Battle of the Elements

Chapter 31 Alex

The archway was still there. The water was still flowing but there was something behind it. I stepped forward, bracing myself as the cold water slipped down my neck. I stepped forward and walked under the archway.

My jaw dropped. I had walked into a land of beauty. Open blue skies stretched onwards, birds that I had never see before were flying in the sky. Below them were green fields that stretched for miles before dropping down suddenly. On those fields were trees, bigger than any I had ever seen before. Each of those trees were entwining their branches as if they were holding hands. Small houses littered the green meadows and people and beasts alike were scattered everywhere. But what stood out most was the giant tree in the middle. The one that stretched far above the clouds and towered all the other features.

Something big flew past me and I yelled in surprise as two, giant creatures set down on the cliffs edge where I was standing. The creatures were horses, larger than two men combined. On their backs were giant wings made of feathers. Their tails were ones of lions, matching the colours of the horses. I smiled as I realised what they were: Pegasus.

Harrison and Dane came out of the archway as soon as they heard me yell. Both of their eyes widened at the sight of the winged beasts. Harrison averted his eyes to a wall behind us where the archway stood. A message was carved into the stone:

‘Ride the wings to the town of the trees.’

I sighed, “Let’s get on them then.”

They both looked at me like I was nuts. But I climbed onto the giant horse without looking at them. The horse didn’t struggle or stir under me – it must have to do this a lot. I could feel its heart beating under its skin, a steady thumping that radiated through the body.

Dane and Harrison rolled their eyes and Dane jumped onto the horse I was on, Harrison took the second horse. As soon as we were settled, the winged beasts bounded off the cliff’s edge, gliding in the air. I heard the steady, loud flapping off the wings cutting through the air. The horse’s mane was nicking at my cheeks as it flew, but I didn’t care. The air was rushing at my face, making it burn. I let out a whoop of joy and excitement. I looked back to see Harrison clinging to his beast with wide eyes.

I looked up worriedly as the thumping of the horses wings became silent. The horse’s wings were sticking to its body and we were going down at a fast pace. We were going to crash! I tried pulling up on the horse’s mane but it didn’t listen, it just kept going down head-first. Harrison let out a scream and Dane tightened his grip on my shoulders. We were ten meters from the ground. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five, four, three. Two! I closed my eyes as I felt the Pegasus pull up sharply. And sighed in relief as it landed on the ground with a rough gallop. A man with small eyes and tanned skin was standing on the ground waiting for us. His bright red hair was shaved everywhere but a thick line down the middle that was pulled into a ponytail. He looked at us with distaste as we climbed off the horses, “Are you King Alex?” he said, his voice was deep and sounded slightly disappointed.

I cleared my throat, “Yes. I am here to see Titania, you may not know her. Does she live around here?”

The man smirked, “Yeah, I know her. Everyone does. Follow me.” He said.

He walked into a cave. We followed him and as soon as we entered the cave, there was another portal. We walked through it and appeared at the entrance of a large city.

Music, smells and warmth flooded my senses. Tree’s lined the streets, but they weren’t normal trees. They had doors and windows, stuff you would only see in fairy tales. People lined the streets. Children of all ages chased each other and people were cooking and smiling. It was the perfect image of what a kingdom was supposed to be. In the centre of the town was a statue that looked familiar. I smiled as I realised what it was. It was the statue that was outside Katy’s library. Fountains and wells were scattered around the town and a market place was set up just in front of the he tree I had seen from the cliff. The tree – like the other, smaller trees – had a door, but it was a large, extravagant entry with guards. On its branches I saw small buildings.

Small creatures bounded around the walkways. Things I had never seen before. I got a few looks before I arrived at the base of the massive tree. It was a throne room. Guards watched me from behind, to the side and in front of the throne. But I could still see the queen on her throne. Titania sat there, her hair was longer, she wore a white silk dress with light-green trimming, in her arms was a baby. The baby had black hair and bright green eyes, it was wearing a white shirt and black pants. It smiled a toothy grin as it looked at me and shoved it’s fingers in its mouth.

Titania’s eyes locked onto me, “Alex,” she said, standing up to greet us, “I’m glad you came.”

“Titania.” I said, stunned by the child in her hands.

She looked at me and smiled, “This is Haley, my daughter.”

Haley looked at me and smiled before snuggling her head into her mother’s neck. Mother. The word sounded foreign in my mind. Titania was a mother now.

Titania embraced Dane and Harrison before turning to me once again.

“Where have you been?” I asked, not realising what I was saying until it was too late.

Titania’s face fell, “Here.”

Anger was rising in my throat, I looked to Haley, trying to calm down, “Where is here?”

Titania gave a weak smile, “Come. I will show you.” She said, taking my hand and guiding me up a flight of stairs. She shouted to Dane and Harrison over her shoulder, “Dane, Bridgette is out in the marketplace. Harrison, one of the guards will take you to the library to see my father. You two have a lot of catching up to do.”

She led me up multiple flights of stairs before coming to a wooden door. She opened it to reveal a platform made of wood, lined with wooden fences. The view was breathtaking. Fields stretched on forever until dropping suddenly, which meant we were on mountains. Directly below us was the city, buzzing with people and activity. Around a mile away from the city were fields with animals and beasts I had never seen before. Around those fields were little houses that made up tiny villages or small farms. “It’s amazing.” I said.

“It is.” Titania said, “This is where I have been Alex. I have been building a home for those with magic. Somewhere they can live out their life in peace and prosperity. A place for anyone who needs it.”

“You’ve changed.” I said, and it was true. She had a completely different aura now. Her innocent, naïve nature was replaced by something far wiser.

“Times have changed me Alex. Losing Shane, going to the labs, those events have changed me far more than you could ever understand.” She said. She sounded like a monotone business woman. “I will give you three days to be here. When you decide whether you wish to sign this treaty or not, tell me. But for now, let’s take a look around town.” She said as she walked away. Up another flight of stairs I followed her, until we came to another portal. “Who makes these?” I asked as I stepped through, appearing at one of the fields. I looked around. Small animals littered the ground. One of them – a fury creature that resembled a lizard’s body but had a cat’s face with a cheetah’s markings – was hopping around cutely before jumping right onto my shoe. I laughed as the creature gave a surprised expression, before engaging in an adorable war with my shoe.

A blue cat with tiger markings and horns sticking out of its head was laying down lazily in the sun, not giving me so much of a second glance. “What are these animals?” I asked.

“They are different kinds of Beastas – the smaller ones of course. They were endangered. In the past three years, we have found colonies of them and brought them here to live in peace.”

“They’re amazing. Harrison is going to have a fit trying to study these.” I said, bending down to pet an extremely hairy pink goat with a single, curved horn on its forehead.

Titania smiled, “We have built this place just for magical beings, however, if any mortal were to want to live here, as long as they didn’t disturb the peace, they would be able to live here.”

There were a few tree’s scattered around with different fruits hanging from them. Small lizards, each a different colour, was picking at the fruit, their skin was smooth and slimy with juice.

Titania took my hand again, “Let’s move on.”

I nodded, taking one last glance at the amazing critters before disappearing into another portal.

We came into a different field, this one was littered with large, spiky rocks. A massive lion pounced from behind one, landing on the ground with a thump. Its fur was golden and it had a gem encrusted into its forehead. It looked at me and I could’ve sworn I saw it smirk. Even from here, I could see the power it possessed and prayed that no man ever had to face it in a fight.

A giant snake was curled up around one of the rocks. It was black with dark-blue stripes and large fangs.

Titania went straight up to the lion and put her hand on it’s nuzzle like she was petting it. The creature gave a light purr. “These are second rate Beastas. This is where we keep the biggest Beastas there are.”

“What’s first rate Beastas?” I asked.

“Dragons.” She said matter of factly.

“Can we go?” I asked, wondering if that snake could eat me or not.

Titania smiled and muttered something to Haley, “Sure, let’s go to the main city.” And she took my hand and led me to one of the portals. We stepped into the centre of the town that I had arrived at before I saw Titania.

Many people looked our way, smiling at Titania or Haley. Some of the people gave me looks of horror or hatred. Two children were playing tag on the street one girl and one boy, the little girl bumped into me and saw who I was. Her entire face flooded with terror and fear as she ran to her brother, they ran away from me without looking back. “Um, Titania?” I asked.

“Yes?” she asked in a monotone voice.

“Why does everyone look like I’m their worst nightmare?” I asked, thinking of the little girl.

Titania paused for a moment, taking an apple off one of the market stalls and handing the man a coin before giving the apple to a woman, “Because you are their worst nightmare Alex, or at least their worst nightmare’s son.”

I looked at her with raised eyebrows.

She sighed, bouncing Haley up and down in her arms as Haley yelled out words that were almost right such as ‘bapple’ or ‘og’, “Your father was the one who made magic illegal. He executed thousands, some of whom were loved ones to the very people who stand before us. Your father was also the cause of a lot of pain.”

I didn’t argue, she was right. My father did some terrible things to magical beings. I didn’t want to be like him. When he passed, I wanted to make every one of those mistakes he made better, starting with this treaty. “How many people have signed this treaty?”

Titania shrugged, “Not many. Many of the kings are too stubborn to accept our deal, they would instead claim war on us. Just letting you know, this doesn’t end well for them. You have to remember that magic, while being a source for good, can also be used as a weapon. Our kingdom is built on magic, so our army may not be as big as others, but one of our soldiers holds more power than any army.”

“Sounds scary.” I said in a failed attempt at humour.

Titania didn’t get it, “It is, for them.”

We stopped at one of the buildings. I recognised it as soon as the letters ‘Library’ were visible. We walked in and I was amazed at the lack of difference since I saw it three years ago. Katy was still at her desk, reading a book that was old and dusty. She had grown a lot now, she was sixteen and her hair was now cut short at her shoulders. Her hazel eyes were still larger behind her glasses. She was taller and looked less pale now, almost tanned. She smiled when she saw Haley, “Hey Haley!” she said as Titania handed her to Katy, who cooed over Haley. “How have you been Alex?” she asked.

“I’ve been ok. You?” I asked.

Her smile grew wider, “Great!” she said in a little squeal, “Business is greater than ever, and I have a partner now.”

“Business partner?” I asked, not sure which she meant.

As if answering my question, Camelia rounded a corner. Her black hair still had purple streaks and her purple eyes were as bright as ever, but she was far happier now than she was when I last saw her. She stopped and gave Katy a kiss on the cheek before wrapping her arms around Katy’s waist, “Hey Alex. Good to see you.” She said casually.

Then it clicked in my mind, “Oh! You two are dating now?”

Katy let out a giggle, “Yep. It’s been going on for around a year now.”

Harrison rounded the corner, a look of pure glee on his face, “Alex! Have you seen these books?! There’s so much undiscovered plants and animals here! It’s amazing how much these guys have written in three years!” he said as he filled a bag with books.

Katy looked at him, “Are you borrowing those?” she asked.

Harrison stopped short, “Uh, I was actually planning on buying them.”

Katy hesitated, “Ok. That will be 300 pieces of silver.”

Harrison’s jaw dropped, “What?! That’s ridiculous!”

Katy handed Haley to Titania and strode over to Harrison to continue their debate on prices.

Titania smiled, “I suggest we get going. I have a meeting with the council about the peace treaty.” She said, beckoning me to follow her.


We stood in the throne room with six other people: the man who I met after the Pegasus ride, a woman with blonde hair and a complicated dress that looked to resemble all the elements, Bridgette, Melanie, Jake and a girl that looked familiar but I couldn’t place.

Titania sat on her throne, looking at the other people throughout the room. Bridgette caught my eye – her hair was shorter now, just above her shoulders and a lot wilder, she wore a loose dress that was thigh-length – and shot me a playful wink. Melanie was standing beside her, looking over the others with a blank face – her features were sharp and she was wearing a leather jacket, black pants and a white top. She and Jake were holding hands.

Titania didn’t have Haley, instead, a woman beside her – a plump woman with her hair in a loose bun – was holding her, talking to a child beside her – they looked similar, mother and child probably. Titania cleared her throat loudly, dismissing any chatter through the room. “We are here today to address a major issue in our kingdom. War. As a kingdom based on magic, we have made many enemies without trying. We knew this would be an issue, but I want this problem to be over as quickly and as neatly as possible.”

Everyone nodded silently.

“I would like your opinion. Now is your chance, as my advisors and council, to speak.” She said to no-one in particular.

The man with the red hair spoke up first, “You highness, as leader of your military forces-”

“Co-leader!” Bridgette interrupted smugly.

The man glared at her before continuing to speak, “As the co-leader of your military forces, I would like to suggest that we deal with the threat before it arises.”

Bridgette glared back at him, her eyebrows raised, “Are you saying we should start a war?”

A few whispers were ricocheted around the room.

The man spoke with a scowl, “I think we should send some of our soldiers to unarm the threat before it can strike.”

“Well, don’t take this personally Maran, but no-one gives a damn what you think. We are not declaring war on another kingdom.”

Maran’s eyes turned cold as they fell on Bridgette, “Why you little tr-”

“Maran.” Titania said calmly but sternly.

Maran shrank back slightly but kept glaring at Bridgette, who was looking at him with a smug smirk.

Some of the people laughed at the two of them, making Maran turn red with anger. Two guards barged into the room, hauling a struggling man by his wrists. “You’re Majesty, we found this man in one of the trees aiming an arrow at you from outside. He is from the Radax Kingdom.” The man looked up at Titania.

Titania looked down at him with blank features, “Who are you?”

The man looked at her for a moment before spitting at her feet, “Go to hell, witch.”

“Are you trying to kill me?” she asked, ignoring the man’s statement.

“We’re coming.” The man said, “We’ve got allies now. And we have the power to take you down!” he yelled before laughing hysterically.

He stopped laughing suddenly before lunging at her, pulling two swords out of his belt and aiming it at Titania. In one swift movement, a girl stepped out of nowhere and slammed her hands to the floor. A streak of stone broke through the floor and shot through the man’s chest. Blood splattered across the floor and the sword fell to the floor. The man looked up at Titania, blood dripping from his mouth.

Titania looked to him calmly and held his chin in her hand, “You chose to cross me. That is a choice you will never be able to choose again.” Then, she let go of the man, wiping some of the blood onto a cloth the woman next to her held out.

The air felt heavy as she turned to us again, “This meeting will be resumed once we have this mess sorted out.” ‘Mess’ she had said. How could she have changed so much that she would call a dead man a ‘mess’? Like it was some spilled milk or a muddy floor. I swallowed as I looked at the man’s bloody corps, still on a spike of cold stone. I looked to the girl who had saved Titania. Her hair was a soft brown and her eyes were a hard, piercing grey; her clothes were hidden under a layer of armour made of metals and stone. Her eyes locked onto mine and I felt a chill run through me. There was an air of deadliness around her. I had a feeling that if she went up against that giant tiger from before, she would win by simply looking at it.

She turned on her heel, following Titania as they left the room. Chatter started almost immediately after they left. Bridgette walked over to me, Melanie trailing after her after kissing Jake goodbye. “Hey Alex. Dane said you were here.” She said, her voice shaking ever so slightly when she mentioned her fiancé.

“Yeah, I got a letter from Titania about a peace treaty.”

Melanie came over, she had grown into her sharp features now, “Good thing too. I would take the offer if I could, especially with what’s happening and all.”

I raised an eyebrow. Bridgette shot Melanie a death stare. I looked to Bridgette, “What’s happening?”

“Can’t say. That’s military business.” She said with a shrug.

“Are you the leader of the military now?” I asked.

“Yeah I-”

“Co-leader. I’m in-charge of the majority of the army.’ Maran interrupted with a scowl, shooting Bridgette a look.

Bridgette straightened her shoulders and crossed her arms, “I’m the only leader with common sense, which was proven today when you tried to start a damn war!” she said, yelling at the last words.

“I stand by my statement, we would simply be distinguishing the threat before it has a chance to-”

“To what? We can’t kill them off just because they might attack us. If we want to be accepted as a kingdom we have to show the kings that we are not a threat.” Bridgette said, putting her hands on her hips and puckering her lips slightly.

Melanie looked to me with and apologetic look before stepping in between the two of them, “Can you guys do this some other time please? We have one of the kings with us and I’m not entirely sure he should be overhearing our war proclamations.”

Bridgette relaxed, “Of course, Maran, get you butt out of my way. I’m going to the library.” She said as she strutted past him.


We all looked to the entrance, screams exploded around us as smoke and fire clouded my vision. Bridgette was taking Melanie’s hand and yelling something that I couldn’t hear over the screams. People were running, clutching wounds. One of them, a girl with brown hair and hazel eyes, was running with tears running down her face as she clutched her bleeding cheek. A guard lunged from the smoke and grabbed her by the arm as he kneed her to the ground. The girl screamed as her face hit the floor, her hazel eyes widened in pain, those hazel eyes that were hidden behind large glasses. Katy. I lunged forward at the guard, tearing him away from Katy.

The guards looked at me, shocked to see who I was. He didn’t draw his sword, he just kept shoving me off him. I left him, heading to Katy, but she was gone. Fifty guards were around us now, civilians were screaming as they were rounded up. Everything was a blur. Some of the guards were taking away civilians, others were taking on guards that served this kingdom.

I looked to the place Titania had gone, she had reappeared. Idiot.

Several guards lunged at her, obviously knowing who she was that second they saw her. She flicked her hand and streaks of light sunk into their bodies within a second. The men dropped to the floor, Titania looked around at the scene. I needed a weapon. Where was my sword?


I looked around, this was the beginning of a war. I shot a look to Audrie, her cold gaze meeting mine the second she saw the scene around her. The men I had just killed were lying motionless on the floor, covered in blood. I felt my anger swelling up, felt my power streaming through my veins. I raised my hands above my head and slammed them together. A light streamed from my hands and I thought of everyone I wanted to kill in this room. Within seconds, half of those people were dead…

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