Behind The Alpha Book 7 Graham

Chapter 23

(Chapter song ‘Wherever I May Roam' by Metallica)


We both swallow as Adam slowly crosses his arms.

The slight stench of death wafts from his skin and my nostril twitches. It’s not as strong as his mother’s, but I guess that’s because he’s a triple Hybrid. You'd pretty much never get a consistent scent off him if you wanted one.

“What do you want, Adam?” I ask.

He stares at Kita intently then his eyes flick to mine. “You are complete.”

I look myself over. “I guess you could say that.”

He places his hands behind his back and raises his chin. “Good. You will be useful.”

I run my fingers through my hair and arch a brow. “Useful? How?”

He steps closer to us. The scent changes to a shifter scent as he wolf surfaces. “I was born to lock up Death.” He head floats back and forth between us with a smug vamp attitude. “You will help me.” He meets my eyes again.

“And what makes you think that.” I say as I raise my chin, puff my chest and stuff my hands in my pockets.

He feels my challenge and lowers his head. He raises an eye to me. “The Bringer of Death is no easy enemy. He has an army. In the mountains waiting to strike. He’s been building it this whole time under all your noses.”

I glance at Kita. “We've seen the Lycans and Dires. They’ve made it no secret.” I inform.

He slowly shakes his head. “No. Vampires.”

My brows cinch together. “Intel says he can’t make Vamps during this cycle.”

“He’s not the one making them.” He raises a brow.

I look him over. “Gia.” I breathe.

He nods. “The Empress knows if she shows her face, the High Council will be alerted. This gives us an advantage.”

“An advantage to what?” I question.

“To remove them from the battle.” He supplies.

I huff a chuckle. “No. No way.”

“You must. It’s the only way we can get close enough to Death to take him out and put him back where he belongs.” Adam says.

“I can't fight Lefu.” I nervously laugh and glance at Kita.

He gets in my space, tilts his head and snarls his lip. “You can and you will.”

His stoic voice sends shivers down my spine as his vamp eyes penetrate my soul. My wolf spins and my chest vibrates. I feel his courage building and he wants out. He claws harder at my ribs the longer he stares at me.

“I’m not ready.” I say low as I clench my teeth.

“Get ready. You don’t have time. I’m gathering the others and soon we march. If you are not with me, I will kill you myself.” He growls.

“Who the fuck are you to threaten me?” My eyes glow blue and he doesn’t flinch.

His nose barely touches mine. “I’m the mother fucker who’s going to save the world…Again!”

It’s like his stare has me hostage. I can’t move an inch.

He holds out his hand to Kita. “My blade! Now!” He side eyes her.

“Uh…I…” She stammers.

“Don’t lie to me, Kitsune. I saw you steal it from the shape shifter. Hand it over now.” He insists.

My eyes flick to hers and I nod. “If you have it, hand it over. It’s ok.”

Her lips shrink as she avoids Adam’s stare. She waves her hand and produces the black blade. Holding it by its hilt. “Please. I beg forgiveness. I only wanted to keep it safe.” She whispers as she places it in his open hand.

He steps back, take the solid black blade in his other hand and holds it up to his eyes. My eyes glue themselves to it. In my eyes, it turns gold with an inscribed ‘Z' on the blade. Instinctively, I rub my chest slowly and I feel the point pierce my skin. In fact, it’s funny. When faced with the weapon that killed you, it’s surprising that you remember feeling every inch enter you like slow motion. Like it burned into your dying brain.

His voice breaks my hypnotic stare.

“Apology accepted. You are young. You can’t be blamed for your intentions. Thank you for protecting my blade.” He slightly bows to her.

“Thank you…Adam.” She bows back.

He places the blade inside his jacket. “Now. I have to meet the others. We don’t have much time. Start your training. Listen for my orders. Do not get yourself killed.” He eyes me.

“I won’t.” I mumble and lace my fingers in Kitas.

He gives me one last look before sucking the air out with hall with a vamp run.

Kita looks up at me. “We must fight. Lefu is part of Rex’s plan. He is the anchor to this world because he is attached to the underworld. If Lefu, on the other side, is under his control, the anchors will be connected and the bridge will open, but only temporarily. They need you to hold it open for them.”

“I won't do that.” I mumble quietly as I watch my fingers caress the skin on her delicate fingers.

“They can make you, my love.” She cups my cheek and I raise my eyes to hers. “They can make you and your only way out…will be death.” She chokes as she swallows. I see fear build in her eyes. She knows something I don’t.

I suck in a breath at her words. The images of the knife plunging into my heart become forefront in my mind. The feeling of the sacrifice I made comes flooding back. I break into a cool sweat and shake my head. I push the thoughts of my death back. This isn’t the same thing.

I bite my top lip and look around the hall, trying to keep my newly formed mind from cracking again. “Ok.” I smile as I place a hand on her cheek too. “Then…we just don’t let that happen.” I lean to her and give her a quick kiss.

Yeah, it’s complete denial because we all know, death is almost 100 percent certain of a military grunt. I’ll just have to make sure I don’t go running under any cursed knives.

I kiss the back of her hand. “You said you wanted to train me?”

“Yes.” She almost gets a little enthusiastic.

“Lead the way, little fox.” I motion out to the elevators.

She grins and leads me out of the Unit.


We worked well into the night.

Kita had me walking back and forth through the veil and then I discovered something about my power.

“Do it again.” She grins.

“Ok." I say, excitedly and pick up a rock. “Watch closely.”

I hold the rock in my hands and stare at it. I concentrate and it disappears. My hands separate and the rock is gone as I laugh in shock.

“Go get it.” She says.

I rub my palms on my jeans and think of where I put the rock. I almost sound like a canon going off when I disappear and reappear in Kitas world. I look down and the rock is at my feet. I pick it up and transfer back.

Kita giggles and bounces. I throw the rock and tilt my head.

She stops. “What?”

I saunter up to her. “I can do inanimate objects. I wonder if I can do it with the living.”

“I don’t know.” She says as her face falls.

I crook a finger at her. “Come here, sexy.”

She looks around. “Me?”

I hold my hands out. “You trust me right?”

“Yes.” She eyes me cautiously.

I laugh, grab her hand and pull her to me. “I won’t hurt you. I promise.”

I lean down and kiss her. As I do, I think of where I want to put her. In a second, I’m kissing air. I stand straight and twist my lips as I look to the sky.

I turn and boom out. I reappear behind her in the pocket, grab her arm and bruise her lips. She moans on my lips as my hands glide down to her ass and into her hair.

I slowly pull back. “I like this game.” I grin.

She giggles and taps my chest. “You've done well. I believe you can control the power, you just need to perfect and get comfortable with it. Be faster with your decisions.”

I nod. “I also can’t just boom when I leave. That’s not really stealthy.”

She shrugs. “Unless you walk through, breaking the curtain will always be dramatic. I think it’s a like a side effect.”

“Ok. So, if we want stealth, I can’t teleport.” I turn to her after looking at the blue wall. “You think my wolf could do it?”

“I don’t see why not. Why?” She asks.

I pull off my t-shirt and eye the mirror world. “Only one way to find out.” I say as I hop on one foot and rip my boot off the other one.

“What are you doing?” She looks at me curiously.

“How would you like to go on a surveillance mission with me?” I smirk as I take off my pants.

“Surveillance.” She confirms.

“Yeah. Over there.” I motion to the wall.

“Like a spy?”

“Yes, my sneaky fox.” I smile on her lips.

“Ok.” Her face lightens up.

“Strip!” I order and she does. I bite my lip because I could admire that naked body of hers forever.

I call the wind and the snow spins around my naked form and I rearrange into my wolf. He shakes out his light brown fur. He sees Kita and does a little hop to her.

She lifts her arms seductively above her head and her body glows. She melts into her Kitsune.

My wolf barks and she does a little yippy fox bark back. My wolf cocks his head, trying to understand her. She lets out a foxy laugh and he shakes his head.

‘Ok, buddy. Just believe you won’t fall.’ I say in my mind.

He steps out and the bridge is formed under his paws. Through his eyes, I can actually see it sparkling blue. His eyes are way more sensitive than mine so, that checks.

He sniffs the veil and licks his lips. He looks back at Kita.

She shoves his back leg with her nose.

He pushes through and just like me, he’s also wrapped in a bubble to protect him from the cosmos. We exit on the other side. The world is deep blue.

My wolf picks up on the orders being barked and run for cover. We hide behind some crates and I shift.

“Oh my God.” My face fills with shock and dread.

The place is covered in soldiers and leaning on a tree is a wall sized mirror big enough to take a four line formation. The weapons are armed as they’re handed out and trucks are being unloaded.

Just in my view, I count over 1000. I need to see better. I look up and climb the four stack of crates. As my head crests the top box, I get a better scope of things.

“Fuck.” I breathe.

Across the area, full units prepare to crossover. 10,000 by my estimate. All in separate formation boxes.


The soldiers shout into the air.

Black helicopters hover over head and drop more weapons boxes and soldiers begin to unpack them.

I watch in horror as rockets are carefully unloaded and placed on sleds.

“Graham, what is it?” Kita whispers.

I look down at her with worry on my face. “We're fucked.” I say as I shake my head at her.

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