Before I Rise

Chapter The Drill Sergeant

Em’s POV

My lungs felt like they were going to collapse in on themselves any second now. My legs were starting to shake and my heart was hammering away in my chest. I was sweating in places that I didn’t think could actually sweat. I was dying. I knew I was dying. This had to be what dying was like, nobody could convince me otherwise. It made me sad to know I was never going to see Marcus again. Good thing we had a spicy night last night, he at least had something to remember me by.

I was starting to wheeze, I could barely fill my lungs with air. I was seriously considering throwing up. I mean, who even decides to…

A whistle pierced the air, and maybe even my ears. “Ladies, you need to push yourselves harder! Stop dilly dallying!” Alexis screamed out.

Julie let out a loud groan beside me on her treadmill. “We’ve been running forever!”

“Yeah, can’t we do anything else besides running?” I asked Alexis.

She rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. “Do you two realize how long you’ve been running?” She asked us.

“It feels like it’s been forever.” I said, as I grasped on to the railing beside me. I was half convinced that Alexis secretly hated Julie and I, and this was a way to get back at us for whatever.

When I asked Alexis if she would train me, I wasn’t exactly prepared for what was going to happen. She was like a drill sergeant. She even carried a clipboard and wore a whistle around her neck. In her defense, she did say that she was going to take this very seriously and she wasn’t going to be laid back just because I was the luna. She informed me that since I was in such a position, I would need to know how to defend myself at all times. I couldn’t have agreed more.

The day she barged into the bedroom, I realized that I had absolutely no way to defend myself if I was ever attacked. I brought this to Marcus’s attention the other night at dinner and told him I wanted Alexis to train me. He wasn’t exactly in love with the idea, but eventually he saw the benefits of me learning self defense.

“It’s been ten minutes.” Alexis said, as she shook her head in a disapproving way. “You guys literally have twenty minutes left. Put a pep in your step.” She blew the whistle again and walked towards the restrooms in the gym.

“I’m going to make Jacoby give me a full body massage tonight.” Julie grunted out as she slightly increased her pace.

If I wasn’t fighting for my life right now, I would’ve laughed.

“That’s a good idea, I’m going to make Marcus give me one too.”

I had no idea I was so out of shape. Physically I didn’t necessarily look like it, but I had no stamina. Though, I have gained some weight since I’ve been here. I blame some of it on Sarah, the pack chef, and her wickedly good desserts that she’s always making for every meal. However, the majority of it was because of my addiction to tacos and quesadillas. I could eat those every day for the rest of my life. I’m half convinced that wherever I was before coming here, didn’t have food as good as the food I’m having now.

“Have you talked or seen Alicia recently?” Julie asked me.

I took a few seconds to try and catch my breath before answering. “Yeah, I check on her in the morning and at night to see if she needs anything. She isn’t really in the talking mood at the moment.”

“Do you know what’s going on with her? I’ve tried asking her but she won’t tell me anything. I’m starting to get worried. This just isn’t like her.”

I could hear how worried and sad Julie was. I felt the same exact way.

“Well if it helps make you feel better, she went on patrol today with Marcus. She really hasn’t said anything to you?” I asked her.

Julie shook her head, “No. Not a word. I’ve tried to get her to open up to me, but she just shuts down.”

“Well, the other day…” I stopped talking as soon as Alexis walked out of the bathroom. I didn’t want her to hear what I was about to say.

“The other day what?” Julie asked, trying to get me to finish what I was saying

I shook my head at her. “I’ll tell you later.” She grew confused, until I made a point to glance at Alexis and back at Jules. She nodded her head in understanding and mouthed ‘oh’.

“If I throw up, promise you won’t tell anybody?” Jules asked me, trying to change the subject.

I chuckled at that. “As long as you promise to do the same for me.”

She stuck out her pinky to me and waited for me to interlock mine with hers. “I pinky promise.”

I felt slightly bad that Julie had to do this with me since we had to be together every time we left the pack house. Though, she seemed really excited to train and learn some new defense moves. There was a part of me that was happy to know I wouldn’t be going through this grueling process alone.

“Alright ladies, time to move on to abs. Give me fifty sit ups.” Alexis barked out.

I immediately stopped the treadmill and got off of the stupid thing. “What’s a sit up?” I asked them.

They both looked at each other in disbelief. “You don’t know what a sit up is?” Alexis asked me.

I shook my head, “No. Maybe I do, but I can’t remember anything so…” I shrugged my shoulders as Alexis grimaced.

“Right, forgot about that. Julie, show her how to do a sit up. Also, make sure to count aloud. I don’t want you two slacking off.”

Julie let out a loud sigh and laid on the floor. She showed me how to do one and it was so much better than running. Hell, anything is better than running. However, by the fifteen sit up I had changed my mind. My stomach was on FIRE! I had no idea how doing a sit up would teach me self defense.

By the twentieth sit up, I have had enough. “How the hell is this helping me? I thought you were going to teach us how to fight.”

Alexis walked over to where I was laying down. She squatted and hovered her face right above mine.

“You need to build up your stamina. No matter what fighting moves I teach you, you still need stamina. Without it, it’s a losing fight. The monsters that are going to be after you, are much bigger than you and have stamina. You run out of steam, you die. Simple as that. I need to make sure you guys last before I teach you anything. Okay?” She asked me.

I went over what she said in my head before finally nodding and agreeing with her. I can see how she was right. Doesn’t make me suddenly love running, but perhaps I can learn to appreciate it.

Though, I was only partially doing this to protect myself against the rogues. One of the biggest reasons I decided to do this was because of Jensen. Ever since he showed up again, I have been on edge. I didn’t know how long he was going to stay. I knew I needed to not only watch my back, but watch Marcus’s back as well. I would follow through with my threat if anything happened to Marcus because of him. I just needed to learn how to fight first.

Alexis stood up and began walking around us as we continued doing the work out.

“The rogues are built for one thing and one thing only, to destroy whatever is in their path. Are you going to let that happen ladies?”

“No!” We shouted out.

“The rogues are trying to take our land and kill our loved ones. Who’s going to stop them?”

Jules and I looked at each other, unsure of what to say.

“We are?” We both said, still unsure if that’s what Alexis wanted to hear.

“Is that a question or a statement ladies?”

“We are!” We shouted. It seemed to be the answer she wanted to hear, as her mouth slightly morphed into the smallest smile I have ever seen in my life. Something tells me that Alexis isn’t the smiling type, nor is she the hugs and kisses type either.

“Good. Now turn over and give me fifty push ups.” We both let out a loud groan before turning over.

After doing push ups, pull ups, and another thirty minute running session, we were finally done. Alexis had to leave to get ready for patrol, which left Jules and I to lay on the ground and contemplate our choices in life.

“Everything hurts.” Jules groaned out. I couldn’t agree more, I had no idea how I was going to even walk home.

An idea popped in my head. “Hey Jules, can you mindlink Marcus and tell him to come meet us here. I think I need him to carry me home.”

“Good idea, I’m going to see if Jacoby will too. They have to meet up anyway and give a status report on the border. Might as well do it here.”

She was quiet for a few minutes while she talked to them. “Okay, they are on their way.”

“Thank the Goddess.” I moaned out.

My whole body was on fire. I couldn’t pinpoint which body part hurt more. My legs, lungs, arms, and stomach felt like they were never going to work again. I had no idea how I was going to be able to do this all again tomorrow.

The door to the gym opened and Marcus and Jacoby walked in. They looked like angels sent from above. I couldn’t tell what made me more excited. Seeing Marcus, or knowing I don’t have to walk home.

“Wow, Alexis did a number on you two.” Jacoby said with a chuckle.

“You have no idea. Now help me up, lover.” Jacoby grabbed Jules outstretched hands and helped her stand. He then quickly picked her up and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

“Are you okay?” Marcus asked me, as he picked me up in a bridal style hold and held me close. I felt slightly better being in his arms.

“Yeah, just sore. Think you can give me a massage when we get home?” I asked him, hoping he would say yes.

“I’ve got a better idea.”

“Oh, what is it?” I curiously asked him.

“How about a bath?”

“Are you going to get in it with me?” I quickly discovered that I love baths, but my favorite bath was when Marcus took one with me. Those were some of my favorite moments with him. Just us two in warm water talking about whatever. It didn’t hurt that they usually ended up leading to ecstasy.

“Yeah, I was thinking of taking a bath and then we can eat while watching a movie.”

My eyes filled with excitement. “Well what are you waiting for? Let’s go!”

Marcus chuckled deeply before walking out of the gym with Jacoby.

“Bye Em, see you tomorrow!” Jules said while being carried off in the opposite direction.

I waved goodbye before snuggling my face in between Marcus’s neck and shoulder as he carried me. I was starting to relax now that I was with Marcus. However, my eyes popped open and all relaxation went out the window when I realized I have to do this all again tomorrow. I literally might die.

I just hope this is going to be worth it in the end. Especially, if I have to go up against Jensen.

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