Becoming the Alpha (Amethyst Pack BK2)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Five

As the night went on we were joined by a few more groups, but the vast number of vampires outside seemed to be relentless. I hadn’t seen a single witch of Yusif’s or a wolf…Just vampires so I knew it wasn’t over in the slightest.

“Rest Serena, you’re exhausted,” Daniel walks up to me as I’m standing against the doorway looking outside.

“I’m fine,” I sigh.

“Will you at least eat something,” he sighs.

“Fine,” I sigh and follow him to the canteen.

“Look,” he nods to a table with his twin and the girls as I notice an extra person I recognised.

“Craig!” I exclaim with a smile.

“Pauline had her young witch friend, Polly, work with Silas until they freed his mind,” Daniel smiles as I head over.

“Craig…” I smile as he turns his head jumping from his seat and hugging me tightly.

“I didn’t mean a word I said while under her control, I swear. I don’t blame you for a thing!” He says quickly, cupping my face.

“I know,” I smile with a tear in my eyes.

“You have a new mate…” he says as I nod.

“I do, but it’s not really the time to even think of that,” I laugh.

“I met mine too…” he smiles as he nods over to the little witch, Polly.

“Really? A witch?” I laugh.

“Surprised me too,” He smiles.

“I’m just glad you’re ok Craig, I’m happy for you,” I smile.

“Me too. Now, come eat, you look like shit,” he says as I laugh and join the others.

“Thanks,” I say sarcastically as he laughs, and we head to the table as I’m passed a plate of food as I groan in pleasure.

“So, what happened with you and Lucien?” Carla asks.

“He found his mate, it’s fine…I found mine too…Again…” I say as her eyes go wide and the table goes silent.

“Would you like to inform the rest of the class…” Liv laughs.

“Serena!” Dad calls out once more as I sigh.

“To be continued…” I grab the last bite and leave the table.

“They’re gone…” Dad says leading me outside.

“What do you mean they’re gone…Oh…” I say as it’s clear outside, not a single vampire.

“It’s like they were ordered to retreat, not a single one is left…” he says.

“Serena!” I growl at the voice.

“Lucinda…Nice to see you again,” I growl at her.

“Have the packs ready for a fight, get Pauline…” I link to Dad as he runs off.

“There doesn’t need to be any more fighting, we can end this right now!” She shouts.

“Oh yeah, and what fake little deal would you like to con me with?” I snap.

“Yusif wants you, just you and I want the boy back, he was fun,” She smirks.

“You can’t have her!” Zane stands beside me.

“You’ll have to go through us all to get her!” Lucien stands on the other side with Dad’s pack.

“Us too!” The Luna’s join in.

“And us!” The other groups join as the forecourt is filled with my supporters.

“Looks like you’ve got your answer Lucinda,” Pauline walks out with a smirk.

“So be it, all of you will die tonight,” Lucinda says.

“Lucinda!” Pauline shouts.

“What?!” She snaps as I see a dart head straight into her neck.

“Enjoy being human,” Pauline smirks as I look to the roof to see Calvin salute me with a wave.

“NO!” Lucinda clicks her fingers and screams before Pauline clicks hers and she’s teleported right in front of me.

“Hello Lucinda,” I grin, grabbing her by the throat and lifting her as she struggles against me.

“No! You have no idea the power he has behind him!” She cries.

“That is why I’m going to take a quick peek before she kills you,” Pauline grabs her arm and her eyes go a bright white once more before she pulls away and nods at me.

“Goodbye Lucinda,” I growl, my claws extending into her throat as she gurgles.

“Enjoy your trip to hell,” Pauline spits at her.

I throw her body to the ground, blood covering my hand as I see red eyes peer through the trees.

“She was right, he still has a large number of vampires, we’ve barely done a quarter. They are all vampires though, other than two magic wielders that Poppy, Silas, and I can deal with easily.

“So we’ve just got to get through an army of vampires,” I say as she nods.

“Do you know where they are?” Lucien asks.

“I know EXACTLY where they are,” she frowns.

“Where?” I ask.

“The town…They’ve wiped out the whole thing, the café is gone, they’ve turned all the humans there…” She sighs.

“The café…The flat…The packhouse…it’s all gone…” I murmur.

“Homes can be rebuilt, you still have your memories Serena,” Dad says.

“They’re on our turf…Time for us to go to them,” I growl.

“Then let’s make a plan,” Zane nods at me with a smile.

“The vampires are all in this area here, I believe Yusif is holed up in the centre, right here,” Pauline shows us on the map.

“That’s at my old foster house…” I say.

“Foster house…But…” Zane looks between me and my parents.

“Long story,” Lucien mumbles.

“Win the battle, then we’ll talk,” I smile.

“Serena…My family lives in that town still…” Tony murmurs.

“Lyndsey…Wait, she can’t be your niece…” I frown thinking of his age.

“She’s my great-niece,” He nods.

“Nothing great about her,” I grumble.

“I’m sorry my love, if they are out there, they’ve been turned…” Pauline holds his hand tightly.

“I knew it would happen one day, bastards the lot of them, but still, they were family. Kill swiftly, those vampires were once human,” Tony says before leaving the room.

“Pauline, we’ve got enough from you, go to him,” I nod as she smiles and flits off after him.

“There are three main roads into the town, here, here and here, the other way is the woods. I think it’s best if we split into four main groups and surround them at all angles. This area is all housing, plenty of places to hide, this is industrial, otherwise it’s open country-side.” I state as I notice my Dad looking up at me with pride.

“I agree. Serena, I think you should take this route through the trees and barrel straight through to the centre, Quinn, take a route through the industrial area, Luna Talia, take the housing with our vampire team. I will go this route and try to funnel them this way to the base so Quinn can push them towards us, taking out the rear and we can flush them out so Serena can take a team and infiltrate the house for Yusif.” Dad says.

“Who goes with Serena?” Liv asks from the edge of the room as it is filled with the Alphas, Betas, and Lunas of the packs.

“Serena, your choice,” Dad says.

“Liv, Daniel, David, Zane and Craig,” I say.

“What about me?” Oliver asks.

“You need to stay with the other group when we split, I need someone to help the pack behind us,” I say as he nods.

“Carla’s going to be pissed…” Liv grumbles.

“Carla hasn’t had enough training, she stays here with her mother for causalities,” I sigh knowing she would not be happy with my decision but didn’t have a choice.

“You should take some of my hunters with you too,” Calvin says as I nod.

“Ok, Pauline will no doubt be with us too,” I say as the others agree.

“I’d also like to take this moment to introduce you to a weapon that myself and the witches have cooked up,” Calvin smirks as he puts down a grenade with some sort of liquid in it.

“What’s inside it?” I ask lifting it carefully.

“A powerful concentrate of vervain, it will weaken them and slow them down enough, so you have a fighting chance,” He answers.

“How many do you have?” Luna Talia asks taking a look herself.

“Around eighty, it won’t be enough for all of them, but it will do a good chunk,” He sighs.

“Will it affect us?” Quinn asks.

“No, it will not affect you other than making you smell like a bunch of flowers,” He smiles.

“Great I get to smell like a bloody dandelion,” Owen grumbles as I laugh out loud.

“Sorry,” I cover my mouth laughing as Luna Talia shakes her head at me sternly, she didn’t seem to be a people person…

“How the bloody hell are you an alpha…Still a child…” She murmurs.

“I’d like for you to show me a young woman that takes to a battleground as she does, that takes care of everyone else’s needs before her own, that cares for all of us, no matter where they are from. She is changing our world!” Alpha Quinn growls as I smile up at him, I can see why my mother would like him…

“Are we done here? I’d like to prepare my pack,” She growls back.

“We’ll send word when it’s time,” Dad says as she storms out the room.

“We need a secondary plan. I feel like she will abandon us at the last moment…” Lucien murmurs.

“I will have the majority of my hunters go with her so if she is to abandon the cause you will still have a rally,” Calvin says.

“Thank you, but hopefully, she’ll stick it out,” I sigh.

“Ignore her, she’s a bitter old lady who is stuck in her ways,” Quinn smiles.

“Perhaps someone else should take over to take Yusif down…” I murmur.

“No way! You deserve that revenge!” Liv shouts.

“Revenge? No one said it was a revenge kill…” Zane says.

“Again…Long story…” I sigh.

“We should ready the packs, rest while we can, we leave at dawn,” Dad says as everyone begins to leave the room.

“Meeting over already?” Pauline wanders in as it’s just me, Liv, Oliver, and Zane left.

“Will someone tell me why this is a revenge kill?” He says as Pauline’s eyes widen.

“Don’t do it, Pauline!” I say as she touches his arm and I growl in annoyance.

“The best way to tell him is to show him,” She shrugs.

“You know I hate you as a vampire, you’re more impulsive than I am,” I growl as her hand lifts and Zane looks to me in shock.

“When you say show him…What did you show?!” I exclaim.

“Uh…Bye!” She says flitting out of the room.

“PAULINE!” I snarl.

“He…They…I…” Zane murmurs as he sits down.

“Sentences man, sentences…” Oliver laughs.

“Get out,” I growl at him as he holds his hands up in surrender and leaves.

“I’ll tell the pack to be ready,” Liv says as she leaves closely behind him.

“So, now you know a little more about me…” I sighed sitting on the table edge.

“A little…She showed me most of your life!” He exclaims as my eyes widen.

“I am going to kill her,” I growl.

“I’ll get you to Yusif, but it might be a fight as to who tears him apart first,” He says standing in front of me.

“Get in line, there are plenty who want the chance,”

“We’ll take a limb each,” He says lifting my chin, making me look at him with a smile.

“My Dad already took one,” I smirk.

“Then you get your choice and we’ll fall behind you,” He says coming closer.

“Being my mate won’t be easy, I can’t promise you perfection, I can’t promise I won’t be impulsive or temperamental…” I say.

“I’m a rogue wolf that came from a pack full of traditional values before I left with those who wanted another life, my sister found you first and I trust her judgement more than any other. She likes you and she doesn’t like many people. I can handle your impulsive ways, I can handle your temper, as long as you can handle me,” He winks as I laugh and shove him away walking away as he grins at me.

“We’ll see, for now, we need to win the last battle. Then you can win me over, I’m not going easy on you, I want to be wined and dined like a lady,” I laugh.

“I’ll give you the world,” He says.

“The world? Wow, not sure I want the world, a little much don’t you think?” I smirk.

“Nothing will be too much for you,” He smiles.

“You’re making me gag with all your cheese…” I laugh as we leave the room.

“Cheese! I have no cheese! I washed this morning thanks!” He says playfully as I burst into laughter.

“We’ll get on just fine,” I laugh.

“What do you mean I’m not coming!” I hear Carla scream angrily as I grimace.

“I might not survive this part of the battle…” I groan.

“Vampires…Easy…Girl with an attitude…Nuclear explosion…” Zane says as I snigger.

“Carla…” I call out as she stomps over to me.

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” She shoves me hard as Zane growls in warning, I hold up a finger at him as he calms down.

“You have been a wolf for a day…You are not trained…We need people here that I trust who can take care of the casualties, you are my best friend and I will not have you come to harm because I sent you out without enough training, you’d die in the first ten seconds!” I growl.

“You’re taking Daniel!” She growls.

“He’s been a wolf longer than I have! He’s an experienced fighter!” I argue.

“He’s my mate!” She growls.

“I know! I will do everything possible to get him back, even if that means my own life!” I snap back.

“Carla, calm down,” Daniel says as she shakes him off.

“No! You will not take him!” She cries slapping me angrily, her emotions getting the better of her.

“CARLA!” I growl as she walks off.

I shift as I pounce over her body, landing in front of her as she squeaks in shock.

“I will bring him home. I will keep him safe. You will stay here. You will help your mother. You will be safe. Daniel will be safe. My family will be out there too! My pack! You all mean everything to me, and I am risking everything! Stop thinking of your god-damned self and realise the situation I am in!” I snarl at her as a damn seems to burst in her eyes as she sobs falling to the floor as I shift and catch her, letting her sob in my arms.

“I’m sorry I slapped you,” She sobs.

“It’s ok. I’ll keep him safe I’ll bring him back I swear,” I hug her tightly.

“Uh…Carla…I think we need to talk…” Daniel says sniffing the air as I frown at him as his eyes look to her stomach.

“No way…” I smile.

“What?” she wipes her eyes.

“No wonder she’s so…extra…” Liv rolls her eyes as Daniel takes her from my lap and moves off with her as I hear him tell her the news.

“You’re pregnant…” He says as she screams out, hugging him tightly as the tears fall again.

I look at them both grinning as he spins her around as I begin to feel guilty taking him from her.

“I can’t take Daniel…Not now…” I sigh pacing.

“You don’t have a choice Serena, I’m coming,” He says as they walk up to me, encased in each other’s arms.

“You’re having a child!” I exclaim.

“Yes and how many others here have children, how many of us have family going into battle, we are doing this for the survival of the packs! To have peace! To save humankind! I am doing this to protect MY family! Including you!” He argues.

“I hate this!” I growl throwing a plate across the room as it narrowly misses a group of wolves that duck just in time.

“Sorry!” I shout as I groan, head in my hands sitting on a nearby chair.

“Serena, you have to calm down, you need to rest,” Liv says calmly.

“How can I rest? I can’t even see how we’re going to get Quinn and his men to the other side of town, unnoticed.” I growl.

“They could go via the back road, as long as we distract the vampires watching from the front from seeing them leave, we could do it,” Poppy says quietly.

“How do we create a big enough distraction?” David asks.

“Yusif wants me…So we act like I’m coming out?” I answer.

“That might work, if we make a big enough show we could make it look like we force you back in, so they aren’t suspicious,” Craig nods with Poppy on his lap.

“I need to run this through with the others, spend time together, I’ll find you when it’s time.” I sigh.

“We’re going to get through this together Serena, we’ve got your back,” Daniel smiles as Carla nods, rushing to my side and hugging me tightly.

“You keep yourself safe Carla, you keep my niece safe right? I’ll get your man back,”

“You bring them all home Serena, including yourself, but this isn’t goodbye yet, we still have a few hours,” She smiles kissing my cheek.

“I’m going to be busy for the next few hours, I don’t know if I will get much time with any of you until it’s go time,” I say.

“Then we make a pact, no one gets left behind, we stick together, keep each other safe, if one of us goes down we get them out together and pull back, no one gets left behind, together until then end,” Craig says.

“Until the end,” the others repeat with a nod.

“I’m getting you all home,” I nod as I stand smiling at them all as I head off to talk with my Dad and the others to finalise the plans.

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