Becoming Fae

Chapter Queens

The kingdom of the fairies was call Fairie. Not very creative, but neither was ‘the Demon Lands’, so... Whatever. It was, however, very beautiful. All twinkly and airy and colorful everywhere I looked.

The buildings were very open to allow flight directly into the space. The weather was nice, so the entrances were mostly open, however there were glass doors, or weather proofed cloth partitions that could close them off to allow for privacy or bar visitors. Water fountains were everywhere and there were at least a couple of water fairies nearby, playing with the water. Occasionally, light fairies would get involved, creating beautiful displays of liquid-induced color shows that jumped and danced about.

Air fairies played with the fallen leaves under the pretext of removing them from the paths that were seldom used. Earth fairies made dirt sculptures or played with the flowerbeds and grasses. I even saw a few dark fairies in the shadows and noble fairies fluttering about near the palace.

“So, why did you not want to come back here?” I asked Mal as we slowly walked through a park outside the palace walls. “This place is pretty amazing.”

“I didn’t want to be away from you, mostly, but it’s not the location so much as the people,” he answered, giving my hand a squeeze. “The palace in particular.”

“It’s pretty here. Showy,” I said.

“That’s fairies in a nutshell,” he laughed. “So, tell me, how are things going back home?”

“Is it home?” I tilted my head a little.

“As good as, right?” he shrugged. “For now, at least.”

“Things are... Well, not great, but greatly improved,” I said.

“Diplomatic talk for still awful, but not quite bleak,” he chuckled.

“Tony stuck to his word and released the hounds and imps he had,” I said. “We’ve had a massive swell in numbers because of them. He also sent some supplies. The imps have been a huge help in the construction area, and some have started the gardens already.”

“The move went well?”

“Smooth like butter and nearly everyone has a fully functional dwelling now,” I answered. “Rollie is having a hard time filling your shoes, so nearly all of the lesser demons are looking for Ben.”

“He’s already doing so much,” he frowned.

“Which is why I’ve let Harmon help him more. He’s proving to be more approachable than Naz or Rollie, which irks Naz to no end,” I laughed.

“No kidding. Any word from Tony?”

“Aside from informing me of the date and time of the party, no. He’s getting restless over the lack of intel about it, but the longer it takes, the more prepared we’ll be when we need to make our move,” I said. “Once we do...”

“Kicking the hornets' nest,” he nodded.


“Do you think this is still a viable course of action?” Mal asked after a moment, and we circled a fountain to start making our slow return to the palace.

“I think it’s likely a fool's errand and wishful thinking, but it’s a good idea to have a second option. Whether or not it’s a complete waste of time depends on how things go in the next few days,” I replied and shrugged a shoulder. “There might be something else that will be better, but we just don’t see it yet. In the meantime, we just need to use what we have.”

“If we even get an audience,” he rolled his eyes.

“There is that,” I nodded. “Regardless, we’re leaving in two days. The queen has been informed, so the outcome is solely on her.”

“Grant the audience or risk angering the queen of the demons and princess of the Sidhe. Clever approach,” he grinned wickedly. “Was that your mother or father?”

“Me, actually. I’m not going to be dismissed and pushed around just because I’m new to the whole thing,” I waved my hand. “Now, let’s go see if I can’t force me way into an audience with this queen.”

“You can’t just force your way around, Fae,” he snorted.

“I’m queen of demons. Isn’t it time I started acting a little bit like a demon?” I smirked.


“I can’t believe that worked,” Mal whispered to me as we approached the slightly seething Queen Melina.

She had light honey colored hair and hard green eyes. Her wings marked her as a water elemental and she wore a beautiful, flowing dress along with a scowl.

“She looks like she sucked a lemon and has a pineapple up her butt,” I replied quietly, and Mal coughed lightly to cover his laughter.

“Princess Faella,” she said tersely.

“Queen Faella,” I corrected.

“The Demon Lands don’t recognize a ruler,” she scoffed. “Much less one Bonded to a disgraced bastard.”

“They do now,” I replied. “I understand the confusion. The ways of demons are difficult to understand, and my people are secretive by nature.”

“Demons,” she scoffed again. “And why would we entertain your request for aid?”

“Oh, you misunderstand,” I smiled in my best impression of Naz. “I’m not asking for aid. I’m providing you with notice.”

“Of what, exactly?” she snapped.

“My intent to enter the Vale. I’ve been informed that you might have the power to provide aid in the journey, but clearly you are far too busy to see me on the matter beforehand,” I dipped my head slightly. “So, instead of asking for permission and aid, I’m simply informing you that a few chosen others and I will be passing through your lands in the near future.”

“You cannot simply trespass in my kingdom!” she stood from her throne, furious.

“I assure you, your majesty, I can,” I replied harshly, extending my wings slightly and allowing sparks of red and blue electricity to dance along the feathers. “Not only am I Queen of the Demon Lands, but I am also princess of the Sidhe. The same Sidhe that includes your kingdom. I am granting you the courtesy of informing you of my intentions so you may avoid any unpleasant circumstances should you try to stop me.”

“Are you threatening me?” she said, her face turning red.

“Only informing you. The matter that takes me to the Vale is of great importance and any delay will result in the ones in my way becoming enemies,” I said and snapped my wings out, discharging the electricity in a peal of thunder.

“You do not intimidate me,” she sneered.

“If you were wise, Melina, you would be,” Dad said from the shadows. “She’s every bit Justine’s daughter, but capable of far more. I’ve seen it myself.”

“You support this?” she snapped.

“The support of the king and queen of the Sidhe is not needed, I assure you,” Dad chuckled. “Faella will be going to the Vale, no matter what you might have to say on the matter. Not only is she my daughter, and thus outranks all but myself and Queen Justine, she has bound the first Alpha hellhound and is the queen of the Demon Lands by blood. As you may have forgotten, the Legions reside in the Demon Lands.”

“Are you saying that I allow these creatures to traipse about unchecked or face the Legions?” she glared at me.

“I’m saying you should pick who you chose as enemies with more wisdom than you are currently displaying,” he replied curtly. “As I said, I’ve seen what she’s capable of and it is on a scale you do not register on.”

“I am not as weak as you assume I am,” she said haughtily.

I flicked my finger and sent some air towards her, making her sit back on her throne with a heavy thump.

“You are not weak, but you are also nothing beside the royal bloodline,” Dad pointed out.

“I might be my parents' child, Melina,” I said darkly, feeling the shadows reaching for me and my forehead and spine tingled. “But I am also the heir of Immail, commander of the Legions, ruler of the Host. You have slighted my Bonded, wasted my time, and bored me with your delusions of being my superior when you are nothing more than an insect I chose not to introduce to the heel of my shoe.”

“Fae,” Mal said softly. “You have horns and a tail again. And your eyes are yellow.”

I blinked at him and looked at Dad, who nodded and shrugged. I shook myself, ridding my body of the irritation and anger as my feathers ruffled, making my wings look puffy before lying flat again.

“What are you?” Melina whispered; fear clearly painted on her face.

“The Queen of Hell,” I said firmly.

The silence was deafening. The courtesans had backed up along the walls and were staring in open terror and Melina sat on her throne looking pale and shaken. Mal chuckled softly and rubbed his wings together, making them hum slightly. I held the queen’s gaze until she looked like she was about to start squirming before I looked at Mal and smiled sweetly.

“I think we’re done here, my love,” I said.

“That was entertaining,” he laughed, putting his arm over my shoulders as I put mine around his waist as we walked out of the fairy court. “And Naz is going to burst with pride.”

“Tell me they’re gone,” I groaned.

“They are. Kind of weird, too. They were there, then they weren’t. Almost like an illusion breaking apart,” he said. “So, are we going home now?”

“No reason to stay now that I’ve most likely ruffled the royal plumage around here,” I replied. “Such a nuisance.”

“You absolutely did more than that. Not the best approach to diplomacy,” he made a face.

“It was aggressive diplomacy and I think I handled the situation fine, thanks,” I held him tighter and lifted my wings.

Mal groaned and held on as I took us into the air at a dizzying speed.

“You move so much faster than I do, and it makes my stomach drop every time,” he muttered over the air current.

“I could drop you,” I said.

“No thanks,” he said quickly, making me laugh.

I flew around the palace a few times before landing on the balcony of our improved rooms. Mal kissed me deeply before stepping away from me.

“I love you, Fae,” he smiled. “Even when you go all demon on me.”

“You better always love me,” I laughed and pushed the curtains aside as I walked inside.

“More than anything. Which is why I feel it necessary to point out that, as much as I approve of the metaphorical spanking you just dished out down there, it does not improve our chances once in the Vale,” he said.

“I’m aware, but I feel it necessary to point out the Vale borders Fairie as well as the elven territory,” I said, spinning around and flopping back on the bed, arms and wings spread out over my head. “We know the fairies have a way to pass through the Vale, so we came here first, but don’t you think it’s possible that the Elves would also have some kind of way to do the same?”

“So, we aren’t going home?” he said, spinning his finger in the air and I smiled, flipping to stomach. He sat on the back of my legs and started rubbing my back around my wings.

“We could scrap the whole plan and go ho-oh, that feels so good,” I moaned.

“Or we could go to the elves and maybe not scold them like a petulant child,” he finished my thought. “The way you fly, we could be there in an hour or two.”

I hummed in bliss as he massaged.

“If Tony sends word while we’re gone, is there any way you can be reached?”

“Glitter can find me,” I replied, slurring slightly. “Do not stop.”

“As much as I think we should get back, having a backup plan would be wise,” he said.

“I agree. We need to see the elves and, if anything, we can reassess the dangers if we go into the Vale without aid once we return to the others,” I replied and groaned when he found a tight muscle.

“Naz was saying something about them being more open to trading than we’ve seen so far with the other fae,” he said. “We could possibly broach that topic as well.”

“Sure, but in a few minutes. So good,” I groaned.

“I’ll do anything you want me to,” he leaned over me and kissed my cheek. “But I’ll never leave you again, even if you pull that crap about ordering me to go.”

“If this is you mad at me...”

“Don’t joke. I’m serious, Fae,” he sat up and kept rubbing my back. “I hate being away from you when you’re taken away from me, but don’t ever ask me to do it willingly again.”

“I can’t say that,” I reply. “Naz and Rollie are right. I’m too trusting at times and when you’re dealing with war of any kind, trust can get you killed. I trust you, Ben, and Blaine the most. Naz and Rollie to a lesser extent.”

“You do trust far too easily, but that’s why I should be with you so I can watch your back,” he said, leaning down and kissing my cheek. “And to rub it like this because you’re drooling a little bit and it’s cute.”

“Jerk,” I smirked and wiped the side of my mouth.

“We should get going soon to make it to the elves before it’s late enough to be considered rude,” he said and got up to start packing.

I groaned and pushed myself up to get off the bed.

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