Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 97

Chapter 97 – Miles

I am awoken early by my father banging off my door. Ordering me to get up and get dressed. I have little choice. This is my life now for the next few weeks at least. I must go touring the country, go and meet countless she-wolves I had no interest in. I would rather be here, in pack, setting things up for when I take


I know Ellis is due back any day now, and his mate is due home from her visit back home. She had decided to return home whilst he was away, already missing her family, and without her mate here to distract her she had apparently felt even more. homesick. And they wanted her to be a Luna?! What a f**g joke… she may be a pretty little thing, but she clearly didn’t have the strength needed to be a Luna. She was weak as f**k if she was already homesick for her family and former pack after a few days here. Truly pathetic. Ellis had his work cut out with that for a mate. The only thing going for her was her looks, it seemed.

But, I would rather be in the pack when Ellis comes home. News had traveled through that he was set to pass the Alpha training course. He would be full of himself, no doubt. Feeling he was ready to take on the world. Well, I wanted to make sure he knew that while he could pass a pathetic course, he was no competition for me. And by no means did it mean he was ready to make him an Alpha of our pack. I was still leagues above him. I desperately wished I could be here, put him in his place, but I would have to make do with some calls. He would realize his place soon enough…

Chapter 97-Mies

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Soon enough, we were in the car en-route to the first pack, which was only a little over an hour away. I truly had no energy for this. And my **g Dad wouldn’t even let me have a coffee or grab breakfast because I had apparently taken too long in getting ready and kept him waiting. Such an impatient b**d. He was whittering on about “having a tight schedule we must adhere to” or some s**t like that. He would soon get bored with telling me what to do, I am sure of that. I had my own plans…

“Why did you dismiss Jordan?” My Dad asked. Jordan had been expected to come along with us to give his opinion on mate choices. He knew me better than most, having been my best friend since childhood, and he was going to be my Beta. But, of late, he had been distant. I was unsure if that was because he had discovered the truth about how I had treated his sister, or if it was because he was too lost in the lust of having met his fated mate. I wasn’t sure.

I am sure the novelty of his mate’s p**y would wear off soon enough. Especially if she was soon to be carrying their pup. He would then realize my single life was definitely a better option. Always had been. But, at the moment, he was still running around after Gia like she was f**g royalty. Yes, she was hot. Yes, she was likely worth the effort when he got her to the bedroom, but even so, it should be her running around after him. Jordan had his priorities seriously warped. Setting a precedent for a f**d up life with her now, and all because he was addicted to her.

“He would miss his mate. They are trying for a pup, I believe, so it is not the right time for him to be away.” I lied, and I saw my father nodding, but in truth, listening to Jordan constantly go on about his mate became tiresome very quickly. And, fulfilling my plan would be easier if it was just me and my father here.

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“I didn’t realize they were trying for a pup so soon. No doubt it will be Ellis trying too soon enough.” My Dad said with an affectionate smile.

I think he liked the idea of grandchildren. He’d be disappointed with me then. As I would be in no rush…

“No doubt.” I said with a hint of sarcasm.

My Dad looked at me with a dark glare. “Though it is you that needs to be having pups if you are given the title, you realize that, right?”

“I don’t need lessons in how a pack is run, Dad, or what is. expected of me. I know what being an Alpha entails. I know what is expected of me. I am willing to do it all. That’s why I am. here, isn’t it?” I raised my eyebrows at him, daring him to challenge me on that. He had to know I didn’t want this.

“You may be surprised, son, but you may actually enjoy this. A little quality time together. Away from the pressures of the pack, enjoying the beauties of the country, being hosted by many of the packs. And who knows, maybe you will be pleasantly surprised. You may find a she-wolf that catches your eye and has some serious potential.” He said with another smile.

This guy is **g deluded, I am sure of it. Definitely time he was handing his role of Alpha over, because a deluded Alpha is a dangerous Alpha. He didn’t see things that were right in front of him. Missing things meant his pack was in danger. He needed to wake up to reality.

And, did he truly think I wanted to spend quality time with him? Jeez, I think I would rather sit and watch paint dry. I would likely have more fun doing that…

“I just want to get it over with Dad.” I tell him, looking out of the window as he continues to drive.

“Well, in the first pack you are meeting the Beta’s daughter, Adelyn. Her mate rejected her. So there is no complication of a fated mate.” he tells me, and I rolled my eyes. F**g marvellous. Some f**g reject that no f**r wanted… basically, I was being offered another version of Bailey!

Bailey… I wondered how she was doing? Her number had been sitting in my phone since Morgan had given it to me last night. I had yet to message her, as last night when I returned home I had needed to pack ready for our trip. But, now she was on my mind again. Her new pack had declined our request for a visit, apparently. Making me wonder if they knew of the situation between Bailey and me. Or if they simply disagreed on arranged marriages. But, one way or another, Bailey likely influenced their decision.

Now she was in my mind, I decided I needed to remind her I was still here. Still waiting for her… I slipped my phone from my pocket. And began typing.


So, you thought you were clever in getting a new number, huh? Thought I wouldn’t be able to find you? Well, little girl, it seems your plans failed miserably. Because I always get my own way. And you need to remember that. Seems that beautiful little sister of yours squeals like a little girl when manipulated…

I let you have your time away from pack. But, I think you have had time now to realize you belong in Lotus Shadow Pack, and

Chapter 97-Miles

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you need to come back. Heaven forbid one of your family was so ill you had no choice but to return…

As you may have heard, I am touring for my chosen mate, but there will be no chosen mate. I do not want that. You were my mate. The one I didn’t want. Yet that isn’t to say I do not need the strength you bring me. The power I gain from torturing you. You will return to the pack, Bailey. Just as I demand. And soon.

In case you didn’t know, it is Miles. Your beloved fated Mate.

I smirked as I sent the message. Knowing it was likely to send shivers of fear through her pathetic little body. I knew she was terrified of me, and I loved it.

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