” He shouts as he throws a hand out at him.

The room chuckles a bit.

Draco shakes his head. “Sorry, Alpha. It’s my nature."

“My fathers nature was black and dark.” Alexi mumbles.

“Again. I’m sorry.” Draco meets her eyes.

Owen bangs his gavel on the podium. “Can we have order in the council room?”

Alexi takes a deep breath. “My apologies, Alpha. I was upset as hearing that my father was alive.”

“Understandable, Alexi. Just trust that we have everything under control here. We won’t be killing anyone unless given a reason. Am I clear?” Owen arches a brow.

“Perfectly.” Alexi agrees.

“OK. Alpha, Luna. You can join us for this meeting if you wish.” Owen motions to two empty chairs.

Luke turns to Alexi and she nods. She glances at her father as they sit down at the table.

“Draco. Continue.” Owen says as people settle down.

“As I was saying. I want to offer anything I have to serve the Alliance of this world. I’ve seen the darkest evil on my side and if I can help prevent that here, I will.” He offers.

“Updating the Torrent papers might be helpful.” I say.

“Torrent papers?” Draco asks.

I nod. “A dossier of experiments Alliance Labs performed on you. We could take your blood and see exactly what they did to you.”

“Would that help?” Draco asks.

Jake sits up. “Considering there’s a rogue Shaman still out there, it might.”

“Shaman? You have those here?” He looks around the table.

I nod. “Yes. You were one until Jake killed you.”

Draco whips his head to Jake.

Jake ticks his head. “Sorry. You were holding me hostage.”

“Oh…well…That’s alright then…Thanks, I think.” Draco says with confusion. “If that’s the case, I’ll give you anything you desire.” He holds his head up.

Owen nods. “Ok. Graham. Get on it.”

“No problem.” I glance at Torrent and he eyes me.

It’ll be weird working with Draco Torrent after trying to wipe him and his pack off the planet, but I guess if he really wants redemption for his name, I don’t think we should deny that.

We all have an evil side. I’m living proof of that. But if the good side is stronger, the last thing we should do is beat it down. All that does is give evil a door to push open and unleash what’s inside.

If Draco wants to be good, there’s no reason we should go out of our way creating another villain just because he looks like the one we got rid off.

Besides, with two Lefus at large, who are planning on destroying us all, the last thing we need to do is rebirth the Dragons.

One bad guy at time, please.

I also feel for Torrent, surprisingly.

I was spiraling. My alter was destroying me and it took the love of Kitas heart to find myself again. She helped me find my evil side and reel him in. She was my balance. Her soul and love put me back together. I did it for her, if I’m being honest. I don’t think I would have had the courage on my own. She was my inspiration for making me the best version of myself. I couldn’t spend my life split in two. Kita showed me that and turned me into something great.

For that, I will treasure my little Kitsune for the rest of my life.

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