Beautiful Bastard (The Beautiful Series Book 1)

Beautiful Bastard: Chapter 2

Christ. I am so fucking screwed.

I’d been staring at my ceiling since I woke up thirty minutes ago. Brain: a mess. Dick: hard.

Well, hard again.

I scowled at the ceiling. It didn’t matter how many times I’d jerked off after she left me last night, it never seemed to go away. And though I didn’t think it was possible, it was worse than the hundreds of other times I’d woken up this way. Because this time, I knew what I was missing. And she hadn’t even let me come.

Nine months. Nine fucking months of morning wood, jacking off, and endless fantasies about someone I didn’t even want. Well, that wasn’t completely true. I wanted her. I wanted her more than any woman I’d ever seen. The big problem was I also hated her.

And she hated me too. I mean, she really hated me. In all my thirty-one years, I had never met someone who pushed my buttons like Miss Mills.

Just her name made my dick twitch. Fucking traitor. I stared down at where I tented my sheets. This stupid appendage got me into this mess to begin with. I rubbed my hands across my face and sat up.

Why couldn’t I just keep it in my pants? I’d managed for almost a year. And it had worked. I kept my distance, bossed her around, hell, even I’ll admit I’d been a bastard. And then I just lost it. All it took was one moment, sitting in that quiet room, her smell all around me and that fucking skirt, her ass in my face. I snapped.

I was sure that if I just had her once, it would be disappointing and the wanting would be over. I’d finally have some peace. But here I was, in my bed, hard, as if I hadn’t come in weeks. I looked at the clock, and it had only been four hours.

I took a quick shower, scrubbing myself roughly as if to remove any trace of her left from last night. This was going to stop, this had to stop. Bennett Ryan didn’t act like some horny teenager, and I certainly did not fuck around in my office. The last thing I needed was a clingy woman ruining everything. I couldn’t allow Miss Mills to have this control over me.

Everything was so much better before I knew what I was missing. For as awful as that was, this was million times worse.

I was making my way into my office when she walked in. The way she left last night, practically sprinting out the door, I figured one of two scenarios awaited me. Either she would be making eyes at me, thinking that last night meant something, that we meant something. Or she’d have my ass.

If word got out about what we’d done, not only could I lose my job, but I could lose everything I’d worked for. And yet, as much as I hated her, I couldn’t see her doing something like that. If there was one thing I’d learned about her, it was that she was trustworthy and loyal. She might be a hateful shrew, but I didn’t think she would throw me to the lions. She had worked for Ryan Media Group since college and was a valued part of the company for a reason. Now she was only months from obtaining her MBA and would have her pick of jobs when she was ready. No way would she jeopardize that.

But I’ll be damned if she didn’t completely ignore me. She walked in wearing a knee-length trench coat. It shielded whatever was beneath, but did a fantastic job showing off those amazing legs.

Oh shit . . . if she was wearing those shoes, there was a good chance . . . No, not that dress. Please, for the love of God, not that dress. I knew for a fact there was no way I had the willpower for that shit today.

I glared at her as she hung her jacket in her closet and sat down at her desk.

Well, fuck me running, that woman really was the biggest tease in the entire world.

It was the white dress. With a neckline that dipped down to accentuate the soft smooth skin of her neck and collarbone, and white fabric clinging perfectly to those gorgeous tits, the dress was the bane of my existence, my heaven and hell wrapped in one delicious package.

The hem fell just below her knees and it was the sexiest thing I had ever seen. It wasn’t provocative in any way, but there was something about the cut and that goddamn virginal white that had me hard practically all day. And she always left her hair down when she wore it. One of my recurring fantasies was of taking all of the damned pins out of her hair before I grabbed a handful and fucked her.

God, she pissed me off.

When she still didn’t acknowledge me, I turned and stormed into my office, slamming the door behind me. Why was she still affecting me this way? I’d never had anyone or anything distract me from work, and I hated her for being the first.

But part of me relished the memory of her victorious expression as she turned and left me gasping and practically begging her to suck me off. The girl had a spine made of steel.

I bit back a grin and focused instead on hating her.

Work. I would just focus on work and stop thinking about her. I walked over to my desk and sat down, trying to direct my attention to anything but thoughts of how amazing those lips felt around me last night.

Not conducive, Bennett.

I flipped open my laptop to check my schedule for the day. My schedule . . . shit. The bitch had the most up-to-date version in her computer. Hopefully I wasn’t missing any meetings this morning, because I was not calling Ice Queen in here until I absolutely had to.

As I was going over a spreadsheet, a knock came at my door. “Come in,” I called out. A white envelope was slammed down onto my desk. I looked up to see Miss Mills staring down at me with a defiantly crooked eyebrow. Without an explanation, she turned and walked out of my office.

I glared at the envelope, panicked. Likely it was a formal letter detailing my conduct and indicating her intent to file a harassment suit. I expected letterhead and her scribbled signature at the bottom of the page.

What I didn’t expect was a sales receipt from an online clothing store . . . charged to the company credit card. I shot up out of the chair and raced out of my office after her. She was headed for the stairwell. Good. We were on the eighteenth floor, and nobody, besides maybe the two of us, ever used the stairs. I could scream at her all I wanted and no one would be the wiser.

The door closed with a heavy clang and her heels echoed their way down the stairs just in front of me.

“Miss Mills, where in the hell do you think you’re going?”

She continued walking without turning back to look at me. “We’re out of coffee,” she hissed. “So as your office girl, I’m going down to the café on fourteen to retrieve some. Can’t have you missing out on your caffeine fix.”

How could someone so hot be such a bitch? I caught up to her on the landing between floors and grabbed her arm, pushing her against the wall. Her eyes narrowed contemptuously at me, her teeth clenched in a hiss. I whipped the receipt up in front of her face as I glared back at her. “What is this?”

She shook her head. “You know, for such a pompous know-it-all, you really are a stupid son of a bitch sometimes. What does it look like? It’s a receipt.”

“I can see that,” I growled through my teeth, crumpling the paper into my clenched fist. I pressed the sharp tip of it into the delicate skin just above her breast and felt my cock twitch when she gasped and her eyes dilated. “Why are you making clothing purchases on your company credit card?”

“Some bastard tore my blouse.” She shrugged her shoulders and then leaned her face closer to me and whispered, “And my panties.”

Well, fuck.

I took a deep breath through my nose and threw the paper to the floor, leaning forward and pressing my lips against hers and digging my fingers into her hair, pinning her body against the wall. My dick throbbed against her abdomen as I felt her hand mirror my own and grip my hair, fisting it roughly.

I pulled her dress up along her thighs and groaned into her mouth as my fingers once again found the lace edge of her thigh highs. She did this to torment me, she had to. I felt her tongue run over my lips as my fingertips brushed the warm and wet material of her panties. I clenched my hold around the fabric and gave it a rough tug.

“Make a note to order another pair then,” I hissed and then pressed my tongue between her lips and into her mouth.

She groaned deeply as I thrust two fingers inside of her, and if it was possible, she was even wetter than she’d been last night. Seriously fucked-up situation we have going on here. She broke away from my lips with a gasp as I fucked her hard with my fingers, my thumb rubbing vigorous circles on her clit.

“Get your cock out,” she said. “I need to feel you in me. Now.”

I narrowed my eyes at her, trying to hide the effect her words had on me.

“Say please, Miss Mills.”

“Now,” she said more urgently.

“Bossy much?”

She gave me a look that would shrivel the dick off a lesser man and I laughed in spite of myself. Mills could hold her own. “Good thing I’m feeling generous.”

I made quick work of my belt and pants before lifting her up and thrusting hard inside her. Christ, she felt amazing. Better than anything. It helped explain why I couldn’t get her out of my head, and a small voice told me I might never get enough of this.

“Damn,” I mumbled.

She gasped and I felt her clench around me, her breath ragged. She bit into the shoulder of my jacket and wrapped her leg around me as I began moving into her hard and fast against the wall. Any moment someone could enter the stairwell and catch me fucking her, and I couldn’t care less. I needed to get her out of my system.

She lifted her head from my shoulder and bit her way up my neck before taking my bottom lip between her teeth.

“Close,” she growled and tightened her leg around me to pull me deeper. “I’m close.”


I buried my face in her neck and hair to muffle the groan as I came hard and suddenly inside her, squeezing her ass in my hands. Pulling out before she could rub herself against me anymore, I put her down on unsteady legs.

She gaped at me, her look thunderous. The stairwell filled with a leaden silence.

“Really?” she said, exhaling loudly. Her head fell back against the wall with a dull thud.

“Thanks, that was fantastic.” I found my pants down around my knees.

“You’re an asshole.”

“You’ve mentioned this,” I murmured, looking down as I pulled up my zipper.

When I looked back up, she had straightened her dress, but she still looked beautifully disheveled, and part of me ached to reach forward and slide my hand against her, to make her come. But a larger part of me relished the angry dissatisfaction in her eyes. “What goes around comes around, so to speak.”

“It’s too bad you’re such a horrible lay,” she replied calmly. She turned to continue down the stairs but stopped abruptly, spinning back to meet my eye. “And it’s a good thing I’m on the pill. Thanks for asking, asshole.”

I watched her disappear out of sight down the stairs and growled as I walked back to my office. I landed in my chair with a loud huff, raking my hands through my hair before removing her destroyed panties from my pocket. I stared at the white silk fabric between my fingers for a moment, then opened my desk drawer and dropped them in to join the pair from last night.

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