Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 259

Chapter 259 - Where Did This Swindler Come From?

Crown Prince Zhao marveled at the bravery and skill of the imperial guards of North Yue. In his extensive experience in battles against North Yue, this was the first time he had encountered such a formidable army. Were it not for the Black Armored Guard, these ten thousand soldiers alone could have easily fended off thirty thousand of their own troops. Their combat prowess was exceptional.

Clad in silver armor and wielding a hefty sword, Crown Prince Zhao personally engaged in combat with Wang Ziteng. Despite an hour-long skirmish, neither emerged as the clear victor.

Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Wang Ziteng grinned. “I've heard rumors of the South Jin Crown Prince's unparalleled martial prowess. Today, I witness them firsthand. Your achievements at your age are truly remarkable!”

“I've long heard of the virtuous and talented nature of North Yue's Second Prince. Many consider him the most promising successor to lead North Yue to its zenith. What a shame…”

“Haha… In the past, I fell victim to malicious schemes, falsely accused by our father, and unjustly imprisoned for years. Even in death, this injustice remains unresolved.”

“So, when the King of North Yue passed away, the Second Prince seized control of the capital's military might. He sought to catch me off guard, but ironically found himself defeated in the end!” Crown Prince Zhao's composed words struck a heavy blow to Wang Ziteng's heart, causing him to cough up blood.

“Hmph, were it not for your willingness to yield a portion of your forces, would I have been deceived? What will those soldiers sent to attack Xu Province think when they realize they were mere pawns!”

Unperturbed, Crown Prince Zhao responded earnestly, “It is preposterous to regard human lives as mere pawns. I did not anticipate the Second Prince's unconventional tactics. With his noble sacrifice, I believe they will find solace.”

“That remains to be seen, contingent upon your capabilities!”

Prince Teng brandished his long blade and charged at Crown Prince Zhao atop his steed.

The clash of their weapons sent sparks flying in several exchanges, leaving both combatants' hands numb from the impact. Fresh blood dripped from reopened wounds.

“There's still one matter puzzling this King. I request clarification from the Crown Prince.”

“Please, speak,” Crown Prince Zhao replied, indifferent to the fate of his adversary.

“Observing the swift and decisive defeat of North Yue in the war against the South, it's evident that South Jin possesses an additional Elite Armament, alongside a profusion of innovative weaponry. I'm curious about the artisan behind these advancements.”

Amidst ongoing conflicts, the refinement and invention of weapons persisted unabated. It was no secret that both nations vied for skilled artisans, yet the emergence of such a master craftsman remained shrouded in mystery.

Whether due to South Jin's deep concealment or their antiquated information channels, he couldn't determine.

A faint smile played at the corner of Crown Prince Zhao's lips, a scene witnessed by many for the first time. contemporary romance

“This… Truthfully, it was Crown Princess's directive, and the weapon's formation was the arduous labor of countless craftsmen day and night. Does this outcome meet your satisfaction?”

Wang Ziteng's eyes widened incredulously. He couldn't fathom it. “Crown Princess… is that consort?” The notion seemed preposterous. How could a man of such talent willingly serve another man?

“You deceive this royal. Since when did Crown Princess, revered as a divine healer by tens of thousands, change professions to become a craftsman?”

“The reclusive Crown Princess possesses boundless talents. Her expertise extends beyond medicine alone.”

“Haha… Word has it that the South Jin's military medical team this time is extensive, with ample medical provisions. They've saved countless lives. I wager it's the handiwork of Crown Princess.”


“The fates have cursed me! Such a wise man has fallen into South Jin's clutches. Had I been astute earlier, I would've paid any price to end his life!”

“How dare you?” Crown Prince Zhao brandished his sword, simultaneously extracting a bamboo tube from his waist. With a gentle press of his finger, several silver needles, as fine as hairs, shot out from the tube, piercing the man's chest.

Coated with poison, the needles induced immediate hemorrhaging. Tang Yue had prepared them for Crown Prince Zhao's security; in his view, the battlefield was fraught with peril, warranting concealed defenses.

If only he knew how to fashion firearms, he might have clandestinely crafted a protective weapon for Crown Prince Zhao. Nevertheless, this small concealed weapon he gleaned from the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle technique proved highly effective.

Employed discreetly and laced with poison, it was a lethal surprise for unsuspecting foes.

“You… villain!” Wang Ziteng spat blackened blood and collapsed to the ground, convulsing.

Though not his first time witnessing the effects of this poison, it was the first time Crown Prince Zhao observed it on a person. Secretly, he commended, “Arsenic and partridge poison prove disappointingly feeble.”

“In war, there's no room for disdain!” Crown Prince Zhao's longing for Tang Yue drove his desire for the conflict to conclude swiftly.

Two years of separation had already filled his heart and mind with longing, reaching a breaking point.

“The commander of North Yue is no more. Surrenderers will be spared!” The announcement of Wang Ziteng's demise catalyzed a shift in the battlefield atmosphere.

The once-high morale of the North Vietnam Army faltered with the loss of their leader.

The strategy of “capture the king” lost its significance. Without their leader, how could the soldiers continue to fight?

North Yue's dwindling number of princes had perished one after the other. Even with a complete empire, finding a suitable successor seemed futile.

Wang Ziteng's death symbolized not only the loss of a commander but also the demise of hope for North Yue.

The imprisoned courtiers were overwhelmed by grief upon hearing the grim tidings. Without the Second Prince, their resistance seemed futile.

Some venerable old officials succumbed to the news, lamenting, “Heaven aims to obliterate North Yue!”

“First Prince, I have failed you…”

“North Yue's territories are now in enemy hands. Xian Wang… I can't face you anymore…”

Sorrowful cries emanated from the prison, silencing the students gathered by Mr. Xuan Jing upon hearing the tragic news.

Under the starlit night sky, Mr. Xuan Jing gestured toward a southern star, remarking, “Observe, the Zi Wei star shines brighter, while the Emperor Star of North Yue has vanished. A new era dawns.” freewebnovel. com

“May the King of South Jin truly be a benevolent ruler who cherishes his people. Otherwise, we'll resist the rule of South Jin to the bitter end.”

Mr. Xuan Jing gazed at the radiant Ziwei Star, the faint Monarch Star now gone. A smile played upon his lips. “Fear not. If Crown Prince Zhao fails in this regard, I'll provide an explanation to all.”

North Yue had reached a point where resistance was futile. Several scattered Dukes fled with their retinues and families, seeking to secure territory before the new ruler's ascent, aspiring to carve out their own domains of power.

Crown Prince Zhao refrained from dispatching forces to pursue the fleeing nobles. Instead, the following day, he issued a decree essentially stating, “Any noble who absconds must relinquish their holdings and titles. They will be subject to public retribution, forfeiting protection from the Imperial Court. Those remaining in the capital will face judgment based on their actions.

“Those with clean records will not only escape punishment but also receive rewards. Those guilty of wrongdoing will face severe consequences commensurate with their offenses. Light transgressions will result in demotion within the nobility, while grave offenses will lead to demotion to commoner status. Though property will be confiscated, their lives will be spared.

“Anonymous reporting channels are available to the populace. Reports with corroborating evidence will be swiftly acted upon.”

The decree garnered widespread approval throughout the city. The oppressed rejoiced at the prospect of retribution against their oppressors.

Among the nobility, various atrocities were rampant, with acts such as the exploitation of common women considered minor offenses. Instances of disregard for human life, even genocide, were not uncommon.

A wave of public denunciation ensued. Mailboxes overflowed with written notes, drawings, and other submissions. Illiterate civilians enlisted the help of others to express their grievances, ensuring accessibility and participation.

Having traveled from afar to the capital a year prior, Zhang Chun lay exhausted in his dilapidated carriage as life returned to the bustling city. His joints ached, and fatigue weighed heavily upon him. Upon alighting, he cursed the congested streets, vowing to fund road repairs in his lifetime.

Grasping a nearby soldier, he inquired, “Is the Crown Prince presently in the capital of South Jin? Where can I find him?”

Despite the capital's vastness, maps of the era were unreliable and scarce. Zhang Chun had wandered astray for quite some time.

Observing Zhang Chun's disheveled appearance and pungent odor, the soldier dismissed him as lacking authority or influence. Gesturing him away, he retorted, “Move along. The Crown Prince is beyond your reach.”

“Ah, behold the nobleman's arrogance. You're not from South Jin, are you? I hail from the Crown Prince's palace in South Jin. Hurry, relay my message!”

Startled, the soldier, though perplexed, deemed the matter not his concern. Shaking his head, he instructed, “Upon entering the city, proceed straight ahead. Inquire along the way for directions to the palace. Someone will guide you.”

Puzzled by the stranger's demeanor, the soldier wondered aloud, “Could His Highness entertain such an odd visitor? Or is he fabricating tales?”

Doubts lingered regarding the stranger's claims of association with the crown prince's household.

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