Behind The Alpha Book 7 Graham

Chapter 20

(Chapter song ’20 Ghosts III' by Nine Inch Nails )


Revealing myself to Graham seems to have done the trick. I already see his confidence building and that will make it much easier to explain his purpose.

After feeling what I did when our bodies were intertwined, I think I know what has to happen. The problem will be the other Graham and making him see to reason. He’s bent on severing himself from Graham and this can’t happen. Not now.

I’m supposed to go with Graham to meet the Alphas, but I have to do something first.

I teleported to the middle of the desert and look to the sky. The veils reveal themselves to me and the cracks are immeasurable. My heart pains as I see my walls weakening. I want to cross over, but I can’t without Graham.

“It must be so heartbreaking to know you’ve lost.”

My eyes narrow. “I haven’t lost yet, Rex. I will stop you.”

“We’ll see what my army has to say about that.”

My blue ears twitch. “Army?”

“You'll find out.” He cackles and the veils fade.

Worry fills me as I whip my head back to Phoenix and teleport.

After dressing, I teleport to Graham in his office. Once I’m solid, I take big steps to his desk. “Graham…” I breathe with concern.

He smiles and drops his pen. “My little fox. Are you ready?”

I lean on his desk. “When you were in the blue world, what did you see exactly?”

He looks like he’s thinking. “I saw the Flacon Ridge army.”

I nod. “Yes, I know that, but anything else. Did they say anything about crossing over?”

He arches a brow. “Yeah. They perfected the potion to move through mirrors, but it’s just all in my messed up mind.”

I push off his desk, place a hand on my hip and tap my lips as I pace.

“It’s in my mind, right Kita?” He asks as he follows me.

I stop, my brows stitch up and I hold myself. “I wish it was.”

He gets up and walks around his desk to me. “Wait. Are you saying they're really sending an army here?”

I match his worried look. “Yes. I’m afraid it is true. Rex has prepared an invasion.”

He rubs his nape and looks into my eyes. “I guess we better go talk to the guys.”

“Hai.” I nod.

He grabs my hand and I feel that electric warm feeling I get when I touch him. It feels so much like my veils.

We teleport to the office of Jake Wallace. The High prince of this Land.


He shoots his head up from his papers. “Graham? What the hell?” His face is very confused.

Graham shakes his head as he approaches the desk with me behind him. “No time to explain. I need all you guys in the council room now.”

“We're dealing with these quakes right now, we can’t just drop…” He starts.

“I know why they are happening and I will explain to all.” I step in front of Graham.


“It’s Kita.” Graham corrects.

“What?” Jake questions.

“I’ll explain. Just get to the council room.” Graham says.

“I’ll make the calls.” Jake says with concern.

I turn to Graham. “While we wait, I must show you something.”

“Lead the way.” He mutters.

I teleport us to the desert. The wind blows as I stand with his hand in mine. I look up at him and my eyes squint in the bright sun.

“What I am about to show you is a sacred part of the cosmos. No one but me has ever stepped foot inside the space between the veils. My mission is to protect this space and the souls within it. Because of all that’s happened, I cannot cross back alone or worlds will be destroyed. I need a traveler to cross with me. I need you Graham.” I say in a grim tone.

He meets my eyes. “What do I need to do?”

I look to the veils that appear and take a deep breath. “Trust that you can cross without unfortunate consequence.”

He chuckles. “Don’t die.”

I smile and hold up out hands. “Don’t die.”

I close my eyes and call my portal control. I feel it run through my body, down my arm and into him. “You feel it?”

He looks at me and his eyes are filled with swirling electric blue light. “I do. Holy shit!”

I turn to the desert and make the veils known.

He looks them over with wonderment on his face then notices the cracks. “What’s happening?”

“They’re failing. If that happens, my world and yours will cease to exist.” I mutter and he looks to me with his jaw slack.

I step back, release my power to him and shift to my Kitsune. “I’m right behind you. Touch the veils.”

In my heart of hearts, I want to trust, but there’s a little seed of doubt and I prepare myself as he approaches the walls.

He reaches up and like a mirror, an electric version of his hand meets his.

He gasps and takes short breaths as he smiles. “I feel it. This is amazing.”

I open my eyes after realizing we weren’t going to explode. I watch his hand sway in the rippling golden veil.

“Go on.” I encourage.

I step behind him, preparing my flight for the cliff. My teeth grab his pant leg as he steps through.

The pull is as strong as I remember. The world turns to a blur as the veil takes hold and Graham screams.

Our speed increases rapidly as the cosmic stars turn to streaks. Our hair and fur blow back and the sound of the cosmic winds is deafening. His arms and legs flail as tries to control the force of the transference between his world and mine.

A loud boom rings out as we penetrate the veil and I call my flight over the deep chasm on the other side.

Graham yelps and screams while he dangles over the expanse from my muzzle. I fly as fast as I can across to the cliff edge and land with a thud in the snow. The two of us roll across the forest floor.

He lands on his stomach and whips his head up. “What the fuck was that?” He pants.

I pick myself up onto my paws and my ears perk. My heart breaks as the rising sounds of broken souls rise above the bare treetops. The snow softly falls as the storm rages over head.

“Oh no.” I choke back as I spin around.

“Kita. What is that?” Grahams brows stitch up as he walks around looking at the forest.

My tear lined eyes turn to him. “They’re dying.” I hitch.

“Who's dying?”

I turn and bolt through the trunks to the other side.


My pounds as my worst fears are realized. I skid to a stop as my eyes widen. I swallow and stare into his black eyes through the fading blue veil. The cracks become more prominent.

“Kita? Who’s that?” Graham skids to a stop behind me.

“Tanuki.” I gasp.

“Kita…” Graham points and I see who’s in front of him.

His foot steps through and lands in an invisible walkway over the ravine.

“No.” I shake my head and back up. “You can’t.”

Alt-Graham steps through with an evil smirk on his face. “I can.”

Tanuki holds his shoulder as he passes through with him. The two walk slowly across the expanse.

“W-What the hell…” Graham huffs as he backs up with me.

“Hey, Graham. We finally meet in person. It’s funny. I felt most things when I was in your head, but feeling you cross over, wow. The power alone…” He smiles evilly.

“How? What?” He stops and confusion grows on his face.

Alt-Graham shakes his head. “For a smart guy you really are dumb. I love the fact you thought you were going crazy. It made my ride in you so much better. Fucking with you was a great pass time, but now the games over.” He raises his and and points at Grahams chest as he walks toward us. “I want your life, Graham and this guy is going to get it for me after we take care of the sweet little fox.”

Graham furrows his brow. “My life? Why the hell would you want my life?” He thumps a finger in his chest.

He stops in front of him like a mirrors reflection. “Come on. You’ve seen where I live. You’re world is a hell of a lot better than mine and you piss it away with your victim crap. Let’s face it. I make a much better Graham than you.”

“You do not belong!” I growl and jump between the two.

“Awe, look. Your Pokémon thinks she’s strong. How’s it going sweetheart?” Alt-Graham smirks.

I let out a fox growl and snap at his knees. He laughs and turns to Tanuki. “Take care of that, would you?” He says as he points to me.

“My pleasure.” Tanuki growls and unsheathes his katana. It’s metal rings as he pulls it out and raises it to the side of his head in two hands. We stare each other down with a distance between us. He scowls as he goes into a lunge pose and sizes me up. “I’ve waited so long for this, Kitsune. Your control over this portal ends now. Only I will hold the control of all portals.”

I lower my body and feel my powers charge. The veils refueling what I lost.

I glance at Graham and he turns to Alt-Graham. “You can’t do this! Look around! This place is fucking falling apart because of you!”

Alt-Graham points to his black military shirt. “Me? You were the one who fucking died, buddy. I didn’t ask for any of this. You pulled me. I want my prize for putting up with your ass. If I have to kill you to get it, I will.”

“We'll see who dies first.” Graham growls. He lowers his fists and I see his veins glow blue and gold. The glow shows under his white t-shirt.

Alt-Graham does the same and has the same glowing fists.

I fan my now nine tails and narrow my eyes. and my tails charge up. I only have a few to fight with, but I’m confident I can send him to the demons where he belongs.

“You cannot win this war, Tanuki. Many have tried and were left dead in the wake.” I sneer.

“No Kitsune has faced me. Your life will be a prize to my fallen brothers.” He releases a roar as he runs at me. Snow flies from his feet and I prepare my fight.


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