Before the Storm: A Dark Mafia Romance (Frost Industries Book 4)

Before the Storm: Chapter 60

Annalise left me after she dropped the bombshell that whoever bought me is far more powerful than Storm. I’m not under any misconceptions that Storm Saint James is the only big bad mafia boss in the country, but the way she said it, the ominous air her words left hanging long after she left, it made goose bumps crawl over my skin and a fresh wave of anxiety wash over me.

What exactly have I got myself into?

I pace back and forth despite the agony in my head and ribs. It’s the only way I can tackle the thoughts racing around in my mind, because sitting idle will allow them to overrun my mind, and that’s something I can’t allow to happen.

The room they’re keeping me in is dark and cold. Concrete covers every surface, and apart from that, the only feature in the room is a lounge on the other side of the room. At least it’s something, but then again, how long will they be keeping me here? How long before the mystery buyer arrives to take his new acquisition home… wherever that may be.

I’m not sure how much time passes or even what time of day it is. I assume it was still nighttime when we arrived here, but how long ago was that? Time seems to move slower when you can’t see the sun, or perhaps it’s faster…

I wince as the pain in my ribs intensifies and I lean against the wall furthest from the door to breathe through the pain. I’m fairly sure my ribs are broken. I don’t have anything to compare it to, but I’m certain nothing else would hurt this badly.

A crackling sound fills the room and I look around for the source, spotting a speaker at the same time a deep voice fills the room. “Ayvah. I’m sure you’re very frightened, but I want to assure you no further harm is going to come to you now that you’re in my care.”

My mouth drops open, but no words come out. What the fuck? If they’re here, why aren’t they taking me somewhere? Or is this concrete prison my new home for the foreseeable future? “I think my ribs are broken,” I say despite myself. For some reason, I can’t stop the words from slipping from my lips.

There’s a long pause, and when the voice comes again, it’s strained and angry. “I’m sorry you were harmed, Ayvah. I gave Annalise very specific instructions that there not be a mark on you, but clearly, she has no control over her own people. I’m organizing a doctor to come check you over and give you something for the pain.”

I stare at the speaker, but I can’t speak. Why does he care if I’m hurt? Isn’t he just going to hurt me? Won’t he force me into all kinds of depraved acts that will leave me broken?

“I can see you’re confused, but you needn’t be. I’m going to take care of you, Ayvah, and you won’t ever know another moment of pain.”

“I don’t even know who you are.”

“Soon you will, and soon you’ll rule by my side.”

I lean against the wall and allow my body to slide down the wall, defeat seeping into my very being. No one’s coming for me. No one is going to save me. And I don’t even know who bought me.

“You seem sad, Ayvah.”

“Of course I’m sad,” I snap. “I was taken from my home, beaten, and shoved in a trunk for god knows how long. Only to be dragged into this concrete room and left here with no blankets, no food, no water. I’m alone. I’m confused. I’m scared. And I’m really fucking pissed off. So yeah, I’m sad, just like anyone else would be in my situation.”

A chuckle comes through the speaker, and it only makes my anger deepen. Is this guy for real? Is he seriously laughing at my misery? “You know, Ayvah, when your family were first looking into the idea of selling you, I was interested, but I wasn’t convinced. I’m not like Annalise’s other buyers. I’m not looking for someone to break down and replace in a few months. I’ve been looking for a long time for someone who will rule by my side, and when I followed you for the months before your sale, I knew you were the one. Despite the way your family treated you, you’re not afraid to tell people how it is, and I like that. It’s refreshing.”

I huff out a sigh, but there’s no point wasting my breath on a response. No matter what I say, nothing is going to change what’s about to happen to me. And the mystery man on the other side of the speaker and I know as well as the other that no one is coming to save me.

This is my life now.

There’s a long pause, and I don’t expect him to respond, but then his voice comes again. “I don’t tend to understand other people’s emotions, but yours I seem to have a good handle on. I know you’re scared right now, but soon you won’t be. Soon you’ll see how good life by my side can be.”

I stare at the speaker in the corner like it holds all the answers to the questions that dance on the tip of my tongue. How could I ever be happy with someone who bought me like I’m nothing more than a commodity? In what universe do I end up happy in that situation?

“I’m sorry to leave you here, dear, but I have a few things I need to take care of before I can take you home. The doctor will call me if there’s any serious injuries from that asshole’s rough treatment of you.” He pauses as if he’s not sure how to say goodbye. “I’ll see you soon, Ayvah.”

And then I’m met with silence. Just as quickly as the voice appeared, it’s gone again, and all I’m left with is more questions than I had before, and a splitting headache that has me reaching for the wall to keep myself steady.


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