Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 42

Jacob (three days earlier)

The mood was heavy as the four of us stood around the grave. Me, Rayne, Thazar, and Kyle listened to the priest. The turn out was sad, Valentina didn't have any family and friends besides us.

The Beast wasn't coming, after the fight he put up for the ashes. Kyle was the only one brave enough to try and take the ashes from him, almost losing some limbs in the process. In the end he won, I'm not sure how, but he did it. Valentina deserves a proper burial, not laying in the bed as a pile of ash.

The baby wasn't here, the Beast was watching over him. I think that's the only way Kyle was able to take Valentina. I wasn't comfortable leaving the Beast to watch over the baby but so far he hasn't harmed him.

We had her placed in a simple wooden box, nothing extravagant or extra like I wanted to go. The box was sealed shut before the priest showed up so there wasn't any questions.

I looked around hoping to spot the Beast, maybe he changed his mind? It was weird referring to Enzo as the Beast. He hasn't spoken or changed back since the fight. Kyle mentioned this has happened before, the first time he was cast down and shifted. He was the Beast for almost two centuries. I wonder how long it'll be this time? Especially without Valentina.

We brought Valentina above ground, there weren't any cemeteries in hell. We even hired a human priest. If he had questions about the situation and why there was so few of us, he was smart enough not to ask them.

It took an hour to put Valentina in the ground, now we're sitting at the diner discussing what to do with the Beast. "We don't have to go back, Valentina was the only reason I was there." I said, referring to me and Rayne. She was also staying there for Valentina, might as well come back with me.

Kyle sighed, "I guess we all can go back, it just doesn't feel right leaving him alone in this situation. He lost the one thing he cared about, and he can't even hold his son without hurting him."

"Do you think he'll ever be able to get himself back?" Rayne asks, seeming worried.

No one answered her, because no one knew the answer. "He's done it before." Kyle shrugged.

"What made him do it before?"

He thought about it, must be hard trying to remember something from centuries ago. "I honestly can't remember."

Enzo/Beast (Currently)

I scanned the area, making sure there were no civilians around. Flying over the gate, I let the pull guide me.

Last night there was this tugging inside of me, like someone yanking on my heart. The first few minutes I ignored it, but then it got stronger. Making the Beast rage in anger. It didn't hurt it was just annoying him. But I knew what it was, it was the same pull that brought me to the club that night. Valentina.

I encouraged the Beast to follow it, leaving my son alone for the first time in days.

The cemetery had to be where Valentina was buried. I never asked for the details, I wasn't planning to visit.

I flew over several headstones, finally finding hers.


Beloved mother and friend

I stared at the words not believing them to be real. This wasn't her grave this can't be. Leaping on top I scanned the area once again. Why was I pulled here? Was someone threatening Valentina even in the grave?

A low snarl left the Beast, he didn't like the idea of someone bothering the remains of his mate and neither did I.

His head tilted as we heard a sound, a banging from underneath us. Something was moving in her grave. My body heated, something was bold enough to mess with her grave? They won't be leaving here alive.

We watched silently, the dirt started to cave in, like someone was trying to get out. The Beast waited patiently, ready to tear apart whatever came out.

Minutes later a finger appeared. A human? A human was in her grave? A menacing grin site spread across our face. Oh yes, we were going to enjoy this kill a lot.

We scanned the area again, making sure no one was around to witness. Or we'd have to kill then too. A gasp and intake of breath drew us back to the figure laying on the ground. It was breathing rapidly up and down, the pull was intensifying.

I snarled in warning at the figure, it stilled. Jumping down I stalked towards as it set up, making me pause. Valentina? It wasn't possible, was it? She looked the same as when she died, silver hair and silver eyes. Only thing missing was the wings.

She stared at me in shock and confusion.

"Enzo?" The thing even had her voice. What monstrosity was this? I wanted to attack, but the Beast was holding back. "Enzo? What are you doing?" It sounded scared, and something about it tore at my heart.

Could it really be her? Crouching next to her I cocked my head, studying her.


I sat on the ground trying not to shake in fear. The Beast reached out, grabbing a lock of my hair with his talons. Bringing it to his mouth he took a big whiff. His body shook and he backed away. He kept inhaling, like he was trying to absorb my scent. Then he shot into the air.

I craned my neck trying to spot him, but saw nothing but birds. Where did he did he go? Standing up I looked around trying to figure out where I was. This cemetery seems familiar, but I can't remember how.

A loud thud made me spin around. Enzo was there crouched on one knee, naked as the day he was created. He stood facing me, eyes shimmering. "Come here Valentina."

My eyes filled with tears. I rushed over to him not caring that he was naked. "Enzo!" I breathed, throwing my arms around him.

He squeezed me to him, burying his face in my neck. He was holding me so tight that it was almost painful, but I embraced it. "I love you." I froze, he pulled back to look at me. "I was able to take control back because of you. Because of how much I love you, it was more than any amount of rage. A week without you.. I don't ever want to do that again."

I sniffed, trying to control my tears. "I love you too." I think I've always known my feelings were deep. I had the man's son for Pete's sake, how could I not love him?

He grinned, pulling my face to his. Our lips met in a kiss that was long overdue. All the love we shared poured into the kiss. So much I felt I was floating. I don't know how I'm alive or what happened while I was gone, but for now I was happy. The rest of our problems can wait.

He pulled back, wrapping an arm around my waist. "It's time to take you home." I smiled at him, knowing I'd follow him anywhere.

"Ow!" I looked down where I just felt heat on my ankle. "You little brat!" Draco was standing next to me. "You brought him with you?" I turned to ask Enzo as Draco flew to my shoulder.

He was staring at Draco with a look of wonder on his face. "No, he's with you." I shrugged following him through the cemetery. Time to go see my son.


The time frames are probably confusing so I'll explain. Jacob is at the funeral and three days later after her death. Enzo shows up at the burial which is two days after the funeral, but its been a week since her death.

P.S book two will probably be started later in the year, maybe three or four months from now. Until then thanks for reading!

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