Before the Storm: A Dark Mafia Romance (Frost Industries Book 4)

Before the Storm: Chapter 55

I didn’t know it was possible to miss someone as much as I miss Ayvah.

But then again, I didn’t think I was capable of feeling love until she walked into my life.

I can’t bring myself to read the reports from the security team anymore. At first they were my tether to her, but now it’s like rubbing salt in an open wound. She’s moving on without me, making friends, setting up a new life for herself in the little town I handpicked for her.

It’s the same place my parents met thirty-five years ago, and the only place I could think to send her where she might be safe. But everything is one big gamble at the moment. We’re never sure of anything, least of all our next steps, and it has me on edge.

“Your plan isn’t working,” I bark at Elijah and Everett who sit on the other side of the desk. I gave it six weeks before bringing them in here to get some answers, far longer than I would normally allow my men to come to me with answers, but with Annalise, I gave them a little more time.

“Snow and Wynter have monitored every call that’s gone in and out. I’ve had men follow them every time they leave that goddamn warehouse. I don’t understand how we don’t have anything yet.” Everett shoves his hand through his hair, the stress weighing on him. The closer we get to Wynter’s due date, the more stressed he’s getting. He doesn’t want a threat hanging over our head when his child comes into the world, but at this point, it seems inevitable.

“We need a new plan,” I say.

“What if we posed as a buyer?” Elijah suggests.

“What makes you think Annalise does her own transactions? I’m sure she has guys that do the dirty work while she reaps the rewards.” I rub my fingers over my stubble. I haven’t bothered to shave in days, barely even managing to function when the heart that beats outside me chest is in an entirely different country.

“What if we were super specific about what we wanted and offered way over the asking price?” Everett asks.

“You don’t think that will seem obvious?”

He shakes his head. “No, not from what I’ve seen of the chatter. It seems like they offer a premium service the more you pay.”

My stomach rolls. We’re talking about human beings. Women and children who have been stolen from their lives to be sold like cattle. “Put some feelers out. See if you can track down one of their existing buyers. It will be less suspicious if we don’t come out of the blue.” It’s a long shot though. Every plan we have at this point is a long shot.

“Bishop called this morning,” Everett tells me. “There are rumbles in New York about a new player in town.”

I tip my head back against my chair and sigh. “For fuck’s sake. How do they have this much fucking manpower?”

“They have more people on the street here as well. My dealers have reported a bunch of suspicious activity. New pimps they haven’t seen before. Younger women turning tricks. The whole landscape is changing.” Elijah is the most cold-hearted person I know, but even he looks ready to vomit at the idea of what our city is turning into.

“We need to shut this shit down,” Everett mutters as he pulls the laptop he has resting on my desk closer. “I’ll do some digging for current buyers and see if we can… persuade someone to help us.”

“Where’s Rayne anyway?” Elijah asks.

“He took Emerson to an appointment,” I tell him.

“Is she okay?”

I nod. “I think so. He didn’t seem worried, and you know how he gets when he thinks she’s unwell.” I roll my eyes at how over-the-top possessive my brother is, but I understand it now. My skin crawls when Ayvah is away from me, and each day the temptation to itch until the sensation goes away almost overwhelms me. But I did this for her. I did it so she can live a normal life, meet a normal guy, and raise her children away from danger. The idea of another man touching my woman makes me fucking homicidal, but it’s what’s in her best interest, and isn’t that what love is? Putting someone above your own needs? Doing what’s in their best interest even when it fucking kills you?

Everett looks up from his screen and hesitates before saying, “Wynter is concerned about your decision to send Ayvah away.”

I blow out a frustrated breath and close my eyes to calm the anger boiling just beneath the surface. “It’s none of Wynter’s business,” I rumble.

He nods. “I know, but she’s been reading the reports the security team are providing, and Ayvah seems… on edge. The guys think she can sense them watching her, but they can’t be sure that there isn’t something else going on.”

“What about the neighbor?” I moved her into that building because Jan was an old friend of my parents. I knew she would take care of my girl and make sure she didn’t wallow for too long. She deserves a happy life, one I can’t give her.

“She hasn’t said anything to her, but she’s noticed it too. She’s acting really cagey, looking over her shoulder more and more each day. Wynter spoke to Jan a few days ago, and she said she was worried about Ayvah.” Everett blows out a long breath. “I’ve not told you how to run your personal life before and I’m not about to start now, but is she really living?”

“She’ll be fine. She just needs some time.” But even I know it’s bullshit. Time isn’t going to do shit for either of us. We won’t feel complete until we’re back together, but that can’t happen. Not now, not ever. Because Ayvah deserves a life where she isn’t in danger each time she leaves the house, and she deserves a better man than me.

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