BATTLES: The Royal Invasion

Chapter 18

Rad was in his cell reading a book when he suddenly felt a consecutive impacts like hitting on a wall with a hammer. The prison were separated from the rest of the ship from some aspects like emergency alarm, the prisoners were wondering what was going on but Rad knew.

Rad predicted that a treason would happen but he didn’t know it will happen this fast.

Manod’s ship was near the boundaries of the solar system but its target was in the shooting range.

For Rad, this attack was a statement that was screams out that Kaydos and Manod aren’t on the same page.

In the command center, Kaydos was panic as he saw the numbers in front of him on the huge screen which was saying that the ship received 20% damage to the outer shield by a weapons made to destroy whole planets.

“Lord Kaydos, they managed to destroy some of the secondary cannons” an officer said.

“Manod, you bastard…I should’ve attacked you first” Kaydos thought as he was under a lot of pressure because of this unexpected attack.

The thought was rushing inside Kaydos’s head: alright…prepare our main weapon.

“But my lord…”

“Do what I said” Kaydos yelled at the officer so the preparations to fire one of the most terrifying and powerful weapons in the galaxy has started and they have locked on the target.

The plan Kaydos had was simple; put all the ship’s energy in one knocking out blow instead of consecutive attacks. Despite this will make the ship stop functioning for some time until the dwarf star inside the ship core- which used as fuel source- regenerate. But this way he will finish off Manod quickly.

The energy began to focus in the legendary cannon that can easily wipe out whole stars from existence.

“Firing after two minutes” said one of the officers.

“I heard you like blows, Manod” said Kaydos and couple of officers laughed.

Kaydos was watching carefully the countdown as the whole command center was in shock that this weapon will be used again. The last time the weapon was used when Rad decided to destroy a rival kingdom by pointing the weapon at their star which caused the star to go supernova. That was 35 thousand years ago and the weapon wasn’t used ever since then.

Rad was sensing that the ship was moving but it wasn’t a normal move, it was positioning.

“What this idiot is planning to do? Is he…” Rad know exactly what was the consequences of firing the Destron.

“It’s true that Destron can turn Manod and his ship to space dust, but if the weapon missed its target it will be exposed to the enemy. Despite I hate Kaydos and Manod but this move could cost a lot” Rad thought.

He continued reading with a smile on his face. Rad thought that this could be his chance to break out of his cell.

One minute lift to fire as energy began to appear in the cannon nozzle.

“30 seconds to fire” said the officer.

“Is it the right thing to do? Or it was a bad idea from the beginning to use this weapon in a situation like this? The weapon was created to destroy stars not spaceships” Kaydos began to realize that if the Destron were used the ship will stop functioning until the core of the ship regenerate again.

“20 seconds to fire”

“I think this sneaky attack made me miscalculate the consequences…the chances are even…if I landed a direct he will no longer be a rock in my way but if he managed to evade I will be finished” Kaydos began to rethink about the step that he is going to make.

“10 seconds to fire”

Kaydos closed his eyes when he heard the official saying it. “It’s faster than the speed of light…no way a heavy ship like this will be able to evade it” this thought made Kaydos somewhat relived.

“According to the speed and distance it’s unlikely he can evade...but the consequences are terrible” it was a storm of thought inside Kaydos’s head.

“5 seconds to fire”

The energy began to center in one point in the nozzle of the legendry cannon that can destroy whole stars.

“Is this the right thing to do?” said Kaydos with a sinister smile on his face.

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