Be My Wife, Be Rich by Charlotte Aaron Novel

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

When Fiona woke up, she noticed all her trending topics were gone. The dance video, the sneaky snapshots of her life-everything got wiped off the map. She combed through the comments for ages and found zilch. Fiona figured it must be Sean who’d done this, so she shrugged it off.

That night, Blueden Girls’ School made a big show on their official account, saying they were on a three-day timeout for some serious self-reflection. They promised to spill the beans to the public after that. Meanwhile, Cora was getting grilled by the school board.

At 8 p.m., Alexa threw up an update on Twitter. It reeked of her mom Macy’s dramatic flair-[My poor baby girl] The pic beneath the text showed Alexa in a hospital gown, h***d up to an IV, as pale as a ghost and as fragile as a flower.

It was like a wildfire across Twitter, Fiona read the comfort-party in the comments, knowing Alexa had her crew of fakers typing up a storm.

The thought of hiring her own fake squad to talk trash about Alexa crossed Fiona’s mind. But she gave up on that thinking it could cost her quite some money. She decided once she had that house and the rest of her money, she’d swap out 200 for a load of dimes and chuck them at Alexa.

Right then, her phone rang. Dexter was on the line. Fiona hit record and picked up. Dexter’s fury exploded through the speaker. “Fiona, how could you do that to Paul? Do you know I was about to nail a big deal with the Conway family? They were down to front the cash, and now they’re backing out ’cause of you. You little b**h! You wanna tank the Harrell family, is that it? I can’t deal with having a daughter like you! Say you’re sorry to them, and you better get them back on board with the cash no matter what!”

Fiona asked, “No matter what? Including sleeping with them?”

Dexter huffed, “What’s the big deal about women sleeping with men? The Conway family got money and clout. Paullikes you and wants to sleep with


That’s a stroke of luck for you. You should be grateful. Your mom and I made you pretty, without that, nobody would like you with your bad temper Pay us back for what we did for you!”

Fiona couldn’t help but sneer, “What about Alexa? You’ve spoiled her rotten for twenty years. It’s her turn to step up!”

Out of nowhere, Macy s**d the phone. “You think you can even hold a candle to Alexa? She’s gonna marry into the Quinn family. You can’t make her stoop to… What’s Alexa ever done to you, anyway? She’s been nothing but sweet, and you just bite back. You’re just cruel. Now, because of you…”

Fiona rolled her eyes and snorted in her mind, ‘Alexa, nice to me?” She hung up before Macy could finish. Fiona glanced at the two-and-a-half-minute call she had recorded and cracked a smile.

Meanwhile at the hospital, Macy, all fired up, chucked the phone at Dexter, “Look at what your daughter’s done!”

Alexa, laying in her hospital bed, soaked in the drama of Dexter and Macy tearing into Fiona. Inside, she was thrilled. So what if Fiona is their real kid? She doesn’t deserve their love anyway!’ she thought.

Seeing that Macy had been hung up on, Alexa started fake sobbing, hiding her smug grin. Macy rushed over, all worried. “Why the tears? Quit it, or you’ll pull up your eyes. Sean said he’s gonna clean this mess up and head over to Charlotte to set things straight for you.”

Macy ran her fingers over the red mark on Alexa’s cheek, her annoyance tinged with sorrow. “I’ve never even had the heart to slap you. How could Charlotte just hit you like that? What’s she got that’s so special, anyway? Who knows who’s gonna run the Quinn family next? The Lopez family is ours. We’re the ones they should be trying to fawn overl

Dexter looked over, his face grim. “Why go on about it with Alexa? Let her get some rest.”

Macy shot him a fierce, teary-eyed look, “How can you say that? Where were you when she ended up in here last night? If Sean hadn’t showfulap toda would you have bothered? Do you even see Alexa as your daughter, after all these years? To you, even Clare is more important than

The mention of Clare made Macy see red. She stood up, boiling with anger. “This is all Clare’s fault. Whe is she to go up against needs to be kicked out of Blueden Girls School As for the rest, you deal with it!”

18:23 Mon, 3 Jun R

Chapter 29


Alexa caught Dexter’s eye, tears streaming down. “Mom, Clare’s still locked up. H**g her out of school would wreck her life. Dad’s known her since she was little. Don’t make him choose. I’m the one to blame. Thankfully, Sean had my back. I promise I’ll try very hard and make it up to you!”

Dexter’s eyes lit up with a c**g glint. “Clare’s just my niece, and she’s nis competition for you. You just focus on resting up. As long as I’m around, you won’t have to deal with any of this mess. I’ll handle Clare and your aunt, You’re the one I’m counting on for the future!”

Alexa gave a slow, knowing nod, a smug look flickering in her eyes.

Fast forward three days and Blueden Girls’ School dropped the news on what went down. The school copped to making some big mistakes in how things were run and booted Cora from her spot as the acting principal, not to mention firing about 20 teachers for spreading bad styles,


Clare got the boot, too. Lopez Group dropped a cool 80 million dollars into Blueden for a brighter future, and Sean stepped in to fill Cora’s shoes as the new acting principal

The day rolled around for Sean to step up in front of the press. Wearing his best suit and oozing confidence, he wasn’t alone, some of the top dogs in

ation were there backing the play to kick off some new classes at Blueden. Sean, taking the center spot, laid it out smoothly and smartly for yone tuned in. “Blueden Girls’ School was meant to be a launchpad for girls with big dreams. We’re sticking to our guns, churning out stellar women he world, and we’re down for the media to keep us on our toes.”

Sean wrapped up the chaos into a neat little package. After the press conference, the internet was awash with positive reviews, and the praise for Sean personally was endless


Blueden Girls’ School got back to normal pretty quickly after the whole scandal blew over. By the next school day, word had gotten around that

Sean was Alexa’s uncle.

Far from being left out in the cold, Alexa was actually getting a ton of attention and flatter. Some folks were just curious about Sean and hoped to get

As for Fiona, many people guessed that she must’ve ticked off some big shot given she was yanked from the trending topics online within just a few hours, and absolutely nobody paid her any mind.

Aber class, Alexa caught up with Fiona on the walk home. Alexa was riding high and looking pretty pleased with herself after a day of everyone making a

over her. Fiona couldn’t help but find it humorous, seeing that c**k smile plastered on Alexa’s face. “What’s up?” Fiona asked.

in hit a wall and froze. Just then, her phone rang. She glanced at it, and her smile came back bigger and brighter than ever. She waved her in Fiona’s face like a flag. “It’s Nathan. The second he got out of lockup, he was falling over himself to say sorry to me. And Mrs. Quinn called to apologize, too. Guess things are looking up for me, huh? Disappointed? You might manage to outshine me, but you’ll never steal my luck.”

Fiona just scoffed, “Luck that includes a slap across the face? No thanks, I won’t be s a t c h i

n g that I’m not trying to get hit.”

Alexa b t her lip, her mind racing. Then, like flipping a switch, she changed her tune and said sweetly, “You know, it was all just a big misunderstanding I actually came over here to say sorry. Fiona, could we maybe take a picture together?”


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