Before I Rise

Chapter The Alpha Wolf

Em’s POV

It’s been a few days since Marcus and I had our breakthrough conversation at the diner. Since then a few things have happened. One, true to his word he has made an effort to at least spend 30 minutes everyday with just him and I. Usually it is in the morning when we have coffee in his office in front of the fireplace. Some nights if he is not extremely busy with pack duties we will hang out in the living room with other pack members, and I’ve discovered in those moments that Marcus actually does have a sense of humor.

The second thing that has changed is during meals with the pack members I sit on Marcus’s left side, while he sat at the head of the table instead of between Jules and Jake. I was confused on why Marcus insisted on having me sit by him and asked Alicia about it. Apparently that’s where the Alpha’s mate sits. Let’s just say I couldn’t stop smiling for the rest of the day after she told me that. I have also learned that the pack’s name is Dark Moon and that’s where the diner got its name.

“Are you ready to go downstairs for dinner?” Alicia asked me.

I took one last look in the mirror to make sure my hair was completely straightened before shutting off the light and walking out. I guess another thing that has changed since our talk is I am actually paying more attention to what I wear. Alicia has been basking in the glory ever since I’ve asked her opinion on what I should wear. I still can’t get on board with skirts, but I have worn a dress or two. I even decided to wear a navy maxi dress with some silver sandals tonight.

“Yup all good to go!”

Alicia looked me up and down and let out a whistle. “Dammmmmm, my cousin is one lucky bastard!” I rolled my eyes at her comment as she hooked her arm in mine leading me out of the room.

“Hey guys! Wait up!” Alicia and I turned around as Jake ran up to us.

Jake has become another great friend of mine since I’ve been here. His twin on the other hand still looks at me wearily. Jake says Luke is just extremely cautious when it comes to new people. I guess it has something to do with how he ended up receiving a small scar above his right eyebrow.

“Hey Jake, you headed to dinner?” I asked him.

“Hell yeah! I never miss a meal!” We all laughed at that as we climbed down the long stairs. I still needed to propose the idea of getting those moving stairs here to Marcus.

We walked into the eating area of the pack house and my heart skipped a beat as soon as I made eye contact with those deep brown eyes. I could stare into those till the day I die.

I walked to my designated seat and sat as Marcus gently pushed the chair closer to the table. He gave my right shoulder a squeeze before sitting in his seat at the head of the table. Marcus led a blessing to the Moon Goddess before everyone started passing the dishes around and eating. I loved dinner time here. Everyone that lives in the pack house always makes sure to have dinner at the same time. It’s the perfect way to end the day.

“How’s your day going Em?” Jacoby asked me.

I swallowed the piece of steak that I was chewing on and looked at Jacoby who was sitting across from me. Apparently the Beta is supposed to sit on the Alpha’s right side. It’s been nice to sit across from Jacoby and get to know him since he is Julie’s mate. “It’s going well. I got a cooking lesson from Sarah today. I think there might be some hope for me.” Jacoby and Jules laughed while Marcus cringed.

“What did she teach you?” Marcus asked me. The sounds of his voice always gave me goosebumps and made butterflies dance in my stomach.

“That my darling will remain a secret.” I said with a grin. I had asked Sarah, the lead cook for the pack, for cooking lessons so I could surprise Marcus with his favorite meal and have it actually look appetizing this time.

“Will I ever find out?”

I laughed and shook my head. “Perhaps Alpha.” Marcus gave me a look that sent shivers down my spine and made my lower region heat up. I’ve noticed that he gets that look on his face every time I say Alpha, so naturally I say it every chance I get.

Marcus cleared his throat and took a sip of water. “Jacoby what’s the report for today?” I let out a small chuckle and went back to eating, listening to my mate’s conversations with his pack members.


“You wanna take a walk with me?” Marcus asked me as we got up from the table. Dinner was over and people were beginning to leave.

“Of course, I would love too!” Marcus placed his left hand lightly on my back as he walked over to the back door, leading to the porch and the back area of the house. We walked in silence across the tree line, listening to the sound of the forest and enjoying each others company.

After a few minutes of walking, we came to the clearing that I woke up in. “Why are we here?” I asked him, confused as to why he would take me here. I haven’t been back here since that day and didn’t really want to revisit that moment. Every time I think about the fact that I have no idea who I am, I get sad and frustrated. I just feel so empty without my memories.

“I know you told me that you don’t like it here because it reminds you of the feeling you got when you first woke up. But, there’s something I want to do with you and I thought it could create a good memory of this place for you. If you really don’t want to be here, we can go somewhere else.” Marcus brushed his hand down my cheek, causing my breath to get stuck in my throat.

I thought about it for a few seconds. He was right, it would be nice to create a good memory here. It really was a beautiful place. It was a full moon tonight and it was placed directly above the clearing, casting it’s light across it. It felt magical in its own way. “No, we can do it here. What exactly are you wanting to do?”

Marcus gave me a nervous smile. “Would you like to meet Xavier? He has been antsy to meet his mate.”

“Your wolf!?” I excitedly asked him. I have been wondering if I was going to be able to meet Xavier ever since Marcus talked about him to me the other day.

Marcus nodded his head. “Yes, if you want to.”

“Of course Marcus. I would love to meet Xavier.”

“Ok just wait here. I’m going to go behind a tree and shift since I got to take my clothes off. Unless you want me to strip naked in front of you.” He said with a wink. The thought of Marcus naked excited me in many ways. Two can play this game Alpha.

I got closer to him and whispered in his ear, “Whatever my Alpha wants to do is fine with me.” A light growl came from Marcus that made my toes curl. My Goddess, I think it was the sexiest sound I have ever heard. I stepped back to look at him. He had his eyes and fists squeezed shut. He shook his head and turned around, walking towards the tree line.

“She’s going to be the death of me.” He mumbled. I clamped my hand over my mouth to keep me from laughing.

After about a minute or two, a wolf walked into the clearing and slowly approached me. He was magnificent. Xavier had midnight black fur and electric piercing blue eyes. He was exactly the same height as my 5’3 body and was definitely bigger than Jake was. He kept walking until his wet cold nose touched mine. “Can I touch you?” I asked him. He nodded his head yes and sat down, allowing me to approach him. I reached out my hand and touched the top of his head, dragging it all the way down his back. His fur was like silk and it shimmered as it moved. Xavier let out a hum of satisfaction and his tail began to move back and forth. I walked back to face him.

“You’re beautiful Xavier.” I said in awe of him. Xavier snorted in response.

“Oh excuse me Alpha, I meant handsome.” Xavier let out a small growl and pounced on me, pushing me onto the forest ground. He began to lick my face, making me laugh to the point my stomach started to hurt. “Xavier stop!” I said, still laughing.

Xavier stepped back, giving me room to sit up. The wolf laid down next to me and placed his head onto my lap, letting me pet his head. Some big Alpha he was, he reminded me of a puppy. Of course, I would never let him know that.

We sat that way for a while listening to the nature around us, before Xavier got up and went back into the tree line. Marcus walked out and reached down to help me up. “That was amazing!” I told him.

Marcus let out a small chuckle. “Well, he thinks you’re pretty amazing and I happen to agree with him.” He said, causing me to blush.

“Do you want to go somewhere with me this weekend?” He asked me as we walked back to the house.

“Yeah! Where do you want to go?”

“I was thinking you and I could get off the packland for a while, and go to Silverwood. It’s an amusement park and it’s not too far from here. We can go for the day and be back in time for dinner.”

“Sure!” A whole day with just Marcus sounds like paradise. I would go anywhere with him. “What’s an amusement park?” I asked him.

Marcus chuckled. “You’ll find out.” He said with a wink, causing me to blush even more. His winks were going to be the death of me.

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