Battle of the Elements

Chapter 4 Titania

I woke in the morning to a soft, sweet humming sound coming from…everywhere?

I leapt out of bed, pulled on one of my dresses and ran outside. I heard people yelling, crying and screaming.

The sight outside the inn was terrifying. Children of all ages were walking to the forest. Towns people blocked their way and - what looked like - their parents tried to hold them back but the children kept moving. They had the same look in their eyes as the children in the cave. Some of the children even threw people out of their way. No one could stop those children. I ran to one of the trees on the forest’s edge, placed my hand against it and pushed almost all my energy out, into the forests. I felt the tree’s roost and branches spread out and twist around each other, forming a huge wall around the forest so thick not even a giant could break through. I felt the magic seep out of my body, leaving me weak in the realisation that I was on the other side of the wall.

I heard a rustle in the bushes. I shot around but it was too late. All I saw was a flash of red before something pulled me to the ground in a fast and angry mess of tackling. I tackled her on the floor, rolling, scratching and clawing at each other’s faces. She grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the ground. For the first time I saw my attacker clearly. She had fair skin and huge, bright red hair. Her dark – almost black – eyes bore into my own. Her voice was rough and crazed “How dare you. You ruined everything!” She screamed.

I pressed the back of my hands against the dirt but nothing happened, I was too weak to do anything. “HELP!” I screamed.

“No one will hear you. No matter how hard you scream, you made those walls too thick dear. Too thick and too high.” She said, her voice was starting to scare me. Her wide, crazy eyes were lingering on me and she started to hum a melody, the same hum I had heard when I woke, only a different tune…

I woke tied to a stone pillar in the middle of darkness. I tried to pull my hands away from the pillar but it was tied with some kind of metal. A light flooded the room and blinded me for a few seconds. Standing against the wall was the woman that attacked me, she wasn’t smiling, instead she looked calm and angelic. Her curvy body and large breast fit perfectly into a black silk dress.

“You shouldn’t have put that wall up. Now I can’t go home.” She said, her eyes weren’t on me this time but somewhere in the distance.

“I won’t let you steal children away from their home.” I said – unlike her, I was aiming every ounce of my rage at her through my eyes.

“I need to.” She said, a small degree of pain in her voice.

“Why?!” I shouted.

“They’re not safe at home. I will save them all and take them to safe place.” She said. This woman was insane.

“You’re crazy…” I said.

“Perhaps. But you wouldn’t understand. You weren’t here when those children died.” She said, I heard the anger rising in her voice then it was gone. She slowly walked towards me, never looking me in the eyes until she was just out of my reach. Her hand brushed my cheek before she lifted the hem of my dress up to my upper thigh. A look of surprise crossed her face and she looked up at me “Where is your mark?”


What was she saying? “What do you mean ‘found’?”

“Your friends don’t know about you. About your magic.”

She must have seen the panic flash across my face – was she going to tell them? Was she going to threaten me? – Because all of a sudden a gentle smile appeared on her face “I won’t tell them. I understand what it’s like to be scared of your loved ones. My family sent me to one of those labs. I would never make another go through that torture. All I want to know is what you are.”

“What I am?” I said, I really didn’t like where this was going.

“Are you a wizard? Black Magi, Beasta, Elf maybe? Or are you an elemental?”

“Why would I tell you?”

“Because if you tell me now I won’t have to torture it out of you.” She said like it was the most casual thing any person could say. This woman was crazy.

I bit my lip and held onto my fear.

She looked me up and down then shook her head sadly. “I really wish you would tell me.”

“And I really wish I could snap you in half but I’m afraid that’s not going to happen right now.” I said, trying to save my dignity before I started crying.

“I’m afraid you’re right, but just because you don’t tell me now doesn’t mean you won’t tell me in say…” she looked to the side “an hour?” then she shook her head and walked towards the door. Just as she reached the door she muttered something and all I could feel was fire under my skin, spreading slowly and burning so hard I felt like I would burst. I looked down to where the pain was coming from but there was nothing. That didn’t stop the pain though, it kept coming in waves and waves until I felt like I was drowning in fire and pain.


She was gone. I didn’t know where she had gone or when she would be back.

I had a bad feeling she was in the forest and couldn’t get out. I had been out in the streets trying to hold a little girl back when the earth started to shake and the trees started to move towards each other to form a huge barrier around the forest. The children snapped out of the spell after a moment. But when I went back to the room Titania wasn’t there.

“She’ll be ok. She’s probably just out in the village.” Dane said. Even though you could tell he was worried too.

“Or she could be in the woods! With that huge wall stopping her from leaving!” Harrison yelled, he seemed to share my worries for her because his hands were in fists so tight his knuckles were white.

I didn’t yell at Dane, or Harrison. I knew that the real reason we were in this situation was magic. And so far, the only person who I knew with magic around here was that damn fire elemental. I knew she could have manipulated the trees but she could have had friends, friends who could control those things.

I ran out the door, I would find that stupid monster.


He came at me with pure, white hot rage. Before I had time to dodge he wrapped his hand around my throat and pushed me up a tree. “Where is she?!” He yelled. This guy was insane!

I tried to kick him but he dodged and pushed harder against my throat. A strangled cry escaped my throat as I felt his fingers cut of my oxygen. “Where is she?!” He yelled. The town’s people walked past without looking at us – no one would ever save someone who used magic.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” I said.

“Don’t lie! You know who put that damn wall up!” he yelled

“Yes! But I don’t know where Titania is!” this guy needed to get his questions straight.

“She’s in the forest. And she can’t get back here because of that damn wall! So tell me how I can lift that wall!”

“I don’t know how!” I said.

He threw me to the ground “Then who does?” He asked, his eyes were unreadable. How did Titania get along with this freak?

“I don’t know!” I yelled. This guy was really getting on my nerves. I was still on the floor when he threw a huge punch.

I leaped up off the floor and did a mid-air kick, hitting him right on the jaw. I landed in front of him with agility. I stood straight, my eyes bore into him – maybe I could scare him off so I wouldn’t have to harm him – but he didn’t back down.

“I’m not going to tell you who made that wall. I know you’re worried about your friend but don’t you dare touch me or I’ll burn your fingers off.” I summoned a small, white flame in my hand – it wasn’t that hot but I didn’t think he knew that.

I stood still for a moment, breathing heavily. He reminded me of a wild beast. Deadly. I didn’t want to make any sudden movements in case he thought I was going to hurt him. Then he said – so calmly it was like I was talking to a completely different person – “What do you want with her?”

“I don’t know. I just… have a feeling. She’s different to anyone I have ever met. And she needs to be safe.” I said.

“Then stay away.” He said, looking me so deeply in the eyes I was afraid it looked like one of those kiss scenes from a cheesy book. “Stay away from her. So far, all you have done is cause her trouble. She was safer before you came along. So leave.”

A look of fury crossed my face “No.” I said.

“I’m telling you now - leave.”

“No.” and that was the last thing I said to him before a man came from behind him and stood between us. He had hair cut close to his head and he had the darkest eyes I had ever seen – if the circumstances had been different I would have thought he was attractive. Another boy – this one looked younger than the other – was standing next to the angry brute who attacked me in the first place.

“Hi.” The short haired guy said “I’m Dane.”

“Bridgette.” I didn’t look at him though, my eyes were glued to the violent brute.

Couldn’t say the same for Dane though, he didn’t take his eyes off me. “Look, sorry about him” he gestured behind him “Alex is just worried about his friend.”

“He didn’t mean anything by it.” The boy said. It was funny to me how such a skinny boy was standing next to someone as huge as Alex. Dane towered above both of them.

“Yes I did.” Alex growled. “Don’t you guys see? She’s a monster.”

Dane smirked “She’s one hell of a monster.”

The boy gave an annoyed sigh and face palmed – god these people were weird! – “Dane! Stop whatever your thinking.”

I turned on my heel and went to walk away when Dane took hold of my wrist. “We would feel most comfortable if you could accept our apologies Bridgette.” He said, a small smile was on his face.

“I don’t recall you actually apologising so no.” I said.

Dane let go of my wrist and took my hand instead. Then out of nowhere, he kissed it lightly.

I felt my face turn hot and pulled my hand away from him with a smirk “You’re a brave man Dane, but I’m afraid you’re not my type.” Liar.

Dane smiled slightly “Well, that’s a shame. You don’t even know us.”

“Why would I want to know you? One of you just attacked me.” I said.

“True. But you could get to know us, it would be fun.”

I laughed a little “I’ll pass.” I said as I walked away.


I hit Dane after she left. Titania was in trouble and what did he do? He flirted with the only thing that may have known where she was and then – after being rejected – let her get away.

Harrison didn’t say anything when we got back to the room. Dane didn’t even seem upset in the slightest. Titania was on my mind every second of the next few hours. I had this itching feeling in the back of my mind that she was in trouble.

That’s when she came again. Bridgette appeared by the door just as the clock stroke nine. Her golden eyes shone in the dark hall way and her skin seemed to be glowing. Dane saw her first and a big smile spread across his face. Just as we saw her she uttered “I found her.”

I bolted up from my bed “What did you say?”

“I said I found her idiot, you should probably come with me if you want to find her too.”

“Where is she?” Harrison said.

“There is a condition though.”

“What is it?” I growled.

“I have to come with you. I get bored in this town and I figure you guys are going places exiting so I want to come with you.”


“Yes.” She said, raising one eyebrow like she had already won the argument.

“No.” I said.

“I have an idea.” Dane said from his place by the wardrobe “why doesn’t she tag along for this little mystery. If she proves herself a valuable member of our team than she can come, if not she can stay. How about that?”

“Sounds like a plan. I doubt you’ll be able to resist my value so I have a great chance.” She said with a smirk.

“I’m in.” Harrison said timidly.

“Great! Than how about we go save Titania huh Alex?” Dane said, already walking out the door next to Bridgette.


We stood at the wall around the forest. I admit that I was impressed she could make such a massive thing. But as all experienced elementals know, an elemental’s structure is only at its full strength when the elemental is at their full strength, and Titania – knowing the stunt she pulled building the wall – would be weak. However, an element – to elementals – was like a pet, it would do anything to please its owner. These trees were weak but they had to be strong. Like any living thing though, there would be a weak spot.

’What now?” Alex said in the darkness.

I didn’t reply. Instead I moved along the wall until I came to a gap in the branches just big enough to fit my fingers through. I slid my fingers into the gap and felt around until I found a small patch of leaves. I lit a small spark in my hand and it slid up my fingers, onto the leaves. I took my hand away and turned to the three men behind me. “Wait one second.” I said.

No one said anything for a minute or so, then we felt the heat rising from the forest. A huge, bright flame erupted from the other side of the forest. I reached out towards the flames and made a snake motion with my hand. The flame smoothed out and swerved away from the rest of the forest until only the wall was enflamed. I heard the cracking of branches and withering away of leaves. I could feel my skin glowing hot and my eyes burning an intense gold, I felt my hair grow wild and crazed like it had a life of its own.

After the fire had consumed most of the wall, the town’s people had ran out of their houses to see the commotion. Many people had gathered water and buckets and were trying to put out the fire – I had no problem with that, saved me the effort of putting it out anyway. That’s when I saw the opening. A small area of branches were standing perfectly, like the fire had never touched them even though it was surrounding the area. It was an illusion. I raced towards it and ran right through the branches. Sticking my head through the illusion, I gestured for Dane, Alex and Harrison to follow me – they did with no problems.

We ran through the woods in the darkness until I heard a snapping sound behind one of the trees. Each of us stopped and whipped out our weapons. Alex stalked toward the tree, then with one swift moment he turned and pinned the creature against the tree. I heard a small scream from it and I swooped in-between them. “Stop! I know her!” I said firmly, protecting the sixteen-year-old girl behind me. Alex put his sword away and stepped back.

I turned to the girl with a look of fury on my face “Melanie! What in hell’s name are you doing here?!”

Melanie’s grey eyes fell to the floor and her light grey, wolf ears pointed backwards. She was a Beasta, one of the few in human form. “Jake ran off.” She said, her pale skin was shining in the moonlight and her fluffy, wolf tail was in-between her long, thin legs.

“And he just so happened to come here?” I said.

“Actually… I found him but he said he wouldn’t go back to the hotel.” She said, rolling her eyes.

“No! That was you!” Jake’s voice shouted from up in the tree.

Melanie let out a low growl “No, it was you who ran away.”

“But it was you who said we shouldn’t go home.” Jake said as he jumped down from the tree. Jake was a werewolf and one of two of my apprentices.

“Shut up both of you.” I said.

The two teens looked up at me. Jake moved his fingers through his dark hair “Who are they?” he said.

Melanie looked at Dane, Harrison and Alex. She pulled a katana from her belt and pointed it at them lazily.


Two teens stood in front of Bridgette. One was slender with grey eyes, black hair but what stood out most about this girl was her large wolf ears and tail along with two, small sharp teeth where her fangs would be. The other was a tanned boy with dark brown hair and dark eyes and so far, he looked like a normal boy.

The unusual girl whipped out a katana from nowhere and pointed it to us as if to say should I kill them?’

Bridgette was standing cross armed, looking a lot like an older sister babysitting her little siblings. “This is Alex, Dane and Harrison. They’re with me.”

“Who are they?” I asked. I didn’t want them around – I didn’t mind the boy, but not the girl – working with one killer was immoral enough but working with a possessed girl?

“This is Melanie, this is Jake. They’re my companions.”

Melanie rolled her eyes “We’re not your dogs, Bridgette.”

“Shut up.” Bridgette said without turning around to face them.

Harrison cleared his throat “Um, so what’s…wrong with her?” he pointed to Melanie’s ears and tail.

Melanie’s face stayed blank “I’m not possessed. That’s what ancient myths and legends say but I promise I don’t have a demon inside me. I’m just part of an extremely rare species of magical being. I’m a Beasta in human form. I have all the powers of whatever animal I have the characteristics of. In this case, I have all the abilities of a wolf in the wild and a human. In other words, I’m a very valuable member of this team.”

“Excuse me! Who said you were on the team?!” I asked.

“Oh? So you don’t want someone who can sense where your friend is from a mile away, on your team? Fine, your loss.”

Dane put his hand on my shoulder and stepped forward with that calm face of his. “Why don’t we change the deal up a bit Bridgette?”

A wolfish grin spread across Bridgette’s face “I’m in.”


We reached the cave after almost an hour of silence from Alex and non-stop questions from Harrison.

“So, why are you working with Bridgette?”

Melanie kept up her emotionless expression “She helped me. When I… went down the wrong path, I did something that I felt was unforgivable. I built myself up a wall of self-pity. I cried for myself every day and I distanced myself from everyone I loved most. That’s when she came.”

“If you’re going to tell him the story at least tell him the whole thing Melanie.” I said.

So Melanie told us a story of a little girl who broke free of death’s cage…

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