Before I Rise

Chapter The Darkness

Unknown’s POV

“They are ready for you.” Leonardo said, interrupting my ritual.

I turned around to face the rogue who I had promoted as my second in command. He had finally washed the filth away from his body and his brown hair looked lighter than before. He still could not look me in the eyes, though I wasn’t complaining about that. He was smart, smarter than the other filthy rogues that surrounded me. He knew I only moved him up in ranks because he was the least annoying one here. I also purposely got close to him to keep track of what was going on with my soldiers. I didn’t want to risk them getting big, bold ideas in their heads. Not that they had a chance of actually escaping from my clutches, I just simply didn’t want to have to replace them. Especially since I didn’t have the time.

“All of them?” I asked, making sure before I left the room. I didn’t like spending more time than necessary around these filthy creatures.

He nodded quickly, “Yes. I made sure they were before interrupting you.”

I placed my ritual knife in one of my pockets and blew out the candles. I moved towards him and I noticed he made quite the effort to not flinch as I walked past him.

“Lead the way.” I demanded as he shut the door.

He shivered as he walked a few paces ahead of me. I, on the other hand, didn’t notice the change of temperature from the room into the hallway. I could lay naked in the snow for hours, before I would even get a shiver. It’s one of the reasons I put my base camp in this cave system. It was also dark and not easy to find.

After walking through a maze of tunnels, we finally arrived at the center. It was big enough to house over a thousand soldiers, the perfect fit for my army. I walked up a couple of natural formed stone steps and onto a ledge that overlooked down into my army. They were all standing there, rows upon rows of them, waiting for instruction.

“Men! Before the sun breaks over the horizon, we will wipe out the Dark Moon pack. It will be one step closer in taking back your lands and your freedom. One less Alpha to hunt you down and kill you. We will ascend on their land like a tsunami. There will be no prisoners taken, except one. Bring me the Alpha alive, I have special plans for him… Begin preparations, we move out in just a few hours.”

The men erupted in cheers. They were all itching for a good fight and for the freedom that I had promised them. It was almost comical on how little it took to convince them to fight for me. Promise them some land and revenge, and they are putty in my hands. Though, the real entertainment will come at the end. When they realize that what I promised them will not be theirs for the taking. Once I have wiped out every pack in this realm, the rogue’s blood will turn on them and they will die. Which means… no more werewolves. I will have successfully wiped out their kind. It will be the perfect way to end this.

I turned back to Leonardo as the rogues continued to cheer. “Did you do as I asked?” He nodded his head. “Good, you can go. Make sure everything gets done before we leave, I do not want anything holding us back.”

I walked down the steps and back into the tunnel system. Excitement ran through my body the closer I got to my destination. I finally arrived at the door and opened it revealing a dark, stone tub in the middle of the room with a shaking figure huddled in one of the corners. I quickly shut the door and walked over to the woman. She was drenched in fear, making my whole body erupt in goosebumps.

“Please… Please don’t hurt me. I’ll tell you whatever you need to know.” She begged me.

“There, there sweet girl. It’s alright. Take my hand.”

She looked at my outreach hand for a few seconds, debating on whether or not to trust me. Finally, she placed her hand in mine and allowed me to help her up. Her hazel eyes were filled with fear and unshed tears.

“Remind me again, what exactly was your position in the Blood Moon pack?” I asked her.

She blinked a few times before answering. “I was the Elder. I also helped Alpha Alexis with any Luna duties that she needed done, since she hadn’t found hers yet.”

I nodded my head as I walked us closer to the tub. I could hardly contain my excitement for what was to come. To say I was thrilled when the rogues had returned with the Elder was an understatement. They had no idea what kind of magic was in an Elder’s blood. I’ve been saving her for this precise moment.

“Did you know that your Alpha managed to make it out alive?” I asked her as we stopped at the side of the tub.

“Really?” She asked as hope sprang alive in her.

“Yes, it’s just too bad…” I moved behind her and pulled her hair back as I used my other hand to grab my knife. I pressed a light kiss at her temple before whispering into her ear. “That you’ll never see your precious Alpha again.” With a quick flick of my wrist I moved the knife across her throat.

I bent her body over the tub as the life poured out of her into it. There was no sound or struggle, just how I like them. When she was no longer bleeding, I tossed her body to the side and removed my clothes. I felt the power hit me as soon as I stepped into the tub.

The darkness became thick around me as I lowered my body into the red, warm liquid. If I focused hard enough, I could still feel the faint beating of her heart.

“Soon…” I told the shadows. “Soon I will take back what is rightfully mine. Once I do, nobody can stop me. Not even the Gods."

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