Before the Storm: A Dark Mafia Romance (Frost Industries Book 4)

Before the Storm: Chapter 45

The heat radiating from Storm’s body is stifling. It’s like sleeping right on top of a furnace, and no matter how many times I try to roll away from it, he drags me right back without ever opening his eyes.

I woke up when the sun started streaming through the open curtains, but so far haven’t managed to drag myself out of bed. I’m not sure how much time has passed, and honestly, I could spend the whole day right where I am. Except I really need the bathroom.

I chance a look over my shoulder at Storm’s sleeping form and a small smile tips up the corners of my lips. I know he could break my heart, and my body, before I ever had a chance to get away, but how can I argue with how fucking happy he makes me?

I lift the blankets from my body and shimmy to the edge of the bed until his arm falls to the mattress. Finally.

As quietly as I can manage, I slip on Storm’s discarded sweatshirt to cover my naked body, and tiptoe into the conjoined bathroom. It’s hard to think that less than a month ago, I was living in a shitty apartment with my parents and sister, looked down upon and unappreciated. And now, somehow, I’m living with the most powerful man in the city, in his ostentatious mansion.

I take care of business before peeking out the door to check on Storm. He’s still lying on his back, his arms spread out on either side of him, but now I can see him in all his glory. The morning sun streams over his corded muscles and makes him glow like a god.

“Like what you see, baby girl?” he rumbles, sleep obvious in his voice.

Heat rushes to my cheeks. Fuck. I thought I was being sneaky! I move from my place in the doorway and cross back to the bed, doing everything I can to avoid eye contact. Will I ever not feel out of my depth with Storm?

“I asked you a question, Ayvah. You know I expect an answer.”

“Yes,” I murmur. I sit on the edge of the bed and tug at the hem of his sweatshirt that swims on me. The smell of him disarms me, but I also wish I could spend the rest of my life wearing only his clothing.

Warm breath whispers across my shoulder and my head rolls to the side of its own accord. My body is on fire for him already. It was all night. Every time I woke up with his hand gripping one of my tits, or cupping my pussy possessively, I ached for him to take things further, but he never did, and now the ache between my thighs is unbearable.

I’m a little tender from last night, but not like I expected to be. I expected the thought of sex to make me run a mile in the opposite direction, but it’s quite the opposite.

Storm’s lips brush against my neck and send a shiver through my hypersensitive body. “I like you in my clothes, baby girl. When you’re in this room, I want you either in my clothes or naked. No exceptions.”

“Storm.” I sigh. He can’t seriously expect me to follow those rules.

“No panties either. Not ever.”

I turn to look at him over my shoulder. “You can’t be serious.”

“Do I look like I’m joking?” he deadpans.

“No, you don’t. And that’s what I’m worried about.” I push myself to my feet but I quickly find myself flat on my back with a hard body pressing mine into the mattress. How did he do that?

“I’m serious, Ayvah. I want easy access to your cunt at all times.”

“I can’t not wear underwear when I leave the house, Storm. What if I’m wearing a dress, and it flies up? Do you want other people seeing me?” I’m baiting him now. I can’t help myself. The glimpses I’ve seen of the monster he hides barely beneath the surface have made me ache, and now I want Storm to set him free.

The growl that erupts from his chest is barely human, and the snarl his lips turn into has heat pooling between my thighs. “No one sees my pussy, Ayvah. Do you understand me?” he demands through clenched teeth.

“Then I have to wear underwear when I leave the estate.”

I do my best to shrug, but the way he has me pinned beneath him makes any movement difficult. The hard ridge of his cock presses into my belly, only making me need him more.

He stares at me for long moments, fire flaring to life in his smoky eyes. “Fine. But in this house, no panties. And in this room, my clothes or naked, and no pants. Are we clear?”

“What if there’s a fire and I have to evacuate and all I’m wearing is one of your shirts? And what about when I have my period? I’ll need to wear underwear then.”

He huffs out an irritated sigh. “Are you trying to get me mad, baby girl? Because you’re doing a good fucking job.”

I look up at him innocently. That’s exactly what I’m doing, but I don’t want him to know it. “No, I’m just trying to understand the rules, so I don’t break them by accident.”

“No pants, no underwear, no exceptions.”

My mouth drops open of its own accord. I knew he was a caveman, but Jesus, he’s taking it to another level this morning. “Storm, I need to wear underwear during that time of the month.”

He sighs. “Fine. But only then. And I will still have access to your pussy whenever I please. I don’t give a shit about a little blood.”

I close my eyes as irrational tears pool in the corners. He’s being impossible, and he’s taking away all autonomy to make decisions for myself. But the worst part? I don’t mind it. I’m not upset because he thinks he has some kind of fucked up claim on me. I’m upset because the thought of him having that control makes the ache in my core grow deeper.

“Baby girl?” Storm’s voice softens, and his fingers brush down my face.

“I’m okay,” I whisper, but I can’t force my eyes open. I don’t want him to see me cry, not when I’m crying over something so silly. He wouldn’t understand, and I don’t want him to know how much I crave his control.

“No, you’re not. I’m sorry if I upset you, but you wanted to understand the rules.”

I nod against the mattress and my heart beats impossibly hard in my chest. Will it always feel like too much with him? Will he always overwhelm my senses in a way no one ever has before?

He presses a kiss to my cheek, my nose, my lips, covering my face with gentle brushes of his lips, apologizing for the man he is without ever saying the words.

“Open those pretty eyes for me, baby girl,” he murmurs against my jaw, and my body responds immediately. “That’s better.” His gentle smile is everything. It seems almost out of place with his defined cheekbones and sharp jawline, but I know it’s reserved for me and me alone, and that knowledge makes my heart ache for him.

His strong hands grip my hips and he quickly rolls me on top of him until I’m straddling his hips. How the hell does he keep moving me around like a doll? Before I can move, his hands wrap around my wrists and press them to the headboard before clipping something around each of them. What the fuck?

I look up to find my wrists wrapped in leather cuffs that I hadn’t noticed before. How many women has he chained to his bed in the past? Before I can spend any amount of time considering the long list of women that precede me, and the ones that will come after I’m gone, Storm’s fingers probe at my wet entrance and despite my best efforts, I can’t swallow down the groan.

I’ve never considered myself an especially sexual person. It’s part of the reason I never bothered to lose my virginity. But when it comes to Storm, I have a feeling he’s going to keep me wet and needy all the time. Desperate for him and the way he plays my body.

“So wet for me, baby girl.”

“Please,” I moan as he presses two fingers deep inside me.

“Please what, Ayvah? Tell me what you need.”

“You. I need you,” I pant.

His fingers curl toward the front wall of my pussy and my hips jerk at the sensation. I should be concerned about straddling him. I’m too heavy for this position, but every time I remind myself of that, his fingers drag me back to what he’s doing to me.

“I know you do, baby girl,” he murmurs, his eyes moving from my face to where his fingers are buried deep inside me. The sound of him pumping into my wetness is obscene, but I’m too lost in my own pleasure to be embarrassed by the sounds. “Your pretty pussy is gushing for me, Ayvah. Ride my fingers.”

His command catches me off guard and I find my hips stalling, my body frozen in place. I can’t do that, can I?

A hard slap on my bare ass startles me, and I look down at him with wide eyes. “What the fuck?”

“You know the rules, Ayvah. I tell you to do something and you do it immediately.”

I hesitate for another second before rolling my hips tentatively. I’ve never done anything remotely like this, but he knows that. That’s why he’s making me do it. He wants to push me out of my comfort zone, and I’m not sure how I feel about it.

“Good girl,” he praises as I raise my hips slightly and press myself back down on his fingers. It feels unnatural, like I’m doing something dirty. But how can anything be wrong when Storm looks at me like he’s never seen anything more beautiful than me riding his hand, chasing my own pleasure?

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