Becoming Fae

Chapter News

I truly felt like I was dying.

It wasn’t painful, exactly. Uncomfortable, certainly, but mostly it was annoying. If I wasn’t puking up black tarry junk, I was shivering cold, yet sweating like I was in a sauna. Worse was the fact that I felt so weak. Shivering exhausted me, so moving to vomit in a less inconvenient place than my pillow was nearly impossible.

After three days of this suckage, Harmon returns looking like he fought a war by himself, with a vial of inky dark blood. According to him, it was the only thing that might be able to stop the poison. Of course, Mal had to ask the question ‘whose blood is it?’ Naz nearly had a fit when Harmon said it was Immail’s ‘supposedly’.

It was, of course, confirmed by the only one that could tell for sure, and I was given a single drop in an injection of fluids.

It was an odd experience. It burned, for one. Like, really burned. It felt like liquid fire was injected into my veins. I felt like I could sneeze flames and fart fireballs, it was that bad. After the burning came the screaming. It wasn’t even my voice that I was screaming with. It was an entire host of voices, none of which were mine. Then came the creepy part. I grew horns and a tail that made Naz, choke and cover his mouth, eyes all misty.

Those fell off it a disgusting wet flop when I suddenly felt the urge to scratch everything all at once. I vomited profusely after that before it all finally stopped.

“What are you doing?” I whispered when I finally woke up a full day and a half later.

Mal looked away from the mirror on the dressing table where he’d been finger combing his hair like a madman.

“Checking for gray hair,” he said seriously as he walked over and sat down, holding my hand in his. “I’m fully expecting it to come in any second now.”

“You aren’t even twenty yet, you loon,” I chuckled as I tried to sit up.

“I feel like I’m a hundred,” he lifted me and re-arranged the pillows behind me. “This is stressing me out, Fae.”

“What about me?” I laughed softly.

“You absolutely stress me out,” he kissed my cheek softly. “I hate seeing you not good.”

“Very eloquent,” I teased him.

“You know what I mean,” he rolled his eyes. “I’m once again shocked by you, though.”

“How so?” I tilted my head a little as he reached for the bowl of soup.

“I’ve been trying to oversee everything with the demons, and I have to say, my love, you make it look easy,” he smirked, helping me eat. “The Houses arrived just before Harmon came back. Naz and Rollie sorted them out for the most part, but there’s a lot of things that people want from only you.”

“How are the tunnels coming along?” I asked.

“There are dwellings that are functional, minus water and there’s no central heating, but the diggers are moving along quickly,” he answered. “Less business, more food.”

I smirked at him and opened my mouth. He knew as well as I did that I could just drink it from the bowl, but I let him feed me for his peace of mind. Once it was gone, he went to hand off the empty bowl to one of the guards posted outside our rooms and Glitter burst from the closet and climbed onto the bed with a happy squeal as he jumped and flopped onto the pillows next to me.

“I am so happy, my strong and resilient queen! You have made great progress in recovery!” he giggled, wiggling between the pillows.

“You had no small hand in that, you know,” I smiled at him.

“Hey! Off the pillows!” Mal said, picking him up and dropping him at the foot of the bed. “Demon butt fur on my pillows is gross.”

“Demon... butt fur,” I smiled slowly then started laughing when Glitter put his hands on his hips and turned around, shaking his butt and flicking his tail back and forth to music only he could hear.

“I still don’t approve of keeping him, but he does grow on you after a while,” Mal muttered, shaking his head. “Can we not call him Glitter, though?”

“He chose the name, let him have it,” I smacked his chest.

“But why did it have to be Glitter?” he made a face.

“My queen said to pick a name I liked,” Glitter beamed, like he often did, pointy teeth on full display. “In the cells, it is dark and dull. Aside from us, it is all gray and gloomy. Glitter is bright, even in the dark. It shines with the smallest light and makes people happy. I like glitter.”

“Okay, that’s the sweetest thing I’ve heard all month,” I put my hand on my chest.

“You need to get out more,” Mal rolled his eyes.

“As soon as I’ve got the all-clear, you bet,” I nodded.

“Scary!” Glitter squealed and dove under the covers just before there was a knock on the door.

“Must be Naz,” Mal said, getting up to answer it.

“He will eat me, my queen,” Glitter whispered when I peeked under the covers at him.

“Naz, did you threaten Glitter again?”

“No need,” he said walking in coolly. “He knows his place. He is fortunate to be helpful, though. It has been some time since I had fresh imp.”

“Wow. You are not doing that,” I said flatly.

“Not to this one. As I said before; he’s useful,” he shrugged.

“He’s mine, Naz. Mitts off,” I rolled my eyes.

“As you wish,” he nodded.

“How are things with your House?” I asked him.

“Not well, but better than before, I suppose,” he said, the tip of his tail twitching to show his mood again.

“You’re pissed about something,” I pointed out.

“I’m a demon. I’m pissed about most things,” he smirked.

“Something has happened recently,” I snorted.

“I have reports on what happened to both of our Houses,” he said, tail lashing a little harder this time.


“It was a joint effort,” he snarled slightly. “Envy has been drooling over the House of Immail for centuries. The ones that came here were the lucky ones that were able to get out before she waltzed in and killed the steward.”

“What about your people?” Mal asked.

“I may have angered Wrath,” he snapped his tail.

“Jesus, Naz,” I sighed. “What did you do?”

“I exist,” he snorted. “Wrath may be the sin of anger, but he’s also prideful, greedy, and envious. He’s considered the king of the sins for a reason, Fae. Just because he’s called ‘wrath’ doesn’t mean that’s his only vice.”

“Noted,” I sighed.

“They attacked at the same time, more or less,” he continued. “I’m lord of my own House, so I can’t claim blood rights to another, but I have been aiding the House of Immail for some time now. Demons don’t have political allies in the same sense as the fae or humans do, but my support and leadership has led to... trade alliance, I guess. Goods in times of plenty and protection in times of need, shared between the two.”

“Right,” I nodded. “If you attack one, you have to attack both. So, it’s safe to assume Wrath and Envy are working together.”

“Not shocking really. Envy has wanted Wrath since he took Lust as his lover,” Naz snorted. “That was fine and dandy until Lust got caught with Pride. Wrath killed him over it then Envy got her claws on Lust before she could crawl back into Wrath’s good graces.”

“Looks like we only have the one option for an alliance with the Sins. Has anyone met with Gluttony?” I asked.

“We were a little busy,” Naz crossed his arms.

“Glitter, can you take a message back to Gluttony for me?” I asked, lifting the covers.

“Oh, of course, my wonderful queen!” he jumped up and clapped his hands.

“Do not give an imp a spoken message, Fae,” Naz said.

“Then do that demon writing thing no one can read,” I waved my hand. “Set up a meeting for tomorrow night. I’m sure you have a good location or two in mind.”

“Very well,” he nodded.

“I heard some of the dwellings are livable, minus water,” I said. “See if there are any volunteers for those to be moved into as they are now. Ben would know who to ask.”

“Right away. With the dwellings being close to the surface, bringing in water will be no issue for the time being,” he nodded again. “You’ll be happy to know that many of the refugees from our Houses have training in combat, so they’ll begin overseeing training as soon as we move to the new location.”

“We need to do that sooner than later. Tensions were already high with just a handful of lesser demons,” I said as Naz wrote out a message on some paper and handed it to Glitter. “There and back, Glitter. Remember, no one lays a finger on you. You’re mine now.”

“Yes, my queen,” he smiled brightly then disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

“Go ahead and approve the move on a large scale,” I said to Mal. “Start getting things packed and ready. We’ll move in three days.”

“You need to rest, Fae,” Mal said. “Meeting with Gluttony is one thing because it needs to happen and I’m not happy it’s tomorrow, but you are not involving yourself in this massive exodus of demons.”

“I’m sorry, are you telling me you aren’t allowing it or are you stating that I’m physically unable to do so?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Both,” he replied.

“Fool,” Naz scoffed and sat in the chair at the desk. “This is going to be entertaining.”

“Fae, I love how you’re determined to see this through, but can you please give your body a break so it can recover?” Mal clasped his hand together in front of him, pleading.

“For what it’s worth, the fairy has a point,” Naz tapped his claws on the wooden desktop. “Immail’s blood would have purged the poison from you and given your system a kick in the direction of healing, but it needs time to recover properly.”

“I am aware, which is why I’m not planning on carting people around or anything. I do need to be seen, though,” I nodded. “They are already scared and the fuss over me being poisoned would have done no good. They need to know I’m okay.”

“Because telling them isn’t working,” Mal threw his hands up.

“It only goes so far,” Naz shrugged. “Fae also has a good point. I do suggest not looking like you’re dead when you show up, though. That would be counterproductive.”

“How about we poison you then see how you feel afterwards,” I huffed and crossed my arms.

“Angry,” he stood up and used his tail to push the chair back under the desk. “I would be very, very angry.”

“You’re a demon. You’re angry about everything,” I smirked.

“You are demon as well. Perhaps it’s time you started acting like one?” he smirked and bent his head before leaving.

“Do not take that advice,” Mal pointed at me.

“I think he has a point,” I smiled. “Someone tried to kill me, Mal. I should be mad and trying to find out who and stop them.”

“Harmon and Rollie are already on that,” he narrowed his eyes at me. “Do not take off to join them, either.”

“Of course not,” I rolled my eyes. “I’m more useful here at the moment. I don’t think I can fly that far at any rate, so here is where I’m stuck. May as well be productive.”

“By resting,” he said firmly and pointed at the bed.

“Killjoy,” I pouted.

“That’s me. Malachi, Killer of Joy and, when it comes to keeping you healthy and not dying, I am also known as The Smart One,” he said, tucking the blankets around me. “I love you, Fae, but you’re aging me prematurely.”

“I love you, too. And you’d look good with a bit of gray,” I smirked.

“Not funny,” he looked over at the mirror.


Thankfully, Naz picked a place to meet with Gluttony that was close enough to take a carriage, which was provided by Mom and Dad. It was an old lumber camp about three hours from Royal City. Harmon, Ben, and Blaine stayed behind while I went with Mal, Rollie, and Naz.

Mal was not thrilled about waiting out here in the middle of the night, but Naz laughed before flitting away like a shadow. Dream demons and their superior night-vision.

“Here,” Rollie said when I sat on the step of the carriage with a tired sigh. “I have a bit extra from the last time I had to stop one of your leaks.”

He put his hands on each side of my neck and I felt warm filling my body, giving me a small zing of energy as it went. He let me go and mushed my hair.

“Try not to waste it, Squirt,” he smiled.

“That’s a handy skill to have,” I sighed happily.

“It is. Sadly, it’s only possible for those that are blood related. Or Soul Bonded,” he nodded at Mal.

“How was I able to do it at the caves, then?” I asked.

“How are you both Celestial and demon?” he countered. “I think it’s the Celestial side of you that made it possible.”

“The lightning?” I asked and held up my arms where the marks sat mocking me for still not knowing what they were. “Looked familiar.”

“That one has me stumped,” he chuckled. “Blue, white, green I’ve seen before. But that was new.”

“That side of the list of ‘Weird Things That Happen to Fae’ is disgustingly uneven,” I rolled my eyes. “I am curious how you defeat the embodiment of sin. I can’t just glom and ask for seconds. I happen to not possess a bottomless stomach or an extendable jaw.”

“My stomach isn’t bottomless,” Gluttony said sidling out of the shadows by the mill.

“He’s here,” Naz jogged up and rolled his eyes. “Show off.”

“Despite to popular belief, I do have a limit. It’s just very, very difficult to reach,” Gluttony continued.

“Is that why you want Ambrosia?” I asked.

“It is a benefit, yes,” he answered. “The relic housed in her existence is the only thing that can end my hunger and quench my thirst, sooth the never-ending desire to fill the unfillable, if only for a small time. But no, my queen, that is not the main reason I want her.”

“I won’t take her from one slave owner just to hand her to another,” I shook my head.

“I would never force her to do anything,” he said, his voice hard and face harder.

“He’s in love with her,” Mal said softly, putting his hand on my shoulder.

I looked at Mal, then to Gluttony and sighed.

“The relic means nothing to me, it’s true,” he nodded. “I promised her once, long ago, that I would keep her safe but, I failed and thought her lost, never to grace my eyes with her presence again.”

“So, how did you find out she wasn’t gone?” I asked.

“Envy tried to kill her. I happened to be in the neighborhood when Greed found out. I almost had her in my hands, but Greed showed up and... Well, that’s where you come in,” Gluttony said. “Greed is hosting a party. A real who’s who of the Demon Lands.”

“No,” Mal said firmly.

“Good, because you aren’t invited,” Gluttony scowled. “Interrupting is rude, by the way. What are they teaching the fae of late?”

“Can we not digress?” I sighed.

“Right to the meat. I like the straightforwardness, my queen, however the side dishes are just as delicious,” Gluttony grinned with his overly large mouth. “The guest list has several House lords, even Wrath has been extended an invitation, though he hardly ever attends these things, even the ones he hosts himself.”

“Digression, Tony,” I sighed.

“Fine, fine,” he waved his hand. “Greed is very paranoid and keeps his most prized possession hidden from Envy after that little stunt where she stole Ambrosia.”

“That’s a valid reason, not paranoia, but okay,” I nodded. “Am I to assume you intend us to use the party as a diversion to find Ambrosia?”

“Goodness no. That would be suicide. Greed has some of the best security. No, he moves Ambrosia out of his household sometime before the festivities begin,” he looked appalled. “No one knows when or where she’s going until a few days beforehand.”

“You happen to know when?” I asked him.

“No, because there have been no plans made yet, however, I happen to have stumbled upon her personal guard and... Ah, had my fill of him?” he licked his lips in a very not-food-related kind of way.

“That would be bordering on too much information,” I made a face and held up a hand.

“That’s no fun,” he pouted.

“No kidding,” Rollie scoffed and I stared at him. “What? I’m not dead, Fae.”

“I find the dreams involving elicit activities to be quite pleasing to taste,” Naz added.

“Oh-kay! I’m officially skeeved out and have learned far too much about my family tonight. Can we please refrain from further digressions now?” I clapped my hands over my ears.

“Spoil sport,” Rollie muttered and I fake gagged.

“I need bleach for my brain,” Mal groaned.

“Share,” I nodded.

“I discovered that Greed has decided to find a new mistress during this party and will be sending Ambrosia away for longer than usual,” Tony huffed. “Really, you are not behaving very demonic, my queen.”

“Tony,” I warned him.

“Once she has been delivered to her new abode, word will be sent to you so you may do whatever it is you need to do in order to bring her to me,” he continued. “Easy.”

“If it’s that easy, why not do it yourself?” Mal asked.

“Ah, well... Greed has graciously ‘invited’ me to the party,” Tony made a hard face. “He knows I have the most desire to be free of my sin, even if only for a while. Since Envy tried to kill her, there have been rumors of Ambrosia being in Greed’s possession, so he wishes to keep an eye on me, so I don’t try to take her from him.”

“This is sounding more and more like a set up,” Naz glared at Tony.

“It absolutely is,” the Sin nodded. “I don’t trust that weasel to hold my dic...dictionary,” he corrected when I glared at him. “That is very dull, your highness.”

“I do not need to know about your body parts, Tony. Somethings are meant to remain a mystery,” I sighed.

“Fine. I’ve had one of my hounds trailing the imbecile. She’s been granted her freedom if she discovers the location of Ambrosia’s hiding place and will be released upon her informing you, my queen,” he bowed deeply. “She’s been given the freedom of her pup if she can bring me the information regarding the ambush.”

“Hold on,” I held up a hand. “You’re using the love of a mother for her child as incentive?”

“Oh, this will be entertaining,” Naz chuckled gleefully.

“They are only hounds. No worries,” Gluttony waved his hand dismissively. “Honestly, I don’t see the pup being much use to anyone, really. He’s so small and weak looking, even for not being Awakened. I was planning on killing the mongrel, but off my hands is off my hands, right?”

“Can someone please get me out of here before I kill him?” I ground through my teeth.

“You do know that one of her best friends, who she considers her brother, is the Alpha hound you saw at the caves, right?” Rollie laughed at the bewildered look on Gluttony’s face. “And you’re already in trouble for gifting her an imp.”

“I was unaware my gift was inadequate,” Gluttony bowed deeply.

“Oh, she’s not mad about that,” Naz scoffed. “She actually likes the wretch. She has morals, though.”

Gluttony gasped in horror and looked at me like I was the monster in this parade of Big Daddy Demons. And Mal.

“Oh, you poor, poor thing,” he shook his head. “How very unfortunate to have such an affliction.”

“Says the evil Sin in love with the vessel of a relic,” I smirked at him.

“That is not morality. That’s ethics. I gave my word. I am a Sin of my word, my queen,” he held up a finger.

“We’ll see,” I nodded.

“You are going to make a fine queen,” he grinned widely. “Trust must be earned. But that goes both ways.”

“I’ll do my part, so long as you uphold yours,” I nodded.

“Good, good. Now, there is a matter of your refugees... I can’t have them lying about and keeping them hidden is becoming a chore,” Tony said.

“We have people coming to take care of it,” Naz nodded. “You have my appreciation for taking them in.”

“At great cost, I might add.”

“Put it on my tab. I’m a pauper, so... You’ll get it when you get it,” I said and stood up.

“There are... other ways to settle debts,” he grinned.

“Ah-ha,” I laughed flatly. “I’m not foolish enough to make deals with demons, much less a Sin.”

“Are you not at all interested in the details?” he asked.


“Not even if I said I knew the location of your sire, Immail, and his beloved Netiri?”

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