Behind The Alpha Book 7 Graham

Chapter 30

(Chapter Song ‘What I Am' by Edie Brickwell)


The battle weighed heavy on the Alphas, but they prevailed in the end. I wasn’t there to see it, but Graham assured me he was fine before leaving to help the injured and the dead.

With two Lefus at the large and the Shaman to the wind, we decided it would be best to not pursue them until we recovered. There’s a lot of prisoners Phoenix and Falcon must question as well. So it will be some time before we can challenge Death.

Right now, I have my own preparations to make. This worlds blue moon is in a few days, so I’m told, and if I am to stand under it with Graham, I need to settle the matter of my position in the universe.

I walk in the bright sunshine with a smile on my face. The air is warm as the wind blows through the windows of the green house.

I stop under a cherry blossom tree and pick up a handful of petals. I place the heel of my hands under my lips and whisper, ‘Inari’. The petals float off my hand and swirl in the wind. I watch them fly around the Japanese Zen garden and up through the open sky lights. I shield my eyes from the beaming sunlight through the glass roof.

I walk along the stone path and onto the grass. I sit at the bank of the small river and play with the fish.

The surface is disturbed by little pebble like things falling above the fish into the water. The fish start to eat and I whip my head to my side.

Inari, still in his 16 year old, fish market boy form, holds out his hand. He stands beside me as the sun shines behind his head.

I look up at him. “Corn. Want some?” He grins. “They love it.”

I take his corn and toss it to the fish. They swim in circles, gobbling up the sinking, yellow kernels.

He sits down beside me.

“Inari. Thank you for meeting me.” I breathe.

“You’re welcome, but it can’t be long.” He leans to me. “My break is only 15 minutes.” He chuckles and I giggle.

He leans his arms on his knees and looks out to the water. “I know why I’m here, Kitsune. I've been watching you.” He turns his head to me, his eyes squint in the sunlight. “The Tanuki that hunted you was the strongest created yet. You were very brave to stand against him. You protected the worlds honorably.”

“Thank you, Inari.” I bow my head. “But that’s not why. I summoned you to tell you…I’m in love…with Graham Mitchell.”

He nods. “I know this, too. The traveler is very brave as well. He’s very powerful.” He bumps my shoulder. “You are…lucky.” He grins.

I feel my cheeks heat. “I am.”

He turns back to the water. “You wish for me to break your bond with the portal.”

I nod. “Yes. It’s not that I don’t want to be guardian of my pocket between dimensions, but I know that I cannot continue to do that and be with Graham.”

He twists his lips and nods in agreement. After a moment, he turns his eyes to me. “The traveler is a gatekeeper too.”

My brows come together. “He is?”

Inari nods. “Yes. He controls the gates of the outside worlds, while you control the inside. Your…Yin and Yang.”

“I didn’t know this.” I lower my head.

“He will need your help.” Inari whispers.

“How?” I answer. “I’m powerless.”

He smiles. “Kitsune, between the black and white there are many shades of grey.”

“What does this mean?”

“It means…if I could offer a different solution, would you take it?” He says.

I turn my legs and face him. My heart skips a beat. “Yes. Please, Inari. I will do anything."

He faces me and takes my hands. “You and the traveler have great power. He is connected to both worlds and you within them. This means…”

My smile gets bigger as I reach understanding. “He can give me power.”

“Yes, Kitsune. He can give you the power you need to exist in this world as you are. In turn, you can give him power to exist in your world without hindering him or your duties.” He looks into my eyes and grins.

“Ooo…Inari! Thank you!” I throw my arms around his neck as I giggle with delight. “This is the best news. Thank you!!”

“Well, I have an ulterior motive.” He pulls back.

“What’s that?” I ask.

“Finding a new Kitsune is a human resources nightmare.” He winks.

We both break out in hysterics as the trees sway in the wind. He produces more corn and I fed fish with him until he had to go back to work. He told me I’d still need to perform my duties as Kitsune and settle the souls in my realm, but now, thanks to Graham, I won’t be stuck there. I can travel out with him and we can be together.

I can’t wait to tell him.


I walk into the Phoenix Security Unit and the people are rushing around like headless chickens. I watch my step as they push past me.

As I get to the Alpha council floor, I see Graham. Everyone seems to be in panic

“Graham!” I wave and he turns around. He smiles and strides to me.

“Hey, baby.” He leans down and kisses me.

“What’s going on?” I look around as people rush by us.

“High profile prisoner just arrived. Well, not really our high profile prisoner…Honestly, he not even a prisoner, yet.” He waves away his confusion. “Anyway, he just got here and everyone is preparing for what he had to say.”

“Who is it?” I blink at him.

“Draco Torrent.” He leans to me and says low.

“I don’t know this name.” I scrunch my brows and search his eyes.

“You wouldn’t. It’s not even the same guy, but his doppelganger from the mirror world. Draco, here, was the meanest son of bitch you could find. He was completely psychotic and killed a hell of a lot of people for resources and pack take overs. We put him down twice already and now he's back. The council will be bringing him up for an interview and see what he knows.” Graham stands with his arms crossed.

“This man does not sound nice. I must stay with you.” I stand tall in front of him.

“No. You, my little fox, have a ball to prepare for.” He smirks as he bops my nose.

“I can’t when you are surrounded by evil.” My mouth falls and my brows stitch up.

He rubs my arms. “I appreciate the protection, but I’m surrounded by soldiers and he will be contained. Honestly, I don’t think this guy is as evil as his twin anyway.” He spins me around. “Besides, you have an appointment with them.” He says in my ear.

He points straight ahead by my cheek and I see a large group of beautiful women walking toward me.

“Who are they?” I whisper.

“Those…are the Lunas.” Our eyes meet and he smiles, but a wave of concern rushes over me. “Have fun.” He kisses my temple and leaves.

The Lunas all giggles as they approach. “Kita?”

“Yes, that’s me.” I look them over in amazement.

The tall blonde one stands with her arms crossed. “I’m Trinity. You can call me Trin and you are ours for the duration of the day.”

“For what?” I ask innocently.

“Dress shopping, silly. Let’s go.”

She grabs my arm and I’m surrounded by Lunas as they giggle and I am introduced. I don’t know what this dress shopping contest is, but I’m sure I should like it if Graham wants me to participate.

I find the ladies energy a bit chaotic, but I feel friendship in their hearts so, it won’t be too bad.

“Ok. So we thought Thea and Ember were different, but you take the cake.” Sam says as we walk through the mall. “A fox with nine tails? I don’t think I could ever think that one up.” She chuckles.

I’m laden with bags and feeling a bit awkward. “Um…thank you?” I glance at them all.

“It’s not a bad thing. I mean, we all have a little something special. It’s good to be different.” Taylor says.

“Yes. Who wants to be boring and normal?” Lucy waves us off.

“Uh…Luce…You’re the most normal out of all of us.” Carmin says.

“No, I’m not. I’m badass.” She argues.

“Yeah. You can shoot and be a smart ass, loudmouth all that same time, but that’s it.” Lana smirks.

“Hey, this mouth, stops wars, alright.” She smirks as she points to her lips as she struts.

“More like starts them.” Saysha smirks back.

Lucy points to her. “You know what my brother would say?”

“Nothing because it’s true.” Taylor quips.

“Ok, you’re right, but I’m still badass.” She flips her hair and continues to walk ahead as the girls giggle.

We stop in the dress shop to pick up the dress that Trinity had apparently ordered for me.

I smooth the red dress down my hips and look over the back. It’s satin feels so soft and it frames my body so well. “It’s beautiful.” I feel the top which stops at my neck. I smile as I look over the shine of the sleeveless dress. I’m not used to such elegance.

“Kita." Lana breathes. “Grahams going to love it. Your marking is going to be great.”

I turn to them and stare. “Marking?”

“Yeah. After the Moon. You know, the marking.” Taylor nods suggestively.

“No. I’m afraid I don’t.” I question them all. I have no idea what they’re talking about.

Trinity arches a brow and turns to me. “Come with us.”

We pay for the dress and leave the mall. We ended up at the Phoenix pack house and they sat me down on a couch. Once they were settled, they all have serious looks on their faces.

“Kita. In a couple days, the Blue Moon is going to peak. This is Fates way of showing us who we are going to spend the rest of our lives with.” Trinity starts.

“Alright. Graham told me this.” I nod.

“Now. When the bond snaps between you, you feel it. Inside.” Taylor says.

“Yeah and you just have this incredible urge to eat each other alive.” Lucy smirks.

My eyes widen. “I don’t want to eat Graham.” I shake my head at them.

Sam sighs. “She means sex.”

“Yes, that.” Lucy grins and points at Sam. “It’s like you can’t get your clothes off fast enough.”

“Oh…” I whisper.

“Anyway…” Carmin scowls at Lucy. “It’s beautiful as you come together as mates. He will make you his Luna.”

“How does he do this?” I ask.

They all pull their shirts to the side. Marks are on all of their shoulders. My hand goes to my shoulder. “The men. They did that.” I mumble.

The nod as they cover up. “Yep.” Adeline says. “It’s kind of scary, but feels really good after a second or two.”

“And that completes the ritual.” I state.

“No. You have to mark him.” Trinity says.

“I must bite him.” I say.

“Not just any bite. A marking bite. With venom.” Taylor says.

“Venom? I…don’t have venom.” My eyes float around all the women, blinking at me.

Trinity turns to Taylor. “Um…that’s a problem.”

“I’m sure it’s fine. Fate wouldn’t give her to Graham if it wouldn’t work.” Lucy waves it off.

“What if she didn’t?” Sam questions.

The ladies turn to her.

“I’m just saying it could happen.” She shrugs.

“He won’t me mine?” My face saddens and fills with worry.

Lana falls in the floor at my knees. “No. No, not necessarily. Sam’s…just saying. It has nothing to do with you.”

“But…” I look at Lana then back at the girls.

“No. Kita. You love Graham and he loves you. I can guarantee you’re mates. Now, I’ve never heard of a shifter not having venom. I would assume you have some too.” Trinity crosses her legs and sits tall.

“I’m a spirit. Not a shifter. I was Kitsune before I had this body.” I inform.

“You don’t look like a spirit to me. You look like a shifter. You have a solid body and scent. You’re not dead so, I don’t think you’re a spirit.” Carmin says.

“Show me your canines.” Lana asks.


“Your teeth. Show me your teeth. Call your fox teeth.” Lana opens her mouth and points to her teeth.

I open my mouth and my fox teeth grow in my mouth.

“Oh my God! They’re so tiny!” She grabs my head and looks in my mouth. “I don’t see venom sacs, guys.”

I close my mouth and my lips form a frown. “What do I do?”

“Nothing. Stop worrying. I’m sure whatever you have in your system will work. Fate is never wrong.” Lucy crosses her legs.

“That’s a lie. She’s made a bunch of mistakes.” Trinity says.

“Yes, but we need to get a certain someone to the ball so shut up!” Lucy grits.

“Um…It’s ok. I mean, we don’t have to mark, right?” I look at them all.

“You don’t.” Taylor says solemnly.

“But at some point, Graham will need your mark.” Lana says.

“Or what.”

“He goes insane, kills people until we have to kill him or he kills himself.” Lainey says in a heartless tone.

My jaw drops further.


“What? It’s the truth.” She leans back in her chair.

“Oh no…” I whine.

“Kita. Don’t listen to her. Fate will come through, I promise you.” Lucy grabs my hand. “Right guys?”

They all look at each other.

“Right?” She clenches.

“Oh, yeah…”

“Totally come through…”

“It’ll be great…”

“Have faith…”

“There. See? Trust Graham.” Lucy looks into my scared eyes.

“Trust Graham.” I repeat.

They all nod.

I take a deep breath and nod.

I hope they’re right because I certainly don’t want to be the cause of Grahams demise. I also do believe that if we weren’t able to be successful, Inari wouldn’t of blessed us with a solution.

Given that…I must have faith.

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