Behind The Alpha Book 4 CASS

Chapter 22

(Chapter song ‘Waiting For A Star To Fall’ by Boy Meets Girl)


I wake with a bit of stretch and feel the sun on my face. I look out the window and see the bright day through the trees. A smile creeps over my sleepy face as I put my arm behind my head and gently pet the gorgeous red head on my chest. I drop a kiss on her head and settle into her naked body more. She’s wrapped around me and I feel her calm breath on my skin.

I could lay here forever. Just breathing her in and feeling the love I know she has for me inside. If only she could let go.

She wiggles into me and I kiss her forehead.

“Hi.” She opens a sleepy eye and smiles.

“Hello.” I grin. “Sleep good.”

She sits up. “You know, it’s weird. I don’t usually sleep unless I’m drained completely, but you’re like a sedative.”

I pull her onto me. “I’m also an energy booster.” I pull her to me and kiss her like I mean it. She giggles on my lips.

I break the kiss and tuck her hair behind her ear. “Can I ask you something?”

“Anything.” She responds.

“Who was he?” I gaze into her eyes.

She pushes off me. “Anything but that.”

“Em…come on. I want to know.” I say as I sit up.

She throws the blankets off. “Cass. You don’t. It’s not important.”

I grab her arm and pull her into my lap, cradling her into my arms. I cup her cheek and feel her soft skin. “Then tell me…how do I get past this hard shell?”

She glances at me. “Short answer…You don’t.”

“There must be some way.” I kiss her face gently.

“I’m built to just buzz around and give love away. Not keep it for myself.” She traces my muscles with her nails as she avoids eye contact.

I sit her up and hold her in my arms. “I think whoever he was has you locked up and what you need is me to unlock it. Maybe it’s time to do that. Keep love for yourself. Maybe this time, I’m the one blowing the kiss.” I kiss her passionately and hold her nape. I show her everything she showed me.

I pull back and look into her eyes. “Tell me. Unlock it.” I give little kisses between words.

She sighs and straddles my legs. She fixes my hair. “It was a long time ago. Way before your grandparents were even a thought. I was a wood nymph then. I was happy playing amongst the trees and singing with the nature, until Victor stumbled into my woods. He was so…beautiful and rugged, I took a liking to him right away. He lived on a farm next to my trees. Every night he’d come to me. We laughed, danced, made love for months. He professed his deep love for me and tried to convince me to leave the forest. I refused. I wanted to be with my element. I’m a nymph. Why would I want to leave? So Victor kept coming. Day after day, he’d ask and I’d say no. Then one night, he never came…”

I could see her eyes glass over. “I waited for days then weeks…finally after months, I left my trees.” Her voice starts to tremble. I try to calm her with my touch. “When I reached his farm, he was with a woman. Another woman. He just…forgot me. I’m sure it was my fault, but why do this to me? My heart broke and when I got him alone, he told me he found true love. He told me a magical boy put a spell on him and three other people one night. Later, I found out that boy was Puck. He was requested by Victor’s neighbor to give a love potion to the head woman of the village leader. He was in love with her, but Puck, being the idiot he is, gave the wrong girl the potion.”

“Damn.” I say.

“Anyway, craziness broke out and Puck thought it would be fun to give it to Victor. The problem was it wasn’t a love potion, it was a love finding potion meant to find your true love. He found his love and it wasn’t me. It was the Head woman’s milk maid.”

My brows come together. “Awe, Em. I’m sorry.”

Tears well in her eyes. “I swore off love from that day forward.” She swallows as I wipe her eyes. “Then one night after crying my heart out, Valentino came to me. He was going to give me an arrow and I stopped him. I told him I didn’t want it. I asked him to make me one of him and I could make sure what happened to me never happened to others. He tried to talk me out of it, saying something about destiny, I wasn’t really listening. I just didn’t want his arrow.”

“But it would have shown you your true love, wouldn’t it?” I ask.

She nods. “I was so full of Victor, I didn’t want to let him go. I wanted to remember and feel the pain he gave me. It made me the love bug I am today.”

“And if that didn’t happen, I wouldn’t have found you.” I smile.

She gives a small smile. “I found you. Valentino gave me you as a special hit. I just didn’t know you’d be so damn difficult.” She giggles.

“A special hit?” I arch a brow.

“Yes. If I match you without issue, I get my Alpha wings and can match Alphas.” She answers.

“Seems like we have an issue.” I smirk.

“I know.” She blows a breath. “I guess I can kiss those wings goodbye.”

“Would that be a bad thing?” I rub her cheek with my thumb.

“Duh. Who wants to stuck matching Betas for the rest of eternity?” She gives me a snarky look.

I chuckle. “Oh, such a demeaning job.”

“Stop!” She shoves me and I laugh. “Alpha is top dog. Of course, I want to match them. You guys need all the help you can get.” She eyes me.

“You got that right.” I roll my eyes.

“I do think you’ve had a breakthrough. You don’t seem to be so love bombed now.” She smiles.

“All thanks to you. You calmed my heart, I think. I just want to make you happy. That’s all I’ll ever want.” I say.

“Cass, I want you to know that I don’t hate you. I know none of this is your fault. You’re special. I see that. When I find your match, I hope she knows how lucky she is. I will always wish the best for you. Always.” She looks deep into my eyes as her words hit my chest.

“Where will you be?” I ask softly.

She shrugs. “Off doing love bug things. Spreading my love like always.”

“You’re really happy with that.” I have a hint of disappointment in my voice.

She pauses and glances at me. “I am.”

“What if I’m not?” I search her eyes as I say the question that been burning me since we started this.


“I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you.” I tilt my head and stare into her eyes.

“Is that you talking or the kiss?” She asks.

“I'm talking from my heart.” I respond. Deep down I know she’s mine. “I don’t want this to end.”

She gets off me. “It has to. I’m sorry. I don’t belong to you.”

“You keep saying that, Ember, but you don’t feel it. I see that.” I say as I get up too.

“Yes, I do.” She says as she gets dressed. “I can’t be with you.”

“Ember, please. Just…I love you so much. Don’t do this.” I plead.

She throws on her jacket, turn and walks up to me, putting a hand on my cheek. “Get dressed, we have to find the next ingredient.” She turns back around and heads for the door.


“Get dressed, Casper.” She says as she leaves.

I whine as I flop my arm to the side. “How can she not see it?” I sigh and go look for some pants.

When I walk out to the common room, Ember is at the island with Puck and Kevin.

“Morning.” I wave and sit beside Ember.

“Morning, love drugged one.” Puck smiles.

“Puck, knock it off.” Ember warns.

He looks between us both. “Uh oh. A little trouble in the mismatch?”

“No. Kevin, coffee please.” I kind of bark. I want to yell, scream and pitch a fit, but with Ember, I know that will get me nowhere. She’s determined to end us.

Kevin drops a cup down in front of me.

“So, what do we need to get next?” Ember asks.

“Ok.” Puck takes a bite of toast and leans on the tabletop. “This will be a fun challenge.” He smirks.

I narrow my eyes. “Let me guess…a Dragons tooth.”

Puck rubs his chin. “Interesting. Can I swing that?”

“Puck. Come on.” Ember lowers her head and shakes it.

“Fine. I’ll revisit that later.” He waves his hand over the counter and produces a jar with a lid.

We both look at the jar and then him with questionable looks.

“What I need from you is a wish.” He smiles as his head flicks between us.

“A wish.” I confirm.

“Wished upon star to be exact.”

“A wishing star? Are you freaking kidding me? Puck!” Ember raises off her stool and leans forward on the counter.

“Wait. You mean a real star?” I turn my head slightly and furrow my brow.

“Yep. I mean a real sparkling star wished upon by you two.” He points to us then crosses his arms.

Ember slams back down. “Where the hell are we supposed to get a wishing star?”

Puck points up. “There’s a sky full of them.”

I lean on the counter. “Ok. Let’s pretend we can just pluck a star from the sky, don’t wishing stars have to be falling?”

“Yes.” Puck answers.

“Which is random as fuck. This is impossible.” Ember says.

“Would this help?” Kevin drops his tablet on the counter. “A meteor shower tonight. Lots of falling stars.”

“That would do it.” Puck says.

“Puck, we can’t.” Ember shakes her head.

“Shush!” He holds up a finger.


He slides the jar to his sister. “Less talk. More star catching. Remember, wish on it before you put the lid on it.”

“This can’t work.” I shake my head.

“It can and it will. Trust the Tinker nymph.” Puck eyes me.

“I don’t trust you, Puck.” Ember snorts.

“You will.” He waves us away. “Go. Prepare for a night of stars.”

We walk away. “What do you think? A nice bit of star gazing?” I smile.

“This isn’t a date, Cass.” She grumbles.

I lean to her. “It could be. Me and you, under a blanket of stars. Kissing and loving…”

She pushes me away. “It’s a mission, not a date. Keep focused.”

“It’s a date.” I say lifting my chin with a grin and stuffing my hands in my pockets.

“No, it’s not.” She argues

“Yep. It’ll be the perfect date too. One the cosmos won’t be able to ignore.” I side eye her.

“Ugh! Stop!” She throws her hands up.

“Never.” I smirk.

She chuckles and shakes her head. “You’re impossible.”

“And you’re beautiful.” I kiss her cheek quick as I hold the front door open for her. “Best date ever.”

“CASS!” She yells as I cackle out the door.

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