Before the Storm: A Dark Mafia Romance (Frost Industries Book 4)

Before the Storm: Chapter 72


The bruises that marred my skin are long gone, but there are days I still struggle to get out of bed in the morning. The nightmares plague me long into the night, and the only thing that can drag me back to myself are Storm’s arms wrapped around me as he whispers soothing words I can’t comprehend through the fog of panic.

Each day I expect him to be frustrated with me, for him to be sick of the sleepless nights and how broken I still am after I was taken, but he’s beyond patient, and I truly don’t know what I would have done without him.

He meant it when he said he was taking a step back from Frost Industries to look after me, and although he is still doing some work, it’s minimal compared to his usual workload. Instead, he spends his day with me. On my good days, he takes me out on dates, buys me obscene gifts that I never dreamed of before I met him, and showers me with so much love and affection I can barely remember why I need to be cautious with my heart. But he left me once, and I don’t know if I’ll ever believe he won’t do it again.

As far as I can tell, Annalise died in the bunker with the rest of her men, but I haven’t been brave enough to ask for the specifics. What I know is from hushed conversations I heard as I drifted in and out of sleep in the first few days, and honestly, I’m not sure I care either way. She’d be stupid to come after the Saint James family now her Chicago operation is depleted, and we’ve heard nothing of the mysterious man who purchased me. Or at least I don’t think we have.

Today is the first time he’s left me for more than an hour, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss him. We decorated the house for Christmas last week and it looks like Santa’s Wonderland threw up in every room, but it’s the first holiday season I’ve ever had where I’m actually excited for the day. Back home, we might have a meal together, but that’s as much of a celebration as we ever had. We never even had a Christmas tree growing up, so the eight-foot pine in the living room is a bit of a shock to the system.

When Storm left this morning, he said he had to go to the office for a board meeting and he would get back as soon as he could, but the more time I’m alone with my thoughts, the more I begin to spiral. It’s easy to forget the rest of the world when Storm is overwhelming all my senses, but not so much when I’m in this huge house on my own. I’m sure there’s security around here somewhere, but they’re always out of sight.

I’m at the desk by the window when Storm comes strolling in. I’ve been trying to focus on an assignment for the last hour, but my mind keeps wandering and it’s almost impossible to drag it back.

“Baby girl.” He takes long strides toward me. His charcoal suit fits him like a glove, and I realize I’ve missed seeing him like this. Casual Storm is great, but there’s something about this man in a suit that sets my core on fire.

“Did the meeting go okay?” I ask, giving him my best smile, but it’s weak at best.

“It was fine,” he says, scooping me up from the chair and holding me against his chest like he hasn’t seen me in days. At first I didn’t really believe he missed me like he said he did, but by his need to constantly touch me, it seems he may have been telling the truth about that. He pulls back just enough to peer down at me before pressing his lips to mine in a gentle kiss. As much as I shouldn’t, I live for these moments. Storm looking at me like I’m his entire universe has butterflies erupting in my belly every time. “I missed you.”

“It was only a few hours,” I remind him when really, I want to tell him I missed him too. I’m guarded with my feelings, and I’m not sure if, or when that will change.

“It doesn’t matter,” he grumbles and places me on my feet. His eyes move over my body and a look of disapproval crosses his face.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, looking down at my legging-clad legs and oversized shirt I stole from his drawer this morning.

Is it because I’m not dressed up? But I haven’t been at all since I’ve been back, so why is that a problem now? I lost weight in the months I was away, something I’ve never been able to do, but I still wouldn’t consider myself thin by any means, so I’m more comfortable in what I’m wearing for the most part.

“What are the rules, Ayvah?” he rumbles.

I stare at him for a second, because I can’t work out where he’s going with this. And then it clicks. I’m not supposed to wear pants in the bedroom, or panties, for that matter. It’s been so long since he’s enforced any of the rules I had when I was here before, so I all but forgot that one ever existed. We’ve been intimate since I’ve been back, but he hasn’t punished me. He’s been nothing but gentle, and the sudden reminder of his dominant side makes me ache for him. “I’m not to wear pants or panties in our bedroom,” I whisper, not trusting my voice not to break.

“That’s right. And yet…” He gestures toward my legs, and my cheeks heat. It’s the stern voice that sets me alight, and I can barely push through the need he’s ignited to come up with a response.

“I’m sorry, I forgot.”

“I want you naked and bent over the edge of the bed within the next sixty seconds.”

He’s barely got the words out when I shove my leggings and underwear off at once and tear the shirt over my head, leaving me completely bare to him. I didn’t bother putting a bra on when I got dressed this morning because I had no intention of leaving the estate.

Before he can say a word, I quickly make my way to the bed and bend over. It’s strange. I never thought I would enjoy pain with my sex. I thought I was an all-pleasure kind of girl, but the pain only adds to that, and seeing Storm let loose, seeing the monster he tries to hide from the rest of the world, it makes it that much more addictive.

“Such a good girl,” Storm praises, but I don’t look back at where he is or what he’s doing. “Hands behind your back, cheek against the mattress.”

I do as he asks quickly and let out a stuttered breath. We’ve done this before, but my body trembles with anticipation. I didn’t realize I needed this, but now it’s imminent I can barely wait. The soft sheets beneath my cheek bring me calm while the rest of my body feels like a live wire.

“See, I knew you could follow orders.” His voice is closer now and his presence behind me has my heart kicking up a notch. “Too bad I’ll have to punish you though, isn’t it, baby girl?”

“Yes.” No.

His large hands move over my ass roughly, squeezing and groping the globes, but each bite of pain has my pussy clenching around nothing. “Your pretty pussy is wet for me, Ayvah.” His fingers dip between my thighs and brush lightly through my folds, tearing a moan from my throat. “I think you like the sound of me punishing you.” His tone is entertained as he circles my sensitive clit. “Why would this pussy be so wet if that weren’t the case?”

“Storm, please,” I moan, unable to keep up any pretense that I don’t want this.

“Patience, baby girl,” he rumbles and pulls his hand from between my legs, which causes me to whimper at the loss. Fuck, I need this so badly. So much more than I thought.

His warmth disappears from behind me, and I barely catch myself from watching where he’s moving. I try to track his soft footfall on the carpet, but once he’s a few steps away, I can’t work out where he is. When he returns, he steps back up behind me, his bare thighs press against the back of mine, and his hard cock presses into my ass. “You’re so fucking perfect bent over for me, Ayvah.” His hands move up my back and then back down again in comforting movements. “I love you, baby girl.”

“I love you too,” I reply immediately.

He lets out a pleased sound before his large hand grips my left one, and something cool surrounds my ring finger. “Perfect,” he murmurs.

Before I can think better of disobeying him, I tug my hand in front of me and stare at the huge rock on my finger. The diamond sparkles in the sunlight streaming through the window, and I choke on my own breath at the meaning.

“Storm,” I whisper. “Aren’t you meant to get down on one knee and ask?”

He chuckles as his cock nudges my entrance and he surges forward. “If I ask, you have the option to say no, and I’m not willing to risk that.” And then he slams home, tearing a scream from my lungs. It’s rare for him to take me without warming me up first and his cock stretches me to my limits. The bite of pain only makes my pussy clench around him tighter and drags a groan from his throat. “Fuck, Ayvah. I could spend the rest of my life inside your pussy and die the happiest motherfucker on earth.”

A laugh bubbles in my throat, but it comes out as a wanton moan. He feels so good like this and I’ll be the first to admit I’d die pretty fucking happy like that too. “Storm,” I cry as his cock rocks over the sensitive spot inside me and his balls slap against my oversensitive clit with each thrust.

“I’m not going to last, baby girl. Rub your pussy for me. I need to feel you come,” he orders.

I slip a hand between my legs and rub my clit at the same pace he’s fucking me. It won’t be long before I come, and by the way his cock is swelling impossibly inside me, he’s not far off either.

“Fuck, that’s it, Ayvah. Come for me,” he demands, and it’s only a few more thrusts before I’m toppling over the edge into an orgasm so powerful I almost forget to breathe as it overwhelms me. The pleasure rockets through my body, and weightlessness settles over me.

I’m vaguely aware of Storm grunting behind me and his hands tightening on my waist as he spends himself inside me, but I’m too lost in my own pleasure.

He leans over me and presses a kiss to my shoulder but remains buried deep inside me. “You look good with my ring on your finger.”

I let out a low laugh and shook my head. “I would have said yes if you’d actually asked.”

He chuckles and nips at my earlobe. “I know.”

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