Becoming Rain: A Novel

Becoming Rain: Chapter 52

“Security just let through a delivery guy with more flowers,” Luke says, dropping his house phone on the counter, taking in the floral jungle that’s sprouted in here. Bouquets from Luke’s business partners, Dmitri, other family friends.

Nothing from Vlad or Andrei. Not a word. That both comforts and worries me.

Luke rubs his eyes, tired from a day of running around and drug-induced sleep.

I rub his back affectionately. “I’ll take care of it. Why don’t you go and jump in the shower? It’ll make you feel better.”

“Yeah . . .” His gaze drifts over my body, and I see a sudden spark of interest. It’s the first one I’ve seen in days, which, up until this morning, was a saving grace.

Back when I thought that this little affair of ours was a secret.

I can’t believe Warner knows. And Sinclair. And maybe the rest of my cover team. Here I was, thinking I’ve been careful and covert all this time.

He reaches up to tug at the hem of my shirt. Tugging me toward the bedroom.

Keep doing what you’re doing, Warner told me. Orders from the top. I wonder if I’m going to get burned for it at the end. Will this be the last case I ever work on? Has Sinclair written me off?

I can’t think about that right now, though. I need to focus on keeping Luke safe.

“Go ahead.” I nod toward his bedroom. “I’ll wait for them to bring the flowers up.”

I listen for the sound of the running water, and then I quickly text Warner to confirm that there is in fact a real delivery truck outside.

There’s been no indication that Vlad is looking to get rid of Luke too, and pulling my gun out to receive flowers is probably an overreaction on my part. But I get it out anyway, tucking it into the back of my pants as I wait by the door.

The knock comes within minutes.

I open the door to a young, brunette woman with a clipboard for me to sign. I do a quick appraisal and decide she’s simply here to deliver flowers. “Here you go,” she says, handing me an exotic arrangement of black orchids.

I don’t have to read the card to know who these flowers are from. They have Elmira written all over them. And, because they do, I start picking through the leaves and stems, searching the entire bouquet for anything suspicious.

“Who sent those?” Luke’s sudden voice behind me makes me jump. I spin around, hoping he was too distracted by the flowers to notice the bulge of my gun on my back.

I hand him the card.

“You should probably call and thank them,” I suggest, looking down at the towel wrapped around his waist. “Maybe after your shower.”

“No point wasting time,” he mutters, grabbing his phone and punching out a number he’s memorized. “Rust always used to say that.” I step in closer, both so I can touch his bare skin and so he doesn’t step out of earshot.

“Hey . . . I did. Thank you. They’re really nice . . . Of course, thank her for me . . . Yeah, I know . . .”

I lean in and press my lips against Luke’s arms. And plead with my eyes. He looks down at me and sees the silent words. I know he does. You promised me to walk away, I remind him.

He brushes the hair off my face. “Listen, with Rust gone, any deals he made—” Aref has obviously cut him off and is controlling the conversation now. I wish I could hear him. “Right . . . I couldn’t even help if I wanted to. He’s the only one who knew the business. I don’t see how this shipment for Vlad is going to go through, and yours . . . Okay . . . Thanks.” He frowns slightly as he hangs up.

“What’s wrong?”

Luke stares at the flowers, through them, for a long moment. “Aref took it surprisingly well.”

“Are you happy about that?”

“Yeah. But . . .” Concern clouds Luke’s eyes. “That’s a lot of money for Aref to just walk away from.”

Unless he’s not walking away from anything at all.

“Aref already has a lot of money,” I offer.

“Yeah.” Pulling me close to him, he leans down and kisses me. “I don’t want to think about any of it anymore.”

“Good plan. I’ll meet you in there in a minute.” I seize his hands before they wander far enough to discover my gun.

“Okay, but hurry up. I need you.” He pulls me flush with him, proving exactly how much.

Once he’s safely out of view again, I hide my gun in my purse and unfasten my necklace, leaving it on the counter.

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