Battle of the Elements

Chapter 29 Shane

“What?!” Bridgette shouted from her horse. We were saddling up to leave when I broke the news to her.

“Titania and I are going back to Astia.” I said.

“I know what you said! I just don’t understand why you said it! Why do you have to go back? We’ve waited a year for this and you’re just going to give up because you got a girl pregnant?!” Ouch, Bridgette knows how to rub salt in the wound, that’s for sure.

“I can’t risk her getting hurt Bridgette.” I said, my patience was wearing thin now – another thing that Bridgette seems to be good at is making me angry.

“Liar! You just don’t want to see Luna!” I saw her eyes widen in shock as the words left her mouth. Her hand clamped over her mouth, “Shane, I’m so sorry!” I didn’t look at her.

“Its fine,” it wasn’t fine, I hated talking about my little sister, “but I’m going back anyway. I don’t care what you say.”

Bridgette must have known there was no chance of her winning the argument, “Fine.”

“You can keep going if you want. I hear that Jake is staying here for a while, so it’ll just be you and Melanie. You ok with that?”

“No.” She muttered under her breath, “But I’ll do it anyway.”

“I’m sorry Bridgette.”

“Shut up.” She said, “I don’t want to hear It.” but I knew she was joking from her tone. She was just pouting.

I softened, “And you’re right. I’m not going only because of Titania. Two men attacked me a few days ago,” Bridgette looked up, “I found them off. But they said that they were hired by the Black Magi to bring me back. They’re getting desperate Bridgette. I can’t give them what they want – you know what will happen if I do.”

Bridgette nodded silently before speaking, “I’m not going then. If they’re getting desperate, then they’re going to be targeting those close to you – otherwise known as me.” She said with a sassy hair flip – oh Bridgette, so cocky yet so modest.

“Fine.” I said reluctantly hopping onto my horse. Melanie and Titania had already left and were just a few minutes ahead of us – we would catch up to them when we were ready, all we had to do was just go fast for a minute.


We were greeted at the gates rudely. Some of the guards’ faces turned to anger when they saw us and they blocked our way inside the gates.

Bridgette crossed her arms, “What the hell?”

One of the guards took the reins of her horse off her. Bridgette fumed and shoved him away, but he didn’t budge. All he did was flick his finger, summoning ten other guards. Two of them grabbed Bridgette and two others grabbed Titania and Melanie. The others surrounded me and I put my hands up in surrender, not sure what I had done.

One of the guards poke, “Shane Blakrim, you are under arrest for treason against the king.”

I shot Bridgette a confused look, but didn’t move. I didn’t want to anger them, because if I did, it would give them reason to hurt me and the others. I nodded and they slapped handcuffs around my wrists. Immediately felt my magic decrease – they used magic on these handcuffs. And they shoved me away into the palace, the others trailing reluctantly behind.

I was shoved all the way to a throne room. I turned around to see Titania running towards me against the guards. I took her hand – it was shaking. I looked at the king. He sat up on his throne, looking at me with hatred. Alex was standing next to him with anger and sadness but also defeat on his face as he looked at me. I tensed as we stopped and Bridgette was still struggling against the two guards who were trying to contain her.

The king looked at me, “Shane Blakrim! You have committed treason against me. How do you plead?”

“I don’t plead anything until I know what you’re talking about.” I said calmly.

“I had my detectives look into you boy. When I heard you were a Black Magi, I didn’t like you in the slightest. That’s when the news reached me, the news that you are the son of Sienna and Cole Blakrim, the two sorcerers who killed my wife and took my daughter away from me.” He said in rage.

I froze. He had found out about my parents. Shit. I struggled to keep my voice calm, the king has a known reputation to hate any kind of magic. All of his reason goes when he hear about it, what would the reaction be to have the son of the people who killed his wife, standing right here. I felt every muscle in my body tense and shake, “I didn’t have anything to do with that.” I said. I could feel Titania clutching my hand tighter as she heard. I saw a tear slip down her cheek. She knew what was going to happen.

“I don’t care.” The king said, “They took two of the things that I loved most from me, and now I will do the same to them, starting with you. Then, when my guards find your sister, it will end with her.”

“This is ridiculous.” I said to him. I knew it wouldn’t reach him. I had no chance anymore.

“You will be executed at dusk.” The king said with narrow eyes.

Bridgette had stopped struggling as the guards led her away, her eyes were wide and I could see the tears gathering in her golden eyes. Melanie struggled wildly, “This isn’t fair! What happened to justice?! He didn’t do anything!” she screamed as she was carried away. Titania just stood, silent as she cried. Her entire body was shaking wildly as the guards pulled us away.

Alex yelled at the top of his lungs, “Leave her!” he ordered the guards. They obeyed and didn’t take Titania with us. I smiled reassuringly at her, but I knew there was nothing I could do to make this any better.


I watched helplessly as Shane was dragged away from me. I let out a sob as they rounded the corner. As soon as he was out of sight, I collapsed to the white-tiled floor and buried my face in my hands as I sobbed uncontrollably.

The king’s voice was a murmur, but I could still hear it well, “Get her out of here Alex, she should have gone with the others. You’re lucky I let her go, don’t test my patience.” He said.

I didn’t feel anything for the king, no burning hatred, no overwhelming need for revenge. I didn’t even care about him, all I cared for was Shane. I didn’t notice when Alex wrapped his arms around me and carried me like a baby to my room. I just cried and cried as he handed me over to my father and Harrison.

After an hour of crying I came to my senses. I ran around the castle, desperately searching for the one person who could change the king’s mind: Alex.

I found him in his chambers, filling out some papers. I barged into the room, causing him to jump in his seat. “Alex, please change your father’s mind!” I pleaded, “Please!”

Alex shook his head slowly, “I can’t Titania. His mind can’t be changed.”

“Alex please!”

“I can’t! I can’t save your boyfriend Titania!” he snapped.

“Please Alex! I can’t have a baby on my own!”

Alex froze, “What?” he asked.

I didn’t even realise it had come out of my mouth, “I’m pregnant Alex. With Shane’s child. I can’t do it on my own. I love him.” I said, fighting to keep the tears away. My voice cracked at the last sentence.

Alex softened, “I’m sorry Titania. I already tried. I tried so hard that he threatened to take away my title as heir.”

That surprised me. Alex fought for Shane. He went against his father for Shane to live.

Alex slouched, “I couldn’t stand by without so much as an argument like I did when you left. I couldn’t do that to you, but you know that for me, the kingdom is what matters most, and I can’t risk my kingdom not having an heir for a chance I could save Shane.”

I stepped back. There was no hope. None. I ran. I ran away from everyone and ran down to the dungeons. Bridgette was sitting in a cell, sitting there motionless, the same way she was when Shane was sentenced to death. Melanie was sitting at the cell window, I couldn’t see what she was doing, but I knew she would be ok.

I saw Shane in a different cell. The one on the far side of the room. It was wet and dry at the same time and it smelled of something dead. Shane saw me. He was tied up, hanging from the ceiling by his arms. He gave me a pathetic smile, probably trying to cheer my up, but all it did was bring the tears back. I ran to him, not caring about the guards’ yells of protest. I ran to him, opening the cell door and walking in. I gripped his face in my hands and kissed him like I was never going to kiss him again. The guards were running into the cell now, Shane kissed me and we pulled apart, “Titania. I love you. Please, help them.” He said. I knew exactly who ‘them’ was.

I couldn’t say anything back before the guards hauled me up the stairs, away from him. I screamed, I struggled but I couldn’t get free of them…


It was dusk now. Titania would be terrified. I’m terrified. Five guards appeared at my cell door. Bridgette and Melanie were let go an hour ago when Alex had them claimed innocent. The guard swung his sword, narrowly missing my wrist as he sliced through the chains tying me to the ceiling. I sighed unconsciously in relief as my arms fell to my sides gratefully. I had been in that position for the whole day and let’s just say it wasn’t comfortable.

The guards shoved me away to the courtyard. The sun blinded me for a moment before my eyes adjusted. Up high in the castle on his pedestal of ego was the king. A large gap in the wall so he could watch my death, along with hundreds of others. Alex was next to him – as always. Why had I thought he would be any different from his father in the slightest? The guards led me to a stage with a wall on it. On the wall were two chains that my wrists would be placed in. The guards buckled me onto the wall. Around me was a crowd of people watching me as I was about to die, waiting in anticipation to see my reaction. I feel so special, really.

A cry sounded from the crowd as something lunged onto me. Titania had thrown herself on me to protect me in one, desperate attempt to save me. I almost smiled. She was sobbing as she yelled, “No! You can’t kill him! You’ll have to kill me first!” and that was all it took for me to wipe that smile off my face. Next to the king was a guard with a bow and arrow – the one who was going to kill me – and I saw him load an arrow into his bow. I shoved her off me. I couldn’t let her get hurt, not if I could help it. She tried it again but the guards were ready this time. They grabbed her and pulled her off the stage as she was screaming. I gave her a smile, or what was left of one. I looked at her. Her tear-stricken face, her beautiful long hazel hair that I loved so much, her bright green eyes, and her stomach, slowly but surely forming a beautiful tiny bump. My child.

A sharp pain exploded in my chest and I felt the chains on my arms release me. I sank to the floor and Titania ran forward, the guards not bothering to stop her now. I felt her arms wrap around me. Something wet was seeping into my clothes, something wet and warm. I looked at her, my eyes were slowly closing. I felt a drop of water land on my cheek as she held me. I put my hand on hers, please don’t cry. I looked to her, and with all the energy I had left I muttered, “Don’t worry princess. The pain will soon be gone.”

She shook her head as she sobbed, “No! No it will never go!” but I didn’t hear the rest before I slipped into a dark peace…

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