Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 30

Waking up the next morning was hard. The bed seemed extra comfortable today, and a warm hand was making its way down the center of my back, then up again. "I thought you couldn't sleep like this." A teasing voice whispered.

I lifted my head, resting my chin on his chest. "I stand corrected." My legs were tangled with his, half of my body on the bed and half on him. It was surprisingly comfortable. "I need a shower now."

He laughed, continuing to stroke my back. "Maybe we should shower together, to save water." A shower? With him? No way I'd be able to control myself. "We have to leave soon."

"I'm not showering with you." If I had to get up and shower, then I was definitely doing it alone.

"Well if you don't get up now you'll have no choice but to share." My wings ruffled, like they didn't enjoy me being told what to do.

I sat up, which once again put me in a straddling position. I tried my hardest not to blush, there's no way I should still have such a reaction to him. "Fine." I say, getting ready to head for the bathroom. Then I realized a problem. "I'm not gonna fit in the shower with my wings."

"I can always hose you down like a dog." He smirked.

"I can always kick your ass like a bully." Although we might actually have to go with his idea. How else will I get clean? I didn't realize having wings could be such a problem. There's still the mystery of why I have them in the first place.

"Always so feisty, I like it." I scoffed, climbing off him.

"I'll just take a ho bath." Going to the dresser I rummaged around for something to wear. Sweaters were out, so were t-shirts. Another tank top it is. Grabbing a dark purple one along with some jeans I made my way to the bathroom.

"Wait!" He hopped up from the bed and seconds later was in front of me.

"Are you really that lazy that you had to teleport instead of walking over here?" I was barely even two steps from the bed!

He grinned, "I had to know what a ho bath was and how can I be apart of it?" Shaking my head I turned away from him. All the man thought about was sex.

"I'll be out in ten." I say, going into the bathroom.

"I see you don't care about the environment!" He shouted after me. He received a very inappropriate gesture. If he thought us showering together would help the environment he was surely mistaken. Adding gasoline to a flame never stopped it from burning.

"Did you pack?" I frowned at Enzo.

I hadn't packed, I was too busy worrying about my wings. "I thought you packed for me?" His hair was still wet from his shower, sticking up in different directions. He was fully dressed though, and not walking around in the towel he was originally in. Saving me from not attacking him. Who knew a wet body could be such a turn on?

Since I had nothing to do I simply lounged on the bed waiting for him. It seems now I should've been packing. Oops.

He went over to the dresser he had cleaned out for me since my time here. "Do I look like a Korgan to you?" He rummaged around in the top draw. "Ah yes, definitely these." He tossed a pair of red fabric over his shoulder.

The red lace sat proudly on my lap where it landed. "Definitely not." Laced panties would not be needed for this trip.

"And these," two more pair of lace panties flew out. "Where do you keep your bras?" He mumbled to himself.

I took that as my cue to intervene. "Ok stop! I got it from here." I tried slipping between him and the dresser, but he wouldn't budge. "Back up Enzo."

"Why would I do that?" He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me flush against his front. "And miss the opportunity of having your delicious body pressed up against mine."

Bringing my elbow back I rammed it into his stomach. "You're a special kind of pervert."

"I wonder, are you wearing lace panties now? Thongs?" Before I could stop him his hand dipped into the back of my jeans, his hand latching firmly onto my cheek.


"Sir," He growled at the intruder.

"Why is it that every time we're...talking, one of you interrupt." I giggled at his frustration, talk about getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar. He withdrew his hand releasing me, taking several steps back.

"Sorry sir, Prince Kyle wanted me to send a message that he's ready to go." All the Korgans appeared deathly afraid of Enzo, but they still got their job done.

Enzo tapped his chin with a finger, staring at the Korgan with malice in his eyes. "Prince Kyle is not my boss. I don't care if he's ready or not." Playful Enzo had disappeared, it was amusing how quick he could switch personalities. "Now get out of my sight."

The Korgan hesitated."Lord Jacob wishes to see the mistress before she leaves." Lord Jacob? Since when was Jacob a lord?

"Wait whoa! Who is this mistress?" I ask. Enzo laughs, shooing the Korgan away before he could answer. "Why the hell did he call me your mistress?" I moved in closer lowering my voice."Have you been talking to them about us?"

"What about us mistress?" A broad grin spread across his face. He leaned in, "Do you think maybe they call you that because they heard you?"

The mortification I was feeling must've shown on my face because he started laughing. If they heard us I'd die of embarrassment. "You think?" I squeaked.

"My room is soundproof, so no they didn't hear your squealing. Only I was subjected to that torture."

I smacked his chest, hard. "I don't squeal." I turned my back on him as he coughed rubbing his chest. "Stop being such a baby, you're supposed to be Satan. More like a big wimp to me." A yelp left me, I was suddenly flying through the air. I landed on the bed, bouncing several times before stilling, my wings getting squashed underneath me. My mouth opened in shock as I stared at his smirking face.

"What was that you said? Oh, not so tough now, are we?" I ducked when he flung my suitcase at me. It crashed into the wall behind me. "Let's go." He says, walking to the door.

"You're crazy!" I scream, finally finding my voice.

He stopped at the door, turning to grin at me. "Crazy about you princess." Then he was gone.

I sighed angrily at the ceiling. I can't believe he just tossed me like a ragdoll! Did he forget I'm pregnant!?

Grabbing my suitcase I shoved the panties he tossed out into them, making my way to the door.

They were waiting for me at the front door. I glared daggers at a smirking Enzo. "Finally she graces us with her presence." Kyle says, grabbing my suitcase once I reached them.

My attention went to him. I tried to give him what I hoped was a friendly smile, but I was still furious at Enzo. "I was debating if you guys are worthy enough to be in the same room with a goddess like me."

Enzo lazily threw his arm over my shoulder, leading me out the house. "Babe, if I'm worthy enough to be in you I know I'm worthy enough to be in the same room as you." Before my blush could appear I elbowed him in the stomach for the second time today. Asshole.


Don't forget to heart it up! :) hope you enjoyed

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