Be My Wife, Be Rich by Charlotte Aaron Novel

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

At the venue, two guys were chilling by the ralling on the second floor, right across from the stage. One was rocking a plain shirt and turquoise bracelet, exuding an air of aloofness. The other dude was all suited up, with a tle and classy gold-rimmed glasses, indescribably gentle and scholarly. Both were total eye-catchers-Sebastian and Adrien Parker. Luther had dragged them both here early to scope out the girls, but they totally didn’t expect to catch Diana’s whole dramatic allergy scene. They’d seen everything go down from their sweet viewing spot.

Adrien nudged his glasses up, grinning. “Your future niece-in-law is kind of a whiz with the medical stuff, huh? Not too shabby.”

Sebastian gave Adrien a side-eye with this half-smirk, “Niece-in-law?”

Adrien chuckled, realizing his slip-up. “My bad, not niece-in-law, soon-to-be wife, really. The early bird gets the worm-go for it, man.”

“And what about your girl, hightailing it back from abroad? You just gonna let her go?”

Adrien’s voice went all soft and chill, “As long as she’s doing what makes her happy, I’m good.”

Sebastian’s eyes found Fiona again, down on the stage, a sly smile creeping up he was in it to win it. “That’s for sure. No matter how clever they are, they can’t escape destiny’s hold.”

Fiona checked her phone and saw her account gleaming with an extra 800 thousand dollars: She couldn’t help grinning as she tossed Macy some thanks, “Appreciate it. Hope everything goes your way and you totally rock everyone’s world.”

Macy just scowled. snatched the miracle cream Fiona had handed her, and stomped off.

Abby asked Luther to give Diana a ride home.

Flona snagged a seat and made herself comfy. Slowly but surely, the auditorium filled up with the rest of the students chatting away. Then the lights went down, and the stage lit up like a Christmas tree. Alexa stepped into the spotlight, rocking this soft pink dress and her hair all fancy. She smiled and worked the room like a pro.

eyes met Fiona’s, she touched her cheek where she’d been slapped and grinned. Fiona’s cream had nixed the swelling in less than ten minutes -twas like magic.

Alexa broke the news about Diana not being able to host because she was under the weather. She put on a sad face for a second, then bounced back and hyped up the evening. The opening ceremony is a grand annual event at Blueden Girl’s School. Tonight’s all about dancing,” she said. “We’ve even got some world-class instructors. Let’s give them a big, warm welcome! This was her time to shine. The crowd was stacked-with everyone who was anyone in Jerraloth even in Paellan. Not only did she intend to stand out as the best, but she was also determined to show Fiona that crossing her would come

with a cost.

After the introduction, the performance segment commenced. Since ‘Dance’ was the theme, the acts were mainly various dance routines, with musical performances serving as accompaniments. The female students, beautified and meticulously adorned, and having received one-on-one guidance from esteemed teachers, shone under the stage lights – it was nothing short of a visual feast.

In the crowd, Fiona was taking it all in, feeling like royalty checking out a parade of talent.

The night was packed with sixteen acts. Alexa was originally up seventh, with Diana finishing off the show, but with Diana out, Alexa grabbed the final spot, Finally, after the earlier acts concluded, it was Alexa’s turn. Then it was time. On stage, Alexa was pure ballerina next to Clare, naturally tall and robust, who looked rather comical in her elaborate, snug-fitting gown, reminiscent of a towering cake, which made Alexa appear all the more like a celestial being by contrast. As Alexa danced, Clare hanged out the tunes on the piano. Poised and graceful, Alexa stood still, her eyes steadfastly surveying the throngs of people on the second floor. After today, she would show everyone in Jerraloth and Paellan just how exceptional she, Alexa, was. As the piano sounded, her limbs began to unfold slowly, like a butterfly emerging from hibernation, fluttering gracefully, a vision of loveliness. Especially against the backdrop of Clare and with the enhancement of the lighting, she truly resembled an unattainable swan.

But then the music screeched to a halt. Alexa observing Clare seated before the piano and facing the audience, showed no sign of surprise or panic;

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Chapter 16


instead, she curved the comers of her mouth upward. Clare was having a meltdown, randomly hitting keys before finally losing control, crying on the plano, and jumping down the stage. While Alexa just danced on, calm and cool as ever. Without music, she kept the beat for herself, until the staff cued up a backup track, and Alexa didn’t miss a step. From beginning to end, she performed flawlessly without a hitch. After her performance concluded, thunderous applause erupted from below. With grace, she nodded, approached Clare, drew her to the center of the stage, and enveloped her in a comforting embrace.

The teachers couldn’t stop talking about how great Alexa was so poised, so smart, so caring, Alexa lapped it up, but didn’t let on just how psyched she


Fiona clapped with the rest, thinking that Alexa’s plan was pretty slick. Clare’s plano game was good, but her fortitude under pressure left much to be desired, she simply couldn’t hold her own in such a setting, Alexa had been plotting this, Fiona was sure. Alexa made herself look even more stunning next to Clare’s awkwardness, something that men find appealing. And her kindheartedness and generosity would charm the high society ladies. Fiona had to hand it to her-that was some first-class scheming

After her dance, Alexa was still center-stage, mic in hand, and throwing shade Flona’s way with a sly look. Her lightly drooping eyelids concealed the calculating and fiercely cold gleam in her eyes. “Gotta hand it to Fiona Harrell for helping out Diana carlier. Why don’t we give her a shout-out with some applause?”

The crowd clapped it up. Fiona, cool as a cucumber, strutted up to the stage and snagged the mic.

Alexa figured Fiona would be a deer in headlights, maybe even tank harder than Clare. But Fiona didn’t flinch, leaving Alexa to fake a grin and push her luck. “Hey, since you’re here, why not show us a little something, Fiona?”

“You sure about that?” Fiona shot back.

“Yeah, totally-unless dancing ain’t your thing,” Alexa goaded her.

Fiona peeped upstairs-there was icy Macy looking away, and Charlotte, probably itching to see her bomb. But she flashed a reassuring nod to Sean and Evelina below. Then her eyes caught Sebastian, the Mr. Moneybags, chilling in his casual clothes, sticking out like a sore thumb. Seeing him there lit a spark in Fiona. Here was her shot to figure out whether the rumor about his sexual ability was true or not!

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