Battle of the Elements

Chapter 33 Titania

I held Haley in my arms as I looked out of my window at the night sky. I couldn’t help thinking of Shane. The Black Magi were attacking. They were the monsters that he ran from and now, they were coming for his child.

Haley placed her hand on the glass of the window and I felt myself stifle a sob at her innocence. Her giant green eyes were wide and exited, unknowing of what dangers lay in the world. She was unaware of all those people who wanted to hurt her. I pressed my lips to her head as a tear rolled down my cheek.

When Shane had told me about the prophesy, I considered leaving Haley with my father, or putting her up for adoption. But in the end, when she was born, I looked into those big green eyes and I knew I could never part from her.

Someone knocked on my door. I quickly wiped my cheeks to get rid of the tears, “Come in.”

A girl with black, long hair, bright blue eyes and delicate, pale features that seemed to glow in the moonlight entered my room hesitantly. A wave of pain hit me as I saw her. Her resemblance to Shane was sometimes too much for me to handle. Luna looked to Haley with sad eyes. She obviously felt the same way about Haley that I did for her. “I just wanted to apologize for not letting you know about the attack today.” She said, never looking me in the eyes. She was wearing a dark-blue hooded coat that went down to her waist with fur lining. Under the coat was a black dress with dark-blue trimming.

She bowed her head in apologies, “I didn’t know they were going to do it. I was in the meeting with you when the attack happened, I was just lucky that the attackers thought I was with them. Otherwise my cover would have been compromised.”

“That’s ok. But I’ll need you to check up on those civilians. I don’t want them hurt.”

“Yes.” She mumbled.

“What are they planning to do with them?” I asked, not sure if I wanted to know the answer.

“They’re questioning them. Asking them if they knew you or worked for you. They’re trying to find out where you sleep and your battle plans.” She said, “When they’re done, the civilians get sent off to the labs or to the Black Magi.”

“Have they found anyone yet?” I asked, there was only one person who worked for me who was taken. And that was Melanie.

“Not yet. But they’re still going on with the interrogations.”

I nodded silently. Haley started to yawn so I set her down in her crib and pulled a blanket over her.

“She’s beautiful.” Luna said, watching Haley with adoration, “She looks so much like him.”

“Yes.” I mumbled, “I just wish he was around to see her.” I said, I felt the inside of my ears burning like they did when I was about to cry.

Luna stayed silent, “He would have been so proud of you. And Haley.”

Her words ricocheted off of me like sticks hitting metal. I didn’t want to talk about Shane. I had spent two and a half years fighting to hide my grief. And it had finally worked. I didn’t want my appearance to unravel right in front of someone. No. I only did that when I was alone, in my room.

I looked down at Haley. Her eyes were already closed and I could see her chest moving up and down in steady breaths. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep. She was so delicate and soft. When I first held her, I never thought anything could be so small. I thought I would break her if I held her too hard.

I turned around to look at Luna, but she was already gone. I looked out my window to see her walking down the street with her hood over her face.


When I came to, I was strapped to a chair in the middle of a damp and smelly room. Three men were there with me, but they weren’t strapped to anything. They just leaned against the wall, talking and occasionally glancing my way. I recognised one of them. It was the man who first pointed me out in the cell.

I moaned as a headache hit me like a wave crashing down on rocks.

The man who first saw me – I decided to call him Sleaze – looked up from his fellow guards. His dark eyes raked across my body. He smirked. He had dark hair that was cut so that there was almost nothing on his head. “Well, look who finally stopped moaning and woke up. Thinking of me sweetheart?” he said.

“Yes actually. I was moaning in pain because you make my eyes burn so much its unbearable. Tell me, how did you become so ugly? Was it an accident or is it just some kind of disease I don’t know about?”

Sleaze looked at me for a second before grabbing my throat. I let out a strangled cry as he squeezed, “Don’t be smart you little tramp. I’m in charge here, so shut your mouth and tell me what I want or I will cut off your tongue. Got it?”

I nodded slightly and he released my throat. I took in large gulps of air as he stepped away.

“Now,” Sleaze started, “why don’t you tell us how you know Bridgette and Jake.”

“Who?” I asked innocently.

“Don’t play innocent with me. I heard you crying out for Jake in your sleep. I thought it was just a coincidence, but then you mentioned Bridgette too. Two names of very powerful members of Titania’s council. That’s not just a coincidence. The way you act gives it away, you are a member of the council.”

“Yes, I am.” I stated matter-of-factly.

Sleaze looked surprised for a moment. I bet not a lot of his prisoners answer him truthfully at his first question, and certainly not so easily.

“But why do you care?” I asked, tilting my head ever so slightly to the left.

Sleaze scoffed, “Oh girly. I ask the questions around here.”

I nodded, “But I can’t know how to give you want if you won’t tell me anything. I was planning on switching sides soon anyways.” I said with a smirk.

Sleaze – being way too naïve – smirked, “And what can you give me girly?” he asked, moving his face so close to mine I could taste his breath in my mouth.

“I can tell you where the council members sleep.” I said, knowing he would take the bait.

“Tell me where Bridgette the phoenix sleeps then. Then I will tell you what I need.”

“She sleeps in the giant tree, third floor, first door by the ball room.” I said without hesitation.

Sleaze’s smirk grew wider, “Tell us where Titania sleeps then, does she sleep with her child?”

That was all I needed to know from him. I lashed out, sinking my teeth into his neck and pulling away a chunk of flesh. I reached into my jacket with my teeth and pulled out a dagger. The two guards were running to us now, but before they could reach me, I sliced the rope at my wrists and lunged at them. I teared their throats out and by the time I was done, I was soaked head to toe in their blood. I looked down at them and gave Sleaze a smirk. He was the only one alive now, but he was bleeding fast.

He looked up at me in horror as blood trickled down my chin and neck. I poked my tongue out of my mouth and licked the corner of my lips, “Interrogation is over. Thanks for cooperating so well.” I said before I plunged the dagger into his throat one more time, killing him.

I wiped my face with my sleeve and looked around the room. There were no doors of any kind so I wondered how I got down here. I looked down at the dead men. I made a mental note to keep one alive next time so I could make sure I knew how to get out.

I looked around, feeling the wall in case I missed something. Surely enough, I felt a small hole in the concrete wall. It was a cylinder. It was a keyhole.

I smiled to myself and rolled my eyes, what an old trick, I thought, they could have at least been original about it. Bridgette had taught me all of what I had just done, she also taught me how to get out of this situation.


Once again, we stood in the throne room. The familiar girl I saw in the first meeting hadn’t shown up since the attack. Had she been taken too?

Titania sat on her throne, looking deadly as her eyes focused on the black crystal sphere in the middle of the room. It was a communicator of some sorts. The dark sphere started to cloud and black goo started to spill from an invisible crack in the glass until the ball was see-through. The black goop started to move and shape into a figure. The figure took shape and transformed into a woman. Her black hair was neat and her red lips were twisted into a polite half smile. Her dress was black and flowing and red gems were sewn to it. Her eyes immediately fell on Titania, “Ah, thank you for seeing me.” She said, “I must say, this form of communication is refreshing. It just goes to show the power the Black Magi have.” She said.

Titania’s eyes were flared with anger but her voice was calm, “What do you want Radha. I gave your people an open invitation to join our cause. Our contract stated that you were allowed to practice your religion freely. What more do you want?” she asked.

Radha bit down on her lip slightly, “You.”

Mumbles sounded from the room.

Titania sat up straighter at her words, “In exchange for ending this attack?” was she actually going to give herself over?


“Then you can take me and leave my people alone.” Gasps of protest began to fill the room. What was going on?

Radha’s face twisted into an ugly smirk, “There is one more thing.”

Titania’s eyes narrowed, “What?”

“Your daughter. She is to be placed in our care.”

“No.” Titania snapped.

“So be it.” Radha smirked, “I suggest you be prepared for a fight then.”

“Oh Radha, you have made a very bad decision. You want a fight? Well, I will bring you a war.” Titania said, her voice calm but deadly.

Radha simply smiled, “Very well then.” She said before her body turned to goop once again before sinking into the crystal ball.

The room was silent, so quiet that you could hear Titania’s heavy breaths. I jumped at the sudden speech, her voice sounded like something I had never heard before, “Leave. Now.” She said.

As if scared of what she would do next, everyone but Bridgette left the room, including me.


“Titania?” I whispered.

“What?” she snapped.

I ignored the part of my mind that was telling me to retaliate, instead I just spoke in a calm voice, “What are you going to do?”

Titania looked me dead in the eye, tears were gathering in her eyes and desperation flooded her eyes. Her words were soft and broken, her body looked as if it might shatter any moment as she said the next three words, “I don’t know.”

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