Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 14

It's been three days since I heard from Enzo. Three days since Vince has been following me around like an oversized shadow. "I find it weird you work for him but don't have his number." I raised an eyebrow.

Vince regarded me cooly, like he always did. The man never breaks character, I'm just not sure what role he's playing. "He doesn't give it out, we have ways of contacting him." Another thing about Vince, he always spoke about 'we' whenever I asked him a question. And always avoided the question when I asked who 'we' was.

"Well use one of those ways now so he can come back and get you." I decided to take a walk to the park since it was decent outside. I was hoping for some alone time, but that's hard to get when a six foot buff guy is following you around. "I told him I didn't need a bodyguard."

Vince sighed, he didn't want to be around me as much as I didn't want to be around him. "The last I spoke to him he insisted you need protection, and to not try anymore of your little tricks again." He glared. The little 'tricks' he spoke of is when I tried to use compulsion on him, of course it didn't work if he's still here. Somehow he was immune.

I blushed throwing my hands up. "This is ridiculous!" The most bizarre thing about this though? Is Jacob never questioned why a terminator stood outside of our house day and night.

"It's how it must be." He told me curtly. There was no getting through to this guy, he's obviously been brainwashed.

I tried to enjoy the rest of my time at the park. Although I sometimes felt like a creep, I liked watching the kids and their parents play together. It reminded me of my life before I died, when I was with my family. There's been an emptiness inside me since my fall, and day by day it gets bigger eating away at me.

Is this what happens after a fall? I still had strong emotions, but I was losing that part of me everyday. Back in my old life I loved skate boarding and when I fell I did too. Jacob used to go with me almost every day to the skate park, and then one day I just didn't care for it anymore. The thought didn't excite me and I never thought of picking up a skate board again. This wasn't something I could talk to Jacob about, or anyone. To tell someone you're slowly losing yourself, it wouldn't make sense.

"It's getting late." Vince voice brought me out of my thoughts. Another weird thing about the last three days, Vince doesn't allow me to stay out after a certain time. The first night I fought him on it, then promptly gave up the second night. I nodded getting up from the bench, until something caught my eye.

There was someone standing behind the swing set, barely noticeable, and they were watching me. Their body wasn't angled towards me but the head was. I sucked in a breath, did Enzo really hire another person to watch me!? My anger spiked and I made my way over. If Vince wouldn't deliver the message then this guy will. I jogged across the park.

"Valentina! No!" Vince called coming after me. He must've thought I was trying to run away from him, and not that I saw his partner.

"Hey! I see you!" The stranger stepped from behind the slide, from the build I could tell it was male. "I'm gonna -" My words cut off as he smiled at me, and not a friendly one. He lifted his hands palms out facing me, a fire ball slowly manifesting before my eyes.

My eyes widened as he sent it flying for me. I didn't have time to turn around or block it. A body darted in front of me before it could make impact. Vince let out a grunt, then turned to me. "Run home now!" I didn't hesitate, it was clear now this guy didn't work for Enzo.

I spun around sprinting in the opposite direction. There was the distinct sound of fighting going on behind me. I prayed Vince was the one winning.

It took me little to know time to reach my house. The park was only three blocks away.

I burst through the front door huffing and puffing. I haven't done that much physical labor in a while. Jacob wasn't home, he had gone to work earlier that day and would be gone for another two hours. Making sure the door was locked I ran to my room. Like any smart person that was potentially getting chased by a killer, I hid under my bed. I tried to calm my breathing as much as possible. Sweat ran down my back in waves, I was going to need a bath after this, if I survived.

The longer I laid there the more paranoid I became. Did Vince make it? Why wasn't he here? I didn't know much about Vince but I've never seen him pull fire out of thin air. There was a chance he wouldn't make it.

Something else occurred to me as well. The fire ball that hit Vince scorched the front of his shirt. The bottom part, mid section. To be more precise, his stomach. Whoever that stranger was he had been aiming for my stomach.

I started breathing faster at the revelation. There's only one explanation for that.

The front door opened and I held my breath. He found me, he killed Vince and now he's coming for me. I tried to think what special power I had that could defend me against fire balls. I couldn't feel pain so maybe that would help. Though I've never been attacked by a fire ball either so who knows.

The sound of footsteps got closer. Compulsion wouldn't work, not only would I not get close enough but he was clearly a supernatural being. Just like the bouncer at the club. I'm so de-


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