Becoming Rain: A Novel

Becoming Rain: Chapter 41

“Dinner was magnificent. Please tell the chef,” Aref announces as the waitress sets our drinks down in front of us. She’s the same one that served us last time. What a difference between the two nights, for both her and me.

She smiles. “He’ll be happy to hear that.” Her eyes drift over both Rust and me as she collects the last of our dishes.

“What can I say, Rust, except that I’m very pleased,” Aref offers.

“So am I,” I throw in, the burn of the scotch not nearly enough to quell the relief I feel. Maybe working with a guy like Aref will help erase the hint of distaste and guilt I feel being involved in this racket.

“I’m glad Luke connected us for this. I have my network onboard for one order, to start. And . . .” Rust pauses to place his napkin on the dishes that the server carries, on her way past. “. . . I think Luke’s already made it clear that this does not involve our other partners. That shipment will go through as planned. If all goes well here, it’ll be the last one.”

Aref waves away any concerns. “You know I prefer business with you. And I already have a buyer who will make it well worth our while. He needs delivery in two weeks.”

Rust begins chuckling, but I see the tension in his jaw. “Sorry, Aref, but that’s not doable. It’s too risky, especially with what we’re looking for.”

“I’m afraid he’ll go to another buyer if I don’t produce.”

“They all say that. Buy us five weeks and we can deliver. That I will guarantee.”

Aref’s lips purse tightly, but then he seems to relent with a nod and a smile. “I’ll see what I can do.”

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