Becoming My Ex’s Mother in Law by Aurora Starling

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 

“Thank you both so much for everything you have done for us,” Nikolas said, placing his hand over mine. 

I smiled and placed my other hand over his.. 

“It’s no problem, really,” I said. 

Andrew nodded in agreement. 

“You two deserve all the happiness in the world,” I continued, looking from Nikolas to Eliza and back again. 

“But you have both gone above and beyond what anyone else in your position would have done,” Nikolas insisted. He squeezed my hand. 

His earnest gratitude brought tears to my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away 

“I don’t want you to worry another moment about those dresses,” Nikolas continued. “My company will take care of all of them, and Eliza and I will personally see to the most challenging damages.” 

He turned so that his eyes met Andrew’s 

“Especially your daughter’s, Alpha King.” 

Andrew smiled, but he waved off the formality. 

“Please, call me Andrew. And thank you.” 

Nikolas returned his attention to me. 

“I hope that this will grow into a permanent, stable relationship between our companies.” 

I bearned. 

“Of course, Nikolas. I’m sure that Lily–my boss–would love that.” 

“Wonderful! Of course, I’d want to deal exclusively with you.” 

I blushed but nodded. 

“I’m sure that could be arranged.” 

I glanced over at Andrew, and he winked at me with a broad grin. My face turned a shade redder. 

Bob was furious. What should have been the perfect plan to get Crystal fired and ostracized from the pack had completely backfired on him. Not only had Crystal found someone to fix the dresses that had been destroyed in the fire he had arranged, but how well she had handled the crisis had improved her professional reputation. 

He barely resisted throwing something or punching a hole in a wall, and that was only because he was in the Alpha King’s home. How could he be rid of her, tear her down? Then he saw Lisa saunter into the home theater with a bowl of popcorn, and an idea struck him. 

Bob plopped down in the recliner next to Lisa’s. He swiped some of her popcorn as she scrolled through the TV’s various streaming options. 

“So, Crystal found someone to fix your dress?” Bob asked. 

He watched from the corner of his eye as she sneered. Lisa hated it when he mentioned Crystal at all, and most especially when he brought up her name. 

“Yes,” she said, almost robotically. 

“You don’t sound very happy.” 

“The fire shouldn’t have happened in the first place. If she knew how to keep the dresses properly stored, then we wouldn’t have to put off our wedding!” She was practically shouting by the time she finished speaking. 

“I know, it was a very unfortunate accident.” Bob had to suppress his smirk. “If it was, in fact, an accident.” Lisa nearly threw down the remote as she snapped around to face Bob. 

“What do you mean?” 

“I’m just starting to wonder if it was actually an accident. You’re right, Crystal does know better than to keep dresses so close to a faulty electrical outlet.” 

“But why would she do that?“. 

Bob shrugged and scooped himself another handful of popcorn. 

“I don’t know. She’s been wanting to meet with me to discuss the remaining issues of our previous, company-” 

“I thought that you had settled everything with her.” 

“I did, too. I don’t know what this could be about.” 

Lisa’s perfectly groomed eyebrows scrunched together. 

“Do you think that she’s trying to get back together with you?” 

Bob shrugged again. 

“She’s a flirtatious woman-” 

“Well, she better not be getting flirtatious with you!” 

Lisa pouted for a minute, glaring at the menu on the TV. Bob left her to her imagination so that it might run wild with negative speculation 

“Do you think that Crystal is jealous of me?” she finally asked. 

“It’s possible. What isn’t there to be jealous of?” 

Bob reached over and gave Lisa a peck on the forehead. Lisa smiled for a moment, but it quickly disappeared. 

“Do you think that she’s jealous enough that she could’ve destroyed my dress on purpose?” 

“I don’t know. I wouldn’t put it past her, especially considering other things that she’s done.” 

Lisa crossed her arms over her chest. 

“What other things?” 

Bob looked around conspiratorially, then leaned in to whisper to Lisa. 

“Well, you didn’t hear it from me, but Crystal supposedly seduced someone in order to become our wedding planner.” 

“What?” Lisa yelled. 

Bob put his finger to his l*ps in a feigned effort to quiet her. 

“Who?” Lisa demanded, her voice barely returning to normal volume. “Who did she seduce?” 

“I don’t know who exactly- 

“This is not okay!” 

“Well, if you’re that uncomfortable with the idea, maybe you should go ask your father to replace her as the wedding planner. 

A determined look crossed Lisa’s face

“You know what? You’re right. I’m going to go do that right now,” 

Lisa stood up, and Bob followed suit. 

“I’ll come with you,” he said, “for moral support.”” 

“Thank you, love.” 

Lisa gave him a quick k*ss on the l*ps before taking his hand. She led him down the winding halls of the mansion until they reached Andrew’s office. She knocked firmly on the enormous solid oak door. 

“Yes? Who is it?” Andrew’s voice boomed from inside. 

“It’s me, Dad, and Bob,” Lisa called back. She tried to sound like her normal cheerful self, but it was clear that 

something bothered her. 

“Come in.” 

Lisa opened the door and brought Bob in behind her. 

Compared to the rest of the mansion, the office was cozy. It was not too big and not too small and furnished. modestly with a slick, black, modern desk, three chairs, and bookshelves lining two of the walls. A fireplace blazed in the wall opposite Andrew’s desk. 

Andrew, who sat in his swivel office chair, motioned for them to sit in the chairs on the other side of the desk from him. They obeyed. 

“What’s the matter, Lisa? You sounded a bit distressed,” he said as they took their seats. 

Lisa squirmed slightly, and Bob hid the smirk he wanted to wear with a look of insincere concern. 

Lisa decided to cut to the chase. 

“It’s about the wedding planner, Crystal. I…don’t think she’s a good fit.” 

Andrew cocked his brow. 

“Why do you think that?” 

“I just…we don’t get along very well, Dad. I’d like to replace her.” 

Andrew steepled his fingers. 

“Has she not been professional with you?” 

“Yes, she has, but-” 

“Has she not met your every need?” 

“Yes, but-” 

“Then what is the problem?” 

“Dad, she destroyed my dress!” 

“A fire destroyed your dress and many others. Crystal found a way to get them fixed. I understand that you’re frustrated by having to put your wedding off, but again, I don’t see why you want to replace 

“She slept with someone to get this job!” 

Anger flashed across Andrew’s face. Lisa was taken aback by the look and shrunk in her seat, but she did not retrack her statement. Bob waited to see how exactly this would play out. 

Andrew took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down before he replied. 

“Where did you get that information?” he asked. 

Lisa did not even dare to look in Bob’s direction. 

“…heard it…around.” 

“So, rumors?” 

Lisa nodded. 

“Lisa, I thought I taught you better than to believe baseless rumors. I know for a fact that Crystal is not the kind of woman to sleep with someone just to get a job.” 

“But Dad=” 

“Enough. Crystal is your wedding planner, and that’s 

Lisa went from cowering to defiant. She sat up straight in her chair and lifted her chin at her father, but she did not say a word. 

“Now, if that’s all, I think that you two should leave now.” 

Lisa, still fuming, abruptly stood up and took Bob’s hand, dragging him out behind her as she left her father’s office without so much as a “goodbye“. 

She stormed down the hall, unable to wrap her mind over what had transpired. Her father’s refusal was 

enough to confirm what Bob had said and more. 

Crystal had not just slept with anyb*dy to get this job; she had slept with Lisa’s father. And she would pay for 

  1. it. 

“What now, love?” Bob asked. 

“We’re going to pay Crystal a little visit.” 

Bob smirked. His plan was working perfectly. 

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