Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 5

I strolled into Jacob’s office with an accomplished grin on my face. Only to gasp in horror.

Jacob was sitting there, his head thrown back and eyes closed. I watched as a head bobbed up and down from under his desk. You have got to be kidding me! He was so focused on getting a blow job that he didn’t hear me enter.

I cleared my throat loudly, getting his attention. His eyes snapped open in surprise, but he instantly relaxed when he noticed it was just me. “Stop.” He demanded to the bobbing head under his desk.

“Why?” I heard a voice purr.

He grinned at her. “My wife is here.”

She stood up quickly, I rolled my eyes at who it was. “Oh, I’m sorry!” She said, a satisfied grin on her face. She honestly believes Jacob is my husband and she just sucked him off.

“It’s you again, what are you doing with my husband?”

She giggled, looking back at him. “Just giving him what he wanted.”

I smiled. “You think he wants you?”

A smirk appeared on her face. “Well, my DNA that’s all over his dick right now says he does.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder. For such a pretty girl she sure did lower herself.

“Ah yes, thanks for reminding me.” I dug around in my purse until I found the pack of wet wipes I carry. I grinned at her, walking over to Jacob. She stood stiffly in front of him. Of course, the man whore didn’t even have the decency to put his dick away.

With all the calm in the world, I grabbed his cock, dragging my hand and the moist wipe up and down it. Jacob groaned in pleasure. He was such a slut.

After two or three strokes I stepped away, tossing the wipe in the nearby trash bin. “There, now he’s STD free.” He choked on a laugh, finally tucking himself away.

She scoffed. “What the hell is wrong with you two!?”

Jacob sighed. “Angela see yourself out.” I had to give him props for remembering her name.

She stomped her foot, bringing her hand down across his face. “You’re a pig!” I laughed as she stomped all the way out the office.

“You sure know how to pick em.”

He glared at me. “Why did you tell her you were my wife?”

“I did no such thing!”

He rolled his eyes. “You went and talked to Mark without me?”

I frowned. “How did you know?” He nodded his head in the direction behind me. I looked, there was a window showing exactly where Mark and I had been standing. “Well I’ll be.”

“You have no patience.”

“He told me it was his nephew that told him about the place. He gave me his number; I’m planning to text him the moment we get home.”

“Why not now?” He started moving papers around on his desk. I bit my lip, not wanting to answer his question. But he saw right through me. “Are you nervous?”

“What if there are others out there? Like me?”

“You mean kicked out of heaven?” He grinned. “I believe those people are called fallen angels.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m not a fallen angel, I wasn’t given black wings. I’m...something different. I don’t know why I have these powers still.”

He shrugged. “I still think you’re a fallen, maybe you don’t know how to use your wings.”

“I think I would know if there were wings attached to my back, they’re kind of hard to miss.”

"So, you had wings?” I sighed, looking at the ground. I did have wings, and I missed them terribly. They’re the one thing from my departure I wish I could’ve kept. I’d trade all my powers to get them back.

“Yes, they were beautiful.” I could feel my eyes getting misty, so I changed the subject. “When are we leaving?”

“In another hour or so. Maybe you should go ahead and text the guy.”

Walking over to his sofa I pulled out my phone. I need to man up, if there are other people out there like me then that’s a good thing, right? Means I’m not the only one dumb enough to get kicked out of heaven. Well, besides fallen angels.

I bit my lip as I typed in the number. What was a good opening?

Me: Hi this is Tina, got your number from your uncle. Weird question, but I was wondering where did you hear about the club Exotic?

There, sent. I tapped my finger on my pants as I waited. A few minutes later my phone dinged.

Unknown:Couldn’t get in, huh miss Tina?

I glared at the screen, what an asshole.

Me: Something like that

Unknown:I’ll help you get in, if you help me.

Warning bells started going off. Something was fishy about this guy.

Me: Help you with what?

Unknown: I’ll let you know after you’re done partying ;)

Now I was really debating my decision. “Jacob,”

He looked up from his paper work. “What?”

“He said I’d owe him a favor if he gets us in, but he won’t tell me what it is until after we leave.”

He laughed. “That isn’t creepy at all. Tell him to forget about it.”

“But...I mean what’s the worst that could happen? I’m pretty good at defending myself.”

“Yes, against regular people like me. We don’t know what we’re dealing with here.” He had a point. My phone chirped again.

Unknown:I promise it’s nothing extreme.

Me: Alright deal, What’s your name?”

Unknown:Kyle, we’ll go tonight. Meet me there at eight o’clock. Don’t be late.

Me: Can I bring a friend?

Kyle: If you wish...

I grinned, getting up from the sofa. “He wants us to meet him there tonight.”

Jacob raised an eyebrow at me. “I thought I told you no?”

I smirked. “It’s a good thing I don’t listen to you then. Finish up here so we can go, I need time to get ready.”

“You bossing me now?” He looked me up and down.

“Jacob,” I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. “I just don’t want to be late.”

He scoffed, clearly immune to them. “You make me late to all my events, maybe I should return the favor?”

“Try me.”

His lips stretched into a wide grin. “Is that a threat?”

“Call it whatever you’d like.” I winked.

“I love a good challenge, you know that.”

“Jacob, I don’t ask you for much. But don’t test me with this. I have this feeling in my stomach that I need to be there. I’m not sure why, but I can just feel it.” The moment we first stood outside that club something called for me inside. I knew without a doubt I’d do whatever it takes to get in there.



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