Behind The Alpha Book 4 CASS

Chapter 29

(Chapter song ‘Beast Mode’ by Shapes)


The air is chilly tonight. I do up my jacket as the wind blows through the trees.

We stand in a tiny clearing that’s filled with deep blue light. I look up to the dark blue moon and smile. The most special moon of the year. It’s the ultimate love bug. So many people are happy under it.

I watch as Ember and Puck clean out the area and prepare for me to be shot.

I walk up. “Ok. Where to you want me?” I clap my hands together.

Puck looks around. “Well anywhere, really.” He walks the arrow to Ember. “The moon has to peak before you fire. It’s when its power will be at the fullest. Got it?” He pushes the arrow to her direction.

I see her suck in a breath and take it. She looks like it weighs a thousand pounds. Her eyes look it over and she finds mine.

I smile and nod. Signaling it’s fine. It will be fine. I just have to trust. I’m filling my heart with it. This will go my way. I know it will.

She walks up to me. She glances at the moon as it travels its path across the sky. She turns back to me and looks down at the arrow in her soft, milky, slender fingers. “This is it.”

“Yes, it is.” I whisper.

“Cass, I…” She locks her eyes with mine.

I hold up a hand. “You don’t have to say a word. I know.” I cup her cheek and lean in for one last, amazing kiss. She whimpers and I feel a tear on my finger. I wipe her eyes as I kiss her.

I break the kiss and step back. “Darn it!”

“What?” her face fills with concern.

“I forgot an apple.” I scowl.

“A what?” She smiles.

“You know. To balance on my head for practice.” I smirk.

She laughs and pushes me. “We still have a while yet. You want to walk through the trees?” She thumbs over her shoulder.

I hold out my hand. “Nothing would make me happier.” I grin.

She leads the way and we find a small path. I stroll beside her and spy the moon in the branches. “Hard to believe this is my 21st moon.”

“21st huh?” She says.

“Yep.” I glance at her. “It’s fun sometimes, others, not so much, but I guess you can only play the cards you’re dealt with.”

“That’s true.” She says as she kicks at a leaf.

“What’s it gonna feel like?” I watch the ground as I walk.

“At first, you’ll feel abandonment. Like you’ve been alone forever. Then the heart ache. It’ll…um…it’ll be intense…for about a minute or so…then the…” She takes a deep breath. “Then the heart breaks. I won’t lie, Cass. This won’t even compare to your worst break up. When this is over, I highly recommend therapy. Your mind will be confused for a long time. You’ll need help.”

I raise my head and twist my lips. “Sounds fun.”

She giggles and sniffs. “Stop.” She shoves me. “It won’t be fun, but you’ll be free. Free to love again how you want to, not how some spell wants you to.”

“What about how you want me to?” I side eye her.

“I’m not sure you’ll even remember me after it happens.” She says.

“Oh, no, no ,no.” I stop and turn her to me. “There’s no way I’m ever forgetting this cute, love bug face.” I say as I hold her chin in my finger tips.

She smiles. “You might. I don’t know about that part.”

I shake my head. “I know I won’t.” I pull her lips to mine and kiss her with everything I have. The moon is fueling my emotions and I feel them growing for Ember. I don’t believe you can feel this much for someone and forget they meant so much to you.

Wrapping my arms around her, I deepen it. The air is full of the love I feel for her. My heart is pounding against my ribs and soul is feeling even more connected to hers than ever.

I pull back sucking her lips as I go. “No matter what happens, you will always be my love bug. No magic arrow can take that away from me.”

I see her tear up. “We should get back.”

I lick my lips and nod. “Ok.” I wrap an arm around her neck and kiss her head.

We walk back down the path and find Puck. He’s standing with his hands on his hips. The moon makes his nymph skin shine a sparkling blue. “It’s time, guys.”

I smile at Ember. “Let’s fix me.” I let her go and take off my jacket. I walk a distance from her and turn. My head is down and my hands are clasped in front of me. I slowly raise my head. My eyes meet Embers as she produces her bow. She’s holding the arrow in the other hand as her face fills with regret.

“It’s fine, baby. It’s OK.” I nod and hitch a breath.

She breathes deep and places the arrow in the bow.

I see the golden string appear and slowly separate my arms, exposing my chest to her. I raise my head and close my eyes.

My heart thumps harder and my body heats. I can barely breathe, but I’m holding my faith that this will not be as bad as I’ve been told. I find all my memories of Ember and hold onto them as tight as I can.

I can’t see her, but I can feel her. Her electric passion is all over me. I feel every touch she ever gave. Every kiss. I start to sweat as I wait for my demise.

My emotions are running rampant and my wolf is howling in my chest. He’s slamming me and trying to fight, but I’m holding him down.

‘It’s fine, buddy. Relax. Everything will be fine.’ I try to comfort him as I find it even harder to breathe right.

I know it’s cold, but as I stand there with my heart as a bulls eye, I feel the moons rays deepen and surround me.

Then I hear it. My nostril twitches as I focus. My eyes move to the sound behind my eyelids.


I open my eyes and slowly move my head to it. I sniff the air. I turn to the other side, listen and sniff.

Panting, a little growl. The stench of sick death.

“Cass? What is it?” Ember lowers her bow.

I turn to her, lower my hands and ball them to fists. I look between her and Puck. A snarl form on my lips. “RUN!” I growl.

Just as I say that, the woods fill with rogues.

Ember puts her bow away and runs with Puck into the trees.

I spin and back up as the trunks come alive with dirty fur and a stink so bad it sticks to every crevasse of your skin.

My wolf surfaces and I let out a large Alpha growl. My eyes glow blue as the rogues start to appear around me.

“Shit.” There’s at least 10 and I don’t know if I have it in me to beat them all.

I hear them breathing heavy, I see they’re insane eyes staring me down.

As I watch their moves, I tick my head. “If this what you assholes want, fine.” I jump into the air, explode out my clothes and land as my wolf. He snaps his large jaw and tenses every muscle in his body. He barks, growling, daring them to come at him. His fur rises and his head lowers.

They come out of the forest and surround me on all sides.

From the trees in front of me, a gigantic midnight black lycan walks out. He steps his two muscular legs past the wolves on either side of him. He stares at me with one good eye and one destroyed by Embers arrow.

“Hey, Cass.” He opens his wolfs mouth and says in a demonic tone.

‘Michael' I say in my mind. I shift.

He shifts too and stands with his men. “You know what I want.”

“We don’t have a tracker, Mike.” I puff my chest out and ready for the fucking fight of my life.

“Oh, but you do.” He growls. He steps to me. “I didn’t think Puck was making it until I saw it the last time we met.” He smirks.

“The Arrow?” I look at him confused.

He nods. “Not only will it smash your chest so bad, you’ll slit your own throat, it can track and find the library. Now give it to me, or I’ll peel the skin off your love bugs bones piece by piece.” He eyes me with his split yellow/green eye. His anger rolls off him and I feel it in every pore of my being.

“You won’t get it. You’ll have to kill me first.” I side eye the rogues stepping closer to me.

“Ezra!” A sick looking girl steps to his side. Her eyes glow red and her dirty lips tick up as Michael pets her short black hair. She stares at me as Mike kisses her head. “Find the girl.”

She lunges at me, turns to her rogue and practically knocks me over.

“NO!” I rage and shift. My wolf takes off after her as the rest also shift and run after me.

The forest comes alive with the sounds of thundering paws, growling chests and snapping teeth. Sick, twisted barks fill the air as I train my eyes on the Rouge girls tail.

She runs between the trees and I get her in my sights. I leap into the air and land on her back. She spins under me, her lips curled. I sink my teeth into her dirty, stinking skin. The sickness is thick with her. She bites at me like a fierce, rabid dog. I shred her shoulder.

I’m pulled off by two other rogues and she runs. I fight the males and tear into the jugular of one. He screams a painful yelp and kicks off. Fighting the blood loss before dying.

My wolf gets the upper hand and was about to take out the other, when I’m dog piled by the others.

It’s nothing but teeth, blood and fur. I’m completely buried.

As I fight for my life, I hear a familiar whiz. The sound of arrows flying.

The pile opens up and I manage to get out of it. Ember is armed with a cross bow and Puck has a small sword.

Ember jumps into the trees and fires her arrows at Michael. He hits them out of the air as he jumps into the air after her.

Puck is bringing his sword down on the rogues as they try to take him down. He lifts his sword, spins around and brings it down on the neck of a male, it slices through his stinking neck like butter.

My wolf shreds another male. He’s pissed and his emotions are driving him even more. He’s mad as fuck and he’s letting these dicks know it.

I hear Puck yell, “Ember!”

I pause and turn to the trees. She’s trying to knock Michael out, but his lycan is too quick for her.

I quickly shift. “Help her!” I yell.

He nods and leaps for the trees.

There’s four rogues left and I shift. My wolf takes off to where Ember and Puck went. Dodging trunks, I look up. Ember is blinking from branch to branch. Every time she reappears, she releases a barrage of arrows.

The trees shake violently as Michael avoids her shots and jumps through the air at her. Puck blinks to where Michael lands, he swings his sword and Michael backhands him before jumping for Ember again.

Each blink is a fight to the death. Puck brings his sword down and Michael grabs the blade in his giant hand. He throws it and Puck to the ground. Before Puck hits, he disappears. He reappears back in the tree.

Ember fires arrow after arrow as Michael bounds from branch to branch. The trees crack and groan under his weight as he lands and fights. His wolf head is twisted in hunger and anger. His large canines are throwing drool as he flies through the air.

Michael jumps to a branch and Puck appears at his side, he plants his back on the trunk and plants both feet on Michael’s side and shoves hard. Michael loses his grip and falls to the ground.

My wolf skids to a stop as he watches Michael bounce off the ground as he lands on his back.

With a frustrated growl, Michael flips to his stomach and stands.

Ember and Puck appear on his back and side.

My wolf snarls and Michael growls back. He increases his size. His eyes glow bright and he roars a bone chilling, evil roar that feels like it shook the forest.

I’m getting heated and even more pissed off.

I lunge for him, jaws open. At this point, I don’t care if he is a friend. My wolf lands on him and my teeth grab his skin, shaking him like a doll. He grabs my scruff in his clawed, lycan hand and slams me into the dirt.

I hear him howl and see him arch back. Ember’s holding an arrow that’s buried deep in his shoulder. He lands a punch to her face and she flies backwards. He rips the arrow out and turns while jumping into the air toward her.

‘FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE!’ I yell in my mind as I get to my feet and jump on his back before he can reach Ember who’s scrambling to her feet.

“EMBER! THE ARROW! NOW!” Puck yells.

My wolf fills with a power I never knew I had. He grabs Michael’s bicep and throws him. His chest growling so dark, I scared myself. He’s covered in blood and heaving breathes as he shoots flames from his eyes.

Michael bounces, skids then hits a tree.

I shift and stand. Ember produces her bow and the arrow.

She whips her head to Michael who rises to his feet and bellows a demonic growl. The sounds of hell filled my ears.

Ember looks at me and I nod. “Do it.” I hold out my arms to the side and wait for the heart smasher to end this.

She raises the arrow as her eyes fill with tears.

Like the entire fight melted away, I felt something. Something growing inside. My eyes find hers and I give her a smile. I have to trust that this is right. All of it is right and now, even more important to protect whatever weapon is in that library.

I glance up as the moon peaks. The area becomes even bluer and it’s rays wash over me. The air becomes static and I feel it. It hits my heart with a force that makes me almost jolt.

“I'm sorry.” She squeaks.

“Baby, it’s fine. Love Bug. I love you so much. I understand.” I feel the pulse grow then shoot from my heart like a rope.

She starts to sob. “I love you too.” Her hand shakes as she stretches the bow string. I smile even more as a tear falls from my eye.

Trust, Cass. Fucking trust!

I bite my lip as I brace myself. The pulse releases all of its energy and love in my chest and fires to its target.

My heart pounds. I can barely breathe. I was naked, but burning up. Embers tear filled eyes widen as the snap hits her heart. Her jaw drops as her face fills with shock.

Both of us have tears fall. I expose my chest even more. “Mine.” I hitch.

She chokes as she releases the arrow. She cries as I find the point of the head coming at me.

I watch it spin through the air as the death call of the Lycan that wants me dead fills the trees.



The bond snaps back and forth as Michael fills the corner of my eye. The arrow closes in on me and Michael jumps in the air.

The arrow whips past my ear. I hear it and feel the wind from it blow my hair.

Puck lunges at the same time, hits Michael and the two hit me just as the heartsmasher hits the trunk at my head.

The trunk shakes violently then explodes in a blinding white light that you could see for miles. The top of the tree flies straight up into the air and its trunk explodes in chunks and splinters. The power went deep into the ground and forest dirt rose into the air like water. Sending a wall of debris out in a perfect circle over us all.

Puck is on Michael and my leg is under him. Puck brings his sword down into Michael’s shoulder to the hilt, pinning him to the ground. Michael screams in pain as Puck produces a potion in a vial. He forces Michael’s mouth open.

“Have some belladonna, you fucking prick!” Puck pulls the cork with his teeth and pours the poison down Michael’s throat.

Michael gags and thrashes. I wiggle out from under him and run to Ember.

Puck falls backwards and Michael shifts. He’s screaming and choking on foam. He claws at the hilt of the sword, whining and crying at the pain. It sounds like his insides are on fire.

I protect my love bug as I watch my friend suffer in agony.

Puck runs up to us. “We got to go.”

“I can’t leave him here.” I say as Puck pushes on me.

“Yes, you can. That won’t last long and he’s going to be extremely pissed off if we’re still here.” He stops and looks me in the eyes.

“We can contain him…” I say.

Puck shakes his head. “Trust me. This isn’t an ordinary lycan. We can’t just contain him. We need to find where he gets his power. Don’t worry. I'll help you get your friend back.” His voice and face are serious.

Ember tugs in my arm. “We’ll find another way.”

My brows stitch up as I turn to her. I nod then look at Michael. He’s holding is chest and breathing heavy. Blood is pouring out of his shoulder. “I’m fucking killing you.” He growls. “It’ll be so fucking painful.” He pants.

“Bye, Mike.” I say solemnly. Ember grabs our arms and blinks us out, leaving Michael to fight another day and hopefully we will have a cure for whatever is possessing him.

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