Battle of the Elements

Chapter 25 Jake

Melanie barged through the door before I could say, ‘come in’.

She had that look on her face, the one she has when she gets frustrated, but can’t do anything about it.

She stopped dead in the room, probably noticing for the first time that I was shirtless. I finished drying my hair with a towel and looked at her. She didn’t seem to care about my shirtless-ness.

She wore her black jeans, a white top and her leather jacket. God she was beautiful. She had grown a lot in the past year, she was taller, making her resemble a willow tree. Her hair had grown longer, down to her lower back. Either way, she had grown beautiful, and she knew how to use her looks when she needed to.

Her grey eyes locked onto mine, “We need a meeting.”

I laughed, “For what?”

“For this. We need to talk about what happened, all of us.”

“By all of us, I sincerely hope you don’t mean Alex.”

She practically threw knives at me with her eyes, “Do you think I’m stupid?”

“What’s wrong with you anyway? You’ve been angry at me for over a week now. I don’t recall doing anything wrong.” But I knew why she was angry, she was angry at herself. A few weeks ago, she and Harrison had been drinking and they had kissed. I didn’t care though, she had told me very clearly she didn’t share my feelings for her.

She sighed and slumped down onto the bed, “I’m just frustrated.”

I smiled and sat down next to her. I smiled at her and she looked away with a glare, “Don’t look at me like that. I’m very upset, you shouldn’t be smiling when I’m upset, Sheep-brains.” She said.

I just smiled wider and started to tickle her waist.

She hid a smile and started to thrash around slightly, stifling her giggles, “Stop! Stop it!” She said in between giggles and laughs, “I’ll hit you! Stop it!” she squealed as she thrashed and kicked.

I didn’t stop, I just tickled harder, causing her to laugh hysterically.

She slapped me and shoved me away and before I knew what I was doing, I pressed my lips to hers. She pulled away, giving me a look.

She sighed and I immediately wished I had better control over my emotions.

“I’m sorry.” I said, “I didn’t mean to.”

“I know.” She said with a pathetic smile.

I cursed inside my head. Being a werewolf means my emotions were heightened, sometimes I couldn’t control what I was doing.

She took my hand and I pretended not to notice the sparks of electricity shooting up my arm at her touch, “You’re getting better at controlling them though, I haven’t seen you change for a while.”

“I can only control my anger, not love.”

She flinched as I said it and I cursed once again, inside my head.

I shook my head, “I’m sorry. I can’t describe it any other way. I know you don’t feel the same way but I can’t help what I feel.”

She nodded, “It’s fine, as long as you know I don’t feel the same way.”

“I do. I also know you and Harrison kissed.”

Shock covered her features, “How?”

“I saw it. I left. I don’t care.” I said, shrugging.

She sighed in relief, “Thank god.” She let go of my hand and I felt the electricity fade. I wanted so desperately to hold her hand again.


So there we were, huddled around a table in Titania’s kitchen. Bridgette and Dane, Melanie and Jake – who was definitely trying to avoid eye contact with me – and Harrison, along with Titania, who was standing in the kitchen making an odd looking sandwich.

I folded my hands together and cleared my throat, “So, we’re all here to discuss what we are going to do now that the team is back together.”

Harrison – scrawny, dark hair and blue eyes, much like my own – spoke up, “I don’t want it.”

I raised my eyebrows, “Excuse me?”

“I don’t want the adventure. I have a job as the doctor’s apprentice. I have everything I need here, so I have no need for any more missions.” He said calmly.

Almost every member of the team looked at him with shocked expressions, but other than that, no-one said anything in protest.

Harrison shrugged casually.

Dane startled us next, “Me neither. I have gone back to being a guard. I have accomplished my dream here, and I can’t give it up to go chasing down some magical beings that everyone thinks are dangerous.”

I saw Bridgette mumble under her breath, “Isn’t that what you already do?”

Dane looked to her with a hurt expression on his face, “You know I don’t have a choice Bridgette.”

She rolled her eyes, “Can we talk about this later.” It was more of a command than a question. She looked into my eyes, “I’m not going anywhere. I’m with you.”

I smiled, she never let me down, “Great to have you back Phoenix.”

Melanie looked around the table, I smiled at her, purposefully making her blush, “I’m in. I won’t let you guys down!” she said with a proud smile.

Jake raised his pointer finger, looking away grudgingly, “I’m in.”

Titania smiled, “Me too.”

“No.” I said.

A look of anger crossed her face, “I’m going.”

I stood up from my chair, “I can’t take care of you out there.”

She made a face that looked as though I had just slapped her repeatedly, “I can take care of myself.”

I sighed, this had happened before, I knew exactly where this was going. “Fine. But you have to have a weapon, Melanie can train you with a sword.”

Melanie shot Titania a smile.

Titania gave a smug look of victory – something she had learned from me.

I turned to the rest of the group.

“So,” Bridgette said to no one in particular, “what’s the plan?”

I sat back down in my chair, “The plan, we need to infiltrate the Black Magi.”

I saw Bridgette’s face light up with excitement, the way it does when there’s a large amount of danger. Melanie and Jake nodded and Titania didn’t do anything but nibble on her sandwich. I smiled to myself, I loved having the team back together.

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