BATTLES: The Royal Invasion

Chapter 3

Two days after killing the three giants…

It was impossible to tell whether it was day or night in that underground base when the men was getting ready to attack baseball field the invaders fighters use it as base to them to attack the resistance. It was no rocket science: blow and go. As some of the soldiers call it.

John was in the offensive group this time armed and other 19 of his companions with ak-47, flames throwers, and grenades. It was sunny when they left the underground base toward their target which was only 6 kilometers away. Despite they are using 4by4 vehicles but driving on the buildings debris was requiring some cautions.

The memory of his 6 years old son suddenly flashed before his mind. He remembered when he drove him to the school for the first time, John recalled how he was super excited about his first day at the school unlike him at his age and how he was disappointed and he didn’t want to go back to school. But despite being just a child it wasn’t an excuse for them for not to kill him.

“It’s better to be ready for the fight, my friend” said his companion.

“You scared the hell out of me man”

“You should mentally prepared for the fight and get your loved ones revenge”

“Thanks man…what’s your name?”

“Dr. Trevor Blake… and you?”

“John Robinson, what you’ve been doing before the invasion?”

“I have a PhD in biology from California institute of technology and I lived in LA…and you?”

“I was a stock broker here in New York…did you just said that you have been in LA?”


“How did you survived then?”

“Luckily I was in San Francisco at the time for a meeting…the damn shockwave ruined the city”


“And that beam was visible from there, I saw that beam that destroyed LA…those aliens are really strong…I came to here thinking that the army will manage to finish it quickly…but it’s obvious that I was wrong. But I was wondering…if they can destroy a whole city that easy why they are fighting us on the ground?”

“It’s like they need us alive…maybe they put us in a zoo or something”

Both men chuckled

“Or use us for experiments” said Blake.

When they arrived to the field at the noon the targets were having rest. Being exposed to the sunlight is important to charge them just like a battery and at that time they are not able to move at all.

They began to take positions around them like cycle and they started to shoot them with everything they got except grenades until they killed most of them and the rest is heavily injured and one bullet is enough to finish them off.

The men were celebrating their easy victory when someone said: guys look. He was pointing at a dust cloud coming from the east and it was getting closer and closer every second.

“We are trapped I’ll call the reinforcements…let’s fight to the last breath” yelled John.

“They are fucking ugly” said Blake.

The incoming monsters were looking like animals but more ugly, some of them was using four legs and the others was using two like humans... 3 meters tall human.

The both armies collide on the corpses of the monsters that the resistance has just killed. It was the first time monsters like this to be seen and there durability was above what the resistance has experienced before, but one thing was for sure; these monsters was soldiers for the invaders.

After the battle which the resistance had won thanks to the reinforcement there was only 7 soldiers rest from the offensive group. The corpses was delicious meal for the flies which was all around the place. John was on the ground half-conscious surrounded by corpses and body parts, having injuries that need an immediate medical care.

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