Becoming Fae

Chapter Anger

“This is a terrible idea,” Mal muttered, shifting uneasily beside me.

“It’s the best chance we have, and it wasn’t my idea,” I said, taking his hand as we waited for Gluttony to arrive.

“You agreed to it,” he huffed as his wings vibrated slightly.

“It made sense and, as I said: it’s the best chance we have,” I nodded.

“That doesn’t say much,” he muttered again.

“I agree with Mal on this,” Naz spoke up. “This is foolish.”

“Such little faith in my newly embraced demonic nature,” I shook my head.

Naz narrowed his eyes at me, and Mal looked confused before a cloud of black smoke appeared, leaving behind an imp and Gluttony. His large mouth was stretched into a grin, and he wore nicer than usual clothes.

“My queen,” he bowed his head. “I assume the rumors are true?”

“If you’re talking about Ambrosia, then yes,” I nodded. “Greed sent her.”

“Greed... sent her to you?” he said, the grin slipping to a frown.

“No need to worry about that, but it would appear that you two are of similar status for the time being,” I replied. “And I’m afraid to say that you won’t be leaving here with Ambrosia.”

“We had a deal,” he gritted his teeth.

“We did,” I nodded. “It’s not me you need to speak to, though.”

The carriage behind us opened and Ambrosia stepped out. Simple spun cotton clothes and boot gave her a farmer’s wife kind of look, but she was still beautiful. Kind of made me jealous, if I’m being honest. It was so effortless for her. Of course, she also didn’t have to worry about weirdly iridescent markings all over her body or an enormous wingspan on her back, so there was that.

Tony stood straighter and taller, the hardness on his face softening slightly as he watched her come to stand on my other side. I took her hand in mine and she gave it a small squeeze, even as she trembled a little bit.

“My lord,” she bowed her head.

“What did he do to you?” Tony breathed out. “You never called me that before.”

“I wish to remain with the queen,” she said, not answering him, but lifting her chin slightly. “She’s been very kind and has offered to allow me the chance to experience something I’ve never had before: true freedom.”

“Not something you can ‘allow’, but whatever,” I muttered.

“I can give you that,” Tony frowned, though his words sounded desperate.

“No,” she shook her head. “You might try, and I thank you for the thoughtfulness, but in the end, you’ll just be another master.”

“I would never-.”

“Not intentionally,” she said, cutting him off.

“There’s a war coming,” he said.

“And there has already been plans made to keep me safe,” she looked at me and I nodded.

“When did this happen?” Mal whispered.

“Last night. Apparently, relics don’t need much sleep unless they use their abilities,” I whispered back.

“And where is she going?” he asked, while Ambrosia continued speaking to Tony.

“Blaine’s parents,” I replied. “He sent word to them this morning.”

“This is what happens when I oversleep,” he muttered. “Is that what you were trying to say while I choked on oatmeal?”

“I warned you to slow down,” I smirked at him.

“This place she’s sending you to... Is it safe?” Tony asked, bringing me back to the other, more important conversation.

“It’s as safe as possible,” I replied. “Regardless of the outcome of what’s coming, she’ll be safest there. Complete safety isn’t something I can make happen, but it’s the closest thing to it. Believe it or not, Tony, but we’re on the same page on this specific matter.”

“I doubt that,” he narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Stop that,” Ambrosia snapped, and I blinked, looking over at her scowling at Tony. “Queen Fae has done more for me in the past few days than anyone else has in hundreds of thousands of lifetimes.”

“It doesn’t look like it,” he replied.

“She asked me what I wanted,” she said, dropping my hand and stepping closer to him so she could scold him better. “Not even you have ever asked me that. I’m not a vessel or a relic to her. I’m a person, which is all I’ve ever wanted to be. I’m not an object, Gluttony! I’m a person!”

“Ambrosia,” I said, seeing her hands balled into fists and her whole body shaking.

She yelled, screaming wordlessly to release her anger, before spinning around and stomping back to the carriage, her cheeks wet with tears of frustration. Emotions sucked.

“What have you done?” Tony snapped at me.

“I don’t condone slavery, Tony. Not very demonic, I know, but she’s right,” I sighed. “How many lifetimes has she lived? How many thousands of years has she been given no choices in her own life, allowed no opinion, no freedom to do as she wished, been seen and treated as nothing more than living object to be possessed? I don’t know the history with you two and it’s not any of my business, but if you want a future, you should listen to what she wants, and not what you want.”

“I blame you for this,” he hissed.

“She’s been trampled on for longer than I want to try to grasp,” I snorted. “Are you honestly shocked she’s had enough of everyone’s games and agendas? She just wants to be left alone and it would be wise to pay attention. She’s angry and a woman. That alone is a terrifying combination. Also, I gave her a knife, so she’ll probably stab you if you mess with her right now.”

“Why would you give her a knife?!” he snapped. “She doesn’t know how to use a knife.”

“I beg to differ,” Naz held up his hand, showing a bandage where she had pinned his hand to the table this morning when she thought he was reaching to grab her. “Apparently, she can also prevent you from healing.”

She did that?” Tony looked shocked.

“I know,” I snorted. “She’s so sweet, you wouldn’t think she’s capable of hurting a fly, much less stabbing someone. She’ll be fine, Tony. Besides, you said it yourself. There’s a war coming. The last place she needs to be is anywhere near it when it hits us. Most importantly, she doesn’t want to be here.”

“You obviously care about her,” Mal said. “What were you going to do to keep her safe when the war finally came for us all? You’ll be one of the main targets. Keeping her with you wouldn’t be safe and there’s only so many places you can send her, many of which the other Sins will be able to find.”

“That’s not to say that she won’t be found where she’s going, but they don’t know me,” I said.

“I can keep her safer than you can,” he growled. “We had a deal!”

“I brought Ambrosia to you. I never said I wouldn’t let her decide if she wanted to stay with you,” I clarified.

He roared and charged at me, his mouth opening wide, and I knew he planned on eating me. I figured something like this would happen and I knew he was deceptively quick, but I had other means of protection.


Hundreds of hounds suddenly materialized and faced Tony, growling and snarling, eyes glowing and teeth dripping. One hound was a terrifying sight when angered, but hundreds were enough to make even a Sin pause.

“This is going to be entertaining,” Naz commented, his tail flicking behind him.

“It might be,” I looked around, stunned. “I only asked for two dozen.”

“And you thought you’d only get two dozen?” Mal lifted an eyebrow at me.

“Well, yeah, because I only asked for two dozen,” I gave him a flat look.

“What is this?” Gluttony demanded.

“This is you about to make a really big mistake,” I answered.

“Are you threatening me?” he hissed.

“You just tried to eat me, so I’d watch who you throw stones at,” I laughed coldly.


“Jesus mother of Buckingham grapevines!” I threw my hands in the air as Harmon landed in front of me in his armor with his sword out. “I told you to stay out of it!”

“What is he doing here?” Naz demanded.

“You really need to learn to swear better,” Mal said, his eyes watering as he tried not to laugh.

“Sweet chaos, give me strength,” I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose as my wings opened behind me, dancing with sparks.

“I’m glad you learned how to go sparky there and not here,” Mal raised our joined hands, kissing my knuckles before letting me go.

“Shit,” Naz hissed and tried to jump away from me, but my wings came down, discharging the electricity is a clap of thunder that also stunned everyone but Mal and the hounds, making them fall to the ground.

“My magic recognizes you,” I told Mal as I folded my wings back behind me again. “I’m not in complete control of it still, but it won’t hurt you on purpose anymore.”

“Good to know,” he smiled.

“Now, let’s get this sorted out,” I addressed everyone as Ambrosia stepped from the carriage again. “Tony, you will respect Ambrosia’s wishes. Act your age and not like a toddler throwing a tantrum because he was told he couldn’t have a shiny toy. She’s a person who has the right to choose how she lives and with who she shares that life with.

“Naz, drop the hatred. It’s getting old and I’m losing my patience with your grudge. You don’t have to like him, but you will drop the hostility. He’s done nothing but be helpful and respectful since he showed up, which is more than I can say for you,” I glared at my uncle before turning to the angel in question. “I gave you an order, Harmon. We’ll discuss the consequences later but know that I’m not very thrilled with you at the moment.”

“I’ll get them to the carriage,” Mal sighed, and a few hounds shifted to help him.

“Don’t worry,” I told Tony. “The paralysis won’t last for longer than an hour. I suggest you use the time to think about how very unwise it was to try to attack me.”

“That wasn’t even a fraction of your power, your majesty,” Ambrosia said, coming to stand beside me, looking at me in awe. “What are you?”

“I’m complicated,” I said with a dull tone. “Sorry your ride got crowded.”

“I’m sorry Gluttony forgot his wits,” she replied, looking at the Sin. “He’s quite emotional around me.”

“I understand. Sort of,” I nodded. “I should help Mal. Then we’ll leave.”

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