Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 166

Chapter 166 – Donovan

The atmosphere in the office was tense. No, beyond tense. Initially between Marshall and I when he ordered me to stay in there with him to help deal with the mess

a mess created by his own son’s bad choices, it seemed. And then, after much panic from Kaia that her Dad had in fact died, when Alpha Aaron awoke, he was irate. Furious that Miles had assaulted him, accusing him of trying to kill him. Which was somewhat of an exaggeration, the boy had landed a lucky punch, later helped out by the table as he fell.

Seemed the Alpha was as overdramatic as his bloody daughter, and they were both beginning to get on my damn nerves when I desperately needed to go to help Bailey. I needed to see what Miles was doing. I had reached out to Ellis and Jordan in the hope they could go and help her, but I had heard no response from them since they agreed they would. So I was currently trapped in an office with a bunch of drama queens and my friend, who right now did not feel much of a friend when he had forced me to stay here against my will, when he knew I wanted to go and protect my daughters. Dick.

Alpha Aaron was putting all the blame for this situation upon us, yet while I cannot deny that Miles had fucked up big time, his daughter was far from innocent in this mess; and he needed to accept that.

“Is that fucker on his way back here to deal with his mess?” Alpha Aaron demanded haughtily.

“We have people looking for him.” I told him, to which Marshall



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Chapter 166 Donovan

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raised his brows at me in question.

‘Jordan and Ellis went to help Bailey, with strict instructions to bring the little shit back here to clean up his mess.‘ I told my friend. ‘Though it may be best to ensure warriors are under our orders, not Miles’s, because I do not trust him, Marshall. He is all out for Bailey right now, and that is not fair on her. She deserves a future. Your son is dangerous, and you know he is.‘ I mindlinked, and Marshall looked down at his hands, deep in thought, before looking at me with a nod.

‘You ae right, I will mindlink the warriors, order them all to accept no orders from him. Jordan and Ellis should be able to bring him back. And then we deal with this, though fuck knows how. I don’t think he seems willing to accept anything.‘ Marshall looked almost broken right now. Maybe he was beginning to see that years of spoiling his son rotten, and allowing him to run free with no restraints was not the way to go. Whether he was going to be the next Alpha or not, he still needed to learn right from wrong, and he still needed controlling. And right now, this little fucker had no control. Not a fucking ounce of it.

“Look Alpha, what is it you are expecting from us or from Miles?” I asked, realizing right now Marshall was mindlinking our warriors, not to mention I think he was struggling with the whole sorry mess.

“I want this situation fixed.”

“So you keep saying. But in what way do you see it being fixed? We can’t bring back somebody who is dead. The marriage is evidently as dead as the guy out there. So, how do you expect it to be fixed?” I asked.

Kaia gasped at my words, her sobs only getting louder, causing



Chapter 166–Donovan

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me to roll my eyes. She had not stopped bloody crying! Wailing incessantly… it was getting tiresome! The Alpha glared at me too, likely at my choice of words, but truthfully, I did not give a damn, I was not known for my tact, I said what was needed, and right now these things needed saying. This needed dealing with.

“We want it dealt with.” Alpha Aaron snapped. “So our name is not affected.”

I shook my head in disbelief. So he did not care for his daughter‘ s feelings, nor for the dead man in our corridor. What he cared for was his family’s reputation. His reputation.

“So you do not care for the man who was killed?” I could not help myself but question, and Kaia’s wails only became louder.

“Yes!” she sobbed loudly. “He was my soulmate.”

“He was your soulmate, yet you agreed to marry my son?” Marshall snapped angrily.

Alpha Aaron rolled his eyes, as I looked at him accusingly. “Yet you think you have no blame to take for any of this?”

His eyes narrowed at me. “My daughter made a mistake.”

“I am sure we could say the same for Miles. It had to hurt him seeing the woman he hoped to settle down with, with another man, hence reacting the way he did. I can see this is not going to be solved in the way you see fit. So, I think we are going to have to compromise. And that includes you, Alpha.” I said curtly, I would happily see Miles punished for what he had done, but right now, I had to put that to one side. I was here as the Beta of the pack. Best friend to Marshall, I needed to act with the pack’s best interests in mind, not my own desire for revenge.



Chapter 166–Donovan

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“You expect me to compromise? After everything that has occurred? We had a big wedding, there are people out there expecting a happy marriage. A beautiful bride and groom. And instead we have a dead body, a missing groom and a wailing bride. Far from a good image for either pack, is it?” Alpha Aaron snarled at us, and Marshall chuckled.

“Well, take the wailing bride out of the back door and return. home with her. Allow the guests to continue the party. If anyone asks where the bride and groom are, we will say they left for their room, to enjoy their wedding night. Who would know differently? Or question different? Nothing needs to be announced yet. Then we will say the marriage was unsuccessful in a week or so. Say that chosen mates did not work for either of them. Simple and short. No complications. No need for long explanations.” Marshall suggested with a dismissive shrug.

Alpha Aaron eyed him like a piece of meat right now. “You know I should be reporting that psycho son of yours to the Werewolf Council? He is a danger not only to himself, his pack, but to other packs. He should not be allowed to become Alpha!”

This guy could not be more right! Every word he said was correct in that statement, but I could do nothing about it, or I would be held for treason against my own pack. Because that is what those within my pack would consider it. Miles did need reporting. Because this was not the first time, not after learning what he did to Harley; and I fear what he did to Harley was likely not the first time either. The boy was dangerous. Too dangerous for the pack.

“Hmm, him not being Alpha? Well, that is being looked into. As for the Werewolf Council, I would appreciate it if that did not happen. Perhaps another donation to your pack would convince



Chapter 166 Donovan

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you to keep this between ourselves? Let me reassure you that Miles will be dealt with.” Marshall offered, only angering me further now. But Alpha Aaron nodded, a small smirk upon his face. Seemed money did indeed talk.

The office door suddenly flung open, and I hoped it would be Miles returning to deal with his mess, but instead, it was Jordan and Ellis, both naked, evidently having shifted to get here sooner, and looking more than a little anxious, as their eyes met


“Miles escaped. We have looked and cannot find him within pack. We have warriors looking for him, and all borders are now locked, but there is no sign of him.” Ellis said breathlessly.

looked across at Marshall, whose head had dropped into his hand, while Alpha Aaron’s eyes flared angrily, before he looked at Marshall.

“I shall be in touch about your offer. I shall leave you to deal with this.And with that he grabbed his daughter by the arm and dragged her from the office, leaving the rest of us standing in shock, now wondering how best to deal with finding Miles. This sorry mess only got worse…

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